Version-7 (October-2017)
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Abstract: Ageing is an inevitable developmental phenomenon bringing along a number of changes in the physical, psychological, hormonal and the social conditions. As man grows, his reduced activities, income and consequent decline in the position of the family and society makes his life more vulnerable. An old person begins to feel that even his children do not look upon him with that degree of respect, which he used to get some years earlier. The old persons feel neglected and humiliated. This may lead to the development of psychology of shunning the company of others.
Keywords: loneliness, social support and self esteem, elderly, oldage homes[1]. Adams, K. B., Sanders, S., & Auth, E. A. (2004). Loneliness and depression in independently living retirement communities: Risk and resilience factors. Journal of Aging and Mental Health, 475-485.
[2]. Alpass, F. M., & Neville, S. (2003). Loneliness and depression in older males. Journal of Aging and Mental Health, 7, 212-216.
[3]. Routasalo, E., Savikko, N., Tilvis, R.S., Strandberg, T.E. and Pitka¨ la¨, K.H. (2006). ""Social contacts and their relationship to loneliness among aged people – a population-based study‟‟.Gerontology. 52(3); pp. 181-187.
[4]. Minayo, M. C. S., Cavalcante, F. G., Mangas, R. M., & Pinto, L. W. (2010). Suicídio de pessoas idosas e fatores associados a esse fenômeno no Brasil e no Rio de Janeiro. Mimeo.
[5]. Yadhav Shaline, Agarwal Shaline .( 2014). Loneliness and spiritual well-being among elderly having psychological disorders. The International Journal of Science and Research.3 (6)..
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Abstract: Auditory learning style enables auditory learners to learn best by hearing or through verbal communication. Auditory learners are good at remembering what they hear as theylearn informationthrough auditory representation. Auditory components such as tone, pitch, and loudness are all important to these learners. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the views of students over Auditory Teaching and Learning Strategy for an interactive and communicative classroom environment.To obtain necessary data from participants, we asked two open ended questions to the participant students: How can you learn foreign language bestin the classroom environment?, and What kind of teaching or learning strategies does your foreign language teacher use and.............
Keywords: Auditory Learning, Auditory Teaching, Learning Style, Classroom Management, Effective Learning
[1] Akyol, H. (2010). YeniProgramaUygunTürkçeÖğretimYöntemleri (3. baskı). Ankara: PegemAkademiYayıncılık.
[2] Annette, V., & Dianne, R. (2001). Learning Style Awareness: A Basis for Developing Teaching and Learning Strategies. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, v33 n5 Sum 2001
[3] Arı, R.,Üre, Ö. & Yılmaz, H. (1999). Gelişimveöğrenmepsikolojisi. Konya: MikroYayınları.
[4] Cheng, M. H., &Banya, K. (1998). Bridging the gap between teaching and learning styles. In J. Reid (Ed.). Understanding learning styles in the second language classroom (pp. 80-84). USA: Prentice Hall Regents.
[5] Cohen, Steven D. &Wolvin, Andrew D. (2011) Listening to Stories: An Initial Assessment of Student Listening Characteristics. Listening Education, 2/2011 pp. 16-25.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Negation marking strategies in Etulo |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Chikelu Ihunanya Ezenwafor |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210071114 ![]() |
Abstract: This study gives a descriptive account of negation in the Etulo language. It seeks to identify the negative marking strategy employed in Etulo. Using a structured questionnaire on negation, relevant data have been sourced from Etulo informants. The questionnaire reflects the negation of different construction types. The result of the analyzed data reveals that the Etulo language expresses negation by the use of negative particles. These particles are identified as bá and lóò. Their position of occurrence is mostly sentence final. The negator bá bears an inherent high tone but may assume a step tone in very few cases when the preceding tone is a step tone. On the other hand, the negative particle lóò is characterized by vowel lengthening and a syllable final low tone. The negative particle bá is analyzed as a standard negative marker associated with the imperative, simple declaratives, anticipative and perfective construction while the negative particle lóò is used in the negation of polar questions.
Keywords:- Etulo, negation, particles, tone
[1]. Crystal, M. A dictionary of linguistics and phonetics (5th edition). Oxford: Blackwells. 2003.
[2]. Dahl, O. Typology of sentence negation. 1979. Linguistics 17:76-106.
[3]. Payne, J. Negation. In (Shopen, T.ed) language typology and syntactic description. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.1985. Vol.1. 197- 242.
[4]. Miestamo, M. Standard negation: The negation of declarative verbal main clauses in a typological perspective. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 2005.
