Version-6 (October-2017)
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Abstract: The Democratic Republic of the Congo has legislation on artists' rights, like other countries on the planet; it has also acceded to several international legal instruments relating to this right. However, it is true that the applicability of any text is facilitated by a material structure, which has justified the creation of the Congolese Society of Copyright and Related Rights (SOCODA) in acronyms. But unfortunately, except the existence of this juridico-structural architecture, the protection of the right of artists has remained a chimerical notion and devoid of a real pragmatism to this day. As proof all violations related to this right remain unpunished. The recurrence and / or persistence of Violations of the artist's rights (counterfeiting) is sustained by three factors: sclerotic legislation, ignorance of the law by the main beneficiaries (artists), and the imperiousness of the structuro-functional organ. The solution to these evils is a legislative reorganization, a good policy of informing artists and the restructuring of SOCODA with regard to its composition.
[1] BERNARD EDELMAN, La propriété littéraire et artistique, Paris, PUF, 1999.
[2] DUHAMMEL G, Déontologie de mon métier, Paris, Mercure de France, 1997.
[3] GERARD CORNU, Vocabulaire juridique, Paris, PUF, 2004.
[4] FOURMENTEAUX J.P., Art et internet : Les nouvelles figures de la création, Paris, Ed. CNRS, 2005.
[5] JEAN LAGADEC, Nouveau guide pratique du droit, Paris, Ed Dalloz, 2005
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Abstract: The study attempts to investigate the resettlement of climate induced displaced people in Bangladesh along with exploring the existing government resettlement programs in the light with governance perspectives. The study mainly based on primary as well as secondary data sources. Primary data have been obtained through the quantitative along with qualitative sources. Qualitative data were attained through Participant Observation, Key Informant Interview (KII) and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) methods. Quantitative data have been acquired through the field study consisting of a questionnaire survey. Data were interpreted by the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS-16). Various statistical tools and techniques were used for data presentation. For statistical interpretation, the null.........
Keywords: Displacement, Resettlement, Good Governance
[1] Ali, A, Climate change impacts and adaptation assessment in Bangladesh, Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization (SPARRSO), Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh, Climate Research, 12, 1999, 109–116.
[2] BRAC, Impact of Char Development and Settlement Project on Improving the Livelihood of Char Dwellers", Working Paper No 17, 2011, 40.
[3] CDMP II (Comprehensive Disaster Management Programme), Trend and Impact Analysis of Internal Displacement due to the Impacts of Disaster and Climate Change, Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2014.
[4] DS and YPSA, Climate Displacement in Bangladesh: Stakeholders, Laws and Policies - Mapping the Existing Institutional Framework, Young Power in Social Action and Displacement Solutions 2014.
[5] IPCC, Working Group II 5th Assessment Report Summary for Policymakers 2014
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Abstract: The study used various statistical tools to measure the prevalence and associated factors of spousal violence against employed women in North-Western region of Bangladesh. The study was conducted in the two selected districts in the region viz., Dinajpur and Thakurgaon, where, 150 married employed women were selected using random sampling technique. The study found that about 42.0% women had non-abusive relationship with their husband and 58.0% women were victim of spousal violence. Among the violent women 48.0% women were moderately abused and 10.0% women were seriously abused. According to pattern of violence, about 41% women experienced physical violence, 68.0% experienced sexual violence and 63% experienced psychological violence. Mainly age of respondent, education level of respondent, occupation of respondent, respondent`s monthly income, age of husband, education level of husband, husband‟s monthly income, total monthly family expenditure and land size of household were significantly associated with spousal violence.
Keywords:- Spousal violence, physical violence, sexual violence, psychological violence, employed women
[1] Haque, M. M., Islam, T. M., Tarequeand, M. I., Mostofa, M. G. (2011). Women Empowerment or Autonomy: A Comparative View in Bangladesh Context. Bangladesh e-Journal of Sociology. Volume 8, Number 2.
[2] Fischbach, R. L., and Herbert, B. (1997). Domestic Violence and Mental Health: Correlates and Conundrums within andacross Cultures. Social Science and Medicine, 45, 1161-1176.
