Series-8 (Aug-2019)August-2019 Issue Statistics
Ser 1 Ser 2 Ser 3 Ser 4 Ser 5 Ser 6 Ser 7 Ser 8 Ser 9 Ser 10
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Gender Discriminations in Epic Period |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Pulak Chandra Majumdar |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2408080109 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper discusses the issues of [i] parent‟s preference on birth of children; [ii] education; [iii] marriage and re-marriage; [iv] arrangement of household‟s works; and inheritance right on property in the epic period. It also examines whether these issues had gender bias in this period. If the issues were gender bias in this period, then it is also examined whether the extent of biases are relevant to the present society in India. Comparing the manners and customs of the present society with the manners and customs of the epic period we have tried to arrive at some conclusions.
[1]. Sen A., 2001, "Many Faces of Gender Inequalities‟ frontline, Vol. 18, 2001.
[2]. Sen A., Front Line Volume 18, 2001.
[3]. Ramayana, 1, 8, 1
[4]. Ramayana, 11, 17, 35
[5]. Ramayana, 1, 144, 3
[6]. Ramayana, 1, 144, 3
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Request Strategies and Level of Request Directness in Moroccan Arabic and American English |
Country | : | Morocco |
Authors | : | Hammani Mohamed |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2408081020 ![]() |
Abstract: This study examines the use of request strategies and the level of request directness in Moroccan Arabic (MA) and American English (AE). First, the study seeks to identify the level of request directness and the types of request strategies employed by Moroccan Arabic native speakers (MANSs) and American English native speakers (AENSs). Second, it seeks to demonstrate the correlation between the level of request directness and the socio-pragmatic variables of social power, social distance, and degree of imposition in MA and AE. For data collection, a Discourse Completion Task (DCT) was used. The results of this study have revealed that MANSs and AENSs are significantly different in the use of direct request strategies and conventionally indirect request strategies. MANSs favor direct request strategies while............
Keywords: Request Strategies, Request Perspectives, Socio-pragmatic Variables, Directness
[1]. Leech, G. (1983). Principles of pragmatics. London: Longman.
[2]. Blum-Kulka, S., House, J., & Kasper, G. (1989). Cross-cultural pragmatics: Requests and apologies. Norwood, NJ: Alblex Publishing Corporation.
[3]. Brown, P., & Levinson, S. (1987). Politeness: Universals in Language
[4]. Wolfson, N. (1989). Perspectives, Sociolinguistics and TESOL. Boston: Hemle & Heinle.
[5]. Achiba, M. (2003). Learning to request in a second language: Child interlanguage pragmatics. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Green Entrepreneurship in Manipur |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Chungkham Tombileima Devi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2408082125 ![]() |
Abstract: Manipur is a small hilly state in the North-East region of India. Manipur may well be historically characterized by economic backwardness and unstable law and order conditions but in the face of such reality, there has been remarkable growth in the market and production in recent years. The native of the state have always had an inherent respect and love for nature and in time people‟s consciousness for the environment have been culturally and traditionally woven into their lives. In recent years natives of the states have taken up many ideas and visions to help conserve nature and turned them into profit making business. Such a drive has drawn a significant picture of green entrepreneurship in Manipur............
Keywords: North East India, Green entrepreneurship, Manipur, supportive measures.
[1]. www.Epao.Net
[2]. Personal Survey
[3]. Interview With The Entrepreneurs
[4]. https://Truvalu-Group.Com/Portfolio/Green-Biotech-Ecosolutions-India/
[5]. http://Www.Theweekendleader.Com/Success/2653/Money-From-Pineapple.Html
[6]. Imphal Free Press (
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Abstract: Site Specific Nutrient Application (SSNA) of Integrated nutrients (T7) including Recommended Dose of Fertilizers of (250:250:250 kgs) of NPK along with 30 tonnes of Farm Yard Manure (FYM), 3.0 tonnes of Vermicomost, 2.0 kg of Phosphate Solubilising Bacteria (PSB), 5.0 kg Zinc Sulphate (ZnSo4) and 5.00 kg of Boron (Borax 5.00 kg/ha) per hectare as a basal dose with Crop Demand Based Irrigation (CDBI-30 irrigations) under black polythene mulching has recorded the highest mean fruit yield of (112.50 t/ha) whereas in the control i.e. farmers practice T1- (625:625:625 kgs NPK +35 tonnes of Farm Yard Manure + 450 kgs of Pongamia Cake + Every Alternate Day Irrigation i.e. higher frequency of irrigations (60 irrigations) and Non Application of Vermicomost, Micronutrients and Bio Fertilizers per hectare ) the mean fruit yield recorded in T1 was 99.29 t/ha. The significantly higher fruit yield recorded........
[1]. Arneja, C.S. and Khangura, R.S. 2003. A study of the knowledge of pea growerers and its association with their selected socio-personal charecterstics. Rural India Vol.66: 166-168
[2]. G.R. Noggle, G.T. Fritz, Introductory Plant Physiology, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. Publication, New Delhi, 1980.
