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Abstract: Background: The postpartum Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) refers to quantifiable physical and mental dimensions of maternal functioning that are affected by the experience of labour and childbirth. This study compares the HRQoL at six weeks postpartum between mothers who had Vaginal versus Caesarean delivery, using a meta-analysis approach. Materials and Methods: A database search was performed in PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, and ProQuest for studies published in English between 2000 and.......
Key Word: Quality of life; Postpartum period; Cesarean section; Mothers; Delivery
[1] Olza I, Leahy-Warren P, Benyamini Y, Kazmierczak M, Karlsdottir SI, Spyridou A, Crespo-Mirasol E, Takács L, Hall PJ, Murphy M, Jonsdottir SS, Downe S, Nieuwenhuijze MJ. Women's psychological experiences of physiological childbirth: a meta-synthesis. BMJ Open. 2018;8(10): e020347.
[2] Taheri M, Takian A, Taghizadeh Z, Jafari N, Sarafraz N. Creating a positive perception of childbirth experience: Systematic review and meta-analysis of prenatal and intrapartum interventions. Reproductive Health.2018;15(1):73.
[3] Prosser S, Barnett A, Miller Y. Factors promoting or inhibiting normal birth. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2018;18(1):241.
[4] Chen I, Opiyo N, Tavender E, Mortazhejri S, Rader T, Petkovic J, Yogasingam S, Taljaard M, Agarwal S, Laopaiboon M, Wasiak J, Khunpradit S, Lumbiganon P, Gruen RL, Betran AP. Non-clinical interventions for reducing unnecessary caesarean section, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2018;2018(9):CD005528.
[5] Smith V, Gallagher L, Carroll M, Hannon K, Begley C. Antenatal and intrapartum interventions for reducing caesarean section, promoting vaginal birth, and reducing fear of childbirth: An overview of systematic reviews. PLoS One. 2019;14(10):e0224313.
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Abstract:Background: Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia is the most common adult leukaemia in the Indian population and is one of the most extensively studied human malignancy. The discovery of tyrosine kinase inhibitors - the first rationally designed drug in human history – at the beginning of 21st century dramatically changed CML landscape. Thanks to this wonder drug, our patients now can have nearly normal life expectancy. However response to TKIs is highly variable among population. Methodology: The study was done on bone marrow samples of patients who are newly diagnosed or on follow up at Katihar medical college katihar. Study duration period of Two years. The samples are collected when they come for diagnosis or when clinically indicated......
Keywords; CML, PRDM12, Tyrosine kinase Inhibitors
[1]. Goldman JM. Chronic myeloid leukemia: a historical perspective. Semin Hematol. 2010 Oct;47(4):302–11.
[2]. WHO | Cancer [Internet]. WHO. 2015 [cited 2015 Jul 5]. Available from: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs297/en/
[3]. Höglund M, Sandin F, Simonsson B. Epidemiology of chronic myeloid leukaemia: an update. Ann Hematol. 2015 Apr;94 Suppl 2:S241–7.
[4]. Agarwal MB. Importance of early and deeper responses to long-term survival in CML patients: Implications of BCR-ABL testing in management of CML in Indian setting. Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol Off J Indian Soc Med Paediatr Oncol. 2014;35(1):10–6.
[5]. Bansal S, Prabhash K, Parikh P. Chronic myeloid leukemia data from India.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Spontaneous Closure of Colostomy: Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr, Pawan Kumar Yadav || Dr. Krishna Murty || Dr. Sanjay Pandey |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2105041213 ![]() |
Abstract: Intestinal loop stoma is a common surgical procedure performed for various benign and malignant abdominal problems, but it rarely undergoes spontaneous closure, without surgical intervention. A male patient presented to our emergency surgical department with acute abdominal pain. He was diagnosed as having rectosigmoid perforation and underwent diversion sigmoid loop colostomy after primary closure of the perforation. To our surprise, the loop colostomy closed spontaneously at 13 months, without any consequences. Spontaneous stoma closure is a rare and interesting event. The exact etiology for spontaneous closure remains unknown, but it may be hypothesized to result from slow retraction of the stoma..
[1]. Gordan C. The small and large intestines. In: S Norman Williams, CJ Bulstrode and PR O'Connell (eds). Bailey and Love's Short Practice ofSurgery. 26th Ed. Florida: CRC Press, 2013.
[2]. Martin ST and Vogel JD. Intestinal stomas: indications, management, and complications. Adv Surg 2012;46:19–49.
[3]. Kwiatt M and Kawata M. Avoidance and management of stomal complications. Clin Colon Rectal Surg 2013;26:112–21.
[4]. Saxena A, Kumar L, Singh M et al. Spontaneous closure of an ileostomy: A rare occurrence. Int J Surg Case Rep 2015; 7C:124–6.
