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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Is Education in English Language Successful in India |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Dr.Sabitha |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210110109 ![]() |
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to bring to the limelight of the English teacher's problems in teaching English; how Junior colleges fail to provide the right platform to the engineering aspirants to master the language skills which will complement to learn the content subjects and how English education in India is creating disproportionate syllabus to the same citizens of the nation, thereby creating the disparity among students when come to B.Tech I year which is a common platform for all. Is it not high time to create a common syllabus across India irrespective of the background of the student and the State? Would the State and the Central governments take this issue as a challenge and come with a tangible solutions?, though the education is in the concurrent list of the constitution..
Keywords: English; teachers; students; central ; syllabus; State; engineers........
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Abstract: The study investigated family conflict and attachment patterns as correlates of school adjustment among public secondary school students in Rivers State, Nigeria. The study adopted correlational design. Five research questions and five corresponding hypotheses guided the conduct of the research. A total of 984public seniorsecondary school students were drawn through multi-stage and simple random sampling techniques. Three instrumentsnamely; Family Conflict Scale (FCS), Attachment Style Classification Questionnaire (ASCQ) and School Adjustment Scale (SAS) were used for data collection. Mean, standard deviation, Pearson Product Moment Correlation statistics and multiple regression analysis were employed for data analysis. The results of the study showed that; there is a positive relationship between family conflict, attachment patterns and school adjustment which are all statistically significant at 0.05 level of significance; family attachment patterns- secure, anxious/ambivalent and avoidance...........
Keywords: Family conflict, attachment patterns, school adjustment
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Abstract: This study aims to analyze the state of physical fitness cadet STIP and analyze study Body Mass Index ( BM I) cadets STIP. This research is expected to be usefubs input and consideration material for releaced institution in order to make campus activity program. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive analysis method with data processing. The subjects of this study were the cadets of STIP in 2015. The example used was cadets of the third semester of batch 57 and the fifth semester of batch 56 and the sevent semester of batch 55 to know the B M I cadets were weasured by the height test in meters and weight in kilograms. Technical analysis of data with descriptive analysis with percentage. The study concluded that by performing calcubtion using BMI ( Body Mass.............
Keywords:- sports activities, physical fitness, ideal mass index, cadets
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Abstract: The aim of this study was to examine the role of motivation and attitude in learning English as a second language. These factors of individual differences in learning a second language is an area of which there are many controversies and differences in points of views emerging by the experts from around the world. Therefore, learning second language is strongly associated with motivation and attitude and is directly connected with the behavior of individuals participating in the process. This paper investigates how the teachers‟ knowledge of the learners‟ motivation and attitude enriches second language teaching and finds out that this is an assistive tool in inspiring second language teaching and learning both.
Key words: Motivation and attitude, individual differences, Second Language Learning
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Abstract: The New Companies Act,2013 has made Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) spend for a particular category of Companies mandatory, thus attaching more importance to the implementation of CSR that depends on the attitudes of Management students who are future managers. Their Orientation towards CSR determines the augmentation of CSR activities. This study is aimed at Orientation of Management Students towards CSR and finding differences in Orientation of Male and Female Management Students towards CSR. The findings indicate that Orientation of Management students is highest towards the Legal component. The results showed statistically significant differences in Orientation.......
Keyword: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Orientation, Economic, Legal, Ethical, Discretionary[1] Bowen, H.R. (1953). Social responsibilities of the businessman, New York; Harper and Row.
[2] Rowe, K., & Schhacter, J. (1978). Integrating social responsibility into the corporate structure. Public Relations Quarterly. 23, 3, 7-12.
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[4] Caroll, A.B. (1979). A three dimensional model of corporate social performance .Academy of managing Review. 4, 497-505.
[5] Caroll, A.B. (1991). The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility: Toward the Management of Organisational Stakeholders. Business Horizons. 39-48.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the extent to which of the practice of the International protection of civilian person in time of war. As we know that the International humanitarian law and human rights law are complementary. They both seek to protect human dignity, though they do so in different circumstances and in different ways. In times of war or armed conflict, a special system of law, [International humanitarian law], comes into effect. It is a set of rules especially adapted to armed conflict that serves to protect the victims of war (civilians, prisoners, displaced persons, etc.) and to regulate the conduct of hostilities. The principal purpose of International Humanitarian Law is to protect the life, health and human dignity of civilians, as well as combatants no longer involved.........
