Series-9 (Aug-2019)August-2019 Issue Statistics
Ser 1 Ser 2 Ser 3 Ser 4 Ser 5 Ser 6 Ser 7 Ser 8 Ser 9 Ser 10
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Economic and Social responsibility of Oil and Tea Industries with special reference to Assam |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Monuj Das |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2408090106 ![]() |
Abstract: Economic and Social responsibility is a theory that asserts that businessmen in addition to maximizing shareholder‟s value, have an obligation to act in a manner that benefits society. They apply not only how the business interacts with the world at large, but also to their one-on –one dealings with a single customer. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is emerging as a new field in the research. In India many firms have taken the initiatives of CSR practices which have mate with varying needs of the society. The present study has made an attempt to understand the status and progress and initiatives made by the large firms of India in context of CSR policy framing and implementation........
Keywords; Responsibility, Ethics and Corporate world.
[1]. Companies Act, 2013. Universal Law Publishing Co., New Delhi, 2013.
[2]. Corporate Social Responsibility Voluntary Guidelines 2009, Universal Law Publishing Co., New Delhi, 2009.
[3]. Govt. of Assam. Economic Survey-Assam 2012-2013, Guwahati: Directorate of economics and statistics, 2013.
[4]. Govt. of Assam. Statistical Hand Book-Assam 2012-2013, Guwahati: Directorate of economics and statistics, 2013.
[5]. Income Tax Act 1961(amendment 2014), Universal Law Publishing Co., New Delhi, 2014.
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Abstract: The society of the 21st century is characterized in the new organizations, in which it does not refer to the knowledge one has about social issues. Thus, human capital linked to knowledge management was characterized by the importance of people and knowledge in organizations. The objective is to analyze the light of the systematic review of knowledge in the development of human capital for organizations. For this, a bibliometric analysis was performed from a systematic search in the Scopus database. As a result, identify and investigate the field of study, Business, Management and Accounting, Social Sciences, Medicine, Engineering, Computer Science, Health Sciences, Economics, Economics and Finance, Environmental Science, Nursing, Psychology, Arts and Humanities, Sciences Agrarian and Biological Sciences, Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Earth Sciences and Planetary Sciences, Health Professions, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary, Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmacy, Mathematics, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and Energy.
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Human Capital, Organizations
[1]. ARAÚJO, Ulisses F. A quartarevoluçãoeducacional: a mudança de tempos, espaços e relações na escola a partir do uso de tecnologias e da inclusão social. EducaçãoTemática Digital. v. 12, n 3, Campinas jan./abr. p. 31-48, 2011. [2]. BAKER, Judy et al. Open textbook proof-of-concept via connexions. International Review Of Research In Open And Distance Learning, Canadá, v. 5, n. 10, p.1-13, 01 nov. 2009. Mensal.
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[4]. BROWN, A.; SODERSTROM, E. Start-up and equity primer. Yale: Association of University Technology Managers Publication, 2002.
[5]. BROWN, J. S.; DUGUID, P. Organizing knowledge. California Management Review, n. 40(3), 1998..
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Abstract: Every science has the concept to define its terms, similarly concepts is essential to the enterprise of political science. If It fail to develop clear and precise concepts, our theoretical insights and empirical discoveries will fail to be clear and precise, too. This paper deals major pitfalls for conceptual analysis as well as the fundamental challenges to concept and conceptual innovation in the study of politics.
[1]. Murphy, Gregory L. 2004. The Big Book of Concepts. Cambridge, MASS: MIT press.
[2]. Sartori, Giovanni. 2009. "Guidelines for concept analysis". pp. 97–150 in Concepts and Method in Social Science, edited by David Collier and John Gerring. New York and London: Routledge (reprint, orig. 1984).