[5]. Lloyd DA, Gabe SM and Windsor AC. Nutrition and management of enterocutaneous fistula. Br J Surg 2006;93: 1045–55.
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Abstract: Background: There are various methods to treat pediatric femoral fractures. Titanium elastic nailing (TEN) is one of the established and reliable methods for treating pediatric femoral fractures. But we have very few research-based information regarding the outcome of using titanium elastic nails in pediatric femoral fractures in Bangladesh. Aim of the study: This study aimed to evaluate the outcome of using titanium elastic nails in pediatric femoral fractures........
Key words: Pediatric, Titanium elastic nails (TEN), Femoral fractures
[1]. Kasser Sheikh SI, Ullah M, Khan A, Iqbal J. Ender's nail for diaphyseal long bone lower limb fractures in children. J Rawalpindi Med Coll (JRMC) 2012; 16: 25-7.
[2]. Flynn JM, Skaggs DL, Sponseller PD, Ganley TJ, Kay RM, Kellie Leitch KK. The operative management of pediatric fractures of the lower extremity. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2002;84: 2288–300.
[3]. Titanium elastic nailing in femoral diaphyseal fractures of children in 6-16 years of age (KC Saikia, SK Bhuyan, TD Bhattacharya, and SP Saikia). Indian Journal of Orthopaedics, 2007 Oct-Dec; 41(4): 381–385.
[4]. Metaizeau JP. Stable elastic nailing for fractures of the femur in children. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2004;86:954–7.
[5]. Barry M, Paterson JM. A flexible intramedullary nails for fractures in children. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2004 Sep;86(7):947-53..
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Abstract: Background :Oligoamnios (AFI <5cm) and borderline oligoamnios (AFI 5.1-8CM) are assosciated with various maternofetal complications and iatrogenic preterm deliveries.A simple cost effective method to increase amniotic fluid volume is intravenous maternal hydration and amino acid infusion.The aim of this study was to evaluate its effect on improving amniotic fluid volume and measure the fetal and maternal outcome in oligoamnios treated with intravenous hydration and aminoacid infusion. Methods:It is a retrospective study done at S.G.R.D Medical college,Amritsar .Data was collected from ANC records of 30 patients sonographically diagnosed with oligoamnios.......
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[5]. Phelan JP, Ahn MO, Smith CV et al (1987) Amniotic fluid index measurements during pregnancy. J Reprod Med 32:601
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Abstract: Shoulder is the most common joint to be dislocated, with a rate of around 23.9 per 100,000 people a year [1] due to many precipitating factors like: a very wide range of motion, and the shallow bony articulation, or other underlying conditions like ligaments laxity or bony dysplasia.
Key words: Congenital, shoulder, dislocation, infant.
[1]. Leroux T., Wasserstein D., Veillette C., Khoshbin A., Henry P., Chahal J., Austin P., Mahomed N., Ogilvie-Harris D. Epidemiology of primary anterior shoulder dislocation requiring closed reduction in ontario, canada. Am. J. Sports Med. 2014;42:442–450. doi: 10.1177/0363546513510391.
[2]. Li X., Ma R., Nielsen N.M., Gulotta L.V., Dines J.S., Owens B.D. Management of shoulder instability in the skeletally immature patient. J. Am. Acad. Orthop. Surg. 2013;21:529–537.
[3]. Whitman R., VIII The treatment of congenital and acquired luxations at the shoulder in childhood. Ann Surg. 1905;42(1):110–115.
[4]. Congenital anterior shoulder dislocation in a newborn treated with closed reduction
[5]. Casey Slattery, BS, Medical Student,⁎ Boris Kovalenko, MD, Orthopedic resident, and Kushagra Verma, MD MS, Assistant Professor of Spine and Scoliosis Orthopedic Surgeon; Radiol Case Rep. 2018 Oct; 13(5): 920–924.Published online 2018 Jul 18.
[6]. Heilbronner DM. True congenital dislocation of the shoulder. J Pediatr Orthop. 1990;10(3):408–410.
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Abstract: 90% of all the Chinese and physical medicine treatments are performed through the skin. Skin pigmentation changes are a common aging effect. Moles, freckles and lentigines are flat brown spots, around 5 mm in diameter. They are a risk factor for melanoma but none of these skin changes have been reported to be associated with physical trauma or mechanical stimulation. The aim of the research is to inspect the published papers and results for possible morphological changes from the treatments with physical therapy and acupuncture, to determine which are the most common changes and which treatments occur more often. In all treatments with Chinese and classical medicine, morphological changes of the skin are possible, whereby the lesions that appear are not permanent and only a small percent remain longer. The treatments are generally safe to use in terms of morphological changes of the skin. If the acupuncture stimulation is done with greater dose, it leads to greater changes of the skin at the molecular level, with very low possibility of structural changes.
