Version-9 (October-2017)
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Abstract: Criminal activities in higher educational institution of Bangladesh are alarmingly increasing day by day. However, there is no concrete empirical research work to evaluate the pathetic scenario. This study explored the pattern and hidden facts of criminal activities in the higher educational institution of Bangladesh. Three universities from different regions of Bangladesh were purposively selected as the study area. Analysis based on the qualitative method where primary data were collected from students who were accused and punished by their corresponding institutions shows four general patterns of campus crime: social, economic, political and cyber. Psychological instinct, poverty, commodity fetishism, integration-regulation problem, cultural lag, improper political culture, money-power..
Keywords: Crime, Higher Educational Institution, Social crime, Political crime, Economic crime and Cybercrime[1] Bode, Thomas., and Snow, Loren. (2014). "Statistical Analysis of Campus Safety Factors‟.,paper
presented to the Department of Economics, University of Oregon, from
[2] Bukenya, James O. (2005). "Crime Trends and Socio-economic Interactions: A County-level Analysis‟. Criminal Justice Studies, 18(4), 365-378.
[3] Gius, Mark. (1999). "The Economics of the Criminal Behavior of Young Adults: Estimation of an Economic Model of Crime with a Correction for Aggregate Market and Public Policy Variables‟. American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 58(4), 947-957
[4] Islam, Shamsul, Md. (2016). "Future of Heigher Education in Bangladesh‟. The Daily Star, Supplements,
25th anniversary special part-3, 12:00 AM, February 03, 2016, from
[5] Islam, Sirajul., (2014), in Campus Violence., Banglapedia, Education Category, from
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Migrants and Refugees: Resolutions Of the Inter -American Court Of Human Rights |
Country | : | Mexico |
Authors | : | Alfredo Islas Colín Ph.D |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210090610 ![]() |
Abstract: We expose the human rights violations to migrants and refugees from the resolutions and advisory opinions issued by the Inter-American Court of Human rights in three different parts: firstly, the refugees and migrants, concepts, children, asylum. In the second part, it is analysed minimum rights of migrants and refugees such as integrity and personal freedom, access to justice, due process, non-discrimination and consular assistance. On the third part, it would be discussed the compensation of damages, including capacitation programs and public media campaigns.
Keywords: asylum, imprisonment, inter-american court of human rights, migrants and refugees.
[1] Corte IDH, Condición jurídica y derechos de los migrantes indocumentados, Opinión Consultiva OC-18/03 de 17 de septiembre de 2003, Serie A No. 18, (2003).
[2] Corte IDH, Caso Tibi Vs. Ecuador, Excepciones Preliminares, Fondo, Reparaciones y Costas, Sentencia de 7 de septiembre de 2004. Serie C No. 114, (2004).
[3] Corte IDH, Derechos y garantías de niñas y niños en el contexto de la migración y/o en necesidad de protección internacional, Opinión Consultiva OC-21/14 de 19 de agosto de 2014, Serie A No. 21, (2014).
[4] Corte IDH, Caso familia Pacheco Tineo Vs. Bolivia, Excepciones Preliminares, Fondo, Reparaciones y Costas, Sentencia de 25 de noviembre de 2013, Serie C No. 272, (2013).
[5] Convención sobre el Estatuto de los Refugiados, artículo 33.2, adoptado en Ginebra, Suiza, el 18 de julio de 1951, adhesión de México el 7 de junio de 2000 y decreto promulgatorio DOF el 25 de agosto de 2000.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on the Implementation of Platform Government Focused on Administrative Spatial Information |
Country | : | Korea |
Authors | : | Ji-Yeon YOO |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210091116 ![]() |
Abstract: The administrative spatial information system links the real-life needs of people with information of space, and it can be said that it is most suitable for the necessity and possibility of utilization. In order to enhance the quality of public service and enhance the efficiency of administration, the public sector, such as those responsible for administrative spatial information, directly implements this service to the public. This paper suggests a platform implementation plan that uses information.
Keywords:- Platform Government, Public Service, Administrative Spatial Information
[1] L. S., Shin (2012). "Exploring the Next Generation of E-Government: Possibilities and Limitations of the Platform Government (P_Gov)," Paper presented at the 2012 KAPA Summer Conference".
