Series-4 (Aug-2019)August-2019 Issue Statistics
Ser 1 Ser 2 Ser 3 Ser 4 Ser 5 Ser 6 Ser 7 Ser 8 Ser 9 Ser 10
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Short View to the women's Inheritance in the View ofIslamic Sharia |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Assistant Professor. HisamudinRahimzai |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2408040105 ![]() |
Abstract: There is also violence against the women's economically System, whichTrouble them in our society. Economical violence is also one of the violence that bothers women in our society. There are many types of economical violence. One of the major type is not giving women their rights although LEGAL AND INHERITAGE SYSTEM OF ISLAM deserve them for inheritance. Verses (11-12) and (176), Surah Al-Nesaa of Holy Quran mentioned wife, daughter, sister and mother eligible for inheritance and says that they deserve inheritance in particular conditions.........
Keywords: Definition, reason, circumstances, pillarsChosen parts of woman's inheritance
[1]. Holy Quran.
[2]. Afghanistan Republic of Afghnistan Civil law (2009). Issue 353, Kabul, Ahmad Printing.
[3]. Ali Ahmad Al- jorjawee (2009). Hikmat-ul- Tashree, vol (2) Ed (2nd) Peshawer, Rashidia Book store.
[4]. Ali bin Mohammad Al- zobaidi (____). Al-jowharat-ul- Naira, Vol(2), Peshawer,hqania book stoor.
[5]. Mohammad bin Salihosaimin (1985). TashilulFraiez, Ed (3rd) Peshawer, Rashidia Book store
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Abstract: The African Traditional Religion (ATR)is part and parcel of the African Heritage which goes back many hundreds and thousands of years. It is a product of the thinking and experiences of our forefathers. The significance attached to ATR in the Christian Religious Education (CRE) syllabus has greatly reduced over the years and the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) reports clearly portray that students have been performing poorly on questions relating to ATR yet it has a significant role to play in instilling moral values in the society today. Descriptive survey design was used in the study. Concurrent mixed methods is adopted in the study. This involves merging quantitative........
Keywords: African Traditional Religion, Moral Values, Students, Kenya Secondary Schools
[1]. Bujo, B. (2001). Foundations of an African Ethic. Beyond the Universal Claims of WesternMorality. New York: The crossroad Publishing Company.
[2]. Busia, K.A. (1964). Purposeful Education for Africa. The Hague. Mouton & Co.
[3]. Datta, A. (1984). Education and Society: A Sociology Press of African Education. New York: St. Martin's Press.
[4]. Dzobo, N.K. (1975). Values in African Education. Conflict and Harmony in Education in Tropical Africa. London: Allen & Unwin.
[5]. Erny, P. (1981). The child and his environment in Black Africa. Nairobi: Oxford University Press Ltd.
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Abstract: Civil wars plaguedmany Arab countries; Syriaand Libyaare clear examples. Large numbers of deaths and causalities occurred as a consequence of these wars.Different approaches tried to explain why these wars startedin the Arab countries focusing on factors which accelerate the breakout and continuity of these wars.The researchers argue thatalthough civil wars in Syria and Libya represent different scenarios, a sectarian-based war in the former, while non-sectarian in the latter; however, authoritarian regimes,greed and grievanceand state incapacity are common correlates in both of these countries. These correlates played a significant role in the breakout of civil wars in the previously mentioned countries and make other Arab countries potential spots for other civil wars. Moreover, the interestsof involved external actorsportray these warsas proxy warstoo.The researchers adopt the analytical approach to support the argument..
Keywords: Civil wars-Proxy wars- Internal conflicts- Greed- Grievance-State institutional capacity and policies- International and regionalactors.
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Abstract: Water is the most important needs for the survival of life on the planet. In India groundwater forms the major source of drinking water. In the rural areas the groundwater is the most important resource because of the non-availability of treated water. According to World Health Organisation (WHO) report about 80% of all diseases in human beings are caused by water. Therefore, the quality of water should be checked at regular interval, because contaminated water can cause various water borne diseases. The present study is carried out to examine water quality of groundwater in Lumbajong Block of KarbiAnglong district, Assam. For the purpose 45 water samples is collected from different location to analyse the physical and.......
Keywords: Groundwater, Physical parameters, Chemical parameters, Water Quality Index, Geographical Information System (GIS).
[1]. American Public Health Association (APHA), (1998). Standard method for the examination of water and waste water (20 edition) Washington D.C.
[2]. Avvannavar S.M, Shrihari S (2008) Evaluation of water quality index for drinking purposes for river Netravathi, Mangalore, South India. Environ Monit Assess, 143:279–290
[3]. BIS (1991). Specifications for Drinking Water, IS:10500: 1991, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India.
[4]. Edmunds, W.M &Smedley , P.L. (2005). Essentials of medical geology. (Ed.). Burlington, MA 301 329: Elsevier Academic Press.
