Version-5 (Jan-Feb 2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Resource Optimization of Construction Project Using Primavera P6 |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Vignesh V |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1401050108 ![]() |
Abstract: Construction projects are unique in nature, having their own difficulties, uncertainties and risks, posing never-ending questions concerning the resources and costs. There is always a conflict between 'how much it will cost?' and 'where to raise the finances from?'. The success of a project depends upon the efficiency with which the project management gets the work done by utilizing the planned resources of men, materials, machinery, money and time.. In large scale projects, preparing an accurate and workable plan is very difficult. Resources are required to carry out specific tasks in a project, but the availability of resources within a given firm is always limited. While preparing the schedule structure, the Project Manager might schedule certain tasks in parallel..............
Keywords: Critical Path Method, Primavera, Resource Balancing, Smoothing, Leveling.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of Stiffening System on Building Resistance to Earthquake Forces |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Nabeel A. Jasim || Mohammed F.Ojaimi |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1401050922 ![]() |
Abstract: Multi-story steel buildings of various heights under the action of earthquake force are analyzed by using time-history analysis technique. The ground motion records of El Centro, California in 1940 are considered in this study. Different types of stiffening systems (bracing and shear walls) are used for the considered buildings. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the response of steel structures subjected to earthquake excitation and to investigate the effect of various stiffening systems in improving the response of these buildings. The finite element method of SAP 2000 V17program is used in the analysis...............
Keywords: Earthquake Force, Seismic Load, Bracing, Shear Wall, Time-History, stiffening, Steel Buildingsand Free Vibration.
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Abstract: In this paper a new approach for Artificial Neural Networking using Feed Forward Back Propagation Method andLevenberg-Marquardt backpropagation training functionhas been developed using Java Programming, where by directly feeding the RMS and Phase values of vibration, the unbalance plane can be detected with minimum error. In a Machine Fault Simulator RMS value and phase values of vibrations are collected from the four accelerometers placed in X and Y direction of Left and Right Bearings .Further these dataare fed into the neural network for training purpose............
Keywords: Condition monitoring, Rotating Equipment, Vibration Analysis, Artificial Neural Networking, MATLAB
[1]. Yazhao Qiu, Singiresu S. Rao ,A fuzzy approach for the analysis of unbalanced nonlinear rotor systems , Journal of Sound and Vibration 284 (2005) 299–323.
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Abstract: The growing conscience for sustainability has driven humanity to attempt to go back to basic and natural materials, such as the use of earth, and the incorporation of biopolymers and fibers, producing, among other things, a diverse kind of structural elements applied to architecture. Natural fibers can be a good alternative given its abundance and the great number of possibilities in regard to its use. The lechuguilla agave Torrey is a plant, belonging to the Agavaceae family, that can be found in several zones of Mexico, and from it, the fiber known as ixtle, generally used in the elaboration of crafted structures, can be obtained.............
Keywords: Ixtle, mechanical analysis, natural fibers.
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Abstract: Submarine pipelines used in the transportation of hydrocarbon in the oil and gas industry are usually subjected to external hydrostatic pressure and compressive stresses resulting in susceptibility to buckling and loss of structural stability. The objective of the present work was to examine influence of wall thickness on eigenvalue buckling load and hydrostatic pressure on ocean depth. Linear buckling analysis was conducted employing finite element method using ANSYS software package and the simulation was conducted varying wall thickness and ocean depth............
Keywords: Buckling, external hydrostatic pressure, pipelines, wall thickness
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Abstract: In this study, forced convection heat transfer of nanoliquids is done using both single-phase and mixture-phase models and the results are compared with experimental results. The governing equations of the study here are discretized using the finite volume method. Hybrid differencing scheme is used to calculate the face values of the control volumes. A code is written using SIMPLER algorithm and then solved using the MATLAB engine. The mixture-phase model studied here, considers two slip mechanisms between nanoparticle and base-fluid, namely Brownian diffusion and thermophoresis..............
Keywords: Nanofluid, single-phase, mixture-phase, convective heat transfer, shear stress, nanoparticle volume fraction.
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Abstract: In this paper main focus is given on alternative ways of thermal load applied through the thickness of laminated composite plate. Research has assumed gradient or constant thermal profile along the thickness of the plate. Laminated composite is a complex material therefore assumed loading profiles may not obey the gradient or constant thermal profile path therefore, as a research in all total 10 thermal profiles are studied. The results in tabular and graphical forms are presented along with discussion. First Order Shear Deformation Theory (FOST) is used for analysis...............
Keywords: Composite, Transverse, Shear, Deformation, Thermal
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Abstract: Electrochemical machining (ECM) is a non-traditional machining method based on principle of reverse electroplating (anode loses metal to cathode). ECM uses principal of electrolysis to remove metal from the work piece. Due to improper tool design of complicated shapes, there are chances of passivation and boiling of electrolyte in ECM process that causes poor machining. In this present study three dimensional flow pattern of ECM process has been simulated using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in L-shaped tool models. This work is for optimizing the design of L-shaped tool and to study the flow pattern, current density distribution..............
Keywords: CFD, ECM, flow pattern; IE, MRR, passivation, temperature profile, velocity profile.
[1] Tsuboi, R. and Yamamoto, M. (2009) Modeling and applications of electrochemical machining process. Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition IMECE, November 13-19, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Experimental Evaluation of Refrigerant Mixtures as Substitutes for HFC134a |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Deepak Paliwal |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1401057582 ![]() |
Abstract: Refrigerant R134a base systems has higher GWP value that's why the conversion of same into eco-friendly system is the major concern for refrigeration industry. This investigation focuses on mixture ratio of pure hydrocarbon R290 and R600a used in 200 liter domestic refrigeration system by certain changes in mass ratio of refrigerants. In the present work, first of all the effect of mass ratio of HCM refrigerants on the performance of the system was investigated. HCM of R600a/R290 (60/40 by wt. %) gave better performance than that of HCM R600a/R290 (70/30 by wt. %), R600a/R290 (50/50 by wt. %) and R134a...............
Keywords: Refrigerant, R134a, Pull down, COP, R600a/R290, HCM.
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Abstract: In this review, the effect of laser peening process with and without protective coating is discussed over the different material and it is observed that the residual stress are induced in material surface up to some depth according to process parameters of LSP. Fatigue strength and micro-hardness of material are enhance by inducing residual stresses which further depends on process parameters and material properties.
Keywords: Laser peening proces , different material, process parameters
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