Key words - acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, dermatology, skin, physical therapy
[1]. Cooper S, A Case Study of Pigmentation and Textural Changes Associated with Needling Yin Tang, Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies, Volume 7, Issue 2, April 2014, Pages 95-97
[2]. Bae SJ, Augmented Mechanical Forces of the Surface-Modified Nanoporous Acupuncture Needles Elicit Enhanced Analgesic Effects, Front. Neurosci., 20 June 2019 https://doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2019.00652
[3]. Kim SB et al, A New Method For Measuring Acupoint Pigmentation After Cupping Using Cross Polarization, Korean J Acupunct 2013;30:252-263
[4]. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Medicine, Cupping, 2018 [www.nccih.nih.gov]
[5]. Evergreen Rehab & Wellness, Is It Okay To Have Rash / Petechiae After Gua Sha Treatments?, 2022 [www.evergreenclinic.ca]
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Brucellar Spondylodiscitis – A Case Series on Presentation, Management, and Outcomes |
Country | : | Malaysia |
Authors | : | Jo-Yi Cheong |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2105043336 ![]() |
Abstract: Brucellosis is a zoonosis that is endemic in certain parts of the world. The spine is the most common osteoarticular localisation of brucellosis infections. We report of two uncommon cases of spondylodiscitis secondary to brucella that were treated pharmacologically with intravenous Gentamicin for a week followed by a course of oral Doxycycline and Rifampicin. Disease resolution was evidenced by resolution of pain, normalisation of infective markers, and radiologic improvement. A high degree of suspicion in the diagnosis of brucellar spondylodiscitis is essential to reduce the delay to treatment. Thus, it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of chronic back pain especially in regions where brucellosis is endemic.
Key Words: Brucellosis, spondylodiscitis, spine brucellosis
[1]. Smailnejad Gangi SM, Hasanjani Roushan MR, Janmohammadi N, Mehraeen R, Soleimani Amiri MJ, Khalilian E. Outcomes of treatment in 50 cases with spinal brucellosis in Babol, Northern Iran. J Infect Dev Ctries. 2012;6:654–659.
[2]. Lim KB, Kwak YG, Kim DY, Kim YS, Kim JA. Back pain secondary to Brucella spondylitis in the lumbar region. Ann Rehabil Med. 2012;36:282–286.
[3]. Ulu-Kilic A, Karakas A, Erdem H, Turker T, Inal AS, Ak O, Turan H, Kazak E, Inan A, Duygu F, Demiraslan H, Kader C, Sener A, Dayan S, Deveci O, Tekin R, Saltoglu N, Aydın M, Horasan ES, Gul HC, Ceylan B, Kadanalı A, Karabay O, Karagoz G, Kayabas U, Turhan V, Engin D, Gulsun S, Elaldı N, Alabay S. Update on treatment options for spinal brucellosis. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2014 Feb;20(2):O75-82.
[4]. Tekaya R, Haj Tayeb M, El Amri N, et al. THU0257 Brucella Spondylodiscitis: A Study of Nineteen Cases. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2015;74:290.
[5]. Andrabi SA, Hamid S, Aijaz S. Brucellosis masquerading as spondylodiscitis with multiple intervertebral disc prolapse. J Glob Infect Dis. 2012;4(3):184-185.
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Abstract: Introduction: - The validity and reliability of the DREEM inventory was established across educational institutes. It has been translated into various languages and has been claimed to be a "culturally unbiased tool" to measure the educational climate at educational institutions. To the best of authors knowledge none of the articles have ever reported their validity and reliability among the students in the state of Chhattisgarh in India........
Keynotes: - Validity, Educational environment, DREEM, Medical students.
[1]. Roff S. and McAleer : What is educational climate medical teacher.2001; 23(4) : 333-4.
[2]. Pimparyor P, Roff S, McAleer S, Poonclai B, Pemba S :Educational environment, student approaches to learning and academic achievements in a thai nursing school medical teacher 200: 22: 359 -364.
[3]. Niiluis J, Segers M, Gilselaers W: The inter play of perceptions of the learning enviroment , personality and learning strategies: A study amongst international Business studies student. Students Higher Educ 2007: 32: 599- 77.
[4]. Jamaiah I : Review of research in learning environment. Junmec 2008: 11(1): 7 – 11.
[5]. Audin K, Bavy J, Barkham M: University quality of life and learning: an approach to student well – being, satisfaction and institutional change. J Further Higher Educ 2003, 27 (4) : 365 – 382.
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Abstract: Background: Autism spectrum disorders ((ASDs)) are characterized by serious, biologically neurodevelopmental disabilities of the brain with persistent core impairments in social communication and interaction, restricted interests, and repetitive behaviors and activities. The major dental problems for autism are caries, gingival diseases, lack of motor coordination and oral habits such as bruxism, tongue thrusting, lip biting, self-injurious behavior and pica-eating objects. This study was designed to evaluate oral health among autistic children as compared to normal children........
