Series-1 (Aug-2019)August-2019 Issue Statistics
Ser 1 Ser 2 Ser 3 Ser 4 Ser 5 Ser 6 Ser 7 Ser 8 Ser 9 Ser 10
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Food And Nutrition Secutiry At Risk In Brazil |
Country | : | Brazil |
Authors | : | Cleide Helena Matos da Silva || Elenilce Gomes de Oliveira |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2408010113 ![]() |
Abstract: This article approaches the Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) as a universal human right and, therefore, as an essential element to fulfil human dignity. Concerns about hunger and adequate nourishment in the international organization scope had only begun after the Second World War, since pacts and declarations to hold the human right to food have emerged. In this paper, we sought to analyze the existence of threatening aspects to the current FNS situation in Brazil, related to governmental policies. Regarding FNS as a public policy, it is worthwhile to........
[1]. ARAGÃO, Francisco José Alves de. Comida e poder: análise histórica da Campanha Nacional de Alimentação Escolar no Ceará (1964-1972).2016. 216 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação Brasileira) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 05 abr. 2019
[2]. BACCARIN, José Giacomo et al. Indicadores de avaliação das compras da agricultura familiar para alimentação escolar no Paraná, Santa Catarina e São Paulo. Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural. Piracicaba-SP, v. 55, n. 1, p. 103-122, jan./mar. 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em 24 mai. 2019.
[3]. BELIK, Wálter. A política brasileira de segurança alimentar e nutricional: concepções e resultados. Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional. Campinas, 2012. V. 19, n. 2, p. 94-110 Disponível em: Acesso em: 01 mai. 2019. [4]. BEZERRA, José Arimatea Barros. Alimentação e escola: significados e implicações curriculares da merenda escolar. Revista Brasileira de Educação, 2009. V. 14, n. 40, p. 103-115 Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 jun. 2019.
[5]. BRASIL. Câmara dos Deputados. MPV 870/2019 Medida provisória. (2019b). Disponível em: Acesso em: 09 jun. 2019
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impacts of Turkey's hydropolitic on Iraq and Syria |
Country | : | Iran |
Authors | : | Masoud Rezapour || Amir Alizadeh Osalou || Amir Asgarzadeh |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2408011421 ![]() |
Abstract: Climate change in some regions has led to an intense decline in water resources, so water issues in the adoption of government policies and decisions have a special place. Therefore, the use of these resources has led to considerably tensions, especially in low rainfall regions. On the other hand, the common use of these resources can be an opportunity for the realization of the process of regional cooperation and convergence. The Middle East, with 5 percent of the world's population, has less than 1 percent of the world's water resources, and is therefore one of the most critical regions of the globe. In addition, high population growth also adds to the severity of the crisis. In this.......
Keywords: Hydropolitics, Border rivers, Shared Basins, GAP Project, Middle East
[1]. Hafeznia, Mohammad Reza, Principles and concepts of geopolitics, Papli publication, second edition, 2011, p 104 [in persian]
[2]. Khalid, Iram, Mukhtar, Asia and Ahmed, Zanib, Water Scarcity in South Asia: A Potential Conflict of Future Decades. Journal of Political Studies, Vol 21, summer 2014
[3]. UN Water, World Water Development Report 2018: Nature- based solutions for water, 2018, pp 9-16
[4]. Kaviani Rad, Morad, Iran- Afghanistan Hydropolitic Relations, Strategic Studies Quarterly, Vol 8, Issue 28, 2005, pp 338-339 [in persian]
[5]. Ardakanian, Reza, concern for two decades, special issue on water management, Iran newspaper on mordad 17th, 1384 , 2005, [in persian]..
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Abstract: The Sino-Soviet ideological dispute and the Sino-Indian boarder conflict had their impact on the Communist movement in India in as much as they were instrumental for bringing about a split in the Communist Party of India. At the Amritsar Congress of the Communist Party of India early in 1958 the rift between the Right and the Left groups became acute. The result was an opportunistic compromise at the sixth Congress in Vijayawada in 1962, in pursuance of an effort to avoid an open clash. During 1957-61, the Right-Left factionalism in the CPI coincided with the acceleration of Sino-Soviet ideological dispute and the Sino-Indian boarder conflict. In..........
[1]. E.M.S Namboodiripad : Communist Movement in Kerala: Origin and Growth(Malayalam edition)
[2]. Government of India : India China White Paper, New Delhi, 1959
[3]. People‟s Daily: Peking, November2, 1963
[4]. Communist Party Resolutions (Amritsar Congress) : New Delhi, 1958
[5]. Ajoykumar Ghosh : India- China Friendship- Repair the Damage, New Age, May 10, 1959.