[5]. Fatombi et al.. (2012). Physico-chemical and bacterial characteristics of groundwater and surface water quality in Lagbe town: Treatment essays with Moringaolifera seeds. J Water Res Protect, 4(4), 1001-1008.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis of August 2018 Disaster in Kodagu: An Overview |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Dayananda.K.C |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2408044348 ![]() |
Abstract: Kodagu is one of the most beautiful hill stations of Karnataka. The picturesque coffee and spices plantations of Kodagu are the most noticeable hallmarks of the district. The district is blessed with rich flora and fauna. The tourist destinations, pleasant weather conditions and scenic beauty bring a large number of domestic as well as foreign tourists towards Kodagu. The adventure activities, eco-tourism spots, festivals, sports events, rich heritage, calm atmosphere, hospitality etc., of Kodagu makes the district a perfect place for tourism activity. Kodagu also known as Coorg, is the smallest district in the state of Karnataka. It is one of the most beautiful hill stations in the state. It is situated in South-Western Karnataka, on the Western Ghats of India. It occupies an average of 4102 square kilometers in........
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Philosophical and Psychological Study of Doubt in Buddhism |
Country | : | Sri Lanka |
Authors | : | Rev: Kadawalawewe kalyana |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2408044960 ![]() |
Abstract: Thoughts are arising in the mind as a result of cognition process. Doubt is one of them. Doubt appear in the mind when there is no exact, permanent and accurate understanding of the purpose grasped by five sense organs. Buddhism gives the correct guidance for the realization of absolute truth. In modern philosophy, the reason doubt has used as a way of knowing and psychology has revealed which as a symptom that weaken strength of person‟s mind. The major point to emphasize here is that in Buddhism considered, not only those aspects of doubt, but also the therapeutic.........
Keywords: Buddhism, Vicikicchā, Doubt, Psychology, Psychiatry, Psychotherapy
[1]. Ed by Ven. Nyanatiloka Maha Thera, 1980, Buddhist Dictionary Manual of Buddhist terms and Doctrines, Buddhist Publication Society, p. 352.
[2]. Compiled by Arthur A. Macdonell, 1893, A Sanskrit Dictionary, Printed at The Clarendon Press By Horace Hart, Printer to the University, p. 94.
[3]. Vipassi himi Rambukwelle, ed kaccāyana dhāthu mañjusa, 1998, p. 98
[4]. Concise Pali-English Dictionary, (2014), Ven. Buddhadaththa, Polwatte(2nd ed), Motilal Banarsidass,p. 121
[5]. Pali-Dictionary Vipassana Research Institute, (
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Abstract: Green area development and management have been used to improve environmental conditions, protect and improve biodiversity, promote outdoor activities and active lifestyles, increase social interaction and exchange, and provide healthy urban conditions for good physical and mental well-being. When designed well, urban green areas can be universally accessible, providing benefits for all members of the urban community. The main objective of this study was to assess factors that affect green area development and management in DebreBerhan town. The study is important to minimize challenges for green area management and development and it would be used as base for the.........
Keywords: Green area, green area development, sustainable urban development,urban planning
[1] American Planning Association (APA) (2006).Planning and Urban Standard, John Willy &SonsPress New Jersey.
[2] Andersson, E (2006). Urban landscapes and sustainable cities.
[3] Baycan-Levent, T. and Nijkamp, P. (2009). Planning and management of urban green spaces in Europe: Comparative analysis. Journal of Urban Planning and Development
[4] Byrne, J. Sipe, N., 2010:Green and Open Space Planning For Urban Consolidation. A Review of the Literature and Best Practice, Urban Research Program
[5] Creswell, J. (2003).Research Design: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches.London: SAGE Publication.
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Abstract: Marital relationships are an important variable in understanding marital performance. Marital relationship dynamics represents couple‟s action in activities of personal, leisure, domestic, conflict, and conversation. The career family is an emergent family form in our society that offers new sources of satisfaction and at the same time presents new types of problems, which threaten marital satisfaction. Careers represent a major innovation that calls into question traditional aspects of family life and division of labor. The purpose of this study was, therefore, to investigate the role of guidance and counseling on marital satisfaction with an aim of coming up with interventions........
Keywords: Challenges, Guidance and counseling, Marital Relationship, Marital Satisfaction
[1] Amidu, N., Owiredu, W. K., Gyasi-Sarpong, C. K., Woode, E., &Quaye, L. (2011).Sexual dysfunction among married couples living in Kumasi metropolis, Ghana.Amidu et al. BMC Urology 11(3), 1471-2490.
[2] Ebrahimi, A.&Janbozorgi, M. (2008). The relationship between communication skills and marital satisfaction. Psychology in dealing with religion, 2: 164-147
[3] Gillpatrick, S. (2008). Seven Ways couples add conflict to conflict. Centerstone, Wellness programWard C, Bochner S, Farnham A. The psychology of culture shock, 2nd ed. London: Routledge.
[4] Karney, B.R., Garvan, C.W., & Thomas, M.S. (2003). Family formation in Florida: 2003 baseline survey of attitudes, beliefs, and demographics relating to marriage and family formation. Gainesville: University of Florida
[5] Li, T., & Fung, H. (2011) The dynamic goal theory of marital satisfaction, Review of General Psychology, American Psychological Association, (15) 246–254