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Abstract: Résumé Introduction : La BPCO Le tabagisme est l'une des principales causes évitables de mortalité dans le monde. Ce n'est pas une maladie mais un comportement qui nuit à la santé et à l'environnement. La dépendance tabagique, maladie une fois sur deux mortelle, est une maladie industrielle qui fait l'objet d'analyses précises de l'industrie du tabac afin d'améliorer l'inoculation du produit chez les jeunes. La consommation de tabac et le placement des produits du tabac dans les productions télévisées et au cinéma représentent une façon de promouvoir le tabagisme tout en contournant les interdictions de publicité en faveur du tabac existantes dans la plupart des pays......
Keywords: publicité, tabagisme, médias, industrie
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Abstract: Introduction: To determine the difference in patency and complication rates of arterio-venous fistula (AVF) constructed in pre-dialysis versus post-dialysis settings. Study Design: Descriptive study. Methodology: Computerised record of 726 patients, who had undergone vascular access surgery for haemodialysis, was collected. Patients were divided into two groups according to those who had undergone AVF surgery: a) prior to the commencement; or b)after the commencement of haemodialysis. Primary and secondary patency rates were determined clinically........
Key words: Arterio-venous fistula, Dialysis, Patency, Complications, Suitability
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Phthiriasis Palpebrarum- A Rare Case Scenario |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Manmeet Singh || Manoj Gupta || Ruminder Kaur |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2105021113 ![]() |
Abstract: Phthiriasis palpebrarum (PP) is the infestation of eyelids caused by the ectoparasite Phthirus pubis, frequently misdiagnosed as allergic conjunctivitis, blepharitis or dermatitis. A 40-year-old patient with phthiriasis palpebrarum was successfully treated with local application of petrolatum jelly and an antibiotic ointment over the eyelashes and eyebrows of both the eyes with 1% permethrin cream and oral Albendazole with Ivermectin combination, followed by the mechanical removal of all ectoparasites and the nits, but without trimming of the eyelashes as cosmesis being the patient's primary concern
Keywords: Blepharitis, crab louse, phthiriasis palpebrarum
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Abstract: Objective: to determine the current indications for trans-sphenoidal surgery in patients with Prolactinomas and determine the factors that influence post-operative remission. Trans-sphenoidal surgery may be indicated in patients with resistant prolactinoma and/or in case of intolerance to treatment with dopamine agonists (DA). Patients and methods: We performed a retrospective review of the medical records of 160 patients with prolactinoma over a period of 12 years (2009-20021). ...
Key words: Prolactinoma, anti-dopaminergic, intolerance, resistance, endoscopic approach
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Aarogyasri..The Bhagyasri For Compound Fracture Patients ! |
Country | : | India |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2105021824 ![]() |
Abstract: Background : Aarogyasri was started in 2007 by Dr.Rajasekhar Reddy garu to ensure better Healthcare to below poverty line families. Free surgical facilities ,time to recover & reimbursement of their lost income can availed by the patients. AIM: To evaluate the functioning of Aarogyasri scheme for compound fractures tibia patients in orthopaedic tertiary care centre. Methods: We obtained 132 cases of type 3b compound fracture leg with Ganga Hospital Open Injury Score<= 14 over a period of 3years.....
Key words: Aarogyasri,Andhra Pradesh,compound fracture
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Abstract: Background: ACL injuries lead to significant disability among the injured, often requiring surgical reconstruction. Anatomical morphometric analysis helps identify individuals who are more susceptible to incurring an ACL injury, despite activity modifications, thereby improving quality of life and decreasing the economic burden posed by a potential ACL injury. We explore the relation between femoral morphometric variations on MRI associated with an ACL tear to facilitate meaningful insights into ACL injury prevention. Methods: We retrospectively evaluated 269 patients who underwent knee MRI and clinical examination for suspected ACL pathology. Participants.....
Key words: ACL injury, notch width, notch width index, MRI, femoral morphometrics
[1]. Lin C-F, Liu H, Gros MT, Weinhold P, Garrett WE, Yu B. Biomechanical risk factors of non-contact ACL injuries: A stochastic biomechanical modeling study. Journal of Sport and Health Science 2012;1(1):36–42.