[3]. Schaffer, Frederic Charles. 2005. "Why Don‟t Political Scientists Coin More Terms?" IPSA Committee on Concepts and Methods, Political Concepts 7 (
[4]. Searle, John R. 1969. Speech Acts: An Essay in the Philosophy of Language. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
[5]. Austin, John L. 1962. How to Do Things with Words. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Anita Desai's 'Sarah': A Study of Diasporic Womanhood |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Kalpana Mishra || Dr Sthitaprajna |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2408092125 ![]() |
Abstract: In the post-colonial era, migration has become a universal phenomenon and it has given rise to the vast cultural mosaics, melting pots and salad bowls in the places of migrant settlements. In the literary world, migration has forged new literary dynamics that foregrounds transculturalism which marks a significant feature of migrant experience. Migrant writings are the expressions of expatriate, immigrant, migratory, dislocated, displaced subjectivities which surface a number of emotional dispositions like feelings of alienation, loneliness, nostalgia, rootlessness , displacement and identity crisis etc. The consciousness of the changed times on the one hand and the socio-cultural mores and values that have bestowed on the diasporas on the.........
Keywords: Alienation, Diaspora, Displacement, Identity crisis, Exile, Expatriation, Globalization, Nostalgia, Transculturalism.
[1]. Ashcroft, B., Griffiths, G. & Tiffin, H. (1998). eds. Key Concepts in Post-Colonial Studies. New York: Routledge.68.
[2]. Bande, U. (1988). The Novels of Anita Desai. New Delhi: Prestige Books.
[3]. Beauvoir, S. (1983). The second sex. Trans and Ed. H.M. Parsley and Harmondsworth Penguine
[4]. Bhabha, H. (1994). The Location of Culture, New York: Routledge.
[5]. Dalmia, Y. (1979). Anita Desai: An interview. The Times of India.13...
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Abstract: The role played by techniques of recitation of the Glorious Qur‟an remains significant in sharpening appreciation capacity and level of compliance with the rules which ultimately enhances the competitors‟ chances of emerging as the best. In spite of the role played by various schools and non-school-based capacity building practices, performance of most participants at recitation competitions remained not as impressive as anticipated in a bid to maintain an unchanged position in the international competition. This research intends to arrive at an empirical conclusion on the relationship between both direct and indirect factors and competitors‟ performance.........
[1]. Abdulhamid, R. (2015). "Impact of and Challenges of Qur'anic Recitation Competition in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja. Jornal of Islamic Studies and Culture, 172-185.
[2]. Al-Idreesy, A.-K. (2005). Ahkam al-Tarteel Li Ayaat al-Tanzeel. Beirut: Dar ibn Hazm.
[3]. Al-Jamzury, S. (2003). al-Qa'idah al-Madaniyyah fi Tajweed Kalam Rabb al-Bariyyah. Madina: Mataabi' al-Rasheed.
[4]. Al-Suyuty, J. A. (2003). al-Itqan Fiy Ulum al-Qur'an. Cairo: Dar al-Fikr.
[5]. Al-Zarqany, M. A. (2001). Manahil al-Irfan fiy Ulum al-Aqur'an. Cairo: Dar al-Hadith.
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Abstract: The current study aimed at revealing the effect of integrative STEM approach from an Islamic perspective in improving love of learning among talented students of 9th grade at science course, and the study followed the Quasi-experimental approach according to pre-post design for one case, as the study sample was (20) talented students of 9th at Mustafa Hafez School. To answer the study main question, love of learning scale was used. The results showed that there are statistically significant differences in the result of love of learning scale between the pre and post application, also it showed that there is an effect to use science course that based on integrative STEM approach from an Islamic perspective in teaching science, this is as a result to overcome the problems that face teachers during presenting the scientific knowledge.
Keywords: (STEM approach with Islamic Perspective, Love of Learning, Talented 9th grade students)
[1] M. Abu-owda& A. Abu-mousa. Effect of a Science Unit "Light & Life" designed according to the Integrative STEM approach on the Improvement of Scientific Practices among 9th grade students. Journal of Research & Method in Education, 9 (3), 46-50, 2019.
[2] L. Briny & J. Hill. Building STEM education with multinationals. International conference on translational collaboration in STEAM education. Sarawak, Malaysia, 2013.
[3] Y. Doppelt, M. M Mehalik, C. D. Schunn, E. Silk, & D. Krysinski. Engagement and achievements: a case study of design-based learning in a science context. Journal of Technology Education, 19(2), 22-39, 2008.
