Version-2 (Jan-Feb 2017)
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Abstract: In this paper we use fuzzy set of methods to solve one of the important problems in mechanical engineering: Reliability of Extending the Service Life of Rolling Stock BY USING Fuzzy Fatigue failure model. The residual service life for rolling stock can be changed depending on its use conditions. This paper presents a new method depending on fuzzy set theory by using the fatigue stress mathematical model to determine the residual service for rolling stock with the value of risk of its use in future. The proposed method used solid works and (Ansys) abilities with especial Fuzzy logic programs in MATLAB
[1] Bandemer H., Gebhardt A. BAYESian fuzzy kriging// Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2000. - №112. – pp. 405-418.
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[3] Waail M. Lafta, Analysis the Strength of Rolling Stock working in Uncertainly Conditions, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG ,Germany 2011, ISBN: 978-3-8465-9806-1.
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Abstract: This paper surveys the research and development over the last decade about various active researches that are taking place around the world on study of interface characterization of different types of fibers used in ECC. Engineered cementitious composites (ECC), a unique member of HPFRCC featuring high tensile ductility. While micromechanics is applied in many aspects of the material design process, emphasis of this study is placed on the effect of fly ash content on altering material micro- structure and mechanical properties. Observations of micromechanical properties...........
Keywords: Engineered Cementitious Composites, Micromechanics, Single fiber pull-out test, fibers, Minerals.
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Abstract: The objective of this paper is to study the properties of fresh and hardened self compacting concrete with varied percentages of metakaolin as mineral admixture (M40 grade). In this study cement is replaced by metakoalin with varied percentages, 20%, 22%, 24%, 26%, 28%, 30%, 32%, 34%, 36% & 38% with a constant packing factor of 1.14. In the present study, B233 GLENIUM super plasticizer is used. As per the European guidelines for Self-compacting concrete, the workability tests such as slump flow test, V-funnel test and L- box, U-box test were carried out in laboratory. The concrete specimens were cured in the tank for 7 and 28 days...........
Keywords: Self Compacting concrete, Metakaolin, super plasticizer, NDT, Fresh and Hardened properties.
[1] Okamura.H., and Ouchi.M , (2003 ) "Self-compacting concrete", Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 1[ 1], 5-15.
[2] Justice. J.M., Kennison. L.H., Mohr.B.J., Beckwith. S.L., McCormick. L.E., Wiggins. B., Zhang.Z. Z., and Kurtis. K.E., (2005) "Comparison of Two Metakaolins and a Silica Fume Used as Supplementary Cementitious Materials" International Symposium in Washington D.C. 20-24,
[3] Karjinni. Vilas V., Anadinni. Shrishail B., (2009 ) "Mixture Proportion Procedure for SCC" Indian Concrete Journal. 35-41.
[4] Sabir. B.B., wild. S, Bhai. J., (2001) "Metakaolin and calcined clays as a pozzolans for concrete: a review" cement and concrete composites 441-454.
[5] Subramanian .S., and Chatopadyay.D., (2002)"Experiments for mix proportions of Self Compacting Concrete", The Indian Concrete journal, 13-20.
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Abstract: Gears are used to transmit motion from on shaft to another and it has wide variety of applications. One of the applications of gear is in automobile gear box. Gears generally fail when the working stress exceeds the maximum permissible stress. These stresses are proportional to the amount of power transmitted by the gears. This project intends to identify the magnitude of the stresses for a given configuration of a two wheeler gears transmitting power while trying to find ways for reducing weight of the gear. The philosophy for driving this work is the lightness of the gear for a given purpose while keeping intact its functionality thus reducing the material cost of the gear. Ease of incorporating the new feature for weight reduction over the existing process of manufacturing and the magnitude of volume of weight reduced could be considered as the key parameters for assessment for this work.
Keywords: Weight optimization, FEA, Spur Gear, Two Wheeler Gear set
[1]. Mr. Bhatt Parth Jitendrabhai "A Review on Design, Analysis and Material Optimization of High Speed Helical Gear by Changing Different Design Parameters Using FEA Approach", International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology.
[2]. Sarfraz Ali N. Quadri, Dhanajay R. Dolas "Mass Reduction of Involute Spur Gear under Static Loading "American Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation.