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Abstract: Spousal death does influence the psychosocial wellbeing of widows, and its impact depends on how well the widows can adapt to the psychosocial challenges of being widowed and the coping interventions and mechanisms. The study investigated the coping and intervention mechanisms that the widows adopted to build resilience and impact wellness after spousal death. Descriptive research design was adopted in gathering an in-depth understanding of the psychosocial challenges faced by the women after spousal death and the coping and intervention mechanisms they deployed. The research approach was qualitative and the data collection methods were through interviews and focused group discussions. The target population was all the women who had lost their spouses, irrespective..........
Key words: psychosocial challenges, wellness, psychosocial challenges, wellbeing, coping mechanisms, resilience and social support..
[1]. Ajiboye, T. (2016). What It's Like to Be a Widow in Africa. Retrieved on 17/06/2017 from: -
[2]. Anastasia. (2015). Understanding the Kubler-Ross Change Curve – Cleverism. Retrieved on 11/09/2017 from: -
[3]. Biernacki, P. & Waldorf, D. (1981). Snowball sampling: Problems and techniques of chain referral sampling. Sociological Methods & Research, 10(2), 141-163. Retrieved on 15/06/2017from: c7d14a7978499.pdf
[4]. Castillo-Montoya, M. (2016). Preparing for Interview Research: The Interview Protocol Refinement Framework. The Qualitative Report, 21(5), 811-831.Retrieved on 18/11/2017 from
[5]. Creswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five traditions (2nd Ed). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Retrieved on 07/09/2017 from:
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Abstract: Article 19 paragraph (1) of the Consumer Protection Law states that business actors are responsible for providing compensation for the damage, pollution and / or consumer loss due to the consumption of goods and or services produced or traded. Even though, the government has regulated the circulation of the drug of G list (Gevaarlijk). In fact, the drug was found freely circulating in Banda Aceh City. The free circulation of the drug of G list could potentially harm the society at large. The results of the study indicate that all losses suffered by consumers as a result of the free circulation of hard drugs of G list are the responsibility of business actors both criminal and civil law.Factors that make business actors ignore their responsibility to consumers are: first, the high level of public demand for hard drug of G list at a low price. Second, the low level of knowledge, bargaining power and consumers.......
[1]. Achmad Ali. (2012). MenguakTeoriHukum (Legal Theory) dan TeoriPeradilan (Judicialprudence) TermasukInterpretasiUndang-Undang (Legisprudence). Jakarta: Kencana.
[2]. Ahmadi Miru and SutarmanYudo (2004). HukumPerlindunganKonsumen. Jakarta: Raja GrafindoPersada.
[3]. Az Nasution (1995). Konsumen dan Hukum: TinjauanSosialEkonomi dan Hukum pada PerlindunganKonsumen. Jakarta: PustakaSinarHarapan.
[4]. Mukti Fajar&YuliantoAchmad (2017). DualismePenelitianHukumNormatif dan EmpirisCetakan IV. Yogyakarta: PustakaPelajar.
[5]. PurwantoHardjosaputra (2008). Daftar Obat IndonesiaEdisi I. Jakarta: MuliaPurna Jaya Terbit.
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Abstract: The study examined elections and vote buying in Nigeria and its implications on democratic process. Content analytical approach was adopted while political economy approach was used as theoretical anchorage of the study. The study reviewed the contributions of scholars in this field. Data were extensively sourced from documentary papers from which the major objectives of the study were accomplished. The study found that vote buying in Nigeria has impacted negatively on the democratic process as it leads to political apathy, leadership crisis, political violence, poor political culture and insensitivity to the needs of the people. The study recommends among other things; political.......
Keywords: Elections, Democracy, electoral process, vote buying, Political development, Nigeria.
[1]. Aja A A (1998) Fundamental of Modern Political Economy, International Economic Relations, Changing with the Time, Owerri: Data Globe Nigeria.
[2]. Ake C (1981) A Political Economy of African, New York: Longman Group Ltd.
[3]. Amin S and Schnabel, A. (2003) Democratization in the middle East: Experiences, struggle; challenges, New York: United Nations University Press.
[4]. Beetseh K and Akpoo T (2015) Money Politics and vote buying in Nigeria: A Threat to Democratic Governance in Makurdi Local Government Area of Benue State, International Journal of Public Administration and Management Research 2 (5), 65-73.
