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Abstract: A Granular cell tumour (GCT), is a rare soft tissue tumour which may occur throughout the body, usually in the head and neck, skin or subcutaneous tissues of the trunk and upper extremities and female genital region. The majority of tumor cases are benign and approximately 2% are malignant. It is seen in the breast at a rate of 5-8%. They present with a slow growing, painless, mobile mass. we hereby, present a case of Granular cell tumour in a 72 year old female who presented with swelling in right axilla. The definitive diagnosis is made histopathologically and the treatment is wide excision.
Key Word: axilla, benign, Granular cell tumor, wide excision
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Abstract: Every patient comes in the dental office with his own prejudice, attitudes, and value system. There are significant variations in the patient's behavior and attitude towards treatment. They could be determined by the specific personality characteristics of the patient or the scenario in the dental office. The aim of the current paper was therefore to present author's perspective regarding dental patients' values, beliefs, and attitudes towards dental treatment and to outline to what extent these factors might influence attendance and treatment outcomes in dental practice. Based on patients' beliefs and attitudes to dental treatment, five types of patients in dental encounter are discussed.......
Keywords; dentistry, doctor-patient relationships, informed consent, types of patients
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Abstract: Background: Surgical delay remains one of the main elements of management and prognosis of patients with femoral neck fracture in elderly. To the best of our knowledge, no data are available in the Maghreb countries for the management of these patients; as well, surgical delays are dependent on the activity of the emergencies and the heterogeneous practices of different stakeholders. The aim of this work was specify in our structure the proportion of deferred patients and to analyze the causes of delay in order to target several areas for improvement in the management of these patients. Patients and methods: We conducted a prospective study that included all patients admitted to emergency departments between February 2013 and April.......
Keywords: femoral neck fracture, surgical delay, causes of delay, elderly.
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Abstract: Background: This article reports the case of a male seventeen years old patient, who presented a rapidly developed tumor from the premolar region of the left mandible after a tooth extraction. Cranio-cervical CT revealed a large maxillary mass which was diagnosed histopathologically as Sporadic Burkitt's lymphoma. The patient was treated with polychemotherapy; complete remission of the disease was attained.
Key words: Burkitt's lymphoma; Oral Cancer; Chemotherapy; oral lymphoma
[1]. Khalil Saleh1 & Jean-Marie Michot2 & Valérie Camara-Clayette3 & Yegor Vassetsky4 & Vincent Ribrag. Burkitt and Burkitt-Like Lymphomas: A Systematic Review. Current oncology reports 2020; 22:33.
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Abstract: Ophthalmic artery occlusion (AOA)is an ophthalmic emergency and the ocular analogue of cerebral stroke. Atrial myxomas can lead to a triad of complications. We report a case of left atrial myxoma with cerebral infarctus and ophthalmic artery occlusion as the first manifestation. Atrial myxomas are benign tumours, but secondary complications due to their position and the possibility of embolization can be devastating. Our report will enable ophthalmologists to be attentive and to carry out a complete cardiovascular assessment as a matter of urgency
Key words: occlusion ; ophthalmic artery; emergency
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Abstract: Résumé : Les cystadénocarcinomes hépatiques sont des tumeurs épithéliales malignes du foie très rares. Le diagnostic préopératoire de cette tumeur kystique est difficile car sa présentation clinique et radiologique est non spécifique. L'exérèse chirurgicale complète est le traitement recommandé pour le cystadénocarcinome hépatique. Une résection incomplète est source de récidive tumorale et de dissémination métastatique, c'est le cas quant il est diagnostiqué à tort comme une autre lésions kystiques bénignes du foie. Nous rapportons un nouveau cas de cystadénocarcinome hépatique qui été diagnostiqué comme kyste hydatique du foie avec comme conséquence une prise en charge inadéquate.
[1]. Klompenhouwer AJ, Ten Cate DWG, Willemssen FEJA, Bramer WM, Doukas M, de Man RA, Ijzermans JNM. The impact of imaging on the surgical management of biliary cystadenomas and cystadenocarcinomas; a systematic review. HPB (Oxford). 2019 Oct;21(10):1257-1267. doi: 10.1016/j.hpb.2019.04.004. Epub 2019 May 10. PMID: 31085104.