[3]. Hagan, R.M., R.H Howard, W.E., Talcoh (2008). Irrigation of Agricultural lands Plant Soil Environ. Vol. 61, 2015, No. 3: 97–102
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Abstract: Work safety protection is employees' rightsthat should be accommodated by the employers so that the employees feel safe in doing their jobs. The norms of work safety are regulated in the Law Number 1 of 1970 concerning Work Safety. This study uses normative-juridical method and data collecting was conducted through library research. The results indicate that work safety norms regulated in the Law Number 1 of 1970do not fully accommodatework safety of the employees yet.In addition clear concept of work safety and its elaboration are also not available yet. The concepts of work safety are about the coverage, the limitations that cannot be violated by the parties, and the unavailability of clear punishment........
Key words: Work safety, legal protection, employers, employees
[1]. Aloysius Uwiyono, et. al., Asas-Asas Hukum Perburuhan [The Principles of Labor Law], PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta, 2014.
[2]. Bernard L. Tanya, et. al., Teori Hukum (Strategi Tertib Manusia Lintas Ruang dan Generasi [Theory of Law (Humans Discipline Strategy across Space and Generation)], Genta Publishing, Yogyakarta, 2013.
[3]. BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, The Number of Work Accidents in Indonesia is still high accessed on 22 June 2018.
[4]. Cecep Triwibowo, Etika dan Hukum Kesehatan, Nuha Medika, Yogyakarta, 2014.
[5]. Erni Darmayanti, "Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Pelaksanaan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) pada Perusahaan [Law Protection of Occupational Health and Safety]", Journal of Cendekia Hukum, Vol. 3, No. 2, March 2018, pages. 283-296.
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Abstract: The study investigated the effectiveness of conceptmapping, collaborative and inquiry learning strategies on the learning outcomes of students in Basic Science in Junior Secondary Schools inOsun State, Nigeria as assessed by their performances and attitude. This is with the ultimate goal of effecting transformational social change through improved performance and attitude to science learning. The study employed the pretest, post-test quasi experimental research design involving 120 junior secondary II students in three intact classes selected from three schools in the three senatorial districts of Osun State through simple random sampling technique. Two instruments, Basic Science Achievement Test and Students' Attitude Questionnaire were used to collect data for the study..........
Key words: Conceptmapping, Collaborative learning strategy, Inquiry learning strategy, Learning outcomes, Basic Science, Performance, Attitude, Social Change
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Abstract: The debates on how social work education shapes a good governance widely debated particularly international, but rarely considered together. The author undertook in-depth understanding on this issue by searching related literature to understand how social work education can shapes good governance in Malaysia. This paper analyses five adaptation strategies, namely, restructuring knowledge and skill of academic staff, strengthening social relationship with stakeholder, restructuring pedagogical techniques, implementation community development program, and facilitating the learning of alternative skills. These suggestions are hoped to provide a serious concern to the policy makers, local leaders, and government to concern that social work education is the crucial element to improving good governance in Malaysia.
Key words: Governance, social work education, strategies of good governance, global standard curriculum
[1]. Allard, S., & Allard, G. (2009). Transdisciplinarity and information science in earth and environmental science research. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 46(1), 1-9.
[2]. Arshad, I. & Mohamed, R. (2009). Keberkesanan Latihan Dalam Perkhidmatan (Ldp) Peringkat Sekolah Untuk Meningkatkan Kualiti Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran. Seminar Kebangsaan Jawatankuasa Penyelarasan Pendidikan Guru 2009
[3]. Baharun, K., Basar, M. N., Mat Sam, M. & Lee, L. H. (2010). Kelestarian KualitibGuru : Satu Model Kontinuum Pembangunan Guru. Jurnal Penyelidikan Pendidikan Guru, 5 ms. 247‐ 256
[4]. Bossink, B. A. (2002). The development of co–innovation strategies: stages and interaction patterns in interfirm innovation. R&D Management, 32(4), 311-320
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Assessment of Implementation of the National Population Policy of Ethiopia (1994-2015) |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | AliyouWudu |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2408085258 ![]() |
Abstract: The development of policy on paper and its implementation is quite different. The government of Ethiopia repeatedly confessed that its policies are relevant, but suffering a lot in the implementation aspect. The population policy‟s implementation does not seem different. The major objective of this study was to critically assess the implementation of the National Population Policy of Ethiopia from 1994 to 2015.This study is a cross-sectional and qualitative in its design. This research uses both qualitative and quantitative research approaches. Both primary and secondary data were used to gather the necessary information. Ten Federal Ministries and four institutions were chosen as samples. A total of 55 Experts and concerned officials from each office were selected purposively and interviewed.................
Key words: Population policy, Fertility, Population growth rate, Total fertility rate, food security, climate change.
[1]. Adegbola, O (2008) "Population Policy Implementation in Nigeria, 1988-2003." Population Review, Volume 47, Number 1, pp.56-110.
[2]. Aguirre, M (2001) "Sustainable Development: Why the Focus on Population?"International Journal of Social Economics Vol. 29 No. 12 pp. 923-945.
