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Abstract: Dental Caries and periodontal diseases are among the most important global oral health problems. Dental plaque is the main cause of most of the periodontal diseases. The poor oral health can cause systemic diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis as well as periodontal diseases may also contribute to the risk of pregnancy complications such as preterm low birth weight. Regardless of the advancement of modern medical science, satisfactory treatment of oral diseases by newer drugs is not fully achieved yet, rather than the chemical compounds have exposed the patients to its different ill effects. Due to this, there is an interest to find out effective remedy by harmless herbal drugs. Our research paper is based on the development of anti.......
Keywords: Dental plaque, Plaque forming bacteria, Triphala, Manuka honey,Plaque score, Antimicrobial
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Abstract: Background: In India each year two- thirds of infant deaths occur due to inappropriate feeding practices. Feeding bottles with improper decontamination can lead to grosscontamination with enteric pathogens, resultant gastroenteritis from hygiene malpractices can be extremely dangerous. Therefore, implementation of effective cleaning and disinfection procedures for feeding bottles is extremely important. Materials andMethods:50 Feeding bottles were collected from babies within 4 hours of use, sterile swabs were used to obtain swipe from 4 sites of feeding bottles and inoculated onto Blood agar and Mac Conkey agar plates and incubated at 370c for 24 hours. Isolated organisms identified by standard bacteriological procedures and antimicrobial susceptibility testing of the isolates done......
Key words: Feeding bottles, decontamination, alternative feeding practices
[1]. Chandra Sekhar Kondapalli1, Garikapati Siddhartha. Anti-microbial susceptibility pattern of infant feeding bottles from bottle fed infants. Int J Contemp Pediatr. 2018 Jan;5(1):27-34.
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Abstract: Microbial invasion into the root canal system either through caries, trauma or any other developmental anomaly result in pulpal inflammation and if left untreated subsequently develops pulp necrosis. In presence of pulpal irritants periapical tissue responds by formation of zones of fish. Further progression of inflammation in periapical tissue leads to formation of large periapical lesion. Such cases can be treated both surgically and non- surgically. The present case report highlights the role of triple antibiotic paste in resolution of large periapical lesion by non surgical endodontic modality.....
Keywords- Periapical lesion, Ttriple Antibiotic paste, Lateral condensation.
[1]. Karthik MR, R Varna, Ramdurg P. Healing of a Large Periapical Lesion- A Non Surgical Approach. J Adv Med Dent Scie Res 2020;8(1):118-120.
[2]. Pandey V, Dey S, Luthra M, Singh R, Pranav, Chatterjee S. Nonsurgical healing of large peri-radicular lesions using a triple antibiotic paste: A case series. J Adv Med Dent Scie Res 2019;7(11):158- 162.
[3]. Thakur SK, Thakur R, Sankhyan A, Patyal A. A conservative approach to treat large periapical lesions: A report of two cases: Indian J Dent Sci 2019;11:225-8.
[4]. Dr. Pradnya V. Bansode. "Nonsurgical healing of large periapical lesion with nonsurgical root canal treatment and intracanal medicament of calcium hydroxide and chlorhexidine: a case report." IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), vol. 18, no. 1, 2019, pp 40-43.
[5]. Mookhtiar H, Hegde V, Shanmugasundaram S, Chopra MA, Zhabuawala M. NON-SURGICAL MANAGEMENT OF LARGE PERIAPICAL CYST: A CASE REPORT. Indian Journal of Applied Research. 2019 Dec 3;9(11).
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Abstract: Objective:- To Know the effect of control of Metabolic Syndrome on Non Alcoholic fatty liver disease Bad vents Method:- 300 Patients having Metabolic Syndrome ( Deranged Fasting Blood Glucose, Serum Triglycerides & H D L ) were considered. Ultra Sound Abdomen confirmed the presence of various grades of fatty liver disease in the above patients. These patients were advised to undergo Life Style Changes like intake of low Carbohydrate and fat diet and advised brisk walk for 30 minutes, five days per week .They were advised to continue to do the same for about 1 year 300 healthy individuals were taken as controls. Result:- Life Style modification as advised for 1 year brought the F.Glucose, S.Triglycerides and H D L to near normal levels....
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Abstract: Aim/Objective: - To know the specificity of use of the Uric Acid as a prognostic factor in the assessment of patients of unstable angina. Methods: - Hundred patients diagnosed with unstable angina(cases) were taken from the EMR of Anil Neerukonda Hospital (ANH)and estimated for Uric Acid. Hundred age and sex matched healthy individuals were also compared, along with ECG and Biochemical tests at the time of admission. Uric Acid is estimated in study and control groups. Uric Acid 9.16mg/dl is an independent predictor of adverse cardiac outcome in severe unstable angina in the short term fallow up and hence it is useful for risk stratification of these patients. There was a statistical significance difference in the mean level of uric acid between study group 9.16 ±.788 and control group 4.42+/-0.806......
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Management of an Iatrogenic Avulsion: A Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Tissa Josey || Deepak Baby || Sreedevi PV || Ismail PM |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1910062426 ![]() |
Abstract: An avulsed permanent tooth is one of the few real emergency situations in dentistry. The aim of this case report is to present the management of an iatrogenic avulsion due to removal of a fixed partial denture (FPD). A 34 year old man reported to our department complaining of pain in relation to his lower anterior teeth. 4 anterior teeth were root canal treated 6 months back and a fixed partial denture (FPD) was placed. On removal of the FPD, iatrogenic avulsion of lower left central incisor occured. The amount of damage to tooth and supporting structures, emergency treatment, types of storage media used and follow-up period play an important role in the prognosis of the avulsed tooth. Conclusion: During a one year of follow-up evaluation, the avulsed tooth of the patient is well retained in the arch, showing periodontal healing, even after endodontic retreatment......
