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Abstract: Background: The removal of lower third molars is often associated with swelling, pain, and trismus as a result of the postoperative inflammatory response, and these can have a serious impact on the patient's quality of life, as well as having financial consequences. To reduce postoperative complications, therefore, seems a logical goal, particularly if healing is not compromised, and the use of corticosteroids has gained wide acceptance. Over several decades many studies have reported the effectiveness of corticosteroids given before or just after removal of third molars in improving recovery. The method of use, however, has varied, and the most effective regimen has yet to be defined. Methyl prednisolone is a widely used CS and the main aim of this study is to evaluate the most effective route of administration......
[1]. Kim K, Brar P, Jakubowski J, Kaltman S, Lopez E: The Use Of Corticosteroids And Nonsteroidal Antinflammatory Medication For The Management Of Pain And Inflammation After Third Molar Surgery: A Review Of Literature. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiolendod 2009; 107:630-640
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Abstract: Background: This study was conducted to know about the clinical profile and outcome of patients admitted in pediatric ICU (PICU) in a tertiary care teaching hospital of Assam. Methods: This is a hospital based, retrospective, descriptive study, done on patients admitted to PICU of Assam Medical College & Hospital , Dibrugarh, Assam from Jan 2018 - Dec 2019 (24 months). The results are tabulated in Microsoft excel. Results : Out of total 1342 patients, males were 776(57.82%) and females were 566(42.18%). Male and female ratio was 1.37: 1. Number.....
Keywords: PICU, Clinical profile, Mortality rate, Outcome
[1]. Maheswari K, Sharma N. Clinical profile and outcome of patients admitted to pediatric intensive care unit in a tertiary care teaching hospital of Puducherry, India. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2020;7:1280-3.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Recent Advancement In Management Of Dental Caries |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Tej kanwar Soni || Rajni Sidana || Amit Sidana |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2210071217 ![]() |
Abstract: Dental caries is the most prevalent and widespread chronic oral disease. We as dentist, need to work out patient-centered and personalized treatment planning to regain oral micro-ecological balance, to control caries progression and to restore the structure and function of the carious teeth. This article overviews the latest minimally invasive, nanotechnology and modali- ties of preventive and therapeutic dental caries management and treatment options. This new information, knowledge, and materials should encourage professionals to implement these methods
Key words: Anticaries, Remineralisation, Biofilm.
[1]. Global, Regional, And National Incidence, Prevalence, And Years Lived With Disabilityfor 354 Diseases And Injuries For 195 Countries And Territories, 1990–2017:A Systematic Analysis For The Global Burden Of Disease Study 2017. Lancet, 2018.
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Abstract: Pterygium is a sunlight-related, ocular-surface disease that can obscure vision [1,2]. It occurs most frequently in populations located near the equator and in labourers who work outdoors or in specific factory environments [3]. There is a higher prevalence of pterygium in farmers, watermen, postal workers, sawmill workers, and welders. Pterygium is a wing-shaped, epithelial-covered fibro vascular lesion that originates from the limbus, more often on the nasal than temporal side [1]. Visual impairment can result from astigmatism induced by the lesion even before involvement of the central cornea; progression of the lesion with migration centrally into the......
[1]. Di Girolamo N, Chui J, Coroneo MT, Wakefield D. Pathogenesis Of Pterygia: Role Of Cytokines, Growth Factors, And Matrix Metalloproteinases. Prog Retin Eye Res 2004; 23:195-228.
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[3]. Wong TY, Foster PJ, Johnson GJ, Seah SK, Tan DT. The Prevalence And Risk Factors For Pterygium In An Adult Chinese Population In Singapore: The Tanjong Pagar Survey. Am J Ophthalmol 2001; 131:176-83.
[4]. Lin A, Stern G. Correlation Between Pterygium Size And Induced Corneal Astigmatism. Cornea 1998; 17:28-30.
[5]. Hirst LW. The Treatment Of Pterygium. Surv Ophthalmol 2003; 48:145-80..
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Abstract: Introduction:Dengue is a mosquito born illness endemic in tropical and temperate climatic zones which receive heavy rainfall. It has become a menace in South East Asia Region. Several epidemics have been observed in recent years in India. Aim: To study the clinical and hematological profile of dengue fever alongwith the outcome of patients. Materials and Methods:This was a prospective observational study done at Department of Pediatrics, Nalanda Medical College and Hospital.......
