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Abstract: Background: Bipolar affective disorder (BPAD) and schizophrenia (SCZ) are heterogeneous psychiatric disorders with distinct as well as overlapping clinical features. Extensive research evidence implicates stress in the aetiology of both illnesses. The present study aimed to attempt a comparison of self-esteem and perceived stress in SCZ and BPAD patients who are in remission Materials and Methods: it's a cross-sectional study and used a convenient sampling method. The study location is Government hospital for mental care, Visakhapatnam. The study consists of 60 participants, of which 30 participants are patients with schizophrenia, and 30 participants are patients with bipolar disorder. Subjects were evaluated usingaSemistructuredproforma for sociodemographic data, and Rosenberg self-esteem Scale to assess self-esteem, perceived stress scale to assess perceived stress.........
Keywords: Schizophrenia, Bipolar affective disorder, self-esteem, Perceived stress.
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Abstract:Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the factorsassociated with Pterygium, on the basis of history and clinicalexamination in Bundelkhand Region. Methods: In this prospective case series study, a total of 500 patients with Pterygium presenting at the Department of Ophthalmology,Maharani Laxmi Bai Medical College Hospital Jhansi UP, India, from June2018 to June 2020 were included. A standard proforma containing proposed riskfactors was filled in for every patient. Clinical examination was performed on slit-lamp biomicroscope to confirm presence of pterygium. Results: Out of the total 500 patients, 277 (55.32%) were males, and 233 (44.68%) were females. Mean age ± standard deviation was 53.12.........
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Abstract: Introduction-Gall bladder carcinoma was first described in 1777, even after two centuries of its first description; the tumor remains characterized by an unfavorable prognosis due to silent progression of the clinical course and limited knowledge of its etiology and poor scientific capability for epidemiological forecasting.The incidence of GBC varies in different parts of the world. Overall incidence ranges from 0.11/100000 to 10.6/100000 in different cancer registries worldwide.1 Methods-This study was a prospective cohort study and was carried out among newly diagnosed, intraoperative and referred cases of carcinoma gall bladder at IGMC Shimla. All newly diagnosed, intraoperative and referred cases of carcinoma gallbladder were recruited in the study.The total duration of study was of one year. Result-Mean age of presentation is 61 year with female sex ore commonly involved. Most of the patients are from normal BMI group. Gall stones are associated.........
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Abstract: B.A, a 16 years and 10 months old girl, who consults for short stature and pubertal delay. Clinical examination revealed a pubertal delay and a short stature of 146 cm (-3DS), associated with a dysmorphic syndrome with an ogival palate, bulbous nose, brachycephaly, tooth decay, and teeth fall. The diagnosis of trisomy 9p was based on clinical phenotype and confirmed by chromosomes analysis (47 XX + 9p). The research of congenital abnormalities funded thoracolumbar scoliosis, lordosis and cerebral abnormalities such hydrocephaly. The endocrine exploration was normal except for peripheral autoimmune hypothyroidism
Key words: Partial trisomy 9p, short stature, pubertal delay.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Simulation training in ICU |
Country | : | Greece |
Authors | : | Evangelia Michail Michailidou || Konstantina Salpiggidou || Antigoni Hampla |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1910041922 ![]() |
Abstract: Intensive Care Medicine (ICU) may be a complex, costly, mistake inclined, restorative claim to fame and remains the central point of major advancement endeavors in healthcare conveyance. Different modeling and simulation strategies offer one of a kind openings to superior get it the intelligent between clinical physiology and care health. The novel bits of knowledge picked up from the frameworks viewpoint can at that point be utilized to create and test unused treatment methodologies and make ICU more productive and compelling. Be that as it may, modeling and simulation applications in ICU stay underutilized. There are major computer-based learning methods that connected to critical care medicine. Usually there are.....
