Version-12 (October-2017)
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Abstract: The regulation of zakat as the Locally-generated revenue (PAD) is contained in Law Number 11 Year 2006 regarding Aceh Government and Article 180 Paragraph (1) Letter d concerning the source of Local Original Income. The purpose of this study is to explain the implementation of zakat as Local Original Income in the government of Aceh Besar Regency, considering this provision is especially applicable in Aceh Province. Method used is empirical research (field research). Results showed that the collection of profession zakat at government agencies in Aceh Besar Regency is done directly by the Zakat Collection Unit (UPZ). Zakat is deducted on any salary payment for civil servants, employees, and other officials who work in the government of Aceh Besar Regency.The collection of zakat mal is done by Zakat Collecting Unit on National Owned Enterprises (BUMN); and Local Owned Enterprises (BUMD), businessman,and individual business in Aceh Besar Regency. After zakatis collected...........
Keywords: Implementation, Zakat, Local Original Income, Aceh Besar[1] Abubakar, Al Yasa‟ Syari‟at Islam di Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Paradiga, Kebijakan dan Kegiatan, Dinas Syari‟at Islm Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darusalam, Banda Aceh, 2008.
[2] Ahmad Sonhadji, et. El, Penelitian Kualitatif Dalam Bidang Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial dan Keagamaan Malang, Kalimasahada Press, 1994.
[3] Armiadi, Pengelolaan Zakat Sebagai Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) Di Baitul Mal Aceh (Kontestasi Zakat Dalam Sistem Tata Kelola Keuangan Negara), Banda Aceh, Pusat Penelitian dan Penerbitan Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry, 2015.
[4] Cresswell, John W, Research Design Quantitative and Qualitative Approach, London: Sage Publication, 1994.
[5] Darise, Nurln, Pengelolaan Otonomi Daerah, Jakarta, Indeks Kelompok Gramedia, 2006
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Abstract: The research was aimed at revealing Patterns of Cultural –Based Leadership to improve the Quality of Education at MTsN Merangin region, Jambi province. The design of the research was qualitative. The informants were teachers, Headmaster of the Madrasah Tsanawiyah, and Vice principal of Madrasah, while the key of informant was the supervisor of the school. The data were collected by using observation, interview, a list of check and documentation study. The data were analyzed by applying qualitative analysis consists of data reduction, display and drawing conclusion. The finding of the research were validated by four standards consisted of Credibility, Transferability, Dependability and Comformability..........
Keywords: Pattern of Leadership, The Culture of school and Quality of Education
[1] Baskoro Wahyu, (2009). Complete Dictionary of Language Indonesia. Jakarta: Library. Loyal friend.
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[5] Effendi, Muchtar. (1996). Management An Approach Based on the Doctrine Islam.Jakarta: Bharata.
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Abstract: Informal sector women as perpetrators of circular mobility in Semarang city are commonly engaged in trading, mostly from villages, and have the same economic motivation, but have different cultural and social attitudes. Circular mobility is an event that the process is very complex, the factors are very intangible and interrelated. Differences in environmental conditions, and difference of perception of individual (the trader woman), and the type of commodity, in turn will determine the type of circular mobility. Judging from the type of circular mobility, circular migrants of trader women, the commodity of fruits carry out more daily (commuter) and seasonal circulation, commodity of clothes and foods are circulated more periodically. The perpetrator of circular mobility to a city that works as a trader can be the connector of the rural-urban economic traffic flow.
Keywords:- Women Traders, Circular Mobility, Informal Sector, mobility behavior
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Abstract: This study investigates the degree of influence of cultural capital on investors' understanding of the financial statements. Cultural capital is the concept that explains the ability of the elite managers and professional parents to transmit their privilege status to their children. The three variants of cultural capital were analysed to ascertain the extent they can help investors without academic qualifications in business, economics or accounting in understanding financial statements for their investment choices. A survey research design was adopted for the study and the principal instrument for data collection was the questionnaire. Data were obtained from primary sources and were analysed using simple linear regression model. Hypotheses formulated were tested and discussions of findings were made. It was discovered that embodied, institutionalised and objectified cultural capital significantly influence investors' understanding of the financial statements. It was recommended that investors who wish to expand their investments can do with cultural capital advantage and thus not limiting themselves to only familiar terrains because their cultural capital wealth can help them understand complex financial statements.
Keywords:- cultural capital, embodied capital, institutionalised capital, objectified capital, investors, understanding, financial statements
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Abstract: The public health care delivery system plays an important role in overall development and growth of the health sector. Evidences show that studies on public health care delivery system are limited both in the Indian as well as in the context of the north-eastern region. This paper is an attempt to assess the status of public health care delivery system and pattern of utilization of health care services in Assam which is a state with "weak health outcome indicators‟. The result of the study indicate, that the meager concert of the public health care delivery system in the study areas, has an adverse impact, mainly on the poor population, in the form of high out of pocket expenses and low quality of...........