[3] Hindin, M. J., Kishor, S., & Ansara, D. L. (2008). Intimate Partner Violence among Couples in 10 DHS Countries: Predictors and Health Outcomes. Calverton, MD: Macro International Incorporated.
[4] UNECE (2010). Developing Gender Statistics: A practical tool (ECE/CES/8). Available online:
[5] Krug, E. G., Dahlberg, L. L., Mercy, J. A., Zwi, A. B., & Lozano, R. (2002). World report on violence and health (pp. 87–123). Geneva: World Health Organization.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Relationship Between Culture And Gender Inequality In India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Swati Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210063035 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper throws light on the role played by culture and traditions specifically of Hindu religion in legitimising the subordinate position of women in Indian society. Along with presenting a brief account on the status of women from ancient times to contemporary situation, the sex-gender binary has also been explored. How a child after his birth socialised to behave in a certain way on the basis of his/her sex has been noted. This process of socialisation is based on the age old customs and traditions which are discriminatory in nature. The male child is taught to be strong, dominating and aggressive in nature and henceforth assigned laborious work to do for managing the finances of house. On the other hand, female child is taught to be sensitive, loving and caring and therefore assigned to manage household work, child nurturing and motherhood related responsibilities...........
Key words: status of women, culture, traditions, marginalisation, legitimisation, sex, gender
[1] Das Gupta, M., Zhenghua, J., Bohua, L., Zhenming, X., Chung, W., and Hwa-ok, B. (2003) Why is son preference so persistent in East and South Asia? A cross-country study of China, India, and the Republic of Korea. The Journal of Development Studies 40(2), 153-187
[2] Raj, A., Saggurti, N., Balaiah, d., and Silverman, J. G. (2009) Prevalence of child marriage and its effect
on fertility and fertility-control outcomes of young women in India: A cross-sectional, observational
study. The Lancet (May 2009), 373(9678), 1883-1889.
[3] Altekar, A.S. (1938) The Position of Women in Hindu Civilization. Benares: The Culture Publication
[4] Basham, A.L. (1967) The Wonder that was India. Calcutta: Rupa and Co.
[5] Butler, Judith (1990). Gender Trouble. New York: Routledge.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Philosophy of Srimanta Shankardeva and His Neovaishnavism: A Philosophical Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Satyajit Kalita, M.A. |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210063640 ![]() |
Abstract: Sankardeva (1449-1569), an immensely gifted genius, blessed this pristine land of Assam in the 15th and 16th Centuries with his theological teachings, blended with various colours of social and cultural elements. However, this valley on either side of the mighty Brahmaputra was not a set stage for him to let the essence of Bhakti movement flow smoothly. The people in this region were curled in the wreaths of Tantraism, illiteracy, lingering amidst caste discriminations and socio political segregation and conflicts. Faith, culture, society and the prospect of a future of a greater integrated nation were in a pandemonium. Sankardeva not only spread the cult of Bhakti Movement in Assam but also enriched the people socially, culturally and laid the foundation of a greater Assamese nation. Assam presented a very grim scenario in Pre Vaisnavite period. Spirituality looked wanting in religion and socio-political rivalry and opportunist purposes..........
[1] Neog Maheswar- a. Sankardeva and His times. Akhamiya Khahitor Ruprekha
[2] Dr. Sarma Hemanta Kumar- Akhamiya Khahitat Drishtipat.
[3] Neog Dimbeswar- Vaishnava Dharmor Aatiguri.
[4] Dr. Sarma S.N- The Neo-Vaisnavite Movement and the Satra Institute of Assam.
[5] Dr. Goswami N- Vaishnavism and Sankardeva.
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Abstract: Developing the syllabus for the English subject in Polytechnic is very crucial to conduct due to the existing syllabus does not fulfill the requirement of explicitness, efficiency, and pedagogic point of view as stated by Yalden (1987). The design of polytechnic college as vocational school lead to the graduation to be professional worker in the workplace. Therefore, the subject provided is taught with the expectation that the students would be the ready working in the job place. The problem of the research is formulated by: what kind of appropriate English syllabus is used for the technical student to be applied in communicative approach. The method used is the Yalden theory (1987) which include..........
Keywords: English syllabus, developing syllabus, vocational school, polytechnic[1] Brown, H. Douglass, 2001. Teaching by Principles. An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. New York : Addison Wesley Longmans, Inc.
