Version-1 (Jan-Feb 2017)
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Abstract: The objective of this work is the optimization of the cutting parameters for turning AISI 316 stainless steel to achieve the better surface finish using Taguchi's methodology. Taguchi Parameter Design is a powerful and efficient method for optimizing quality and performance output of manufacturing processes, thus a powerful tool for meeting this challenge. This work discusses an investigation into the use of Taguchi Parameter Design for optimizing surface roughness generated by a Turning operation. In this method, four control factors viz. cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut, three different cutting fluids (sherol B, sherol ENF..........
Keywords: Cutting parameters, turning, Surface roughness,Cutting fluids, Taguchi method.
[1] Alagarsamy.S.V, Raveendran.P, Arockia Vincent Sagayaraj.S, Tamil Vendan.S. Optimization of machining parameters for Turning of Aluminium alloys 7075 using Taguchi method, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) 2016.
[2] Ch.Maheswara Rao, K. Venkatasubbaiah, Optimization of Surface Roughness in CNC Turning Using Taguchi Method and ANOVA, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 93, 2016, 1-14.
[3] Mohd. Abbas, Sravan Kumar, Atishey Mittal, optimization of Cutting Parameters to improve Surface Roughness of AL 1070 in Turning Operation using Taguchi Method, International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 5(7), 2016, 2277-9655.
[4] Abhishek Prakash, Optimization of Machining Parameters of EN36C Steel in CNC Turning By Use of Taguchi Approach, Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 2(5), 2016, 2454-1362.
[5] Narendra Kumar Verma, Ajeet Singh Sikarwar, Optimizing Turning Process by Taguchi Method Under Various Machining Parameters, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), 2(6), 2015.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Monitoring of Particulate Matter and Gaseous Pollutant in Aurangabad City |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Gajanan Shelke || Dr.Mohammed Sadeque |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1401011015 ![]() |
Abstract: Concentration of gaseous pollutant and particulate matter are the major cause of respiratory disease and deaths. The dust pollution is serious matter almost in all cities of Maharashtra. This paper deals with the results of ambient monitoring of Aurangabad city for particulate matter, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. The sulphur dioxide concentration is measured by Modified West and Geake Method whereas nitrogen dioxide is measured by Modified Jacob and Hochheiser method. The results shows a very high concentration of particulate matter, however sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide were within the permissible limits.
Keywords: Pollution, particulate matter, gaseous pollutant, human health.
[1] Dr.Sohail Ayub and Kashif Baig. Monitoring the influence of outdoor vehicular pollutants concentration on indoor air quality of the houses located close to urban roadway/highways,European International Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 2 No 3,(2013):170-180
[2] Naik Shrikanta. Studies on pollution status of Bondamunda area of Rourkela industrial complex, (2005).
[3] Ahmed Haytham A. Air Quality in Egypt August 1999, Air Quality Monthly Report, Monthly report, August 1999.
[4] Marilena Kampa, Elias Castanas. Human health effects of air pollution. Science direct,151,(2008): 362-367
[5] G.Robin, S.Sankaran. A Study On Ambient Air Quality Monitoring In Chidambara, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Vol.03 (2016):2616-2619.
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Abstract: The alternative energy sources are new option in front of world to overcome energy crisis and pollution related issues. The solar energy, wind energy and bio mass are three major sources and out of these three energy sources solar energy is the easiest source to extract useful energy because the wind energy can be useful particularly in coastal area where there is high wind velocity and energy extraction bio mass needs either chemical conversion or thermo chemical conversion process. The objective of present work is to developed solar distillation system consists of wax as phase change material to improve the thermal performance.
Keywords: Alternative energy sources, solar energy, solar distillation.
