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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Gender Equity And Political Participation |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Krishnaveni .D |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210010104 ![]() |
Abstract: The status of women in India has been subject to many great changes over the past few millennia. From equal status with men in ancient times through the low points of the medieval period, to the promotion of equal rights by many reformers, the history of women in India has been eventful. In modern India, women have held high offices in India including that of the President, Prime Minister, Speaker of the Lok Sabha and Leader of the Opposition. As of 2011, the Speaker of the Lok Sabha and the Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha (Lower House of the parliament) were women. Women in India now participate fully in areas such as education, sports, politics, media, art and culture, service sectors, science and technology, etc. Indira Gandhi, who served as Prime Minister of India for an aggregate period of fifteen years, is the world's longest serving woman Prime Minister.............
[1] Arun. Rashmi Role of Women in Panchayati Raj 1996: The Administrator
[2] Chattopadhyay and E. Duflo, 2004, "Women as Policy Makers: Evidence from a Randomized Policy
Experiment in India," Econometrica 72(5), pp. 1409–1443;
[3] Dahlerup, Drude (1998). 'Using Quotas to increase Women's Political Representation.' In Karam, Azza
(ed).Women in Parliament: Beyond Numbers. Stockholm: The International Institute for Democracy and
Electoral Assistance.
[4] Dreze, Jean and Amartya Sen (2004). 'Gender Inequality and Women's Agency.' In Mohanty,
Manoranjan (ed). Class, Caste, Gender: Readings in Indian Government and Politics-5. New Delhi: Sage
[5] Election Commission of India Election Statistics Pocket Book 2014: Election Commission of India.
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Abstract: Para realizar la presente investigación se parte del enfoque metodológico dispuesto por la Praxeología, la sistematización de experiencias a partir de la interpretación hermenéutica, la Investigación Acción Participativa aplicada a nivel de sociedad local y se desarrolla la observación participante y las cartografías subjetivas y de la percepción. Se hace una aproximación a los referentes teórico relacionados con los métodos de sistematización de procesos sociales; los antecedentes de estudios sobre las dinámicas socio económicas de la ciudad de Ibagué; el contexto concreto de la comuna 6; la descripción de las variables sociodemográficas de la población, las dinámicas territoriales locales; y el análisis de los imaginarios espaciales. El estudio confronta los marcos de referencia y contextuales, con la percepción de los habitantes sobre su experiencia espacial, analiza el espacio como concepto, el espacio como experiencia vivida, las imágenes mentales sobre el territorio y el grado de identidad con el mismo.
[1] Not L. Las pedagogías del conocimiento. Fondo de cultura económica. Mexico 1991.
[2] Torres J. Globalización e interdisciplinariedad: el curriculum integrado. Editorial Morata. España 1994
[3] Dilts R. y otros. Identificación y cambio de creencias. Ediciones Urano. España 2002.
[4] Juliao C. El enfoque praxeológico. UNIMINUTO. Bogotá. 2011.
[5] Juliao, C.Una pedagogía praxeológica. Bogotá: UNIMINUTO. Colombia.2013..
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Abstract: Mass Media plays a pivotal role in development. The advent of network technology establishes knowledge base society. Access to communication provides support to manage livelihood of rural people. The road connectivity is one of the most important aspects for rural area to improve the economic status as well as life style of the rural women. A suitable market place, good environment and gender discrimination is most important factors for empowering rural women. The women contribution in livelihood of rural people is remarkable. The women of Assam especially tribal women have an inborn talent and skills in making textile. They are skilled weaver. Everyday a large number of women vegetable seller come from the rural areas to Abu Market of Dispur Ganeshguri to sell vegetables and other indigenous products on the footpath. When we talk about economic empowerment of both rural and..............
Keywords:- Mass Media, Traditional Haat, livelihood and economic empowerment
[1] The Assam Tribune Editorial Page , August 27, 2015, Sexuality, gender and the media , Patricia of Panchyat and Rural Development, Govt. of Assam.
[3] Promila Kapur- Empowering the Indian women, New Delhi Publication Division,2001.