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Abstract: Necrotizing pneumonia as a complication of mycobacterium tuberculosis is a rare but severe condition of lung parenchymal destruction, which is characterized by necrosis and liquefaction of consolidated lung parenchyma. Necrotizing pneumonia is complicated by cavitating pneumonia, intrapulmonary abscesses, sepsis and bronchopleural fistula. Incidence of necrotizing pneumonia is less than 1% of hospital admissions for pneumonia. In this case report, we discuss a rare case of necrotizing pneumonia as a complication of mycobacterium tuberculosis in an infant male who came to DR. D. Y. Patil Medical Hospital, Navi Mumbai. This report describes the clinical presentation, radiological features and treatment strategy.
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Abstract: Jet lag results from the desynchronization of the biological clock following a rapid crossing of several time zones during trans-meridian flights. The effects include fatigue, sleep, cognitive and mood disorders. The management of jet lag by air crew differs according to the length of stay in the country of arrival.
Key words: jet lag, circadian rhythms, management, air crew
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Abstract: Multifocal choroiditis is an uncommon idiopathic inflammatory disease affecting young women. It is a chronic, progressive and bilateral affection. This entity has a good visual prognosis but the risk of complications, in particular neovascularization, is not negligible. We report the case of a 50-year-old patient who complains from visual haze and floaters for several years in whom clinical examination and multimodal imaging data have made the diagnosis. Multimodal imaging data, including OCT A, helps diagnosis, guiding treatment, monitoring, and detecting complications.
Key words: Multifocal choroiditis; Choroïdal neovascularisation ; Multimodal ; OCT
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Analytical Study of Homicides in and Around Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.N.Sridhar Reddy || Dr R Shankar |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2105054047 ![]() |
Abstract: The pattern of homicidal deaths differs widely from place to place. The present study was carried out at the Institute of Forensic Medicine, Kurnool Medical College, Kurnool, India, during the period of Nov 2016 and Oct 2021. The study was done to assess the regional pattern of homicides in and around Kurnool, one of the major districts in Andhra Pradesh, India. During this study period, 50 cases of homicidal deaths were subjected to autopsy. Most of the cases were in the age group of 30-39 yrs, followed by 20-29 years. The peak incidence was found in the age group of 31-40 yrs. 76% are........
Key words: Homicide, Autopsy, Vital organs, Lacerations, Contusions
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Abstract: Background: Paediatric spinal anaesthesia has been used since the early 20th century, but it is not common in our country. Spinal anaesthesia can be given in neonates and children for lower abdominal surgery with an expert anesthesiologist. Objective: The objective of this study was to establish spinal anaesthesia as a safe and effective method in children aged 5-12 years. Materials and Method: This study was done in the anaesthesia and intensive care unit department of Bangladesh Shishu Hospital and institute from June 2012 to May 2014. A total of 40 patients with age 5-12 years with ASAI and ASAII were......
Key words: Spinal anaesthesia, children, pediatric spinal anaesthesia.
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Abstract: Background: Allergic rhinitis (AR) and Bronchial Asthma (BA) are common health problems that cause major illnesses and disabilities worldwide. These are common diseases worldwide affecting about 10–50 % of the population and their prevalence are increasing. Multiple factors contribute to the wide range of reported prevalence rates. Although allergic rhinitis (AR) is not a fatal disease, it alters the social life of patients, affecting learning performance and work productivity. Allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma are two entities often coexisting. In fact, in recent years the concept "one airway, one disease" has been proposed. Many asthmatic patients, particularly.......
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Abstract: Background: post endodontic treatment which can minimally invasive and maximize the longevity of a root canal treated teeth is a dentist concern. One such approach is an Vonlay. So this study was conducted to evaluate the stress distribution pattern in endodontically treated mesio occlusally involved premolars restored with ceramic onlay, vonlay and full crown restorations. Materials and Methods....
Key words: Finite element method, Stress pattern, Von Misses stress, Vonlay
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