Key Words: dengue virus, fever, thrombocytopenia, NS1, shock, DHF
[1]. Special Programme for Research, Training in Tropical Dis- eases, and World Health Organization, Dengue: Guidelines for Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention and Control, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 2009.
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[5]. S. Padhi, M. Dash, P. Panda et al., "A three year retrospective study on the increasing trend in seroprevalence of dengue infection from southern Odisha, India," The Indian Journal of Medical Research, vol. 140, pp. 660–664, 2014
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Abstract: The management of medical waste is a critical issue in Bangladesh, with far-reaching implications for both public health and environmental sustainability. This review article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current status of medical waste management in Bangladesh, focusing on the urban development trajectory of mega (Dhaka) city. Drawing from a range of sources, including scholarly articles, web reports, and statistical data, the review highlights significant milestones, challenges, and solutions in the context of urban development and medical waste management. It delves into the existing laws and regulations, scrutinizes the current practices, and identifies the gaps and inconsistencies that hinder effective waste management. The article also explores various solutions and innovations......
Keywords: Medical Waste Management,, Hospital, Public Health, Health Hazards
[1]. Harhay MO, Halpern SD, Harhay JS, Olliaro PL. Health care waste management: a neglected and growing public health problem worldwide. Trop Med Int Health. 2009;14(11):1414-1417. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3156.2009.02386.x
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[3]. Janik-Karpinska E, Brancaleoni R, Niemcewicz M, et al. Healthcare Waste—A Serious Problem for Global Health. Healthcare (Basel). 2023;11(2):242. doi:10.3390/healthcare11020242
[4]. Doggalli DN. GLOBAL SCENARIO OF HOSPITAL WASTE MANAGEMENT. Published online September 30, 2013.
[5]. Rahman MM, Bodrud-Doza M, Griffiths MD, Mamun MA. Biomedical waste amid COVID-19: perspectives from Bangladesh. The Lancet Global Health. 2020;8(10):e1262. doi:10.1016/S2214-109X(20)30349-1
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Abstract: Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are a significant health concern worldwide, with unstable angina (UA) being a critical subset requiring immediate attention. Diabetes mellitus is a known risk factor for CVDs, including UA. However, the impact of diabetes on the outcomes of patients with UA in Bangladesh is not well-studied. Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted in Bangladesh, involving 200 participants with UA, categorized into two groups based on their diabetes status. Group-1 included 100 patients with diabetes, and Group-2 included 100 patients without diabetes. The study analyzed the sociodemographic characteristics, clinical history, clinical....
Keywords: Cardiac, Coronary, Angina, Diabetes
[1]. Roth GA, Johnson C, Abajobir A, Abd-Allah F, Abera SF, Abyu G, Et Al. Global, Regional, And National Burden Of Cardiovascular Diseases For 10 Causes, 1990 To 2015. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2017 Jul 4;70(1):1–25.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Silent Spontaneous Cesarean Scar Dehiscence- A Rare Occurence |
Country | : | United Arab Emirates |
Authors | : | Dr.Fathima.K || Dr.Nandini Menon |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2210074344 ![]() |
Abstract: The incidence of cesarean section has increased worldwide.1 This in turn has led to increased uterine scar dehiscence which increases the risk of uterine rupture.2 Spontaneous silent cesarean scar dehiscence is a rare occurrence if undetected and lead to fatal feto maternal complications. The diagnostic methods and treatment modalities have a lot of controversies. Here we present a case of spontaneous cesarean scar dehiscence in a patient with previous two lower segment cesarean sections detected at planned surgery. Her intraoperative and post operative period were uneventful and discharged on fourth post operative day.
Keywords: Cesarean section , scar dehiscence , cesarean scar , ultrasound
[1]. Sawada M, Matsuzaki S, Nakae R, et al. Treatment and repair of uterine scar dehiscence during cesarean section. Clin Case Rep 2017; 5(2): 145–149.
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[4]. Ramadan MK, Kassem S, Itani S, et al. Incidence and risk factors of uterine scar dehiscence identified at elective repeat cesarean delivery: a case-control study. J Clin Gynecol Obstet 2018; 7(2): 37–42.