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Abstract: More than 75 million people speak pidgin and creole languages, but a vast majority of their speakers acquire literacy in another language – usually the language of a former colonial power (Siegel, 2005). Sebba (1997, p. 233) calls pidgins and creoles as "developing" with the emphasis on their potentiality to fulfill the same function as any other "developed" language, like English or French. He argues that they do have a potential to develop. In spite of the negative attitudes towards these developing languages from their own speakers, creoles can go up to the level of any other official languages. Attitudes towards pidgins and creoles and the problems that the creole speakers face and the role of linguistic and political power involved in making creoles official languages and medium of instructions in their countries are the major issues to focus on.
Key words: Creoles, Pidgins, official language, attitudes, contact languages, monolingualism, bilingualism, multilingualism, native speakers, standardization, diglossia.
[1] Adler, M. K. (1977). Pidgins, Creoles and Lingua Francas: A Sociolinguistic Study. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag.
[2] Bickerton, D (1981) Roots of Language, pp. 116-122. Scientific American 249 (8).
[3] Devonish, H. (1986a). Language and Liberation: Creole Language Politics in the Caribbean. London: Karia Press.
[4] Devonish, H. (1986b). "The Decay of Neo-colonial Official Language Policies: The Case of the English-lexicon Creoles of the Commonwealth Caribbean‟ in Görlach and Holm (eds.). Focus on the Caribbean. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
[5] Dejean, V. (2010). Creole and Education in Haiti, pp. 199-215, in Spears, K. and Berotte Joseph C.M. (eds.). The Haitian Creole Language: History, Structure, Use, and Education (Caribbean Studies), New York: Lexington Books..
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Abstract: Ensuring good governance is one of the important pre-conditions of any socio-economic development. Bangladesh Government has taken significant initiatives to materialize Vision 2021 as an instrument to ensure good governance. In fact, effective, efficient and dynamic administrative system upholds the atmosphere of good governance. In this regard, implication of appropriate performance management system has been defined as a vital factor for making the administrative system more vibrant. Over the last 20 years there has been a revolution in performance measurement and management and growing body of literature used both the terms of performance measurement and performance management interchangeably (Neely, 1998). Keeping this in mind, with a view to ensuring institutional.............
Key words: Good Governance, Performance Management System (PMS), Annual Performance Agreement (APA). diglossia.
[1] Research Work- "Achieving Efficient Performance Management and Effective Governance: Potential of Annual Performance Agreement in Bangladesh".
[2] Guidelines for Annual Performance Agreement(2014-2015).
[3] Neely, A. (1998), "Measurement business performance-why, what and how". The Economist, London.
[4] Osman, F.A. (2009), Performance Management.
[5] Jahan, Ferdous(2006).Public Administration in Bangladesh...
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Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know the evaluation of reaction, learning and behavior of socialization participants toward the application of ISO and SOP of tourism tourism education by looking at the basis that the condition of tourism education in Indonesia has been done many renewals. The purpose of the renewal is to keep tourism tourism education products relevant to the needs of the world of work, the requirements for further tourism tourism education at the next level of tourism tourism education and able to face the globalization of international competition. Described as the method chosen in this study is considered suitable to be able to describe the phenomenon that occurs from the data collected. Sampling technique is done by population, in accordance with the number of participants who follow the socialization in January 2017. At level 1, evaluation of the reactions, they are satisfied with the explanation of ISO and SOP. For level 2, the learning evaluation, states had learned attitudes toward what they received from the explanation of ISO and SOP, while at level 3, behavioral evaluation............
Key words: ISO 9001 and IWA 2, Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model, Standard Operational Procedure (SOP), Students' Tourism, Tourism education
[1] Bauer, T. N., Morrison, E. W., & Callister, R. R. Organizational Socialization: A Review and Directions for Future Research. In G. R. Ferris (Ed.) Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management 16, pp. 149-214.(Stamford, CT: JAI Press. 1998)
[2] Gerstner C. R., & Day, D. V. Meta-analytic review of leader-member exchange theory: Correlates and construct issues. Journal of Applied Psychology, 82, 1997. 827-844.
[3] Farjad, Shahrooz. The Evaluation Effectiveness of training courses in University by Kirkpatrick Model (case study: Islamshahr university). Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 46 . 2837 – 2841 . 1877-0428 © 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Uzunboylu DOI : 10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.05.573 Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
[4] Chao, G. T., O'Leary-Kelly, A. M., Wolf, S., Klein, H. J., & Gardner, P. D..Organizational socialization: Its content and consequences. Journal of Applied Psychology 79(5), 1994.730-743.