[4] N. K. Dejarnette. Implementing STEAM in the Early Childhood Classroom. European Journal of STEM Education, 3(3), 18, 2018.
[5] R. Al-Gage, D. Al-Hidabi& A. Al-Hamady. Developing the Love of learning scale for adult students. International Journal Excellence for Development. 10 (18), pp. 59-90, 2019...
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Abstract: This study explores domestic enslavement and marginalization in the 21st century Ethiopia with special emphases in Damot Gale Woreda, Wolaita Zone, South Ethiopia. Three kebeles of the Woreda namely Ade Damot, Gacheno and Wandara were selected. The study area; zone, Woreda and kebeles were purposively selected by the researcher for his contact with the community during secondary education. The researcher employed exploratory research design to disclose the existing enslavement and marginalization in the study area. The researcher used descriptive statistics to analyze the quantitative data and narration and description for the qualitative ones. The data was collected from "slave descendants‟, "descendants of slave owning families‟ and Woreda higher officials..........
Keywords: Slave Descendants, Descendants of Slave Owning Families, Domestic Slavery
[1]. Allaln, Jean, (2006). Slavery and the League of Nations: Ethiopia as a Civilised Nation, in Journal of the History of International Law / Revue d'histoire du droit
[2]. Ambron H. (1986). Social Division of Work in Traditional Agricultural Societies(Southern Ethiopia). Proceedings of 19th International Congress of Ethiopian Studies, Moscow 26-29 Agust 1986.
[3]. Constitution (1995). Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
[4]. Dubale Gebeyehu (2012). Social hierarchy, status and life of Manas in Dawuro, South-West Ethiopia
[5]. Emperor Haile Sellasie I (1976). The Autobiography of Emperor Haile Sellasie I: My Life and Ethiopia‟s Progress, 1892-1937, p. 80..
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Abstract: This paper discusses developmentally appropriateness ofcurricula (DAC), integratedplay-based (child-centered) pedagogical practices, teachers‟ competencies and learning environment in ECCE in pre-schools of Hawassa University technology woredas. Mixed research method with concurrent triangulation or convergent parallel (QUAN+QUAL) design was applied throughout this study. Quantitative data were analyzed with SPSS version 20 and qualitative data were presented in themes side-by-side followed by brief discussion at the same time. The findings of the study shows that the practices of creating child-friendly learning environments (as the third teacher) to carry out indoor and out-door activities are not heartening in most pre-schools. Besides, the practices of integratedplay-based pedagogy in the contexts of preschools are evaluated against the principles of early.........
Keywords: ECCE, Developmentally appropriate curricula and integrated play-based pedagogy
[1]. Belay Tefera and HawazH.Yesus (2015). Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Early Childhood Education in Ethiopia. Child Rights, Childhood Education and the use of Mother Tongue in Schools: Addis Ababa: Addis Ababa University Press.
[2]. Christine, McL. (2016). Full-Day Kindergarten Play-Based Learning: Promoting a Common Understanding.
[3]. Cochran, W.G, (1977). Sampling Technique (3rd. Ed.).New York: John Wiley and Sons
[4]. Creswell, J.W. (2014). Research Design, Qualitative And Mixed Approaches (4th Ed.). London. Sage Publication
[5]. _________ (2013). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches (3rd.Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage..
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Abstract: The foreign fighters phenomena is nothing new. Throughout history, many foreign fighters have travelled to foreign countries to join the fight with whom they have sympathetic attachment or ideological attachment. Among those foreign fighters many return to their home countries, many get killed during the fight, and some may travel elsewhere. The returning foreign fighters represent a significant danger and security threat to their home/returning countries. Studies show that there are reasons to assume the returnees as potential threats and one of the important reasons is they are radicalized with extreme world views.. This research essay aims to offer an understanding on how they can pose potential threats for their home countries. This essay comprises of three parts. Firstly, it presents the concept of foreign fighters. Then, the essay offers discussion on and the trends of foreign fighters. Finally, it portrays the threat perception of returnee foreign fighters with relevant examples. The essay concludes with providing insights on possible future trends of foreign fighters as well as future research indication
[1]. Australian Federal Police (AFP), Fighting Terrorism Overseas, (Accessed on 20 October, 2018).
