Series-3 (Aug-2019)August-2019 Issue Statistics
Ser 1 Ser 2 Ser 3 Ser 4 Ser 5 Ser 6 Ser 7 Ser 8 Ser 9 Ser 10
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Islam and Welfare Economics: A Focus on Inheritance |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | H.M Bello || Gambo Hassan |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2408030107 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper focuses on the institution of inheritance in Islam as a mechanism for redistribution of wealth with the goal of improving the welfare and or economic efficiency of society. It should to be understood that implementation of inheritance law antler' Islam" does not' violate any of the existing relaxation of the assumptions of the welfare functions such as the efficiency Criterion. Constant Proportional Shares, Pareto-Safety, and Maximum Social well-being. It is in this regard that this paper considered the institution of Inheritance, as spelt out in Islam as a manifestation, of how to improve societal welfare and at the same time receive the blessings of Allah (SWT). It therefore urges the Ummah to see to the. rightful implementation of this institution within the framework of their respective State's Social Welfare Programs. In the next section, the paper defines inheritance in a broad sense and in relation to Islam. This is followed by identifying eligible candidates for inheritance with some accompanying illustration where' possible. Finally, the paper rounded, MP with concluding, summary.
Keywords: Islam, Inheritance, Welfare Economics and Policy
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Abstract: Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness (1899) has been (un)arguably one of the most debated novellas portraying a diagnosis of human nature, intricate relationships and socio-political order. So far much of the debate and discussions on the work have primarily been on power conflicts, social order and portrayal of the native land and people under colonial regime. Little attention, however, has been paid to the novella's depiction of female characters. Conrad (1857-1924) presents women as weak, dependent, naive and idealistic who believe in fantasy. All the female characters are shown powerless; if they have power by chance that is possible only because of the connection with a powerful man. Despite socio-cultural differences in so called civilized or uncivilized societies, patriarchal influence is everywhere in different forms. Against this backdrop, this paper attempts a feminist reading of the work to find out how it portrays women in terms of defining identity, individuality and freedom. The paper chiefly through a feminist study tends to scrutinize traditional patriarchal attitude found in the work.
Keywords: Human nature, power conflicts, female characters, patriarchal attitude.
[1]. Bode, Rita. ―‗They … Should Be Out of It': The Women of Heart of Darkness.‖ Conradiana: A Journal of Joseph Conrad Studies 26.1 (1994): 20-34. Web. 25 November 2012.
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[4]. Hinkle, Lynda L. ―Women and Silence in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness…or Patriarchal Fantasy‖. MP: An Online Feminist Journal 1.5 (2007): 3-5. Web. 6 January 2013.
[5]. Jones, Susan. ―Conrad, Women, and the Critics‖. Conrad and Women. New York: Oxford UP, 1999. (P. 5-37) Web. 14 March 2013...
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Abstract: This article aims to study Textof Pasambahan Manjapuik Marapulai (TPMM),a speech of traditional language of Minangkabau used in bringing-home proposal of bridegroom to bride's house. It is a culturally important and traditionally specific language on which implementation of Minangkabau traditions (ceremonies) are greatly based. The traditions cannot be implemented traditionally regardless of the language. Doe to the language role, this article discusses two things, namely the strategy of positive politeness and the strategy of negative politeness in the text pasambahan manjapuik marapulai in Kota Solok as an effort to preserve and develop it to young generations........
Keywords: politeness strategies, Minangkabau traditionally specific language, PMM
[1]. Brown, P. dan Levinson, S.C. 1987. Politeness Some Universalsin Language Usage.New York: Cambridge University Press.
[2]. Fraser, Bruce. 2005. Whither Politeness. Dalam Robin TLakoffandSachikoIde (Ed.). Broadening the Horizon of Linguistic Politeness:65-82. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamin PublishingCompany.
[3]. Gunawan,Fahmi.2013. Wujud Kesantunan Berbahasa Mahasiswa terhadap Dosen di STAIN Kendari: Kajian Sosiopragmatik.
[4]. Jauhari, Eddy dan Edy Sugiri. 2012. KesantunanPositif dalam Masyarakat Etnik Tionghoadi Surakarta: Kajian Sosiopragmatik. Mozaik:Jurnal Ilmu Humaniora:(12)2.