[5] Merriam, S. B., & Caffarella, R. S. Learning in Adulthood: A Comprehensive Guide 2nd ed. (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 1999)...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Investigation of Mobile Resource Espousal in University Libraries |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Masinde, Johnson Mulongo || Daniel W. Muthee |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210014449 ![]() |
Abstract: Mobile Internet applications and service innovations are changing people's way of life across the globe. At the same time, they are also changing the way that people communicate and access information. People who visited libraries to find specific information in the past are now able to find the same information online through mobile phones. However, there has always been a technological gap between developed and developing countries, a scenario that has been attributed to lack of financial muscle and goodwill. With mobile computing as the current trend across different spectrums, this study sort to ascertain the mobile resource espousal in university libraries across the globe with a key concentration on Universities in developed and underdeveloped countries. The Countries...............
Key words: Mobile resources, espousal, developed countries, developing countries, University libraries
[1] (IMF) report 2016 (
[2] Alan W. Aldrich (2010). Universities and Libraries Move to the Mobile Web. EDUCAUSE Quarterly, 33(27).
[3] Catharine Bomhold (2014). Mobile services at academic libraries: meeting the users‟ needs.# Library Hi Tech, 32(2),336 – 345
[4] Gillwald, A., Milek, A and Stork, C. (2010), "Gender assessment of ICT access and usage in Africa." Research ICT Africa.
[5] Ivana Pažur (2014). #Attitude of the Rudjer Boškovic Institute‟s scientists to the small screen mobile devices library services: A user survey.# Library Hi Tech, 32(4), 628- 644..
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Abstract: In teenagers, age, both male and female, their proximity to peer-group is very high because besides the peer-group ties replace the family ties, they are also a source of affection, sympathy and understanding, sharing experiences and as a place for the teenagers to achieve autonomy and independence. Conformity is a tendency to change a person's beliefs or behaviors to suit the behavior of others. There is a difference of conformity based on the result of calculation from Analysis of Variance 1 Lane, in which it is known there is a difference of the male conformity and the conformity of female. This result is known by viewing the coefficient value of Anava F = 531.864 with significant coefficient 0.000. This means that the significant value obtained is smaller than 0.050. The proposed hypothesis is accepted assuming There is a difference in conformity in terms of gender in teenagers is assumed that the conformity of adolescent boys is lower than the conformity of adolescent girls.
Key words: conformity; gender; teenagers; student
[1] Ali, Mohammad and Asrori, Muhammad. Psikologi Remaja Perkembangan. Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara 2007.
[2] Alfian, I. N. & Suminar, D. R. 2003. Perbedaan Tingkat Kebermaknaan Hidup
[3] Remaja Akhir pada Berbagai Status Identitas Ego dengan Jenis Kelamin sebagai Kovariabel.INSAN. Vol. 5, No. 2, 87-109.
[4] Azwar, S. 1997. Reliabilitas dan Validitas. Yogyakarta : Penerbit Liberty
[5] Baron, R. A & Byrne, D. 2005. Psikologi Sosial jilid 2. Jakarta: Erlangga..
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Abstract: religion plays an important role in the formation of adolescent attitudes toward premarital sex. With the existence of religiosity, the teenagers do not experience a shock in religious. Sex education is not meant to teach teenagers how to have sex, but instead teaches them about the responsibilities, risks and consequences of having sex. The unhealthy or inappropriate sex information in teenager age has resulted in teenagers being involved in cases of conflicts and mental disorders, false ideas and fear related to sex. sex and gender are often used interchangeably, although some experts define sex as a biological and sex element as socially studied elements of sexuality. The factors..............
Key words: religion; sexual behavior; teenagers; student
[1] Ali, A. 2005. Psikologi Remaja. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
[2] Arikunto, S. 2002. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
[3] Azwar, S. 2000. Penyusunan Skala Psikologi. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
[4] Azwar, S. 1998. Sikap Manusia Teori Dan Pengukurannya. Yogyakarta: Liberty.
[5] Dariyo, A. 2004. Psikologi Perkembangan Remaja. Bogor Selatan: Ghalia Indonesia..