[2]. BBC 2016, "Bangladesh siege: Twenty killed at Holey Artisan Bakery in Dhaka", (Accessed on 20 October, 2018).
[3]. Borum, Randy & Fein, Robert 2017, "The Psychology of Foreign Fighters," Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 40:3, 248-266.
[4]. Dawson, Lorne L. &Amarasingam, Amarnath 2017, "Talking to Foreign Fighters: Insights into the Motivations for Hijrah to Syria and Iraq," Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 40:3, 191-210.
[5]. Gulf Times 2013, Jamaat leader arrested on war crimes charges, on 20 October, 2018).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Exploring the Vietnamese Approach to Education for Sustainable Development |
Country | : | Vietnam |
Authors | : | Nguyen Minh Quang |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2408096068 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper first looks at major opportunities and challenges – internal and external – posed by the forces of globalization that are facing Vietnam's approach to education reforms. Starting with the view that the background of internationalization of education has become more evident, inclining the country to develop an "outward-looking education," it identifies new EfS pattern and trend which appear emerging in the country by investigating contemporary reforms at upper secondary and beyond levels. With the rising tide of public demand on a qualified and competitive education, Vietnam has made remarkable progress in its socialization of education strategy which preliminary fruitfulness characterized by the proliferation of private educational institutions and a rapid shift......
Keywords: Education for sustainable development; Vietnam education reforms; international standards; Vietnam higher education; education policy
[1]. Association of Universities and Colleges in Vietnam (AUCV). (2013). Report on 20 years of development models of higher education outside the public in Vietnam. Retrieved from
[2]. Daniel, N. and Chia-Ling, L. (2013). International Education: An Encyclopedia of Contemporary Issues and Systems (2-Volume Set). UK: Routledge.
[3]. Dan Tri News (2016, September 01). Bộ trưởng Phùng Xuân Nhạ đặt 9 nhiệm vụ, 5 giải pháp để nâng kỷ cương, chất lượng giáo dục. Retrieved from
[4]. Hoa, T.V. (2016, April 21). Grading Vietnam's higher education reforms. East Asia Forum. Retrieved from
[5]. Horn, M. (2014, February 24). Visits To Vietnam's Schools Shed Light On Opportunities For Innovation. Forbes. Retrieved from
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Abstract: Recycle is one part of environmental protection but has become an important issue been discussed in national and global level. There are many hot topics faced by a society that relate to natural pollution and disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes, floods and extreme droughts. The government has done a lot of things to put this country at least the same level of other countries in recycling programs. They launched two recycling related programs in 1993 and 2000 such as recycling planning programs, awareness campaigns, publicity and promotion on television and radio. The aim of this study is to identify three aspects level of knowledge among civil servants on recycling.........
Keywords: household, reduce, recycle, reuse.
[1] Jasmine Adela, M., Rosnah, I., Chua, B.S., Lailawati, M., Walton, W. &Rickless, D. Recycling motivation and barriers in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. International Journal of Psychological and Behavioural Science, 2015, 9, (8), 2911- 2915.
[2] Noor H, C., Ibrahim, M. & Mohd Yusri, I. Hubungan sikap alam sekitar dan amalan kitar semula di negeri Terengganu. Social Sciences Postgraduate International Seminar (SSPIS), 2014, 137-147.
[3] Zaini, S., Sofia, A. &MohdFauzi, S. Pengetahuankomunitidanamalanpengurusansisapepejal di Negeri Sembilan, GeografiaOnlineTM Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 2017, 13(4), 126-137, ISSN 2180-2491. [4] Agamuthu, P. & Fauziah, S. H. Challenges and issues in moving towards sustainable landfilling in a transitory country - Malaysia. Waste Management & Research2011, 29(1): 13–19.
[5] Aslina, I. & Haliza, A. R. Pengetahuan dan amalan pengurusan sisa pepejal dalam kalangan masyarakat di Taman Mesra dan Taman Bakti Kota Bharu , Kelantan. Geografi2015, 2(3): 14-27..