[5]. Kahrel, P. Aspects of Negation. PHD Thesis: University of Amsterdam. 1996.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Science, Social Research and Scientific Approach |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Ahmed Abubakar Magaji || Musa Hadiza Sa'eed |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210071521 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper looked at science as a systematic or step-by-step procedure required in acquiring or obtaining knowledge that is objective, empirical and rational. The paper discussed the elements of scientific inquiry such as concepts variables, hypotheses, measurements and theories. It further highlighted the characteristics of sciences like objectivity, empiricism, universal applicability, systematic, predictability, verifiability, testability, logicality, experimentation and cumulative knowledge. Various conceptions of science were treated which includes realist conception, conventionalist conception, and traditional conception (a theory, operationalisation and observation). Social.........
Key words: Science, Research, Social Research and Scientific Approach
[1] Abdulrahman (2013). The Research Process: Nature and logic in Abdulrahman, D.A., Ogundiya, I.S. and Kura, S.Y.B (eds) Research Methodology and Grandmanship, Sokoto: UsmanuDanfodiyo University press.
[2] Abdulrahman, A.A. (2012). Common Issues and Misconception in Social Research in Ogundiya, I.S. and Amzat, J. (eds) The Basic of Social Sciences, Lagos: Malthouse Press Ltd.
[3] Akinwale, A.A. (2012). Introduction to the Social Sciences in Ogundiya and Amzat J. (eds). The Basic of Social Sciences. Lagos: MalthousePress Ltd.
[4] Amzat, J. and Omolola, F. (2012). The Basic of Sociological Paradigm in I.S Ogundiya and J. Amzat (eds). The Basic in Social Sciences. Lagos Malthouse Press Limited.
[5] Bailey, K.D. (1978). Methods of Social Research (4thed.) New York: The Free Press
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Abstract: Maujana Nagori (Regional Deliberation Body in Simalungun Regency) is a form of regional democracy. The problems of this institution are not only related to its' delegation system, but also in organizing function implementation of Nagori Government. Identification of problems in this research are how well is Nagori Government according to Regional Regulations of Simalungun Regency no. 13, year 2006; how well is the function implementation of Maujana Nagori in Nagori Rabuhit of Simalungun Regency, as well as what are the obstacle and solution in the function implementation of Maujana Nagori. This is a descriptive research with normative juridical approach. Law materials being used are taken from primary, secondary, and tertiary law materials. Techniques of collecting data are library research..........
Keyword: Nagori Government, Maujana Nagori, state administrative law[1] HAW Widjaja. Otonomi Desa Merupakan Otonomi yang Asli, Bulat, dan Utuh (Village Autonomy is the Authentic, Unanimous, and Complete Autonomy). PT. RajaGrafindo Persada, Jakarta 2003, hlm. (page) 36-37
[2] Mahfud MD, Politik Hukum di Indonesia (Law Politic in Indonesia) Rajawali Pers, Jakarta, 2009, hlm. (page) 319
[3] HAW Widjaja. Otonomi Desa Merupakan Otonomi yang Asli, Bulat, dan Utuh (Village Autonomy is the Authentic, Unanimous, and Complete Autonomy). PT. RajaGrafindo Persada, Jakarta 2003, hlm. (page) 12.
[4], accessed on Tuesday, November 22, 2016 at 00.01 Local Time (WIB).
[5], Accessed on Saturday, Desember 10 2016 on 00.27 Local Time (WIB).
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Abstract: The paper titled as Subaltern Mobilization and Resistance: A Historical Exploration of Pulayas, the untouchables of erstwhile Cochin is a narrative discourse of history of Pulayas, the untouchables and their organized resistance against social exclusion.Mobilization also known as mass Mobilization or popular mobilization refers to mobilization of the civilian population. The process usually takes the form of large public gatherings such as mass meetings, Marches, parades, processions and demonstrations. Those gatherings usually are part of a protest action. The present study is an attempt to explore the historical............
Key words: Subaltern mobilizationand Resistance, Untouchables, Backwater Conference, Pulaya Maha Sabha, Jathikummi
[1] T.P Sankarankutty Nair, Karuppan the Pioneer Social Reformer, Jnanodayam Sabha Platinum Jubilee souvenir, Edacochin, 1993.p.54
[2] T.P Sankarankutty Nair, Op.Cit, p.54.
[3] ManishaPanchankamis a set of five verses composed by Sankaracharya.
[4] Ramadas Cherai, AyyankalikuAadarathode (Mal.), Ernakulam, 2009, p. 199.
