Version-6 (Jan-Feb 2017)
Version-1 Version-2 Version-3 Version-4 Version-5 Version-6 Version-7
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Abstract: Experimental modal analysis has grown steadily in popularity since the advent of the digital FFT spectrum analyzer in the early 1970's. Today, impact testing (or bump testing) has become widespread as a fast and economical means of finding the modes of vibration of a machine or structure. In this paper, it presents the experimental and numerical modal analysis of a compressor mounting bracket (CMB). The dynamic behavior of CMB is investigated through impact testing. The three-dimensional finite element models are constructed using Altair HyperMesh and an numerical modal analysis is then performed to generate natural frequencies and mode shapes in the three-orthogonal directions..............
Keywords: Experimental modal analysis (EMA), finite element analysis (FEA), FFT (Fast Fourier Transformation), Compressor mounting bracket (CMB).
[1]. Ewins, D. J. (2000). Modal testing: Theory and practice, Research Studies Press Ltd., Hertfordshire, U.K.
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[3]. Ramirez, R. W. (1985). The FFT: Fundamentals and Concepts, Prentice Hall.
[4]. Rao. (2004). Mechanical Vibrations, 4th Edition.
[5]. Ren, Wei-Xin (2004). Experimental and Analytical Modal Analysis of Steel Arch Bridge. Journal of structural Engineering ASCE
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis and Design Aspects of Support Measures of Main Caverns of Karuma Hydropower Project, Uganda |
Country | : | Uganda |
Authors | : | B K Ojha |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1401060813 ![]() |
Abstract: The Power house complex of Karuma Hydropower project comprises three main caverns i.e Power house, Transformer Hall and Tailrace surge gallery set at a depth of about 80m in mainly granitic gneiss rock medium. The cavern has been oriented in a N141° direction based on engineering considerations. The principle stress direction is also found nearly parallel to the axis of the caverns and thus the present orientation satisfies both engineering and geotechnical criteria. The support by way of rock anchors and SFRS/ Plain shotcrete has been provided based on analysis using phase 2 software...........
[1]. Basic Design Report and unpublished technical reports of Karuma HPP-Hydrochina Huadong corporation, China
[2]. GB 50287-2006: Code for hydropower engineering geological investigation, P R China.
[3]. EM1110-2-2901, Engineering design of Tunnels and Shafts in Rocks, May 1997 by US Army corps of Engineers.
[4]. Support of Underground Excavations in Hard rock by Evert Hoek.
[5]. Barton N; Lien R. and Lunde J. 1974. Engineering classification of Rock Mass for the Design of Tunnel Support. Journal of Rock Mechanics Volume 6.
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Abstract: One of the key challenges in multidisciplinary design is integration of design and analysis methods of various systems in design framework. To achieve Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) goals of aircraft systems, high fidelity analysis are required from multiple disciplines like aerodynamics, structures or performance. High Fidelity Analysis like Computer-Aided Design and Engineering (CAD/CAE) techniques, complex computer models and computation-intensive analyses/simulations are often used to accurately study the system behaviour towards design optimization...........
Keywords: Optimization, DOE, Surrogate Modelling, Multidisciplinary Design, Aircraft
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Abstract: This paper presents the results of the experimental study on the axial compressive behavior of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) wrapped with fiber reinforced polymer (FRP). A total of 18 concrete cylinders were tested under axial compression. The effects of steel fiber parameters were investigated which includes fiber aspect ratio (AR) and fiber volume fraction (VF). The concrete cylinders were divided into groups of confined and unconfined ones. In accordance with previous study, it was found that, FRP confined cylinders showed greater axial stress than that of unconfined specimens...........
[1]. Lam L, Teng JG. Design-oriented stress-strain model for FRP-confined concrete in rectangular columns. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. 2003 Sep 1;22(13):1149-86.
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Abstract: With the development of science and technology and the improvement of economic level, the service robot has been developed rapidly in recent years. As one of the service robots, the greeting robots are being welcomed in the exhibition halls, science and technology museums, exhibition centers, banks and other places. In view of this, a new greeting robot, including its head, arm, body and chassis, is designed in this paper. Furthermore, the drive mode of the greeting robot is also designed. Finally, we carry out the motion simulation of the greeting robot, and the simulation result verifies the validity of the designed greeting robot.
Keywords: Service robot, Greeting robot, Structure design, Drive mode, Motion simulation
[1] S.P. Li, Z.H. Chen, J. Chen, W.B. Tang, Structural design of a guest-greeting robot's head, Journal of machine design, 27(7), 2010, 20-23.