[1]. Evangelia Michailidou. Simulation Programs in Disaster Medicine. Am J Biomed Sci & Res. 2019 - 4(4). AJBSR.MS.ID.000812. DOI: 10.34297/AJBSR.2019.04.000812
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Abstract: Background: Clinical exposure is the highlight of medical education. A paradigm shift is required in the medical education structure to make clinically sound doctors. We undertook this study to ascertain whether the stethoscope still remains the main instrument for auscultation in medical education and or should it, with passing time, be replaced by modern Hi-tech Hand-held gadgets Materials and Methods: A web-based survey was conducted on medical students and doctors comprising of multiple choice and short answer questions to assess their knowledge, clinical utility pattern, accuracy in diagnosis and their opinion on relevance of stethoscope in future. 56 students and 55 physicians answered the survey form. Written informed.....
Key Word: Stethoscope, handheld ultrasound, Competency based curriculum, Medical education in India.
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Abstract: The importance of developing a strategy at the organization level in the face of complex environments has been largely discussed in various research, but the need to pay attention to them is so great that it will be very effective in achieving organizational excellence.The purpose of this study is to consider this and select the top strategy in the Ministry of Health based on the model of the strategic planning process based on prescriptive attitudes.The present study is applied study. Study was conducted in 2012-2013 at the Operational Planning Headquarters of the Ministry of Health with a population of 33 planning managers. In terms of collecting data is descriptive and field study and research method is library and survey. Data collection tools are library studies, interview and questionnaire.....
Keywords: Best Strategy; QSPM; Strategic planning;Ministry of Health and Medical Education
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Abstract: Introduction The presents of metastatic nodal disease always remains major prognostic factor in head & neck cancer. This reduces patient survival. Metastasis can result from recurrent nodal disease, distal metastasis or a second primary tumour in spite of control the primary tumour. Nodal metastasis is the strongest prognosticator of recurrent nodal disease and eventual distant metastasis. Inspite of advanced investigation and imaging occult primary still remains a dilemma to the oncologist. Materials and Methods.....
Keywords Occult primary, neck node metastasis, squamous cell carcinoma
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Abstract: Background:"Anxiety" can be defined as a fear without an extrinsic cause.It is an autonomous feeling aroused by intrinsic cortical processes, conscious or subconscious memories and associations originating from past experiences and life situations.Simply put, a "care-giver" is any person who provides help and support to someone in need of it.Family care-givers provide care not in lieu of any compensation.Although not a subject usually concentrated upon, yet there are studies which show the build-up of caregiver burden.Caregiving responsibilities for patients undergoing hemodialysis are extremely burdensome.An aspect almost completely neglected is presence of greater than normal levels of anxiety in care-givers of such patients.This study was executed to shed light on this aspect....
Keywords: Anxiety, Care-giver, Hemodialysis
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Abstract:: A Study To Predict Post Cross Clamp Venous Oxygen Saturation By Transpulmonary Gradient In Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients Undergoing On Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting. Context : Patients with COPD are at increased risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) and, conversely, CAD is associated with the diagnosis and severity of COPD . Due to secondary pulmonary hypertension, right ventricular hypertrophy and ischaemia are known to occur in COPD. The purpose of our study is to compare a preoperative echocardiographic parameters; Transpulmonary Pressure Gradient (TPG), to quantify RV dysfunction to predict post surgery decreased venous oxygen saturation in COPD patients undergoing CABG. Aims : To find out the correlation of TPG with the changes of venous oxygen saturation after release of cross clamp......
Key-words : COPD , TPG, SvO2
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Abstract: The COVID – 19 pandemic was recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a public health emergency of International concern. In view of the increasing toll of COVID – 19 cases in India, a lockdown was imposed on 24 March 2020 to break the chain of transmission of the disease. This resulted into cessation of various activities including the closure of schools and colleges which affected the life styles of students. Sleep is an important facet of lifestyle, the quality of which is strongly related to psychological and physical health. This study was aimed to observe the change in sleep pattern in B. Sc. Nursing students of Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Ranchi during the lockdown period. It was a questionnaire based observational study in which 72 students from first and second year were included. A online survey was made using a structured Google form questionnaire.....
Keywords: COVID – 19, Lockdown, Sleep and sleep disorders
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