Key words: International Protection, International Humanitarian Lawand Armed Conflict..
[1] Arthur Mark Weisburd, Customary International Law: The Problem of Treaties, Vanderbit Journal of Transnational Law, Vol.21, No.1,p.1, 1988: UNC Legal Studies Research Paper No.2245158, 1988. Available at SSRN:, 6 April 2013
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[4] Bing Bing Jia, The Relations between treaties and Custom, Chinese Journal of International Law, Vol.9, Issue 1, 01 March 2010, p.81-109
[5] Duxbury, A, Drawing Lines in the Sand-Characterizing Conflict for the Purposes of Teaching International Humanitarian Law, Melborne Journal of International Law, Vol.8:1-14, 2007.
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Abstract: According to the World Bank Group economic report of 2016,Kenya's economic performance is predicted to remain solid, with the growth rate expected to improve from 5.6% in 2015 to 5.9% in 2016 and to rise further to 6% in 2017.The report further notes that Kenya's economy remains vulnerable to domestic risks that could moderate the growth prospects. These include investorsdeferring investment decisions until after the elections, election-related expenditure has resulted to cut backs on infrastructure spending, and that security remains a threat, not just in Kenya, but globally. Finally, changes in monetary policy in industrialized countries could trigger volatility in financial markets putting the currency under pressure...........
[1] Business Sweden in Nairobi. (2016) (
[2] Central Intelligence Agency Fact book.Sourced from ( factbook/geos/ke.html)
[3] Economic Update: Kenya's Economy Strong in a Challenging Global Environment. (2016).Sourced from (
[4] Lugari, P. (2016). How to lower construction cost. Construction Business Review. Sourced from (
[5] National Housing Corporation. Sourced from (
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Abstract: Recently emerging technologies in the SMEs industry is the use of mobile phone technology for both banking and remittance. This study sought to examine the influence of mobile money services on the growth of SMEs in Nakuru town Kenya. The study sought to examine the influence of mobile payments, mobile finance and mobile banking on the growth of SMEs. The target population included all SMEs in town. A sample of 100 SME entrepreneurs was taken to be respondents. A close ended questionnaire constructed on a 5-point Likert scale was used for data collection. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Analysis was done in form of descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings were presented in statistical tables and discussions. Regression analysis demonstrated.............
Keywords: Mobile banking, Mobile finance, Mobile money, Mobile payment, SMEs.[1] Rosenberg, J., (2009). The Hype Cycle and Mobile Banking, 2009. Retrieved June 27, 2009, from CGAP:
[2] Gartner (2012). Market trends: Mobile payments worldwide 2011. New York, USA: Gartner Research. GSMA (2012). Mobile money for the unbanked: Annual Report 2012. Retrieved 2013, from
[3] ITU-T Statistics. (2014). Mobile-cellular subscriptions. Time Series by Country. Retrieved Statistics/Documents/statistics/2014/Mobile_cellular_2000-2013.xls.
[4] Jenkins, B., (2008). Developing mobile money ecosystems. hington, DC: IFC and the Harvard Kennedy School.
[5] Ivatury, G., & Mas, I., (2008). CGAP Focus Note No.46. The early experience with branchless banking
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Abstract: Saint Martin's Island is located in the northeast of the Bay of Bengal, about 9 km south of the Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. During the tourist season an average of 3500 people visit this island daily, which is beyond the holding capacity of this small marine island. From the last few years Saint Martin's Island, which is the only coral-bearing island in Bangladesh, has been facing an ecological disaster due to excessive tourism activities. This island is under threat from unlimited and environmentally irresponsible tourism activities. The fragile eco-system of Saint Martin's Island is suitable for the sustainable tourism. The aim of this study is to know the perception and awareness level of young tourists about sustainable tourism. This study examines the social, economic and environmental impacts of tourism. To achieve the objectives of the study, data were collected from 150 tourists through questionnaire.
Keywords: Environment, Saint Martin Island, Sustainable Tourism, Young Tourist[1] Abdullah, M., Chowdhury, M. A. and Hossain, A. (2010). Cleaning up of Saint Martin Coral Island. A Management and Resources Development Initiative by Manusher Jonno Foundation.
[2] Ahmed, H., Jusoh, H. and Azazi, N. A. N. (2012). Sustainability of youth tourism in event tourism: The Malaysian experiences. Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism. Volume 7, Number 2, Autumn 2012, pp. 503-526
[3] Bac, D. (2003). Turismu i durabilă. Realităi. Provocări. Oportunităi. Bucharest: Economic Press.