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[3] L.Y. Zeng, H. Chen, Q.Y. Jiang, Z.X. Lai, H.N. Liu, J.Y. Wang, A highly intelligent greeting robot based on STM32 system, Journal of Scientific Chinese, 1,2016, 10.
[4] X.F. Zhang, Design on chassis structure of a greeting robot, Journal o f Machine Mading , 50(578), 2012. 30-32.
[5] Y.G. Zhan, Quick start tutorial of Pro / ENGINEER Chinese wildfire 5.0 (Beijing, China Machine Press, 2013).
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Abstract: The performance of a high rise building during strong earthquake motions depends on the distribution of stiffness, strength and mass along both the vertical and horizontal directions. If there is discontinuity in stiffness, strength and mass between adjoining storeys of a building then such a building is known as irregular building. The present study focuses on the performance and behavior of regular and vertical irregular G+10 reinforced concrete (RC) buildings under seismic loading. Two types of vertical irregularities namely stiffness and setback are considered in this study...........
Keywords: Response spectrum analysis, Storey displacement, Storey drifts, Setback, Vertical irregularity.
[1]. R Shaikh. and G. Deshmukh. "Seismic Response of Vertically Irregular RC Frame with Stiffness Irregularity at Fourth Floor", International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering. (Volume 3, Issue 8, Aug 2013), ISSN NO: 2250-2459.
[2]. S. Mahesh and B. P. Rao. "Comparison of Analysis and Design of Regular and Irregular Configuration of Multi Storey Building in Various Seismic Zones and Various types of Soils using ETABS and STAAD", International Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering. (Volume 11, Issue 6, Dec 2014), ISSN NO: 2278-1684.
[3]. H. Bansal and Gagandeep. "Seismic Analysis and Design of Vertically Irregular RC Building Frames", International Journal of Science and Research. (Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2014), ISSN NO: 2319-7064.
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[5]. IS 1893:2002 (Part 1). "Indian Standard Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures", Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), New Delhi, India.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Ammonia as an Alternative for Fuel Internal Combustion Engines |
Country | : | USA |
Authors | : | Kanchuka Dissanayake |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1401064649 ![]() |
Abstract: Internal combustion engines have been used to power automobiles for more than a century using gasoline and diesel as the primary sources of energy. With the introduction of stricter fuel economy regulations such as Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards in the light of environmental pollution, global warming and fuel scarcity new alternative fuels have been researched. Ammonia is such an alternative fuel used for decades and have picked up the momentum recent years. In this paper three recent attempts to use ammonia as a fuel for internal combustion engine have been reviewed.
[1]. O. of Energy and R. Energy, "Internal combustion engine basics," November 2013.
[2]. Wikipedia, "Alternative fuel vehicle," November 2016.
[3]. S. O. Haputhanthri, T. T. Maxwell, J. Fleming, and C. Austin, "Ammonia and gasoline fuel blends for spark ignited internal combustion engines," Journal of Energy Resources Technology, vol. 137, no. 6, p. 062201, 2015.
[4]. S. O. Haputhanthri, "Ammonia gasoline fuel blends: Feasibility study of commercially available emulsifiers and effects on stability and engine performance," tech. rep., SAE Technical Paper, 2014.
[5]. S. O. Haputhanthri, T. T. Maxwell, J. Fleming, and C. Austin, "Ammonia gasolineethanol/ methanol tertiary fuel blends as an alternate automotive fuel," in ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, pp. V06AT07A071– V06AT07A071, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014.
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Abstract: When a specific reinforcing material is dispersed in a metal matrix, the resultant is Metal Matrix Composite (MMC). This dispersion can be achieved by powder metallurgy or by casting. The casting technology is cheap, easy, and widely available, but it suffers some technical challenges specially the challenge of achieving a homogeneous distribution of reinforcement particulates through the matrix, where the distribution affects the composite properties. Its common that the Aluminum is one of the best alternatives for its unique availability (8% of the earth's crust), and making composites enables let's say to tailor the properties as required. In this experimental...........
Keywords: liquid state mixing, mechanical properties, SEM fracture surface observation, micro-structural examinations, SiC, MgO, Al-MMC, Al/MgO MMC, Al/SiC MMC, MMC.
