Series-5 (Aug-2019)August-2019 Issue Statistics
Ser 1 Ser 2 Ser 3 Ser 4 Ser 5 Ser 6 Ser 7 Ser 8 Ser 9 Ser 10
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Abstract: Drug abuse is becoming an increasing problem in Kenya. Severalstudies carried out in the country have shown that almost all young Kenyans have experimentedon drugs. What causes concern is that a big proportion of these young people eventually get addicted which affects their health and safety, and at the same time affects their families and the society at large.The purpose of this study was, therefore, to investigate the role of guidance and counseling in addressing prevalence and commonly abused drugs. The study was guided by the following objectives: to find out prevalence rates of drug abuse and commonly abused drugs among university students and to investigate the........
Keywords: Guidance and counseling, Prevalence, CommonlyAbusedDrugs
[1]. Bandura (1961).Social Foundations of Thought and Action. Eaglewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice Hall
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[4]. Gatua, D. M. (2014)Impact of Guidance and Counselling Services on Students‟ Social and Emotional Adjustment in Public Urban and Rural Secondary Schools in Nakuru and UasinGishu Counties, Kenya. International Journal of Science and Research Volume 3 Issue 11 (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 (Retieved in March,2019)
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Abstract: Conduite dans les régions de Maradi, Tahoua et Tillabéri, cette étude vise à analyser les exploitations agricoles familiales afinde demonter l'influence des paramètres agroécologiques dans la détermination de l'indice de vulnérabilité alimentaire et nutritionnelle. Réalisée à travers des enquêtes sur un échantillon de 486 chefs d' exploitations agricoles familiales repartis dans les trois régions du Niger à savoir Tillaberi, Tahoua et Maradi. Trois méthodes d'analyse ont été appliqués sur les données : une analyse statistique de fréquence et de variance, une analyse multivariée et un test de corrélation pour la vérification des hypothèses. Les résultats ont montré que l'influence des variables agroécologiques sur la vulnérabilité alimentaire et nutritionnelles sont plus significatives que les variables sociodémographiques. Aussi, les revenus issus de la vente des produits agricoles...........
Keywords: Family Farming, Determinants, Agroecological Variables, food consumption score, dietary diversity score, performancce, Niger
[1]. Action Contre la Faim (ACF)-Programme Alimentaire Mondiale (PAM)., 2012. Réflexion sur les méthodes d'analyse et de ciblage en sécurité alimentaire. Compte rendu atélier, 29p.
[2]. Ayouba.T-B., 2013. Vulnérabilté alimentaire en milieu urbain nigérien : cas des 5ème arrondissement communal de Niamey. Mémore Master en Sciences agronomiques, 49p.
[3]. Yamba B., 2003. Etudes des facteurs et perceptions sociales de la vulnérabilité dans la région d'Aguié », CRESA, CT/PIP, 31p.
[4]. Yamba B., 2004. Mutations des systèmes agraires et des modes d'usage des ressources naturelles dans la zone centrale du Niger. Revue de géographie Alpine N°1592, 97-110p.
[5]. Zoyem.J-P., 2008. Mesures et déterminants de l'insécurité alimentaire au Burundi selon l'approche de l'apport calorifique. Journal statistique africain, n° 6, 35-66p.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Dispute Resolution Through Gayo's Customary Court |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Rahmina || Darmawan || Teuku Muttaqin Mansur |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2408052933 ![]() |
Abstract: This research is conducted to study the form and mechanism of dispute resolution through Gayo's customary court. The method implemented is empirical jurisprudence, by conducting an interview with the respondents and informants. The data is analyzed using the qualitative descriptive approach. The result indicates that the form and mechanism of dispute resolution through Gayo's customary court include: first, a minor dispute mechanism is solved by the village chief. Second, a major dispute mechanism is solved by the Sarak Opat and the head of the mukim..