Keywords:- Public health, health care delivery, health services utilization, private healthcare providers
[1] Bajpai N, Dholokia RH. Scaling up Primary Health Care Services in Rural Rajasthan: Public Investment Requirements and Policy Reforms. Centre on Globalization and Sustainable Development (CGSD) working paper series. (32): 2006
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Abstract:Bangladesh is a developing country where Information Technology (IT) is ever not highly developed but Government has a dream to develop this sector so that IT can entrance in every sector in Country. Information technology (IT) is an umbrella term, the use of computers and telecommunications equipment to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data. It is now a part of nearly every aspect of daily life in developing country- Bangladesh and is the backbone of many successful initiatives such as improving teaching quality of education. Information technologies are assumed to play a constructive role in education to make the teaching and learning process more productive through collaboration in an information rich society. Information rich society promotes new practices and paradigms for education where the teacher has to play new role of mentoring...........
Keywords:- Education, Information Technology, Teaching, Teaching method, Learning process
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Abstract: Recent years have been marked by increased studies in crime, punishment and prisons. Many of these works have argued that punishment and imprisonment of criminals does very little to alter criminal behavior and that even with the modern policy changes in prisons, little is expected in terms of criminal behavioral change. While some scholars agree on the fact that religion in general and Christianity in particular can cause transformation of adult criminal behavior in rehabilitative and corrective institutions, the wider society still appears to be dissuaded from this possibility. This situation seems to leave the case of transformation especially of ex-prisoners in a quagmire. This paper examines the disconnect that exists in view between the rehabilitative and corrective.............
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Woman-Nature Interconnection in Titas Ekti Nadir Naam (A River Called Titas) |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Mahmuda Iasmin Era |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210127681 ![]() |
Abstract: Women and nature are related to each other through a patriarchal system of dominance. Both the human and natural worlds are interconnected and humans can influence nature and also natural changes influence the human world. Due to the hierarchy based patriarchal dualistic social structure, women along with the minor social groups fall prey to the oppressive treatment by the patriarchy. Ecofeminism focuses on the oppression and subordination done to both nature and woman because according to ecofeminism these are related to each other. Natural disasters affect humans but the effect is not equal. As women hold lesser position in the society they face most of the harmful consequences. Focusing on the idea of disharmony between social and natural world this paper discusses the subordination portrayed in Ritwik Ghatak‟s Bengali film Titas Ekti Nadir Naam (A River Called Titas) and the unequal effect of natural disaster faced mainly by the women and people of minor class, the Malo to understand the women-nature interconnection ecofeminism talks about.
Keywords:- Ecofeminism, woman-nature interconnection, social disharmony, patriarchal dualistic s
[1] Belmont, C. (2007). Ecofeminism and the natural disaster heroine. Women's Studies, 36(5), 349-372.
[2] Best, S. (1998). Murray Bookchin's theory of social ecology: an appraisal of the ecology of freedom. Organization & Environment, 11(3), 334-353.
[3] Bookchin, M. (1991). The ecology of freedom: the emergence and dissolution of hierarchy.
[4] Casselot, M. A. (2016). Ecofeminist Echoes in New Materialism?. PhaenEx, 11(1), 73-96. [5] Chakrabarty, D. (2012). Postcolonial studies and the challenge of climate change. New Literary History, 43(1), 1-18
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mapping Deprivations in the Darjeeling Himalaya: a case study of Kurseong Municipality |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Bishal Chhetri |
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: | 10.9790/0837-22101282101 ![]() |
Abstract: Deprivation means lack of access to resources; it can be either lack of material resources or social resources. A poor household can be deprived in multiple levels and may be suffering from multiple disadvantages then a household which is not relatively deprived. Therefore, it is not only important to construct an index for measuring deprivation but it is equally important to identify the areas of deprivations at a micro-level in an urban area. In India, an urban area is divided into numerous small electoral units called as wards; the different data related to housing and socio-economic conditions for the urban areas are provided at the ward wise level by The Census of India report. This study uses the ward level data derived from the Primary Census Abstract (PCA), 2011 and House Listing Primary Census Abstract (HPCA), 2011 to construct indices of deprivation by using Principal Component Analysis.........
Keywords:- Deprivation, Darjeeling Himalaya, Principal Component Analysis, Composite Index.
[1]. Aitchison, C.U (1909). A collection of Treaties, Engagements and Sanads relating to India and neighbouring countries [revised and continued up to 1 June 1906]: Burma, Nepal, Eastern Bengal and Assam, Bhutan, Sikkim, Tibet, Siam and the Eastern Archipelago 2 (XXIII). Calcutta: Bengal Printing Press.
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[4]. Bell, N., Schuurman, N., Hayes, M.V. (2007). Using GIS based methods of multi criteria analysis to construct socio-economic deprivation indices. Int. J. Health Geogr. 6, 17.
[5]. Baud, I., Sridharan, N., & Pfeffer, K. (2008). Mapping urban poverty for local governance in an Indian mega-city: the case of Delhi. Urban Studies 45(2), 1385-1412.