[5] K. P Vallon Smaranika, Thruvananthapuram, 1981.pp.35-52.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Micro Level Study on Management of Mgnregs Created Common Property Resources in West Bengal |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sarmistha Saha |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210073740 ![]() |
Abstract: Common property resources are significant for village livlihood. MGNREGS as a rural safety net has enhanced the livelihood of the people through generation of rural assets . The conservation aspect of the CPRs created by this scheme is not much discussed. This paper provides an attempt to see how these resources are managed in rural West bengal, what is the perception about resource managemnt and how this varies across gender. At last, this paper tries to point out the significant ways for the sucessful preservation of CPRs for sustanable livelihood of the villagers.
Keywords: CPR, Sustainable livelihood generation, Perceptions.
[1] Bhushal,S.L.( 2009),The Utilization of Common Property Resources and Sustainable Management: A Case Study of Dobhan VDC of Palpa", Tribhuvan University Journal , Vol 26, No 1.
[2] Singh , K (1994) , Managing Common Pool resources: Principles and Case Studies, Delhi ,Oxford University Press.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Gandhian Philosophy of Education and Its Relevance for Sustainability |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Dayananda.K.C |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210074144 ![]() |
Abstract: People prefer convenience, efficiency and comfort due to economic progress. Man is striving for development in different walks of life such as social, agricultural, technological, medical and commercial which have caused concerns for sustainability as well. The development programmes are constantly depleting the resources vital for the sustainability of natural life support systems. Growth of human settlement into cities, the large population, technological inventions, more and more synthetic chemical and plastics, transport system ,all products of development process have polluted the environment to such an extent that it is threatening health and even the existence of human beings and other living organisms. Progress in science and technology without concern for the environment is leading to pollution of............
[1] University News, Vol.51 (44) November 04-10, 2013.
[2] Kumarappa.J.C (1984).The Economy of Permanence. Varanasi:Sarva Sewa Sangh Prakashan.
[3] Mishra, R.K (2009).Facing Environmental Challenges: The Gandhian way. Anasakti Darshan,5(2).
[4] United Nations (1987), "Report of the World Commission on Environment and development, our common future".
[5] Parekh, Bhiku,(1989).Gandhi‟s Political Philosophy: A Critical Examination, London: Mc Macmillan
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Stability and Competition in the Indian Telecom Sector Analysing the anamolous behavior of Jio |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Gauri Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210074567 ![]() |
Abstract: Post the liberalization and privatization reforms of 1991, the telecom industry shifted its nature from that of a monopoly to that of an industry fuelled by competition. Fast forward to today, and in the October of 2015, India hit the billion mark for its mobile phone subscriber base, according to the data given by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India. The aim of this study is to present a systematic and complete agenda to study the extent of stability, competition, collusion and profits in the Indian Telecom industry. This agenda not only allows us to understand the landscape of the Telecom industry in India but also aims to understand how the oligopolistic structure of the industry allows each marketer to make decent profits and yet present the customer with a variety of choices for each category of good. The study makes use of various brands of information, such as financial statements and annual reports of the various...........
[1] ARPU (Average Revenue per User). (2017). Open Government Data (OGD) Platform India. Retrieved 12 April 2017, from
[2] Bhupta, M. (2016). India has only 3% share in world mobile revenue. Business Standard. Retrieved 11 April 2017, from
[3] Broadband TV News. (2016). Global OTT TV and video revenues to generate $65 billion. Retrieved 13 April 2017, from
[4] Cournot's Duopoly Model (With Diagram). (2017). Economics Discussion. Retrieved 16 April 2017, from
[5] DNA- Daily News and Analysis. (2015). Telecom sector share in GDP marginally up at 1.94% in FY15. Retrieved from
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Paulo Freire and The Education of Architecture |
Country | : | America |
Authors | : | Alp Karaca |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210076870 ![]() |
Abstract: The traditional architecture education is inadequate in responding both today's developing technology and increasing social demands which causes it‟s not being able to reach to a large segment of society. When traditional education style is adopted, it is clearly seen that education of architecture and especially design courses couldn‟t reach the required level of freedom which is foreseen for architecture students and it is more like trapped in the patterns of the 'banker education' model of Paulo Freire, who is one of the most important educational philosophers of the 20th century. Considering that the main aim of the architecture profession is to provide architectural service, it becomes obvious that architecture profession not only keeping behind of providing service to the community.........
Keywords:Freire, Architecture, Education, Liberating, Traditional.