Key words: dispute resolution, Gayo's customary court
[1]. Takdir Rahmadi, Mediasi Penyelesaian Sengketa Melalui Pendekatan Mufakat, Rajawali Pers, Jakarta, 2011.
[2]. Teuku Muttaqin Mansur, Hukum Adat Perkembangan dan Pembaharuannya di Indonesia, Bandar Publishing, Banda Aceh, 2017.
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[4]. Airil Safrijal, "Penerapan Sanksi Adat dalam Penyelesaian Perkara Pidana", Kanun Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, 2013, No. 59, Th, XV. (145-162).
[5]. Hasil wawancara dengan Bapak Ir. M Jusin Saleh, MBA (Ketua Majlis Adat Gayo), pada tanggal 2 Juni 2019..
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Abstract: This study aimed to analyze the types of politeness strategies expressed by the characters in The Incredibles movie (2004). Moreover, it also investigated the violations of maxims applied by the characters in expressing the politeness strategies. By conducting descriptive qualitative research, the researcher found that there were 113 politeness strategies expressed based on four categories from Brown and Levinson's theory (1987). The highest frequency was found in using bald on-record strategies. This strategy was dominantly used because it was an action movie that presented many urgent and dangerous situations. Therefore, the characters in this movie frequently used bald on-record..........
Key words: Politeness strategies, Violations of maxims, Descriptive qualitative, The Incredibles movie (2004).
[1]. Becker, Annete and Markus Bieswanger. 2006. Introduction to English Linguistics. Germany: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG.
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[5]. Griffiths, Patrick. 2006. An Introduction to English Semantics and Pragmatics. United Kingdom: Edinburgh University Press Ltd.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Self HelpGroup in West Bengal - PEST Analysis |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Swapanadip Sarkar || Iswar Chandra Malik |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2408054250 ![]() |
Abstract: More than 30 years of Self help group movement have put a effective impact on society, mainly in the rural parts of India. West Bengal is not different from it. To analyse the impact we have done this study and to get a vivid outcome we have taken PEST (Political Economic Social Technological) analysis technique as a tool. The outcome of the study delivers that there is a strong impact of SHGs in the core factor of the societal environment i.e. political, economic social and technological. The Government of India and Government of West Bengal have truly concentrated and nurtured this SHG movement and are taking adequate steps for further improvement. Government of West.......
Key words: Self Help group, PEST, Empowerment, Transparency, MSME, Employment
[1]. Amit Roy & Suhrita Chakrabarty (2010): Evaluation of Self Help Group: An Empirical Investigation in India, Lambert Academic publishing.
[2]. Amrita Bahattacharjee & Prankrisna Pal (2012-13): Self Help group and Women Employment-A Study in North 24 Pargana District in West Bengal, Vidyasagar University Journal of Economics,Vol-17
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Abstract: Being humane is a primary requirement for mutual and healthy relations in society. African humanism is built on the notion of "I am because you are, and because you are, so I am.‟ Accordingly, humanism is the lifeblood that nourishes an integrated and cohesive community, where respect and dignity of every individual is upheld. The study interrogated the portrayal of African humanism in the selected novels of the Kenyan writer, MejaMwangi. In this paper, MejaMwangi‟s popular fiction, Going Down River Road (1976) and The Cockroach Dance(1979) are studied. The texts represent Mwangi‟s urban-trilogy, among his forty-four novels. The study‟s discussion.........
Key words: African Humanism, Popular fiction,Society,Contemporary,Social stratification,Utu,Ubuntu
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Abstract: Analizandolas propiedades nutritivas presentes en los temperos, legumbres, verduras y proteínas presentes en el cocido de carne bovina o bubalina servido a los festeros de San Joaquín en Curiaú de Fuera, esta Pesquisa Aplicada está fundamentada en autores estudiados en el Curso Técnico en Alimentos ofertado por IFAP, comprendiendo lecturas y análisis de la matriz específica dentro de la conjetura de la religiosidad popular vivenciada por las familias quilombolas estudiadas y que proporcionaran a los miembros del GPRHUM experiencia cultural 'in loco' mejorando el rendimiento de enseñanza mediana integrada e integral a través de las........