[2] Y. C., Kim, S. A., Shin, and Y. I. Kwon (2011). "A Study on Public Policy Opening and Utilization Platform Policy for Activating Mobile Contents", Special Issue on Korean Information Science Society (1).
[3] S. H., Myung, S. S., Hwang, and C. J. Huh (2011). "The Government of Smart Society: Focusing on the Platform-type Government Model," Paper presented at the Winter Conference of the Korean Public Administration Association, The Korean Association of Public Administration, 2011.
[4] J. S., Hwang (2010). "Seeking a change to a platform-type government with openness of public information," Vol. 21. CIO Report, Korea Information Society Agency.
[5] Korea Information Society Development Institute (2012). "A Study on the New Informatization Strategy for the Human-Centered Communication Society (I)", 12-09-01..
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Abstract: Geertz divides Muslims in Java into three strata namely Abangan, Santri and Priyayi (civil servants) which are also present in Sumatra island, especially in North Sumatra Province. The Abangan Muslim community is identical as a Muslim because the descendants are caused by both parents who gave birth to their Islam and automatically the children of their descendants are Muslims as well, but lack of
understanding of the true teachings of Islam. The purpose of this study is to find out why they consider oreign languages especially English is "haram" or forbidden. This research is field research with qualitative and descriptive approach. The theoretical basis used in this study is Clifford Geertz's theory. The results show that due to the weak knowledge of these traditional Muslim........
Key words: learning English; perspectives; traditional Muslim people
[1] Buku Sumut, Provinsi Sumatera Utara dalam Angka 2016 ("North-Sumatra Province in Figure 2016)
[2] Daniel L. Pals. Seven Theories of Religion, Yogyakarta: Penerbit Qalam, 2001.
[3] David Sills, (Ed). International of Social Sciences. New York: The Macmillan and the Free Press, 1972.
[4] Geertz, Clifford, The Religion of Java, Berkeley: The Free Press, 1960.
[5] Geertz, Clifford, Abangan, Santri, Priyayi dalam Masyarakat Jawa, terj. Aswab Mahasin, Bandung:
Dunia Pustaka Jaya, 1981
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Abstract: Objective of this Research is to analyze and explain as well to find the essence of a Business Competition Supervisory Commission, Law of independent commission in carrying out its functions as mandated by Law No. 5 of 1999. On the prohibition of monopolistic practices and Effort healthy competition This research method is empirical normative research using data and Theory from Supervisory Commission of Business Competition from the theories related to the supervision theory and the theory of justice as well as economic theory. Based on the research results can be concluded that the existing competition law in the Sulawesi region have not been able to realize healthy competition........
Keyword: Business Competition, Supervisory Commission, Monopoly Practices[1] Adi Sulistiono. 2009. Hukum Ekonomi Sebagai Panglima. Sidoarjo. Buana kajian Pustaka.
[2] Ahmad Kayani. 2011. Negara dan Pasar dalam bingkai kebijakan persaingan. Komisi Pengawas Persaingan usaha. Jakarta.
[3] Arief Sidharta. 1999. Refleksi Tentang Hukum. PT Citra Aditya Bakti. Bandung.
[4] Anna Maria Tri Aggraini. 2003. Larangan Praktek Monopoli Dan persaingan usaha Tidak Sehat Per seillegal atau Rule of Reason. Program pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia,
[5] Andi Fahmi Lubis, 2009. Hukum Persaingan Usaha antara Teks dan Konteks. GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur Technische Zusammenarbeit),.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Essence of Al-Balāghah (Rhetoric) To Arabic and Yoruba Languages |
Country | : | Nigeria. |
Authors | : | Dr KamilAdeleke ADEYEMI |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210092731 ![]() |
Abstract: It is obvious that there is language contact among many people and nation. The growth of a language depends on the development of the people that use the language. Therefore, it is observed that the secret behind the care of the language of a nation and its development, is how it spreads. Among the cornerstones of science of Arabic Language is Arabic Rhetoric (Al-Balāghah). It is used to describe an oratory power in a speaker or an author. It also shows the places of art beauty in literature. Rhetoric is as important as semantics, as it touches many aspects of semantics such as language and beyond. This study highlights the importance of Arabic Rhetoric as one of the cornerstones of Arabic Language and its reflection on other languages.
