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Abstract: Background: Pyrexia is defined as an elevated core body temperature of more than 98.90F. Dengue is recognized as world's major emerging tropical disease with potential fatal complications caused by single stranded RNA virus belonging to family Flaviviridae and transmitted by Aedes species mosquitoes. Purpose: Study of the laboratory markers of dengue virus infection in pyrexia cases, for the early and specific diagnosis of dengue infection that help in definitive treatment & supportive therapy to reduce morbidity......
Keywords: Dengue virus infection, pyrexia, NS1Ag, Capture ELISA, lab markers
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Abstract: Introduction: Acute abdominal pain is one of the most common presenting complaints at emergency of general surgery department and due to its varied etiology, it poses significant diagnostic challenges for surgeons. Acute abdomen is a term used to encompass a spectrum of surgical, medical and gynecological conditions ranging from trivial to life threatening conditions, which require hospital admission, investigations and treatment Results: In our study of acute abdomen, the presentation of acute appendicitis was 46%, perforation peritonitis was 24%, Intestinal obstruction was 16%. Male to Female ratio was 2.3:1 with the male predominance. The clinical presentations were abdominal pain in 78% vomiting 62%, constipation 21%, distension 19%, fever 15%. The clinical signs were guarding 68%. The emergency surgeries done were appendicectomy 46%, perforation closure with24%. The post operative complications noted were wound infection 18%, respiratory infection 6%, mortality4%........
Key words: Acute abdomen, operated, complications
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Abstract: AIM: To assess the risk factors of Diabetic foot disease among the diabetic patients such as gender, older age,duration of diabetes more than 10 years, poor glycemic control,peripheral vascular disease,self care and smoking MATERIALS AND METHODS: A Retrospective study includes 50 Diabetic foot disease patients admitted in Department of General surgery in Government Dharmapuri Medical college Hospital from October 2020 to October 2021 INCLUSION CRITERIA: Patients admitted in general surgery wards with Diabetic foot disease........
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Abstract: AIM The present study was aimed to study the clinical profile of acute pancreatitis, the etiology and complications of acute pancreatitis received treatment in the Department of Surgery, Government Dharmapuri Medical College.......
Key words: ...
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Abstract: Introduction: Surgical site infections (SSI) remain a significant problem following an operation and the third most frequently reported nosocomial infections. The current study was undertaken to identify incidence of SSI and the risk factors associated with it, and the common organism isolated and its antibiotic sensitivity and resistance after abdominal surgeries. Material and Methods: The retrospective study was carried out on 100abdominal surgeries. Infected samples from patients were collected by following all aseptic precautions and were processed without delay by the standard microbiological techniques Results and Conclusions: The overall.......
Key words: Abdominal surgery; surgical site infections.
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Abstract: Periodontal disease affects both soft and hard tissue of periodontium leading to gingival inflammation, periodontal pocket/ gingival recession, alveolar bone loss and tooth loss in advance stages. Also, various developmental, mechanical, chemical and thermal traumas result in osseous defects around tooth. Although, different types of bone grafts such as allograft, xenograft and alloplast are available in market to regenerate the defect site, which can be used based on their properties; but the most predictable and gold standard material is autogenous bone graft (harvested from the same individual). Autogenous bone graft has the inherent property of regeneration due.......
Key Word: bone grafting, bone regeneration, furcation defect, osseous defects, periodontal regeneration
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Abstract: Background: Disorders of sex development (DSD) are congenital abnormalities in the development of chromosome, gonads and anatomical atypical reproductive systems. Many kind of DSD is autosomal recessive inherited defect causes the impaired conversion of testosterone to Dihidrotestosterone (DHT). DHT deficiency will lead to externally imperfect genetic virilization. In type 2 alpha-reductase deficiency usually at birth and pre-puberty clinically will be predominantly female. This change will generally cause patients to change their gender identity to men. Case: A one years old presented with ambiguous genitalia since birth. The clinical manifestation of external genetalia is ambiguous genetalia.......
Key Word: ambiguous genitalia ; 46, XY DSD ; 5-alpha-reductase type 2 deficiency
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Abstract: Background: There are myriad of factors which influence the ischemic stroke outcome. This study evaluated association between Red Blood Cell parameters & ischemic stroke mortality Materials and Methods: In this observational prospective study, 94 patients of ischemic stroke were evaluated. Patients who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were evaluated in the study for a period of one year from December 2019 to December 2020, after taking ethical clearance from institutional ethical committee. Stroke evaluation was done with clinical, biochemical & radiological methods. Data analysis was done using independent 't' test and Chi square tests in SPSS IBM version 21.0.......