[1]. ALVES, I. da Cruz; LOBATO, L. G. R; PEREIRA, M.L. & NOGUEIRA, R.S. O ciclo do Marabaixo em Macapá e a Igreja Católica Romana: conflitos, ideologias e sincretismo religioso. IN: JournalBioenergyandFood Science, Macapá, v. 1, n.2: pp.53-57, Jul-Sept. 2014.
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Abstract: This study aims to find out how motivation, competence, job satisfaction, and operational citizenship behavior of government officials in Bali Province are viewed from a gender perspective. The object of the research was Bali provincial government officials besides echelon I officials, totaling 940 employees. The research sample is based on Isaac and Michael's table with an error rate of 5%, so the total sample is 388 employees. Determination of research respondents was carried out in proportional sampling. Data collection was carried out through distributing questionnaires to each respondent's market. Data analysis was performed descriptively and non-parametrically. The results showed that male officials' motivation was higher than female officials, while the competence, job satisfaction and OCB of female officials were higher than male officials. On the other hand, the motivation, competency, job satisfaction and OCB of male officials differ significantly from female officials..
Key words: Motivation, Competence, Job Satisfaction,OCB, Gender
[1]. Sharma J.P., Morena Link Road, Gwalior. 2011. Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Public and Private Sector and Its Impact on Job Satisfaction: A Comparative Study in Indian Perspective, International Journal of Business and Management Vol. 6, No. 1; January 2011, page 67-75.
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Abstract: The main aim of this study is to explore the socio-economic activities that affect Cheleleka wetland resources. The research uses mainly qualitative methods which involve structured observation, in-depth-interview, and group discussion with community members living in and around the wetland to collect , analyse and interpret data. An anthropological theory of political ecology has been used as a theoretical approach to explain factors affecting the wetland resources access and control in the study area. The findings show that complex socio-economic activities which have long been undergoing in and around the size and functions of the wetland. Farm land expansion.........
Keywords: Cheleleka wetland, interventions, political ecology, socio-economic activities
[1]. Gemechu Bekele. (2010). The Challenges and Opportunities of Wetlands Management in Ethiopia: The case of Abijiata Lake Wetlands. Addis Ababa: AAU: MA thesis.
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Abstract: The physical appearance and content are the major characteristics that describe a record. Physical appearance is tangible while contents are intangible aspects of a record. The format, size and contents of records differ significantly according to [1] According to [2] a record is a document generated and made available to a relevant person or entity while executing their day to day duties and maintained for present and future use. [3] stated that a record is a representation of the organization's memory and forms the basis for decision making as well as the last line of defense in case of legal suit. On the other hand, [4] described a record as information generated in a form that is easy to reproduce and use in running the day to day business affairs of an organization. That a record is a piece of information generated, obtained or availed so as to commence, execute and finalize an activity. From the........
[1]. Lupşe, O.-S., M.M. Vida, and L. Tivadar.(2012). Cloud computing and interoperability inhealthcare information systemsinthe First International Conference on Intelligent Systemsand Applications (INTELLI2012). 2012.
Chapters in Books:
[2]. Cornwell Management al.,(2001)Developing health information systems in developing countries: the flexiblestandards cloud records. MIS Quarterly, 2007: p. 381-402.
[3]. Plummer, D.C. et al., (2008).Cloud computing: Defining and describing an emerging phenomenon.Gartner, June, 2008.
Chapters in Books:
[4]. Armbrust, M., et al., A view of cloud computing. Communications of the ACM, 2010.53(4):p. 50-58.
Journal Papers:
[5]. Ramandeep& Kumar.(2013). A Study on Security Requirements in Different Cloud Frameworks. International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE). Volume-3, Issue-1, pp. Pp 133-136.