[5]. Bratton M (2008) Vote buying and violence in Nigerian election campaigns. Afrobarometer, working paper No. 99. Retrieved from http:///
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Peer Pressure in College Students: A Comparitive Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nirja Mistry |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2408016369 ![]() |
Abstract: The main purpose of this study is to find out the Peer pressure levels among college going students. Peer pressure is persuading or encouraging another person to engage in certain types of behaviour. It is a mutual influence process through which peers become increasingly similar over time and share similar characteristics (Dishon& Dodge, 2005). This is evidently seen at large among college students as there is a higher need of social acceptance in them........
Keywords: Peer pressure, College year, Student
[1]. Acharya, A. (2014). Influence of Peer Pressure On Brand Switching Among Indian College Students. International Journal of Current Research, 6(02), 5164-5171.
[2]. Berndt, T. J., & Ladd, G. W. (1989). Peer relationships in child development. John Wiley & Sons.
[3]. Borsari, B., & Carey, K. B. (2001). Peer influences on college drinking: A review of the research. Journal of substance abuse, 13(4), 391-424.
[4]. Brown, B. B. (1982). The extent and effects of peer pressure among high school students: A retrospective analysis. Journal of youth and adolescence, 11(2), 121-133.
[5]. Brown, G. E., Dixon, P. A., & Hudson, J. D. (1982). Effect of peer pressure on imitation of humor response in college students. Psychological Reports, 51(3_suppl), 1111-1117.
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Abstract: The present paper describes about the sample survey conducted from the Under Graduate Students, Post Graduate Students, and Faculty Members of St.Ann's College for Women, Mehdipatnam, Hyderabad. For this the questionnaire was circulated among the 150 users but the response was received from 137respondents which is 93.3%. The paper also discuss about the objectives of the study review of literature and presents data in tabular forms with analysis and interpretation of each table. The Study reveals that maximum UG Students use OPAC which comes to 55.5%. The Study also highlights that 98.5% users are aware of use of OPAC and searching through title index is the most favoured as this approach was used by 72.9%users. The Study also points out that only8% users are not satisfied with existing facility of OPAC while 38.7% respondents find that library staff is always there to help them..
Key Words: User Awareness, Users Satisfaction, On screen help and Users Satisfaction Level
[1]. O'Brien, Ann 2003: OPACs in International Encyclopaedia of Information and Library Science Ed .Allen Kent,466, New York: Marcel Dekker.
[2]. Narang, Asha and Singh, Sukhdev (2013) : Use of online Public Access catalogue by the research scholars of Guru Nank Dev University, Amritsar: A study Vol:50(2)
[3]. Qadri, Uzma (2012) OPAC as document retrieval tool: a case study of the University of Kashmir. International Journal of Digital Library Services Vol: 22(2)
[4]. Thanuskodi, S(2012): Use of Online Public Access Catalogue at Annamali University Library, International Journal of Information Science,Vol:2(6): 70-74.
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Abstract: This research explores the implementations, related challenges and prospects of community policing in North Shewa Zone of the Ahmara Regional State. The study tries to demonstrate the practices, challenges and outcomes and efficiencies of community policing in the study area. The study found that currently the issue of community policing has received widespread support at least conceptually among all stakeholders. It also has strong natural appeal with the general.......
Key word: Crime; community; policing; prevention; police
[1]. Baker, Bruce 'Where Formal and Informal Justice Meet: Ethiopia's justice pluralism,' African Journal of International and Comparative Law,(2013). 21(2): 202-218.
[2]. FrehiywotMulat, 'An assessment of challenges and prospects of the Implementation of Community policing: the case study of Bole Sub-city. (2015), Addis Ababa,
[3]. Greene, Owen and EmebetKebede (2012). 'Security and Justice Provision in Ethiopia: Sector Assessment', A Report commissioned by DFID.
[4]. International Association of Chiefs of Police (2008 – 2015). 'Discover Policing Site Map and explores the tabs below for more information on these central components of community policing, available at:
[5]. Jack, R. Greene 'Community Policing in America: Changing the Nature, Structure, and Function of the Police, Polices, process, and Decision of the Criminal System' (2000).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Emerging Economy – India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Sandeep Bansal |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2408019294 ![]() |
Abstract: All economies are built on the three pillars of production, distribution, and consumption. Because of India's rapidly expanding population, the country's consumers have a constant need for more and more products and services. In order to meet the goals of NITI AYOG, India did make some changes to its economic policies. The Government of India founded the National Institution for Transforming India (NITI) as a policy think tank to promote the participation of the State Governments of India in the formulation of economic policy and to advance Sustainable Development. This system allows for genuine plans to be formulated at the local level in villages and then aggregated at higher levels. It also takes into account those in our society who.......