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Abstract: L'hypertrophie osseuse complique la réhabilitation prothétique vu l'ensemble des problématiques qu'elle présente. L'élaboration d'un projet prothétique demeure toujours d'un grand intérêt diagnostic et thérapeutique. L'étude des modèles secondaires sur articulateur et la réalisation des cires de diagnostic permettent de planifier un plan de traitement idéal et de mener de façon prédictible toutes les étapes cliniques et de laboratoire. De plus, devant une hypertrophie osseuse, le projet prothétique permet de quantifier les corrections indiquées et de matérialiser, valider le résultat final en assurant une restauration prothétique avec un rendu esthétique et fonctionnel satisfaisant..........
Key Word: Prosthetic project, occlusal plan, selective grinding, guided surgery.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Rare Case of Diphtheria with Nasal & Tonsillar Membrane |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Sumanth Kumar Pentakota || Dr.Pagadpally Srinivas |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2012010810 ![]() |
Abstract: Diphtheria caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae is a toxin-mediated upper respiratory tract infection. It spreads by airborne respiratory droplets and commonly affects children. The implementation of a Universal Immunization Program has resulted in a decline in the incidence. Over the last decade, the re-emergence of this infection has been noted and case reports from India have been on the rise. India represents nearly 78% of globally reported cases with significant mortality despite national immunization programs in place.We report a 7 year old male child presented with complaints of fever for 4 days which is high grade, continuous and associated with chills and sore throat since 4 days. He later developed breathlessness since the last 2 days , dysphagia and hoarseness of voice. On examination child is very sick looking ,febrile, tachycardia, tonsillar and nasal membrane present which is covering the external nasal openings, respiratory distress present. The child was diagnosed as a case of Diphtheria with tonsillar and nasal membrane.
Keywords: Corynebacterium ,Diphtheria, membrane , antitoxin
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Autologous Serum Eye Drops In the Treatment of Neurotrophic Keratitis |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2012011112 ![]() |
Abstract: To evaluate management of Iatrogenic Neurotrophic keratitis with autologous serum treatment in 14 patients affected by Neurotrophic Keratitis.
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Abstract: Most of cancer metastasis to the cervical lymph nodes is from cancers of the mucosal surfaces of the upper aerodigestive tract. The second most common source of metastasis is nonmucosal tumors in the head and neck such as salivary glands, thyroid glands and skin [1]. Cancers originating from sites other than the head and neck can rarely metastasize to the cervical lymph nodes. However, neoplasms of the genitourinary tract make up a significant proportion of these cancers and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of neoplastic lesions of the head and neck [2]. Review of the literature suggests that in elderly male patients with neck masses, prostate carcinoma should be ruled out......
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Abstract: The female condom (FC) is among the barrier method that provides double protection against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV and AIDS. Globally, by the year 2012, the distribution of the female condom had increased to 60 million units per year. In South Africa, policymakers recognize the role of female condoms and have included them in the policy for contraception and dual protection. The female condom was introduced in Kenya 25 years ago but the utilization rates are still low at a prevalence rate of 10.8% (Boraya et al., 2018). Worldwide, youths are more sexually active than any other population group. This in return predisposes them to risks like unwanted pregnancies, unsafe abortions, and sexually Transmitted Infections including HIV/AIDS (Access, 2017)..........
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Takayasu arteritis in pregnancy: A case series |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.S.Nivedha Priya || Prof Dr.K.S.Rajeswari |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2012012632 ![]() |
Abstract: Takayasu arteritis is a rare, chronic ,inflammatory, progressive, idiopathic arteriopathy ,affecting young women of reproductive age group causing narrowing, occlusion and aneurysm of systemic and pulmonary arteries, especially aorta and its branches. Takayasu arteritis has higher prepordance for women in reproductive age group in second and third decade of life. The diagnosis is based on combination of clinical history, physical examination, clinical suspicion, vascular imaging technique. The etiology is unknown and treatment is aimed at controlling the inflammatory process and preventing secondary sequelae particularly systemic arterial hypertension. An interdisciplinary collaboration of Obstetricians ,cardiologist and neurologist is necessary to improve maternal and fetal prognosis.
Keywords: Takayasu arteritis, idiopathic arteriopathy, interdisciplinary collaboration.