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Abstract: Investigator conducted a descriptive survey study to assess the level of knowledge regarding preventive measures of covid-19 among the 1st year BSc nursing students in College of Nursing, Midnapore Medical College and Hospital, Paschim Medinipur. The purpose of the study is to assess the level of knowledge regarding preventive measures of covid-19 among 1st year B. Sc Nursing students of College of Nursing, Midnapore Medical College and Hospital, Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal. The conceptual framework was based on System Model theory of knowledge. Validity of the tool was done. The main study was conducted in 1st year classroom of B. Sc Nursing, College of Nursing, Midnapore Medical College and Hospital. The study was conducted on 53 nursing students. The result shows that 62.2 % students of B. Sc nursing 1st year obtained good score, 30.2% students obtained fair score, 3.8% students obtained very good score, 3.8% students obtained poor score. The study also has implication in different nursing field like administration, education, research and clinical practices.
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Abstract: Background: Prevalence of diabetes mellitus in adults is around 4th world wide and this means that over 150 million persons are affected. Diabetic foot problems are a common complication of diabetes. Diabetic foot problems increase the mortality and morbidity of the diabetic patients. Diabetic foot is the major cause of nontraumatic lower limb amputations. The patho-physiology of diabetic foot disease includes peripheral neuropathy, peripheral arterial disease and infection. These pathologies lead to development of ulceration, charcot foot, painful diabetic neuropathy, gangrene and amputation........
Key Word: Enzymatic debridement; Papaya dressing; Diabetic ulcers; Diabetic foot.
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Abstract: Dans ce travail, nous avons revu le résultat de 265 prothèses totales du genou de 2009 à 2018 au service de chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique B4 du centre hospitalier universitaire Hassan II de Fès, afin de chercher les complications immédiates, à moyen et à long terme.il s'agit d'une série de 22 cas de complications de PTG. Notre objectif à travers cette série était de tracer un profil épidémiologique et surtout d'analyser les complications à court et à long terme des patients traités par prothèse totale du genou pour mieux les prévenir et les traiter rapidement. Les femmes étaient au nombre de 15 (68 %) contre 7 hommes (32 %) dont la moyenne d'âge lors de l'intervention était de 65.8. Les principales complications relevées sont : les raideur et sepsis tardif.
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Abstract: Purpose: To investigate a possible effect of ocular inflammation during active anterior uveitis on the corneal endothelium by describing corneal endothelial cell density and morphologic variables in eyes with anterior uveitis, and to study factors that may influence these outcomes. Methods: Prospective study of 43 patients with anterior uveitis. Endothelial cell density and morphologic variables in both eyes of all study participants were determined by specular microscopy, and central corneal thickness was determined by ultrasound pachymetry......
Key words: cornea - endothelium - non-contact - specular microscopy – uveitis – endothelial cells density
[1]. Garza-Leon M. Corneal endothelial cell analysis using two non-contact specular microscopes in healthy subjects. Int Ophthalmol 2016;36(4):453—61.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Rare Case of Primary Omental Ectopic Gestation: Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Siddhant Singh Chandel || Dr. Vivek Chail |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2105025054 ![]() |
Abstract: Ectopic gestation refers to implantation of fertilized ovum outside the uterine cavity. Incidence of ectopic gestations is increasing due to various risk factors and the mortality rate has declined to less than 1 in 1ooo patients in recent years(1) because of improved diagnostic capabilities and early recourse to intervention. However, in case of abdominal ectopic gestation the mortality rate is 7.7 times higher as compared to tubal ectopic pregnancy.(2) Case presentation A 22 year old woman came with pain in the right lower abdomen. Reporting a case of abdominal ectopic gestation in a 22 year old, gravida 4 parity 2 live 2, patient complaining of pain in right iliac fossa and weakly positive urine pregnancy test.....
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Abstract: Introduction: The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of Twin-block appliance cephalometrically and to provide an insight into cephalometric variables that may contribute for final lip position outcome in treated growing Class II malocclusion patients with mandibular deficiency. Material and Methods: Fourteen patients (9 males, 5 females; mean age, 11.4 ± 2 years) with skeletal class II mandibular deficiency were treated using Twin-block appliance to enhance mandibular growth. The pre-treatment photographs and cephalometric radiographs were obtained for every patient at the beginning of treatment (T0). All patients were treated and followed up for 9 months and then new records were obtained. lip position changes was evaluated from the lateral cephalogram........
Key Word: lip position; twin-block; cephalometric changes
[1]. Baccetti T, Franchi L, McNamara JA. The Cervical Vertebral Maturation (CVM) method for the assessment of optimal treatment timing in dentofacial orthopedics. Semin Orthod. 2005;11(3):119-129.
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[5]. Sharma AK, Sachdev V, Singla A, Kirtaniya BC. Skeletal and Dentoalveolar changes concurrent to use of Twin Block appliance in Class II division i cases with a deficient mandible: A cephalometric study. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent. 2012;30(3):218-226.