[2] Ek, J A van. 1985. The Threshold Level for Modern Language Learning in Schools. London : Longman Groups.
[3] El-Okda, Mohamed. 2005. A Proposed Model for EFL Teacher involvement in on-going Curriculum Development. Asian EFL Journal, 7(4) 33-49
[4] Gebhard, Jerry G. 2000. Teaching English as a Foreign or Second Language: A Teacher Self-development and Methodology Guide. USA : The University of Michigan Press.
[5] Hutchinson, Tom and Waters, Alan. 1987. English for Specific Purposes. Scotland : Cambridge University Press..
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Abstract: Leadership and good performance can influence employee satisfaction that will impact the delivery of quality education and training at the Technical Unit of Human Resources Development Agency of Transportation Ministry of Transportation Jabotabek area. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of leadership and performance on job satisfaction and its implications on the service quality . To answer the research objectives, using structural equation model (Structural Equation Modelling) or SEM and SEM results indicate that there is a direct effect of leadership on job satisfaction, performance direct influence on job satisfaction, leadership and influence of the simultaneous performance on job satisfaction, leadership influence directly to the service quality UPT training, performance directly influences the service quality UPT training, job satisfaction directly influence the service quality UPT training, leadership influence, performance and job satisfaction on service quality Training Unit.
Key Words: Leadership, Performance, Job Satisfaction, Service Quality
[1] Dale, Timpe A (2006), Seri Ilmu dan Seni Manajemen Bisnis Kinerja, Penerjemah: Sunarto, Jakarta: PT. Elex Media Komputindo.
[2] Luthan, Fred, (2005) Organizational Behavior, Singapore: Mc Graw Hill Book Co.
[3] Nawawi, Hadari dan Martini Hadari, (2006), Kepemimpinan yang Efektif, Yogyakarta: Universitas Gadjah Mada Press.
[4] Parasuraman, A. Valarie A, Zeithaml dan Leonard L Berry, "A Conseptual Model of Service Quality and Its Implication for Future Research," Journal Marketing, Fall, 1988.
[5] Siagian, Sondang P, (2008), Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Art of Nasyid And Its Issues |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sholeh Fikri |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210065863 ![]() |
Abstract: Choosing a musical entertainment either that on the radio or watching itlive should not be for the purpose of mental and physical amusement alone. For a meaningful objective and life, musical entertainment should contain important messages and lessons of values and goodness. The impact of music on human life can be enormous as music can greatly influence a human life.The question of how convenient and readily available this type of music is remains.This study found that nasyid music is a part of life to some communities of North Sumatera who chose it as a form of entertainment. With recorded tapes, CD‟s and VCD‟s being the major available means of accessing it, anissueabout nasyids is that this genre...........
Key words: Nasyid, entertainment, government, private institution
[1] Budiman Radi 1972. Falsafah Seni dalam Islam [Philosophy of the Arts in Islam], Kelantan: Penerbit PAP
[2] Ibnuyaacob 2013. Teori Konspirasi Rahsia Yahudi dalam FilemHollywood [The Theory of Secrets of the Jews Conspiracy in Hollywood Films], Pulau Pinang: Moon Media Enterprise.
[3] Sidi Gazalba 1977. Pandangan Islam tentang Kesenian [Islamic Views on Artistry], Kuala Lumpur: Penerbitan Pustaka Antara.
[4] Sihombing, T.M. 1986. Filsafat Batak, Tentang Kebiasaan-Kebiasaan Adat Istiadat [Batak Philosophy, On the Norms of the Customs and Traditions], Jakarta: Balai Pustaka
[5] Masduki, Muzayin Nazaruddin (editor) 2008. Media, Jurnalisme dan Budaya Popular [The Media, Journalism and Popular Culture], Jogjakarta: Prodi Komunikasi UII dan UII Press.
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Abstract: Presently, Nigeria is battling with the glut of internal displacement and has not recorded enormous success in managing internally displaced persons. Apart from lack of basic amenities (food, shelter, health care) among the displaced persons, there are persistent reports and different studies on gender based violence in Internally Displaced camps in Nigeria. (rape, sexual violence, sexual exploitation, marginalization of women). However, the Nigerian society is patriarchal in nature that is the subjugation or relegation of women and this has reflected in the ways or methods displaced women are treated in IDPs camps. This paper attempts to examine the influence of patriarchy among internally displaced persons by evaluating the dimensions of displaced persons and the subordination, oppression and marginalization........