Key Word: Iatrogenic avulsion, Periodontal Ligament Fibres (PDL), Replantation, Fibre Glass Splinting
[1]. Andreasen JO, Andreasen FM, Bakland LK, Flores MT. Traumatic dental injuries: A Manual. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Munksgaard; 2003.
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[3]. Trope M. Avulsion of permanent teeth: theory to practice. Dent Traumatol. 2011;27(4):281-294.
[4]. Kenny DJ, Barrett EJ, Casas MJ. Avulsions and intrusions: the controversial displacement injuries. J Can Dent Assoc. 2003;69(5):308-313.
[5]. Donaldson M, Kinirons MJ. Factors affecting the time of onset of resorption in avulsed and replanted teeth in children. Dent Traumatol. 2001;17(5):205-209.
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Abstract: Background:Neonatal jaundice is a common benign problem in most newborns. In most newborns, unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia reflects a normal physiological process1. Phototherapy plays a significant role in treatment of hyperbilirubinemia. As any treatment has its side effects, phototherapy also has known adverse effects like hyperthermia in summer and hypothermia in winter, feed intolerance, loose stools,, dehydration, hypocalcemia, redistribution of blood flow and genotoxicity.Therefore, this study has been taken up to get a clear picture of post phototherapy electrolyte levels in newborns admitted in Sick Newborn Care Unit of in Bankura Sammilani Medical College. Materials and Methods: in this prospective.....
Key words: phototerapy,electrolytes,newborn,preterm,term.
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Abstract: BACKGROUND-The diagnosis of congenital malformation in the antenatal ultrasound puts the expecting motherand the rest of the family in distress and anxiety. High resolution ultrasound and fetal medicine has revolutionized ante natal diagnosis of congenital anomalies at earlier gestational ages. This allows the expectant mothers to identify the extend of anomalies and in consultation with pediatric surgeon and neonatologist frame appropriate mode of management and the option for termination of pregnancy in case of major anomalies. This study aimed at finding out the incidence of congenital anomalies among antenatal mothers registered in this institution for one year, any identifiable antenatal risk factors, classify them according to the system involved and compare with data from other studies MATERIALS AND METHODS-This is an institution....
Keywords- prenatal counseling ,aneuploidy screening
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Epidemic Evolution: Multiple AnalyticalSolutions for the SIR Model |
Country | : | Germany |
Authors | : | Ian Lerche |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1910064349 ![]() |
Abstract:While there are manymodels of epidemic evolution perhaps thebasis for such modelsfindsitself in the
lumpedbehavior expressedthrough the so-calledSIR model (Susceptible,Infectious,Recovered) from
whichspringmanyrelatedmodels.Thispaperdiscusses multipleanalytic solutions to
thatequationincludingthosethatare available in closed analytic formand those for which at least one finalintegral
hasto bedone numerically,so-called
quasi-analyticsolutions. The solutions are intrinsicallytime-dependent of course.The
hopeisthatsuchaninvestigationwilllead to a better understandingof whenand how modelscan beofusein
studyingthe dynamicalevolution of diseasesincluding,perhaps, the great influenzapandemic of1918 together
withlater pandemics and epidemics not excludingtheCovid-19pandemic ofthe present day.
Key words: SIR model, epidemic, multiple analyticalsolutions.
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: The most common bacterial infection in middle aged females is Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), but UTI in older people could be a complicated problem in view of approach to diagnosis, treatment and prevention. It frequently presents with pelvic pain, increased urge to urinate, increased frequency, pain during micturition, foul smelling urine, cloudy urine, blood in the urine and sense of incomplete bladder emptying, fever, chills, vomiting, fatigue, malaise, vaginal irritation and a range of atypical symptoms such as delirium, gastrointestinal signs. OBJECTIVE: The main purpose is to describe the prevalence of UTI in women, to identify factors associated with UTI.......
Key words: UTI, Prevalence, factors associated with UTI
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Abstract: Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the most prevalent malignant neoplasm all over the world.1These malignancies are often still not detected until a late stage.2Inducible NOS is an enzyme that has been implicated in the tumorigenesis of various neoplasms. The role of NO generated by the iNOS is very complex. However, the pathways regulating iNOS expression seem to vary in different cells or different species.3There are few reports in the literature regarding the expression and relationship of iNOS with cervical lymph node metastasis in OSCC. Methods:The present study included forty formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue blocks of OSCC; with and without regional lymph node metastasis.......
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Abstract: Background: Trochanter fractures of the femur remains one of the most challenging fractures faced by orthopaedic surgeons. Fracture of the proximal part of the femur are an important cause of morbidity and mortality in all age groups, especially the elderly. Proximal femoral nail and dynamic hip screw system are two widely used methods in treating trochanter fracture of femur. We have very few data regarding the clinical presentations of patients with trochanter fracture of femur. Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to collect theinformation regarding the clinical presentations of patients with trochanter fracture of femur......
Key words: Complication, Orthopedics, Trochanter fracture, Femur
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