[3]. Arowolo, O.O (2006) Population and Gender Issues in Development Planning in Ethiopia: Challenges and Prospects. Addis Ababa, UNFPA.
[4]. Asmerom, K (1990) The Economic Demography of Ethiopia. Addis Ababa University Press, Addis Ababa.
[5]. Assefa, H. and Sisay, W (2003) "Population Policy Implementation: Achievements and Challenges", July 2003, Addis Ababa.
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Abstract: The research aims to analyze and find the legal position of the participation of state capital separated from the implementation of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) with the object of study at PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia IV Persero Makassar. The research method uses the juridical-sociological research method. The results of the study found that the Inclusion of State Capital included in the company was no longer a part of the country's wealth, but rather the wealth of the company itself as an independent legal entity. The Company obtained status as a legal entity when the deed of establishment was approved by the Minister of Law and Human Rights. Here there is a separation of wealth between the wealth of shareholders and the company. With these characteristics, the responsibility of the government as a shareholder for losses or corporate debt is also limited to the amount of paid-up capital (PMN).
Key words: Equity Participation; State, State-Owned Enterprises
[1]. Nasution, B. (2003), PrinsipKeterbukaanDalam Good Corporate Governance, JurnalHukumBisnis, Vol. 22 No. 6
[2]. Rajagukguk, E. (2006). "PengertianKeuangan Negara Dan Kerugian Negara", pada DiskusiPublik "PengertianKeuangan Negara DalamTindakPidanaKorupsi" KomisiHukum Nasional (KHN),
[3]. Tumbuan, F.BG. (2002),Tanggungjawab Direksi dan Komisarissertakedudukan RUPS Perseroan Terbatasmenurut Undang- Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1995, MakalahKuliah S2, FH-UI, Jakarta
[4]. Tjager, IN (1999), Corporate Governance dalam Pasar Modal, Newsletter No. 37, Juni 1999
[5]. Latham & Watkins, (2011), The Book of Project Finance Jargon, The Latham & Watkins Glossary of Project Development, Acquisition and Finance Slang and Terminology, First Edition
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Librarianship |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Aliyu Nasiru Muhammad || (dr.) Achal Giri |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2408086570 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper dwell on the entrepreneurial opportunities in librarianship, the paper conceptualizes entrepreneurial librarianship. It presents the librarian as an entrepreneur, that is able to initiate or provide information services and products to meet user‟s need in new and creative ways; if given the right kind of training/education that is capable of stimulating entrepreneurial spirit with a view to creating innovation or original thinking in terms of information resource use and development taking into consideration the competitive environment of information delivery. It highlights necessary ingredients required for every librarian who intends to be innovative and fit into the global information service equilibrium such as, book publishing industry, library software development, online bookstore, digital book, book binding workshop among others. It also highlights entrepreneurial development process which include selecting potential targets, identifying local talents and markets, choosing the right location, develop the entrepreneurship program as needed.
Key words: Entrepreneurial, Opportunity, Librarian, Librarianship, Information
[1]. Edewor, N. and Omosor, U. A (2012) Reflection on Prospects of Entrepreneurial Librarianship in Nigeria. Journal of information of Information and Knowledge Management Vol. 3(1&2) Kuratko, D.F and Hodgetts, R.M (2004) Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, Practice. Mason OH:South-Western
[2]. Lawal, O.L (2009) Current Status of Library and Information Science Programme in Nigeria. Nigerian Libraries, 42;1-19
[3]. Murray, Laura K.(2018) Basic Internet for Busy Librarians: A Quick Course for Catching Up. Chicago: ALA.
[4]. McCook, K. P. (2009) Opportunities n Library and Information Science Careers. New York: Mc Graw Hills
[5]. Neff, P. (2015) "Virtual Librarianship: Expanding Adult Services with the World Wide Web. New Jersey: Heinemann. 169–72.
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Abstract: This study investigates the influence of presenting problems inchoice of counsellor gender among university students in Kenya. Due to changes in traditional social set up, individuals have been alienated from their extended family and community that provided the necessary support system, thus an increase in the number of people, both males and females seekingprofessional therapy. University students who are largely young adults experience emotional and psychological challenges that require counselling. The objectives of this study were: to determine the issues that are taken to men/women counsellors by either gender and investigate their influence on the choice of the gender of the counsellor. The study is guided by PersonCentered and Social Learning Theories. The study applied descriptive survey research design using quantitative and qualitative data. Stratified, simple random and.........
[1]. Biswalo, L. (1996). An introduction to guidance and Counselling Diverse Africa Contexts. Dar es Salaam: Dar es Salaam University Press.
[2]. Blier, M. J. and Atkinson, D. R. (1987). Effect of Client Gender and Counsellor Gender and Sex Roles on Willingness to See the Counsellor. Journal of Counselling Psychology, Vol. 34, 27-30.
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[4]. Brown, D. G. (1956). Masculinity–Femininity Development in Children. Journal of Consulting Psychology, Vol. 21, 197-202.
[5]. Cheung, C. and Liu, S. (2005). Factors Underlying Junior High School Students' Seeking Help from Social Services. Ross-on-wye: PCCS Books.