Key words: Arabic Language, Arabic Rhetoric, Essence of Al-Balāghah, Semantics, Yoruba Language.
[1]. (Retrieved 06/02/20117).
[2]. (Last edited by Srnec, 23 February, 2017).
[3]. A. S. Hornby, Oxford advanced learners dictionary of current English (2015 Eight Edition).
[4]. R. D. Abubakre, Bayān in Arabic rhetoric (Ibadan, Intec printers Ltd., 1989), 4.
[5]. A. R. Hussein, Arabic rhetoric: A pragmatic analysis (London and New York, Routledge, 2006), 1.
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Abstract: positive thinking has many benefits and in fact positive thinking holds tremendous power in everyday life, whether in the family environment, education, offices or the general public. It makes the students explore more capabilities, they will also be better able to put their emotions, polite and neat in wearing clothes, have many friends, and can lead individuals toward their ideals in the future. Emotional is more directed at the stimulus in an emotional environment. Emotions occur because of external inputs to the sensory system that is what is seen and heard from the stimulus. Emotional maturity experienced by the individuals gives the effect of 24% on the positive thinking. Based on the results of this study it is known that there is still 76% role of other factors to positive thinking of the individual, where other............
Keywords: emotional maturity; positive thinking; family; community
[1] Ancok, Dj. 1987. Metodologi Penelitian. Yogyakarta: Yayasan Penerbitan Fakultas Psikologi.
[2] Djaali, H, Dr, Prof. 2008. Psikologi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
[3] Hamzah, B, Dr, Uno., M.Pd. 2008. Teori Motivasi & Pengukurannya.
[4] Jakarta : Bumi Aksara
[5] Http://
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Abstract: The term of procrastinating behavior is often called Procrastination. Procrastination comes from procrastinate which can be interpreted as a delay to do until the next time or day. A person who performs procrastination can be said to be one of the inefficient behaviors in the use of time tendency not to start a job while facing a task. There is a significant negative relationship between self-regulation with procrastination behavior of final project completion at Faculty of Psychology, Medan Area University in 2012, the higher self-regulation then procrastination behavior of final work completion will be low and the lower self-regulation hence procrastination behavior of workmanship will be higher. The effective contribution of self-regulation on UMA psychology faculty students of 2012 toward the appearance of procrastination behavior of final project in this research is 19,7%. With the remaining 80.3% records are other factors that could lead to the appearance of procrastination final behavior as well.
Keywords: self-regulation; procrastination behavior; psychology[1] Arikunto .(2006). Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta
[2] Burka, Yuan. (1983). Procrastination : why you do it, what to do about it now.Cambridge: A Mamber Of Perseus
[3] Books Group
[4] Daditono, (1982).Psikologi Perkembangan,Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada Universtiy Press
[5] Dinda.(2010). Hubungan antara self efficacy dengen prokrastinasi pada mahasiswa psikologi universitas medan
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Role of E-Learning in Higher Educational Institutions |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mr. Dinesh C Patel || Dr. Atul Bhatt |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210095257 ![]() |
Abstract: The Internet is a technological massive development that has the likely to change not only the way society retains and accesses knowledge but also to transform and restructure traditional models of higher education, particularly the delivery and interaction in and with courseware andallied resources. Using the Internet to deliver E-Learning initiatives has created potentials both in the business market and in higher education institutions. Definitely, E-Learning has enabled universities to expand on their current geographical reach, to capitalize on new potential students and to establish themselves as worldwide educational providers. This paper examines the issues immediate the implementation of E-Learning into higher education, including the structure and delivery of higher education, the implications to both students and faculty members and universal impact of society.
Keywords: E-Lerning, higher education, organizational change.[1] Council of the European Union (2011): Council conclusions on the role of education and raining in the implementation of the 'Europe 2020' strategy. 2011/C 70/01.Official Journal of the uropean Union, 4.3.2011, received from
[2] UNESCO (2005): Towards Knowledge Societies. World Report, ISBN 92-3-204000-X.p. 84,received from http//
[3] Charlesworth, A. (2002). Computer tutor, PC Advisor, pp. 177-181.