[1]. Miqdam T.Chaichan , HusseinA.Kazem, Water solar distiller productivity enhancement using concentrating solar water heater and phase change material (PCM), Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 5(2015)151–159
[2]. M. Umamaheswaran, Solar Based Distillation System For Domestic Application, Ninth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC9 2005, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
[3]. Alpesh Mehta, Arjun Vyas, Nitin Bodar, Dharmesh Lathiya, Design of Solar Distillation System, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, April 2011
[4]. Sunil Jayant Kulkarni, Solar Distillation: A Review, International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-11 December 2014
[5]. Tadahmun Ahmed Yassen, Experimental and Theoretical Study of a Parabolic Trough Solar Collector, Anbar Journal for Engineering Sciences 2012
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Abstract: Exhaust manifold is one of the most critical components of an IC Engine. The functioning of exhaust manifold is complex and is dependent on many parameters viz. back pressure, exhaust velocity, scavenging etc. In the present work, the performance of a four-stroke four cylinder gasoline engine exhaust manifold have been analysed using three different fuels - gasoline, alcohol, and LPG for the estimation of flow characteristics, thermal characteristics, and minimum back pressure. The manifold modelling is done in Creo2.0 followed by meshing and analysis in ANSYS. The LPG fuel gives minimum back pressure, temperature and velocity being approximately in the same range for all three fuels viz. gasoline, alcohol and LPG. Thus, LPG can be considered as a suitable alternative for gasoline in terms of minimum back flow in manifold.
Keywords: Back pressure, CFD, exhaust manifold, FEM, SI engine
[1]. Umesh K. S, Pravin V. K, and Rajagopal K. "CFD Analysis and Experimental Verification of Effect of Manifold Geometry on Volumetric Efficiency and Backpressure for Multi-cylinder SI Engine" International Journal of Engineering and Science Research, 3, 7, 342-353. 2013.
[2]. Umesh K. S, Pravin V. K, and Rajagopal K. "Experimental Analysis of Optimal Geometry for Exhaust Manifold of Multi-cylinder SI Engine for Optimum Performance" International Journal of Automobile Engineering Research and Development, 3, 4, 11-12. 2013.
[3]. Umesh K. S, Pravin V. K, and Rajagopal K. "Experimental Investigation of Various Exhaust Manifold Designs and Comparison of Engine Performance Parameters for These to Determine Optimal Exhaust Manifold Design for Various Applications" ACEEE Conference Proceedings Series, 2, 711-730. 2013.
[4]. Jain Sweta, Agrawal AlkaBani, "Coupled Thermal – Structural Finite Element Analysis for Exhaust Manifold of an Off-road Vehicle Diesel Engine" International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE) ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-3, Issue-4, September 2013.
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Abstract: It is believed that there is a growing mismatch between design features of the furniture used in the classrooms and the anthropometric parameters of the students. Bureau of Indian Standards has specified a dimension of school furniture taking into consideration the anthropometric dimensions of the Indian students and ergonomic design principles in IS 4837:1990. The objective of the present study is to evaluate the existing school furniture with reference to IS 4837:1990. The authors have proposed a new methodology for ergonomic assessment of the school desks. A new concept of Ergonomic Quality Assessment Index (EQAI) is developed. Accordingly, the school desks from the three schools located in Solapur city from the state of Maharashtra in India is evaluated..............
Keywords: School furniture, Ergonomic design, BIS.
[1]. C. S. Savanur et al (2007), "Lack of conformity between Indian classroom furniture and student dimensions: proposed future seat/table dimensions" Ergonomics, Vol. 50,(10),1612-1625.
[2]. Castellucci, H. I, et al (2010). "Mismatch between classroom furniture and anthropometric measures in Chilean schools." Applied Ergonomics, 41(4), 563-568.
[3]. Chung J W Y, and Wong T K S (2007). "Anthropometric evaluation for primary school furniture design," Ergonomics. 50(3):323-334.
[4]. E. N. Corlett, (1999) "Are you sitting comfortably?" International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 24, 7-12.
[5]. Georgia Panagiotopoulou, Christoulas K, Papanckolaou A, Mandroukas K (2004). "Classroom furniture dimensions and anthropometric measures in primary school." Applied. Ergonomics. 35:121-128.
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Abstract: This paper presents comparative study of elevated water tanks subjected to dynamic loading supported on RC framed structure and concrete shaft structure with different capacities and placed in different seismic zones. History of earthquake reveals that it have caused numerous losses to the life of people in its active time, and also post earthquake time have let people suffer due to damages caused to the public utility services. Either in urban or rural areas elevated water tanks forms integral part of water supply scheme, so its functionality pre and post earthquake remains equally important.................
Keywords: RC framed supported, concrete shaft supported, Convective hydrodynamic pressure, Impulsive hydrodynamic pressure, STAAD Pro V8i.
[1]. George W. Housner, 1963 "The Dynamic Behaviour of Water Tank" Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. Vol.53, No.2, pp. 381-387. February 1963.
[2]. Dr Suchita Hirde, Dr Manoj Hedaoo, "Seismic Performance of Elevated Water Tank", International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies/ Vol.I/2011.