[5]. Levinson, Stephen C. 1983. Pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Religious Beliefs, Faith Communities and Intimate Partner Violence |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Evans N. Nwaomah D.Min, CFLE |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2408032531 ![]() |
Abstract: This study examined the role of religious beliefs in the perpetration of domestic violence in aconservative Christian Church in Nigeria. Domestic violence, which sometimes goes unnoticed, is a huge social problem in Nigeria and has profound impact on the physical, mental, psychological and spiritual health of its victims. A number of population-based surveys, have measured the health and psychological implications of violence against women. However, much less has been done so far to understand the influence of religiosity and religious beliefs in the perpetration.........
Key words: Religious Beliefs, Faith communities, Women, Violence Prevention
[1]. Adegoke, T. G., & Oladdeji, David. (2008). Community norms and cultural attitudes and Beliefs factors influencing violence against women of reproductive age in Nigeria. European Journal of Scientific Research, 20(2), 265-266.
[2]. Aderinto, A. A. (Ed.). (2004). Domestic violence among the middle class in Edo and Delta States in Thomas, I M; Erinosho L. E; Orenuga, F :Domestic Violence among Middle Class Nigerians. Lagos: Inter African Committee.
[3]. Adeyemi, A., Irinoye, O., Oladimeji, B., Fatusi, A., Fatoye, F., &Mosaku, S. (2008). Preparedness for Management and Prevention of Violence against Women by Nigerian Health Professionals. Journal of Family Violence, 23(8), 719-725.
[4]. Afronews. (2008). Nigeria: Half of women experience domestic violence Retrieved 22 May, 2010, from
[5]. Antai, D. (2011). Controlling behavior, power relations within intimate relationships and intimate partner physical and sexual violence against women in Nigeria. Antai BMC Public Health, 11(5), 1-2.
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Abstract: This study compares the life of women in Kaibarta Fishermen familiesin Deeprbeel area in Kamrup Metro district and Urpadbeel area in Goalpara district in South Western Assam in India.Deepor and Urpad are two large wetlands in the Brahmaputra valley and there is a sizeable population of fishing families in both the areas.This communication lists down all the major roles played by a woman in a fishermen family and prioritizes the six major roles in which they invest significant amount of their time.Status of women with respect to education, access to health care, social status and mobility are analysed. It also throws light on how fishing as a profession has impacted their lives in positive or negative ways. The women in Urpadbeel area invest more time in income generating activities, but the women in Deeporbeel area getgreater economic returns. Women in Deeporbeel area are involved in selling of fish in the local market, especially in Godhuli Bazar area, whereas the women in Urpad area are socially barred from taking part in fishing or selling of fish..
Key words: Kaibarta community, Deeporbeel, Urpadbeel, Social status, Income generating activities
[1]. JB Ahilan and P. Selvaraj. Role of Fisherwomen in Decision Making. Social Welfare: 1981. 16-34 pp.
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[3]. Dey and Kar. Fishermen of lake Sone in Assam: Their socio-economic status, Science and Culture, vol. 55. 1989. pp 395-398.
[4]. M. Choudhury. An econometric study on the Socio-economic status of the fishermen/community in lower Assam. J. Inland Fish. Soc India, 21 (1). 1989. pp 7-13.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Need and necessity to upgrade Rural Agriculture Work Experience |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Soujanya Kotte || Khare, N. K |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2408034245 ![]() |
Abstract: In view of globalization and development of new technologies it is essential that the students meet international quality standards to develop analytical skill, entrepreneurial qualities and experiential learning for having confidence to do profitable farming. To inculcate these qualities Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) introduced an integrated programme named Rural Agriculture Work Experience (RAWE) to agriculture graduates in all State Agriculture Universities. Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya (JNKVV) also started this programme in the year 2001-02. In order to know whether there is any necessity to upgrade the RAWE programme a study was conducted in the College of Agriculture, Jabalpur under JNKVV. Purposive sampling technique was used and statistical methods like percentage, frequency, mean and ranking were used for analysing the data. It was found that almost all the objectives of the RAWE programme were met and the students are enthusiastic to do a new module if introduced.