[1]. J.R.Davis, "ASM Specialty Handbook: Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys, Aluminum Matrix Composites", ASM International, ISBN: 978-0-87170-496-2, page 160-179, (1993)
[2]. M.D.Smale, "The Mechanical Properties of Squeeze Cast Diesel Pistons", page 29, (1985)
[3]. F.Folgar, John B., Wachtman Jr., "Fiber FP/Metal Matrix Composite Connecting Rods", Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference on Composites and Advanced Ceramic Materials, part 1 of 2; Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, volume 9, issue 7-8, page 561, (1988)
[4]. J.Dinwoodie, "Automotive Applications for MMC's based on shot staple alumina fibers", doi:10.4271/870437, (1987)
[5]. Pandey, Awadh B., Composite materials handbook, Metal matrix composites, volume 4, page 150-152, (2001)
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Abstract: Groundwater is one ofthe alternatives for water resource to meet the increasing demand ofclean water supply in Malaysia. Groundwater is water that accumulates in crevices of rock, soil and sand atthe bottom of the earth resulting from water flowing along the surface of streams or lakes. Many researcheshave been carried out to overcome theissues on demand and supply of clean water including the usageofgeophysics analysis with electrical resistivity method. The Vocational College in Jasin, Melaka was chosen as a potential area to detect the groundwater sources...........
Keywords: Electrical Resistivity, Groundwater, Protocol
[1] W.M.Telford, L. P. Geldart, and R. E. Sheriff, "Applied Geophysics," 1976.
[2] "Mineral and geoscience department of Malaysia," 2015. [Online]. Available:
[3] D.F. McCarthy, Essentials of Soil Mechanics and Foundations Basic Geotechnics, Pearson In. New Jersey, 2007.
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[5] M. Kaamin, M. F. Tajul Baharuddin, and W. W.C., "Pencarian kawasan air bumi di daerah Batu Pahat menggunakan Sistem Maklumat Geografi (GIS)," Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2006.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Hydraulic System for Motor Cycle – A Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prof. Dr. R. Subburaj |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1401067175 ![]() |
Abstract: In Hydraulic Power System, pressurized fluid is supplied by a pump driven by an electrical motor. Hydraulic Brake is an association of braking mechanism which makes use of brake fluid, commonly containing ethylene glycol, to switch pressure from the controlling unit, which is usually close to the operator of the vehicle, to the rear brake mechanism, which is typically at or near the wheel of the vehicle. This paper presents the design of the hydraulic system for motorcycle and analyzes the utility of different brake circuits used
Keywords: Hydraulic valves, Brake pedal, Anti-Braking System.
[1]. U.S. Energy Protection Agency. World's First Full-Size Hydraulic Hybrid SUV. Presented at 2004 SAE World Congress, Detroit, MI, USA, 8–11 March 2004; EPA420-F-04-019.
[2]. Donne, G.L., "Development of Anti-Locking Brakes for Motorcycles", Proceedings of Anti- Lock Braking Systems for Road Vehicles, London, 1985.
[3]. Tobias Eriksson,"Co-simulation of full vehicle model in Adams and anti-lock brake systemmodel in Simulink", 2014.
[4]. Tianku Fu,"Modelling and performance analysis of ABS system with non-linear control",2000.
[5]. Mabie, H., "Mechanism and Dynamics of Machinery", John Wiley & Sons, 1987.
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Abstract: Heat transfer characteristics of circular Two phase closed thermosyphon (TPCT) charged with different fluids (Propylene Glycol and Ethylene Glycol) of 1000mm length and 19mm outside diameter were determined for different fill volume ratio (40% and 60%), inclination angle (0° to 50° from vertical) and heat input supplied (60°C to 80°C). An experimental study was performed on TPCT charged with EG and PG with different fill volume ratio and results obtained were compared for all inclination and heat inputs setup developed. The efficiencies of TPCT found...........
Keywords: Two phase closed thermosiphon (TPCT), EG, PG.
[1] Reay D. A. and Kew P.A., ―Heat pipes – Theory, Design and Applications‖, 5th ed., Butterworth Heinemann, UK, 2006, pp.1 – 2.
[2] H. Li, A. Akbarzadeh and P. Johnson, ―The thermal characteristics of a closed two-phase thermosyphon at low temperature difference‖, Heat Recovery Systems & CHP, 1991, 11(6), pp. 533-540.
[3] Wei Guo, Darin W. Nutter, ―An experimental study of axial conduction through a thermosyphon pipe wall‖, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2009, 29, pp. 3536–3541.
[4] A. Kate and R. Kulkarni, ―Effect of Pipe Cross Section Geometries and Inclination Angle on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Wickless Heat Pipe‖, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 2010, 3(3), pp. 699—710.
[5] M. Karthikeyan, S. Vaidyanathan, B. Sivaraman, ―Thermal performance of a two phase closed thermosyphon using aqueous solution‖, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 2010,2 (5), pp. 913-918.