[1] Ayhan, S. Paulo Freire; Yaşamı, Eğitim Felsefesi ve Uygulama Üzerine, Ankara Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, Issue 28(2), 1995, 193-205
[2] Freire, P., Donaldo, M. Literacy; Reading the Word and the World. Routledge and Kegan Paul ( London, 1987)
[3] Freire, P. Ezilenlerin Pedagojisi (Ayrıntı Publications, Istanbul, 1991)
[4] Duru, S. Sanal Mimari Tasarım Studyosunda Pedagojik yaklaşımlar, İstanbul Technical University, Institue of Science, İstanbul, MA,2006
[5] Lackney, J.A. A History of the Studio-Based Learning Model, Educational Design Institue, Missipi State, 1999
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Abstract: Corruption is a worldwide menace which hinders the development and progress of nations everywhere it is allowed to fester. In Nigeria, corruption has become endemic and it has been allowed to fester for so long that it has affected all the fabrics of the nation. However, with the advent of the new government, there is a renewed effortto bring it under control if not wipe it out totally. The current government has launched a campaign called "Change Begins with Me" which is meant to herald a national rebirth for the society and its people, especially in the civil services, economic, political and social spheres.Much as this effort is commendable, this paper argues that for the campaign to succeed there is need to first tackle corruption in religion as well as involve the two major.......
Keywords: Nigeria, Religion, Islam, Christianity, Corruption, Change, Religious leaders, Campaign
[1] Alatas, Hussein, Syed. The Sociology of Corruption: The Nature, Function, Causes and Prevention of Corruption. Singapore: D. Moore Press, 1968.
[2] Alatas, Hussein, Syed.Corruption: It's Nature, Causes and Function. Kuala Lumpur: S. Abdul Majeed, 1991.
[3] Alhabshi, Syed Othman."Definition of bribery according to Islam." Accessed July 3, 2017,
[4] Ali, Shaukat, Maulana. Corruption: a Third World Perspective. Lahore, Pk.: Aziz Publishers, 1985.
[5] Buhari, M."Nigeria: Full text of Buhari‟s speech at the launch of "Change Begins With Me"." Accessed July 3, 2017,
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Portrait of the Goddess in the Kalika Purana |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rashmi Rekha Bhuyan |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210077883 ![]() |
Abstract: The Kalika Purana is a Hindu religious text belongs to the genre Puranic literature. Written around the 10th-11th century AD in Sanskrit the text celebrates the power of the divine feminine in her various manifestations centering round the goddess Kamakhya or Kalika. To this day it is used in the worship of the goddess and is greatly revered by her devotees. In the text the goddess is portrayed as the supreme deity who can manifest in various forms in accordance with the need of the time. Sometimes she is associated with the male gods as consort; at some other episodes she is independent and superior to male gods. This paper attempts to discuss the different forms of the goddess discernible in the Kalika Purana.
Keywords: Kalika, Kamakhya, Goddess, Saktism, Upa Purana
[1] Bhattacharyya N.N., 1999 The Indian Mother Goddess, Manohar, New Delhi
[2] Chatttopadhyaya B.D. 2005 "Reappearance of the Goddess or the Brahmanical Mode of Appropriation: Some Early Epigraphic bearing the Goddess Cults‟ in Studying Early India, Permanent Black, Delhi
[3] Coburn Thomas B. 1984 Devi Mahatmya: The Crystallization of the Goddess Tradition, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi
[4] Dehejia V. 1986: Yogini: Cult and Temples, National Museum, Delhi
[5] Kinsley,D. 1978: "The Portrait of the Goddess in the Devi-mahatmya‟ in Journal of American Academy of religion, XLVl (4)
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Abstract: The state of Odisha constitutes conjoining urban, rural and tribal characteristics by maintaining its divergent geo-political situations, socio-economic living conditions and varied demographic constellations. Governing the state with a balancing act of maintaining equilibrium among these dynamics has been yet a challenge. However, the government through its state machineries and support of the civil societies has been endeavouring in maximizing the delivery of services and implementing the schemes and programmes by reaching out to every section of society equitably. The state government has felt the need of implementing "Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme‟ (hereafter MGNREGS) as a rural and tribal people‟s entitlement for their economic engagements and builds their village infrastructures. The present paper deals with the impact of this largest state funded public.........
Keywords: MGNREGS, Marginal Producers, Rural Areas and Tribal Areas of Odisha
[1] Nayak Smita, 2013, Impact of MGNREGA on Status of Tribal Women in Odisha: A Case Study of Rajgangpur Block of Sundergarh District, Published in "Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 2 No. 2, December 2013"
[2] (Surfed on 17/04/2017)
[3] Odisha Economic Survey, 2014-15
[4] (Surfed on 11/06/2017)
[5] "MGNREGS in Odisha : Moving towards a New Era" by Nabaghan Ojha in Odisha Review (February - March - 2013) : Surfed on 11/06/2017.