Key words: Module, Purposive Sampling, RAWE
[1]. Anonymous. 1978.The Report of Review Committee on Agricultural Universities, New Delhi: ICAR.
[2]. Anonymous. 1995b. The Report of the Third Dean's committee on Agriculture Education in India, New Delhi: ICAR.
[3]. Anonymous. 1999. Rural Agricultural Work Experience Programme. Manual Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad.
[4]. Anonymus, 2014. Twelfth Five Year Plan of ICAR,
[5]. Khare, N. K. and Pyasi, V. K. 2013. Manual for Rural Agricultural Work Experience. DFA/JNKVV/Manual RAWE/UG/2013/24. Jawaharlal Nehru krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur, 55p.
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Abstract: This study examined professional etiquette and ethical values for counseling profession among Secondary School Counselors in Kogi State. The export- factor method was used and data were collected through a self-developed and administration of two instruments titled: Counselors Principles on Ethical Code of Behavior (CPEC) which was structured to cover some areas of ethical code of conducts like honestly, integrity, trustworthiness, loyalty and Counselors Professional Role Expectations (CPRE) equally structured on counseling availability, counseling models, professionally and knowledge and participation on professional body (CASSON).A proportion random sampling technique was used for the sampled schools while simple random sampling technique was adopted.........
Key words: Professional Etiquette, code of ethics, professional counselor.
[1]. American Counseling Association, (2014).Retrieved Aug 4th 2018 from
[2]. American counseling Association Code of Ethics, (2016). Retrieved Aug 4th 208 from
[3]. Danga, (2004).Guidance and Counseling in school and Non-School setting. Calabar, Rapid publishers.
[4]. Danga and Ali, (2004). An production to research method and statistics in education and social science 3rd (ed).Calabar, Rapid Education Publisher.
[5]. Daniel, J. (2015). Ethical principles for counseling.Retrievedjuly 20thjuly 2018from
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Abstract: To date, poverty remains an issue that is often discussed especially in developing countries, including Indonesia. According to the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS – Badan Pusat Statistik), the number of poverty in Indonesia is still high, it reached up to 9.82% or 25.95 million people in March 2018. One of the indicators of poverty is the low-income class that constitutes poor access to proper housing. Consequently, such poor access causes high number of housing backlog. The number of housing backlog in Indonesia in 2017 was 11.4 million. One of the government's programs to cope with the housing backlog is the Stimulant Assistance Program of Self-help Housing (BSPS - Program Bantuan Stimulan Perumahan Swadaya) for the middle-class population (MBR – Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah). This study aims to investigate the efficiency of the program's implementation in eight provinces using qualitative and quantitative methods by conducting a direct observation, as well as handing.......
Key words: poverty, regional development, self-help housing
[1]. Angel. S, Heuberger. R, Lamei. N, 2017. Differences Between Household income from Survey and Register and How These Affect The Poverty Headcount Evidence from The Austrian SILC. Social Indicators Research, Volume 138, Issue 2, July 2018, Pages 575-603.
[2]. Aromokudu, Judith T, and Longgia, Claudia. 2017. Self-Help Consolidation Challenges in Low-Income Housing in South Afrika. Journal of Construction PProject Management and Inovation, Voleme 7, Issue 1. [3]. Bakhtyar. B, Zuharim. A, Sopian. K, Moghimi. S. 2013. Housing for Poor People: A Review on Low Cost Housing Process in Malaysia. Wseas Transaction on Environment and Development Issue 2 Volume 9.
[4]. Bredenoord. J, Lindert. P, 2010. Pro Poor Policies: Rethinking the Potential of Assisted Self-Help Housing. Habitat International, Volume 34, Issue 3.
[5]. Budds, J. 2005. Ensuring The Right to The City: Pro-Poor Housing, Urban Development and Tenure Legalization in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Environment and Urbanization Volume 17 No 1..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Transience in Shelley's Ozymandias: A Poetic Appeal to Human's Finer Instincts |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Bidisha Zaman || Keya Chakraborty |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2408036569 ![]() |
Abstract: This study sets to show the univocal consistency in the poetic portrayal of Ozymandias through the setting, images, symbols and the thematic content. The poetic appraisal and the rhetoric of the poem reinforce the central idea of transience and survival of creativity, the essence of the poem. Shelley makes an invincible attempt to create an aura of positivity in the living conditions of all transient things in the poem "Ozymandias". It is displayed through the tangible nature of living things and their embodiments as is expressed in the poem as insolence of power. Nothing.........