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Abstract: This research aims to see the correlation between self-Esteem and optimism for the recovery of hemodialisis patient in the Dr. H. Kumpulan Pane Hospital Tebing Tinggi subdistrict. Subjects in this research are fifty hemodialysis patients in the Dr. H. Kumpulan Pane hospital by using total population sampling technique. By assuming is that the higher the Self-Esteem, so the higher the optimism for healing occurs and the Self-Esteem lower, so the lower the optimism to heal occurs in Hemodialisa patients. Based on the data analysis, the following results are obtained: 1) It is known that there is a significant positive correlation between Self- Esteem and Optimism to heal where rxy = 0.282; P = 0.047 <0.05. It means that the better self-esteem means the the higher optimism. 2) Based on..............
Key words: self-esteem; optimism; hemodialysis; patient
[1] Arikunto, S. 2012. Prosedur Penelitian. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta
[2] Atkinson, dkk. 1999. Pengantar Psikologi Jilid I. Jakarta: Erlangga
[3] Azwar, S. 2003. Validitas Dan Reliabilitas Edisi IV. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar
[4] 2005.Penyusunan Skala Psikologi. Yogyakarta: PustakaBelajar.
[5] Baron, RA. 2005. Psiko Sosial Nilid 2. Jakarta: Erlangga.
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Abstract: Career choice has the potential to influence the social mobility, economic security, employment opportunity, emotional well being and quality of life of an individual and his/her family. The process of choosing a career is a developmental task that comes as a challenge to both the child and the parent. As the child progresses across the career stages, decisions of persistence and shift are also made. The present research aimed to study the role of family environment and work values in determining the vocational preference and work values across career stages. The participants included children freshly enrolled in college, those who had been working for less than 2 years after post graduation and those working for less than 10 years, the sample size being 120. The measures used in the.............
Key words: family environment, values, career
[1] Agarwala, T. (2008). Factors influencing career choice of management students in India. Career Development International, 13(4), 362-376.
[2] Arnett, J. J. (2012). New horizons in research on emerging and young adulthood. In Early adulthood in a family context (pp. 231-244). Springer New York.
[3] Arnold, J. (2011). Career concepts in the 21st century. © British Psychological Society.
[4] Arthur, M. B., Claman, P. H., & DeFillippi, R. J. (1995). Intelligent enterprise, intelligent careers. The Academy of Management Executive, 9(4), 7-20.
[5] Arthur, M. B., Hall, D. T., & Lawrence, B. S. (Eds.). (1989). Handbook of career theory. Cambridge University Press...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | 'श्रीमद्भागवतमहापुराणस्य मङ्गलपद्यगतसमस्तपदविमर्शः' |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | नीरजनौटियालः |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210019294 ![]() |
Abstract: निगमकल्पतरोर्गलितफलभूतं श्रीमद्भागवतमेकतः परमभक्तैरास्वाद्यं वर्तते। अपरश्च विद्वद्भिरपि
संसेव्यं विद्यते, तद्यथा – विद्यावतां भागवते परीक्षा' अस्य श्रीमद्भागवतशास्त्रस्य वैशिष्ट्यमनेनैव स्पष्टं
भवति यदाधुनिकेऽस्मिन् परिवेशेऽपि सर्वत्र एतत्कथामन्दाकिनि प्रवहन्ति दृश्यते। तथैव विद्वान्सोऽपि
विविधटीकाप्रणयनेन निरन्तरमस्य महाग्रन्थस्य ग्रन्थिभेदनं कृतवन्तः।......
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | भारतीय किसान का समस्या और चुनौतियाँ |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.P.M. SHARMILA |
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: | 10.9790/0837-22100195100 ![]() |
Abstract: हम जो भी भोजन करते हैं वह किसानों की वजह से उपलब्ध होता है। पूरे विश्व की जनसंख्या भोजन के लिए किसानों के ऊपर निर्भर करती है चाहे वह कोई भी देश हो। किसानों की वजह से ही हम इस ग्रह पर जीवन यापन कर पा रहे हैं। इस कारण से किसान दुनिया के सबसे महत्वपूर्ण लोगों में से एक है। इतना अधिक योगदान देने के बाद भी किसानों की परिस्थितियां बिगड़ी हुई है। भारत में किसान को अन्नदाता....
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