[5]. Bashiri A, Burstein E, Rosen S, et al. Clinical significance of uterine scar dehiscence in women with previous cesarean delivery: prevalence and independent risk factors. J Reprod Med 2008; 53(1): 8–14.
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Abstract: Hydatid cyst commonly affects liver followed by lung, but rarely affects both organs simultaneously. Here we presented a patient who presented with concurrent involvement of both lungs and liver. Concomitant pulmonary and liver hydatid cysts occur in 4% 25% of patients with echinococcosis. Ultrasonography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging can recognize certain details of the lesions and discover others that are not visible by conventional radiography. For a specific serologic diagnosis, our experience favors the immunoglobulin G enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunoelectrophoresis. Four treatment options are currently available: radical surgery, conservative surgery, puncture-aspiration-injection-respiration (PAIR), and ant parasitic medical treatment. Surgery is gold standard for liver hydatid cyst and can be done by open/laparoscopic approach. The prognosis has changed during the last few years, and results are now commonly satisfactory. Operative mortality does not exceed 1% to 2%.
Keywords: Echinococcosis, Hydatid cyst, Benzimidazoles, pulmonary
[1]. Sachar S, Goyal S, Goyal S, Sangwan S. Uncommon Locations And Presentations Of Hydatid Cyst. Ann Med Health Sci Res. 2014 May;4(3):447-52. Doi: 10.4103/2141-9248.133476. PMID: 24971224; PMCID: PMC4071749. [2]. Aghajanzadeh M, Safarpoor F, Amani H, Alavi A. One-Stage Procedure For Lung And Liver Hydatid Cysts. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann. 2008 Oct;16(5):392-5. Doi: 10.1177/021849230801600510. PMID: 18812348. [3]. Iqbal N, Hussain M, Idress R, Irfan M. Disseminated Hydatid Cyst Of Liver And Lung. BMJ Case Rep. 2017 Nov 28;2017:Bcr2017222808. Doi: 10.1136/Bcr-2017-222808. PMID: 29184009; PMCID: PMC5720282. [4]. Dincer SI, Demir A, Sayar A, Gunluoglu MZ, Kara HV, Gurses A. Surgical Treatment Of Pulmonary Hydatid Disease: A Comparison Of Children And Adults. J Pediatr Surg. 2006 Jul;41(7):1230-6. Doi: 10.1016/J.Jpedsurg.2006.03.053. PMID: 16818054. [5]. Toleti S, Subbarao M, Dwarabu P. Hydatid Disease Of The Lung Presenting With Hemoptysis And Simulating A Lung Abscess. Trop Parasitol. 2012 Jan;2(1):69-70. Doi: 10.4103/2229-5070.97248. PMID: 23508291; PMCID: PMC3593498.
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Abstract: Tuberculosis causing massive pericardial effusion is an extremely rare complication of tuberculosis and often goes undetected1. Young Adult manifesting as massive pericardial effusion with cardiac tamponade and right atrial rupture is a rare complication and is a surgical emergency. There are very few cases reported in the literature about right atrial rupture in a case of tuberculous pericardial effusion.
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Abstract: Pancreatic pseudocysts are complications of acute or chronic pancreatitis. The size and duration of a pancreatic pseudocyst are not reliable predictors for its potential resolution or complications. Nevertheless, larger cysts tend to be more symptomatic or prone to complications than smaller ones. The primary indications for invasive drainage procedures are persistent patient symptoms and the presence of complications, such as infection, gastric outlet or biliary obstruction, and bleeding. We present case of a 59-year-old female with a large pancreatic pseudocyst wich was not accessible to endoscopic draining.
Keywords: Pseudocyst , Retropancreatic , Endoscopic ultrasound
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Abstract: Background- management of extensor tendon injuries needs a through knowledge and evaluation of the zone involved as well as the mechanism of injury. This will help surgeons in predicting outcomes of a certain surgical procedure. The debridement of wounds, the rigid internal fixation of bone, the repair of neurovascular structures, and the covering of the skin takes precedence over the repair of the extensor tendon. There is limited information available about the outcomes of various surgical procedures based on zones of extensor tendon injuries, especially with regard to grip strength. Hence, the present studied aimed at evaluating the outcomes of surgery in Extensor hand injuries, such as grip strength, Extensor lag and flexion loss........
Keywords: hand injury, tendon repair, Kessler stitch, extensor tendon rehabilitation
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