Key words: Transience, ruin, representation, mighty
[1]. Richmond, H. M. "Ozymandias and the Travelers". Keats-Shelley Journal, Vol. 11, Winter 1962, pp. 65-71. Keats-Shelley Association of America, Inc.
[2]. Freedman, William. "Postponement and Perspectives in Shelley's "Ozymandias". Studies in Romanticism, Vol. 25, No. 1, Spring 1986, pp. 63-73. Boston University
[3]. [4]. Campbell, W. Olwen. Shelley and the Unromantics. Methuen & co., ltd. London. The University of Michigan. ed. 2. 1924, pp. 279.
[5]. Shelley, P. B. Ozymandias. Poetry Foundation.
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Abstract: The general objective of this study is to investigate literary features in medieval Ethiopian hagiographies, Gädlä Krestos Sämra in focus. It intended to endorse whether these text qualifies literariness. Accordingly, the literary elements/style and techniques were examined in the hagiography. Since the study is done on a text, qualitative research method is applied. This research developed key findings. The results show that Gädlä Krestos Sämra has contained literary features. Stylistically, the narrative is constructed in well-arranged figures of speech, simile, metaphor, symbolism, and others. Techniques of a novel, foreshadowing, dialogue and description are on the other hand revealed in the text through the study. The principal conclusion drawn from this research was that irrespective of the reality of the stories for followers, it qualifies the prominent literary features. Based on the finding of the research, it can be argued that the text is a religious fiction.
[1]. Adamu and Belaynesh. (1970). The Role of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church in Literature and Art. In Taddesse, and Sergew (Eds.). The Church of Ethiopia: A Panorama of History and Spiritual Life. (pp.45-49). Addis Ababa: B.S.P.E.
[2]. Anteneh Awoke. (1993). The role of narrators in Geez narratives and early Amharic didactic prose fictions. AAU. Unpublished M.A. thesis.
[3]. Appleyard, D. (1998). Ethiopian Manuscripts. London: Ashberton Ltd.
[4]. Bausi, A., and Uhlig. (Eds.). (2006). The Aksumite background of the Ethiopic. Belmont: Wadsworth
[5]. Bender, M.L., Hailu F., and Roger C. (1976). Two Ethio Semetic Languages. Cambrige: Cambrige University Press..
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Abstract: The question of Jerusalem has never ceased to be discussed until now. Especially since the announcement of a certain party who made a decision to move the Israeli capital from Tel Aviv to this city, the name Jerusalem again stands out to the whole world. Based on this fact, this article discusses social conflict of Jerusalem in three short stories from different countries: Indonesia, Palestine, and United States of America. The aim of this study is to see social conflict in Jerusalem from three different short stories. The method used in this research is descriptive and comparative analysis. In the descriptive method, the three short stories are described by their intrinsic elements. Meanwhile, on the method of comparison, the elements that have been described are then compared based on the aspect of affinity, such as the intrinsic elements, to find the similarities and differences. From the analysis it is found that there are various differences between these three short stories, such as the social conflict and the scale of social conflict.
Key words: Comparative analysis, Descriptive analysis, Jerusalem, Short story
[1]. Anna Bernard, "Consuming Palestine: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in Metropolitan Culture," Journal for Cultural Research(16), 197-216, 2012.
[2]. Doris Gottesfeld, "Mirrors of Alienation: West Bank‟s Palestinian Women‟s Literature after Oslo," Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies(13), 22-40, 2013.
[3]. Edgar Allen Poe. 1827. Tale of Jerusalem. 1827.
[4]. Helvy Tiana Rosa. 2014. Hingga Batu Bicara. 18 June 2014.
[5]. Ian J. Bickerton, Carla L., A Concise History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict.New Jersey:Prentince-Hall Inc, 1991.