[4] Bramwell, B. (1996) Sustainable Tourism Management Education in Europe. Tourism Management, 17 (4), pp. 307-310.
[5] Coccossis, H. (1996) Tourism and Sustainability: Perspectives and Implications. In: Prietley, G. K., Edwarads, J. A. and Coccossis, H. eds. Sustainable Tourism? European Experiences. CABI, UK, pp. 1-21..
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Abstract: Observing the behavior of Indonesia political parties‟ functionaries, it is found that not only deep despair of public feeling on democracy, but also dramatically increasing of negative public perceptions of Indonesia politicians. It is concerned with the number of scandals and crimes that involved the political parties‟ functionaries. Public listened the news from the media which presented the political figures breaking the values of religions, socio-culture and law to hold power in legislative and executive chairs. This work aims to apply the
values of soft skill to find an alternative solution. The soft skill combines the interpersonal- a competence to communicate with other and intrapersonal skill- a competence in managing or controlling oneself. This soft skill implementation, the continuation of previously...........
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Abstract: Pornography on images of all shapes and modes related to drawings, sketches, illustrations, photographs, writings, sounds, voice, moving or non-moving images, animations, cartoons, conversations, gestures or other body shapes through the forms of communication media and public performances, making obscenity or sexual exploitation violating the moral norms of society are formulated in the with a criminal penalty for anyone who commits such acts. Instead of having been passed into a law, the issues of pornography prevention and eradication cannot be overcome by means of the existing regulations or provisions of KUHP (Criminal Code) or through moral messages..........
Keywords: pornography, image, Islamic law, jarimah and hudud
.[1] Soerjono Soekanto, Persfektif Teoritis Studi Hukum Dalam Masyarakat, CV. Rajawali, Jakarta 1985, page 19
[2] Ediwarman, Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Kasus-Kasus Pertanahan (Legal Protection For The Victim of Land Cases Pustaka Bunga Press, Medan 2003, page 64).
[3] Soerjono Soekanto, Loc.cit.
[4] According to Soerjono Soekanto, examples of tertiary legal materials are: dictionary, encyclopaedia, cumulative index and others. Read -. Ibid. According to Ediwarman tertiary legal materials including Majaiah. Read: Ediwarman, loc.cit. See also Abdul Kadir Muhammad, Law and Legal Research, Citra Aditya Bhakti, Bandung, 2004, page 67, See also Ronny Hanitijo Soemitro, Research Methodology and Arimetry, Cet. V, Ghalia Indonesia, Jakarta, 1996, p. 11-12.
[5] Wirjono Prodjodikoro, Tindak-Tindak Pidana Tertentu di Indonesia, P.T. Ekes Co., Jakarta, 1980, 118
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Angela Carter's Contribution to Gothic Feminism |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Kusum Kangar || Dr. Suruchi Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210119697 ![]() |
Abstract: Angela Carter's oeuvre is a fertile ground for examining the interplay of Gothic feminism, patriarchy, and sexuality, as she adeptly reconstructs and inverts archetypal fairy tales, myths, and Gothic motifs. Her distinctive fusion of dark fantasy and surrealism critiques the dominance of patriarchal systems and delves into the multifaceted nature of female sexuality and identity. Key texts like "The Bloody Chamber" and "The Company of Wolves" exemplify this, as they present women not as passive recipients of fate but as proactive agents resisting male authority. In "The Bloody Chamber," a reworking of Perrault's "Bluebeard," the heroine transcends her husband's tyrannical dominion through wit and courage, symbolizing liberation from patriarchal confinement...........
Keywords: Gothic feminism, patriarchy, sexuality, fairy tale reworkings, subversion, female agency, empowerment, dark fantasy, surrealism, sexual awakening, psychological liberation, transformation, beauty ideals.
[1]. Carter, A. (1979). The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories. London: Gollancz.
[2]. Carter, A. (1979). The Company of Wolves. In The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories. London: Gollancz.
[3]. Carter, A. (1979). The Tiger's Bride. In The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories. London: Gollancz.
[4]. Davenport-Hines, R. (1998). Gothic: Four Centuries of Excess, Horror, Evil and Ruin. New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
[5]. Gilbert, S., & Gubar, S. (1979). The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination. New Haven: Yale University Press.