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Abstract: Introduction: Locally advanced Head and neck cancers (LAHNSCCs) are commonest mode of presentation in HNSCC (Head neck squamous cell carcinoma) in Rural area in india.The use of induction chemotherapy for locoregionally advanced squamous cell HNC become to be an attractive treatment option . The dramatic tumor response seen in Treatment naïve patients after cisplatin-based chemotherapy regimens would definitely suggest that an improvement in. locoregional control and even survival should also result. In our study NACT(neoadjuvant chemotherapy) were given to all LAHNSCC patients followed by comparison between chemoradiation versus only radiation in rural medical college..........
Key Words: LAHNCC, Neoadjuvant chemotherapy, chemoradiotherapy
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Abstract: Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine disorders in women of reproductive age affecting 5 to 10% of women worldwide. Rotterdam ESHRE/ASRM in the year 2003 standardized the definition of PCOS, which is characterized by a combination of oligomenorrhea / amenorrhea, clinical or endocrine signs of hyperandrogenemia and polycystic ovaries
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted at Obstetrics and Gynaecology department, Narayan medical college, Sasaram in pregnant women attending the antenatal clinic, satisfying the inclusion criteria. It is an Observational Longitudinal study. We have studied the outcome of pregnancy in the patients who were a known case of PCOS. The women met the following criteria for the diagnosis of PCOS. All Patients who were diagnosed cases of PCOS, following the inclusion and exclusion criteria was selected as cases and age matched control were selected from OPD. Patients was recruited till sample size reached...........
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Abstract: INTRODUCTION : Respiratory distress constitutes one of the commonest cause of morbidity and mortality in the neonatal period. It is commonly seen within first 48-72 hours of life. AIM : To find out incidence, causes and outcome of respiratory distress in inborn neonates. MATERIALS AND METHODS : All inborn neonates admitted in NICU of CUSMCH, from a period of 6 months (Jan 2021 to June 2021), who developed respiratory distress are included in this study. RESULTS : Of all the inborn deliveries during our study period, 6.2% developed respiratory distress. It constitutes 23.8% of the NICU admissions........
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Abstract: Background: Intestinal stoma is a very commonly performed procedure with a high rate of complications. This results in a high rate of morbidity and psychological distress for the patients. This study was undertaken to study the various types of complications in different types of intestinal stomas and their management. Materials and Methods Complications were studied in 100 patients undergoing stoma formation at Government General Hospital, Guntur, from January 2019 to December 2020. Both elective and emergency procedures were included in the study. Data was collected by following up the patient postoperatively either by phone or in person........
Key Words: Intestinal stomas, complications, management.
[1]. Harris D A, Egbeare D, Jones S, Benjamin H, Woodward A, Foster M E. Complications and mortality following stoma formation. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2005;87(6):427–431 [2]. Shellito P C. Complications of abdominal stoma surgery. Dis Colon Rectum. 1998;41(12):1562–1572. [3]. Shabbir J, Britton D C. Stoma complications: a literature overview. Colorectal Dis. 2010;12(10):958–964. [4]. Gooszen A W, Geelkerken R H, Hermans J, Lagaay M B, Gooszen H G. Quality of life with a temporary stoma: ileostomy vs. colostomy. Dis Colon Rectum. 2000;43(5):650–655. [5]. Vermeulen J, Gosselink M P, Busschbach J J, Lange J F. Avoiding or reversing Hartmann's procedure provides improved quality of life after perforated diverticulitis. J Gastrointest Surg. 2010;14(4):651–657.
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Abstract: Background- Air pollution is a major cause of premature death and disease, and is the largest environmental health threat globally The fast urbanization and economic expansion are principally driven by the tremendous use of fossil fuels, bringing about a dramatic increase in emissions of both ambient air pollutants and greenhouse gases. Methods- Study Comprises of total 100 subjects of both sex in the age group of 18 to 25 years The subjects were divided into two groups. People residing in Madikeri since birth were selected for hilly area group and people living in major city like Bengaluru were selected for urban area group. Pulmonary function test with all essential parameters were assessed. Forced Vital Capacity, Forced Expiratory Volume in one second, and Peak Expiratory Flow Rate were recorded using hand held computerized spirometer........
Key Words: COPD, FVC, FEV1, PEFR, PM, WHO, SO2, O3, NO2.
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