[3]. Prasad S Barve, Ruchi P Barve 2015 "Parametric Study to understand the Seismic Behaviour of Inze Tank Supported on Shaft" International journal of engineering sciences & research technology Barve, 4(7): July, 2015
[4]. R. Livaoglu and A. Dogangun May 2007 "An Investigation About Effects of supporting systems on Fluid-elevated tanks Interaction" SS: Special Structures Paper ID: SS148, Tehran, Iraq.
[5]. Mangulkar Madhuri N, Gaikwad Madhukar V, "Review On Seismic Analysis of Elevated Water Tank". International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), Volume 4, Issue 2, March-April 2013
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Properties of Cement Concrete Reinforced With Bamboo-Strip-Mat |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.M.B.Varma |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1401014759 ![]() |
Abstract: Bamboo is very cheap, easily available, and available in ample quantity. Bamboo is cultivated in farm by farmers. Bamboo is having very good mechanical properties which attract many researchers to use it as reinforcing material in concrete. From bamboo small thin strips were prepared. These strips were tied together in two directions to form a bamboo-strip-mat. All these strips while making bamboo-strip-mat was tied together with small thin Mild Steel wire to ensure their position in mat formation. In this paper study is presented using bamboo-strip-mat as reinforcement in cement concrete prismatic section at bottom side. Concrete beams thus produced in laboratory were tested in flexure; results obtained were presented in this paper. Bamboo strips were prepared from old age bamboo..........
Keywords: Bamboo-strip-mat, flexure, deflection
[1] Sudhakar, P., Gupta, S. and Kordke, C., Bhalla, S. and Satya, S., Report of conceptual development of bamboo concrete composite structures at a typical tribal belt in India, Proc. International Conference on Modern Bamboo Structures, 28-30 October, Changsha, China, pp.65-73, (2007)
[2] Bhalla S., Sudhakar, P., Gupta, S. and Kordke, C., Wind analysis of bamboo based shed structure and design of base connection for bambocrete Column, Proc. International Conference Modern Bamboo Structures, 28-30 October, Changsha, China, pp.259-265, (2007)
[3] M.B.Varma,An attempt to test suitability of bamboo strip as a structural material,Journal os structural engineering and management,ISSN:2393-8773(online),Vo;ume 2,issue 3,oct.2015,pp.60-64
[4] M.B.Varma,State of The art: Bamboo as a structural Material,International Journal of Engineering Research,ISSN 2319-6890(Online)Volume no.5,Issue Special 1,Jan.2016,PP.300-303
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Abstract: The present fossil fuel crisis and increasing vehicle population made us to think of alternate fuels. The abundance of the fossil fuels is expected to be exhaust in another 30-40 years. The cost of the fossil fuels is day by day increasing and also the emission from these fuels increases the air pollution. With keeping in view of all the above said points, it is made us to think of alternate fuels for all CI Engines. Among alternate fuels, the Pine oil blended with Methanol will promise for substituting the diesel. With pure vegetable oils there is combustion problems and which leads to more emissions in the exhaust. The present investigation evaluates Pine oil blended with Methanol in Diesel Engine.........
Keywords: Diesel, Performance, Emissions, Biofuel, Pine oil
[1]. Alan C. Hansen, Qin Zhang and Peter W. L. Lyne, "Ethanol–diesel fuel blends a review", Bioresource Technology, Volume 96, Issue 3, February 2005, Pages 277-285.
[2]. Dr.HiregoudarYerrennagoudar, Manjunatha K, "Performance & emission of Twin Cylinder Diesel Engine Using Ethanol"International Journal of Engineering Science and innovative Technology (IJESIT),(ISSN 2319 – 5967) (Online)) Volume No.3, Issue No.4, July2014) [3]. NevenVoca,BorisVarga,TajanaKricka, DuskaCuric, VanjaJurisic and Ana Matin, "Progress in ethanol production from corn kernel by applying cooking pre-treatment" BioresourceTechnologyVolume 100, Issue 10, May 2009, Pages 2712-2718.
[4]. Avinash Kumar Agarwal, "Biofuels (alcohols and biodiesel) applications as fuels for internal combustion engines" Renewable Energy, 27 November 2006.
[5]. Hakan, Bayraktar."Experimental and theoretical investigation of using gasoline–ethanol blends in spark-ignition engines", Renewable Energy,2005;Volume 30, Issue 11:pp1733-1747.