Keywords: Autism spectrum disorders, Dental caries, Gingival diseases, Oral hygiene, Periodontal status.
[1]. Keil K and Lein P. DNA methylation: a mechanism linking environmental chemical exposures to risk of autism spectrum disorders? Environmental epigenetics. 2016;2(1):1-15.
[2]. Maenner M., Shaw K and Baio J. Prevalence of autism spectrum disorder among children aged 8 years autism and developmental disabilities monitoring network, 11 sites, United States, 2016. MMWR Surveillance Summaries. 2020;69(4):1-12.
[3]. Friedlander A., Yagiela J., Paterno V and Mahler M. The neuropathology, medical management and dental implications of autism. The Journal of the American Dental Association. 2006;137(11):1517-1527.
[4]. Tzischinsky O., Meiri G., Manelis L., Bar-Sinai A., Flusser H., Michaelovski A., et al. Sleep disturbances are associated with specific sensory sensitivities in children with autism. Molecular Autism. 2018;9(1):9-22.
[5]. Loo C., Graham R and Hughes C. The caries experience and behavior of dental patients with autism spectrum disorder. The Journal of the American Dental Association. 2008;139(11):1518-1524.
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Abstract: Urethral foreign body obstruction is a rare clinical occurrence commonly associated with recurrent behaviors in males often seeking sexual pleasure. Although the literature is abundant on foreign body removal from the urethra, our case reports a non-typical approach to removing a tapered dilating device and minimizing complications in a patient with a repeat history of a surgically removed dilating devices from the urethra. Herein we present the case of a 57-year-old male who presented to us with penile pain secondary to an irretrievable foreign body.
Keywords: trauma, urethra, foreign body obstruction, urology, recurrent self-insertion.
[1]. Rodríguez D, Thirumavalavan N, Pan S, et al. Epidemiology of genitourinary foreign bodies in the united states emergency room setting and its association with mental health disorders. Int J Impot Res. 2020;32(4):426-433. doi:10.1038/s41443-019-0194-z
[2]. Breyer BN, Shindel AW. Recreational urethral sounding is associated with high risk sexual behaviour and sexually transmitted infections. BJU Int. 2012;110(5):720-725. doi:10.1111/j.1464-410X.2011.10810.x
[3]. Aliabadi, H., Cass, A. S., Gleich, P., & Johnson, C. F. (1985). Self-inflicted foreign bodies involving lower urinary tract and male genitals. Urology, 26(1), 12–16. https://doi.org/10.1016/0090-4295(85)90245-6
[4]. VAN OPHOVEN, A. R. N. D. T., & DE KERNION, J. E. A. N. B. (2000). Clinical management of foreign bodies of the genitourinary tract. Journal of Urology, 164(2), 274–287. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0022-5347(05)67342-9
[5]. Kenney, R. D. (1988). Adolescent males who insert genitourinary foreign bodies: Is psychiatric referral required? Urology, 32(2), 127–129. https://doi.org/10.1016/0090-4295(88)90313-5
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Abstract: The objectives of the study were to describe the epidemiological profile of ovarian torsion, study the clinical particularities, underline the different radiological signs and correlate them with operative findings, and finally to compare the results of our series with literature. Our work is a retrospective study of 26 cases of ovarian torsion, collected at the mother-child radiology and gyneco-obstetrics department of the CHU HASSAN II of FEZ, during a period of 5 years (JUNE 2015-JUNE 2020). Ultrasound established the diagnosis in 15 cases (57%). 7 patients benefited from additional CT and 4 patients from MRI due to doubt about ultrasound data. These imaging techniques have.......
Keywords: Torsion, Ovary, Emergency.
[1]. Balu M, Tarrant A, Lenoir M, Ducou Le Pointe H. Imagerie des masses ovariennes avant la puberté. Arch Pédiatrie. 2008;15(5):783-785.
[2]. Veyrac C, Perez R, Baud C, Couture A, Saguintaah M. Les douleurs pelviennes de la petite fille et de l´adolescente : l´imagerie diagnostique dans la pratique quotidienne. Feuillets de Radiologie. 2002;42(6):463-472.
[3]. Huchon C, Fauconnier A. Adnexal torsion: a literature review. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2010;150(1):8-12.
[4]. Sintim-Damoa A, Majmudar AS, Cohen HL, Parvey LS. Pediatric ovarian torsion : spectrum of imaging findings. RadioGraphics. 2017;37(6):18921908.
[5]. Guillaume Ssi-Yan-Kai, Anne-Laure Rivain, Caroline Trichot, Marie-Chantal Morcelet, Sophie Prevot, Xavier Deffieux, Jocelyne De Laveaucoupet. What every radiologist should know about adnexal torsion. 2018 Feb;25(1):51-59..