Key Word: Ischemic stroke, Red Blood Cell parameters, MCV, HCT, MCH, MCHC
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Rare Case of Compound Palmar Ganglion |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Shivang Mittal || Dr. Sandeep Kansal || Dr. Bhavya |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2105013538 ![]() |
Abstract: A 26 year old female presented with a mass of approximately 7 x 3 cm on the flexor aspect of right wrist since 4 years. FNAC was done which was suggestive of ganglionic cyst. The patient underwent excision under block and mass was sent for histopathological examination which showed chronic granulomatous inflammatory pathology with rice bodies suggestive of compound palmar ganglion. The patient was then managed with anti tubercular therapy.
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Abstract: Background: Abnormal Uterine Bleeding refers to a symptom of excessive, prolonged, unexpected or acyclic bleeding regardless of diagnosis. Perimenopause is a period 4-5y before menopause, so during this period lot of change from normal ovulatory cycles to irregularity of menstrual cycles. AUB not only affects the quality of life such as intimate relationships, day to day living but can have serious adverse effects like anaemia or malignancy. AUB can be caused by a variety of systemic diseases such as endocrine disorders or drugs. So the importance of endometrial biopsy.......
Key Word: AUB, HMB, PCB, dysmenorrhea, Endometrial thickness, Hyperplasia
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Abstract: Background: Pneumonia is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality, especially in developing countries. The cause of community acquired pneumonia (CAP) is often difficult to establish. The most effective methods , especially for the diagnosis of atypical pathogens , are often invasive and cannot always be justified. Methods: Total 122 patients presenting to JLNMCH, Bhagalpur, who satisfied the diagnosis of Community Acquired Pneumonia ( CAP) as per the British Thoracic Society were included in this study. After sputum culture , blood culture and serological evaluation they were grouped as having typical and atypical pneumonia. Conclusion serological evaluation they were grouped as having typical and atypical pneumonia.: The proportion of typical and atypical.......
Key Word: Community acquired pneumonia, aetiology, typical and atypical pathogens
[1]. Wei Shen Lim, Simon Baudouin, Robert George et al The British Thoracic Society Guidelines for the management of Community acquired pneumonia in adults Update 2009. Thorax Vol 64 Supplement III
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Abstract: Introduction: Introduction- Laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation both are associated with a sympathetically mediated increase in systolic blood pressure and heart rate, which are the maximum at 1 minute after intubation and last for 5-10 minutes. This study aimed to assess the effect of fentanyl on systolic blood pressure and heart rate during laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation. Aim of the study: The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of fentanyl in preventing hemodynamic responses to laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation.......
Key Word: Systolic blood pressure, Heart rate, laryngoscopy, Intubation
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Abstract: Systemic conditions & habits influence dental implant survival to varying degrees. For a successful implant therapy, it is imperative to select patients who do not possess any local or systemic contraindications to implant therapy. 3 major causes for implant failure are; i) impaired host healing, ii) disruption of a weak bone-to-implant interface after abutment connection & iii) infection1. The intrinsic adeptness of a patient to retain an implant relies on patient's health status. Despite, the functional & emotional toll edentulism engenders on an individual, implant therapy remains elective treatment.
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[3]. Hwang, Debby DMD*; Wang, Hom-Lay DDS, MSD† Medical Contraindications to Implant Therapy: Part II: Relative Contraindications, Implant Dentistry: March 2007 - Volume 16 - Issue 1 - p 13-23 doi: 10.1097/ID.0b013e31803276c8
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Abstract: Rectal prolapse is the protrusion of mucosal tissue through the anal orifice. Maybe of 3 types - mucosal, complete or internal. Pathophysiology may be due to a defect in mucosa or due to long standing strain of rectal tissue. Treated appropriately, prognosis is good & mortality is low
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Abstract: Retinoblastoma (Rb) is the most common intraocular malignant tumour in infants and young children. The tumour is bilateral in 40% of cases, and unilateral in 60% of cases. The hereditary form is due to a germ mutation in the RBl tumor suppressor gene. Patients followed for retinoblastoma have excellent survival, but face an increased risk of bone and soft tissue sarcomas. This predisposition to sarcomas was attributed to genetic susceptibility due to inactivation of the RBl gene as well as previous radiotherapy. Sarcomas are more common in hereditary Rb survivors but are very rare in patients treated for non-hereditary Rb.Sarcomas in hereditary retinoblastoma [1]. Although rare the secondary development of osteosarcoma is a serious event in these patients because it is a tumor that has a strong metastatic power thus engaging the vital prognosis.
Keywords: Retinoblastoma, bone tumors, osteosarcoma
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