[4] Coldwell (2003) Mapping Pedagogy to Technology – A Simple Model. In Advances in Web-Based Learning - ICWL 2003 Vol. 2783 / 2003. Springer-Verlag GmbH. pp.180 - 192
[5] Colis, B., and Moonen, J. (2001). Flexible learning in a digital world: Experiences and expectations. London: Kogan-Page.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Technology and Growth of Modern Banking |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ramanpreet Kaur Nayyar |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210095865 ![]() |
Abstract: Banking sector plays an important role in the economic development of the country. It is a well known fact that strong and smooth banking sector leads to a more stable economy. Day by day, the banking sector is changing its way of working. Banks, all over the world have adopted electronic banking. It is not only making life easier for customers; but also for their employees. With the introduction of e-banking, the customers can be in virtual contact with their banks, anytime and from anywhere. In lieu of same, the present paper attempts to examine the pattern of customers in accepting different means of electronic banking, their satisfaction level, frequency and purposes with the growth of banking sector and technology advancement. The problems which the consumer faces have also been identified based upon which managerial implications are suggested.
Keywords: Banks, Customers, Electronic Banking, Institutions, Technology
[1] Auta, E. M. (2010). E-banking in Developing Economy: Empirical evidence from Nigeria. The Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods, 5(2), 212-222
[2] Geetha, K.T. & Malarvizhi, V. (2011). Acceptance of E-banking among Customers. The Journal of Management and science, 2(1)
[3] Jalal, A., Marooz, J.K. & Nabi, H.A. (2011). Evaluating impacts of online banking factors on motivating the process of e-banking. The Journal of Management and Sustainability, 1(1), 32-42
[4] Musiime, A. & Ramadan, M. (2011). Internet Banking: Consumer Adoption and Consumer Satisfaction. The Journal of Marketing Management, 3(10), 261-269
[5] Seyal, A.H. & Rahlm, M.M. (2011).Customer satisfaction with internet banking in Brunei Darussalam. The Journal of E-service, 7(3), 47-68
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Dispute Resolution of Islamic University Of North Sumatra (UISU) Indonesia |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Drs. Syarifuddin Elhayat |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210096676 ![]() |
Abstract: The disputes of the Islamic University of North Sumatera Medan (UISU) refer to two sides: the disputes at the foundation level and those at university level. The disputes at the foundation level are the ongoing efforts done by Helmi to take control of UISU, starting from the establishment of Forum Silaturrahmi Anak Pendiri UISU (kinship forum of UISU founders‟ children) having a goal to install the children in the structural organization of UISU but this is then rejected by Sariani. At a later stage they established UISU foundation of their own as a counter to Sariani. The next dispute is at the university level owing to the foundation appointing the rector; so legally the Rector conducting the policy and the learning process becomes the dispute at UISU. This research was conducted with...........
Keywords: ADR, Foundation, Rector, UISU and dispute
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Abstract: This study was conducted first, to examine the process of settlement of oil spill contamination at sea and the constraints faced in obtaining compensation. Both of these studies also examine the compilation of cases of compensation for oil spill contamination at sea in optimizing the implementation of blue economy. This research uses normative juridical method which is done by deeply examining the rules of international and national law related to this research object. This research also comes with data collection from both the literature and field research conducted through interviewing and distributing questionnaires. In addition to searching data via the internet. The results show that for the compensation, the plaintiffs are based primarily on the 1992 International Convention on Civil Liability (CLC..........
Keywords: Compensation, Oil Contamination, Merger Case, Blue Economy.
[1] Birnie, Patricia W. and Boyle, Alan E., 1992, Iternational Law & The Environment, Clarendon Press, Oxford, New York.
[2] Chao, Wu, 1996, Pollution from the Carriage of oil by Sea : Liability and Compensation, Kluwer law International, London-The Hague-Boston.
[3] Eddy Cahyono Sugiarto, Ekomoni Biru dan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan, <
[4] International Oil Pollution Compensastion (IOPC) Fund 1992, "Claims Manual December 2008 < .en.pdf
[5] Komar Kantaatmadja, 1982, Bunga Rampai Hukum Lingkungan Laut Internasional, Alumni, Bandung,