Key words: Internally Displaced Persons, Nigeria, Patriarchy, Sexual Violence, Women
[1] G.A. Makama, Patriarchy and gender inequality in Nigeria: the way forward. European Scientific Journal, 9(17), 2013.
[2] A. Asiyanbola, Patriarchy, male dominance, the role and women empowerment in Nigeria. In Poster presentado en la XXV International Population Conference Tours, Franci. 2005.
[3] E. Alobo, and S. Obaji, Internal displacement in Nigeria and the case for Human Rights protection of displaced persons. Journal of Law, Policy And Globalization, 51(26), 2016.
[4] M. Bloom, and H. Matfess, Women as Symbols and Swords in Boko Haram‟s Terror. Prism: a Journal of the Center for Complex Operations, 6(1), 2016, 104.
[5] Human Rights Watch (HRW). Nigeria: Officials Abusing Displaced Women, Girls Displaced by Boko Haram and Victims. 2016. Retrieved from
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Abstract: The main aim of this study was to determine the socio-economic effects of cattle rustling in Borabu sub-county. The study sought to answer the following research questions: What are the social effects of cattle rustling in Borabu? What are the economic effects of cattle rustling in Borabu sub-county; What are the socio-economic challenges observed in trying to curb cattle rustling in Borabu?. The theoretical framework for this study is the social cubism theory, Queer Ladder Theory of Mobility, supplemented by one of its components - the Alien Conspiracy Theory. A parallel convergent mixed methods was adopted whereby the researcher collected the data concurrently, analyzed and interpreted the findings in tandem with the study's objectives. The study targeted 90 youths, 97 cattle herders, 13 county education directors and school heads and 50 community members including elders and religious............
Key words: Cattle Rustling, Academic achievement, social economic challenges
[1] Adan, M. and Pkalya, R., Muli, E.(ed.); 2014 ; Towards policy and strategy Formulation Conflict management in Kenya; Practical Action.
[2] Agade, K. M. (January 01, 2010). Complexities of livestock raiding in Karamoja. Nomadic Peoples, 14, 2, 87-105..
[4] Allcott, H., Mullainathan, S., & National Bureau of Economic Research. (2012). External validity and partner selection bias. Cambridge, Mass: National Bureau of Economic Research.
[5] Allen, T. (1994), Ethnicity & Tribalism on the Sudan-Uganda Border. In: Fukui K. and Markakis J. (eds.) Ethnicity and Conflict in the Horn of Africa, James Currey: London.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Qatari women's participation in sports and physical activity |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Krystyna U. Golkowska |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210069195 ![]() |
Abstract: The issue of Arab women and sport has already received a great deal of attention from sociologists, feminists, social activists, and Islamic studies scholars in the West. However, little research has been done on women‟s participation in sports and physical activity in the Arabian Gulf, despite the fact that this part of the world has been undergoing dramatic changes. This article focuses on Qatar, a small but ambitious player in the region. It discusses Qatari females' participation in sports and exercise in the context of recent government-sponsored initiatives. In the national strategy encouragement of physical activity seeks to address the epidemic of obesity while hosting international events brings profit, prestige and national........
Key words: Qatar, women, sport, physical activity.
[1] M.O. Musaiger, Overweight and obesity in Arab countries: the need for action (Bahrain: Bahrain Center for Studies and Research, 2007). [2] Qatar National Vision 2030. General Secretariat for Development planning. 2008. Available at Retrieved 2016/04/12.
[3] Ministry of Development,Planning and Statistics. Retrieved 2017/02/07.
[4] TT. Donnelly, J. Al Suwaidi , A. Albulushi, N. Al Enazi , K. Yassin, and A. Rehman 2011. The
influence of cultural and social factors on healthy lifestyle of Arabic women. Avicenna, vol.3. [Epub]. Available at Retrieved April 15 2017].
[5] Annual Report 2016/2017. Qatar Biobank. Available from Retrieved 2017/04/15