[3]. Mr. S. Padmanabhan, Mr. S. Ganeshan, Mr. M. Chandrasekaran, and Mr. V. Srinivasa Raman, "Gear Pair Design Optimization by Genetic Algorithm and FEA", Department Of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Sathyabama University, Chennai, India.
[4]. Mr. Sa'id Golabi, Mr. Javad Jafari Fesharaki, Mrs. Maryam Yazdipoor "Gear Train Optimization Based On Minimum Volume/Weight Design by Using the Mat lab Program" Mechanism And Machine Theory 73 (2014) 197–217.
[5]. Mr. Nenad Marjanovic, Mr. Biserka Isailovic, Mr. Vesna Marjanovic, Mr. Zoran Milojevic, Mr. Mirko Blagojevic, Mr. Milorad Bojic "A Practical Approach To The Optimization Of Gear Trains With Spur Gears" Mechanism And Machine Theory 53 (2012) 1–16.
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Abstract: In the present study, natural convection problem has been solved in a cavity having three flat walls and the right vertical wall consisting of one undulation and three undulations. The two vertical and bottom walls are cold walls maintained at a fixed temperature whereas the top wall is heated with spatially varying temperature distribution. Air has been taken as the working fluid with Pr =0.71. This problem is solved by SIMPLE algorithm with deferred QUICK scheme in curvilinear co-ordinates. A wide range of Rayleigh number (103 to 106) has been chosen for this study. For small Ra, the heat transfer was dominated by conduction across the fluid layers............
Keywords: Natural convection, Wavy wall, Square cavity, Undulation, Nusselt number.
[1]. Sarris, I. E., Lekakis, I., and Vlachos, N. S., 2002, "Natural Convection in a 2D Enclosure with Sinusoidal Upper Wall Temperature," Numerical Heat Transfer, Vol. 42, Part A, pp. 513-530.
[2]. Adjlout, L., Imine, O., Azzi, A, and Belkadi, M., 2002, "Laminar Natural Convection in an Inclined Cavity with a Wavy Wall," International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer, Vol. 45, pp. 2141-2152.
[3]. Jang, J. H., Yan, W. M. and Liu, H. C., 2003, "Natural convection heat and mass transfer along a vertical wavy surface", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 46, pp.1075-1083.
[4]. Das, P. K. and Mahmud, S., 2003, "Numerical investigation of natural convection inside a wavy enclosure", International Journal of Thermal Science, Vol.42, pp. 397-406.
[5]. Das, P. K., Mahmud, S., Tasnim, S. H., & Islam, A. S., 2003, "Effect of surface waviness and aspect ratio on heat transfer inside a wavy enclosure", International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, Vol.13(8), pp.1097-1122.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Computational Analysis of CuO Nano Coolant in a Car Radiator |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Gaurav Saxena || Ankur Yadav || Ishwar Gupta |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1401024045 ![]() |
Abstract: Nanofluids are basically nanoparticles in base fluids. Nanofluids have unique features different from conventional solid-liquid mixtures in which nano sized particles of metals and nonmetals are dispersed. Due to improvement of mechanical properties, nanofluids are widely used in heat transfer industries. The coolant is used water-based, with the addition of glycols to prevent freezing and other additives to limit corrosion, erosion and cavitations. In this study 50-50 mixture of Ethylene Glycol with water (EGW) is tested and compared with another mixture by adding 2 percent Copper oxide (CuO). The geometric model of radiator is uploaded in Autodesk CFD software for its computational analysis. It is analyzed up to 100 iterations. Both the results are compared to find the improved heat transfer rate due to the addition of 2% CuO with Ethylene Glycol and water.
Keywords: Nanofluids, nanoparticles, car radiator, thermal conductivity, Copper oxide
[1]. Ravikanth S. Vajjha, Debendra K. Das, Praveen K. Namburu "Numerical study of fluid dynamic and heat transfer performance of Al2O3 and CuO nanofluids in the flat tubes of a radiator" Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Alaska Fairbanks, P.O. Box 755905,Fairbanks, AK 99775-5905, USA, pp 613-621,March 2010.
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[3]. Koo, J., Kleinstreuer, "A new thermal conductivity model for nanofluids." J. Nanoparticle Res. 6, pp 577–588,2004.
[4]. Namburu, P.K., Kulkarni, D.P., Misra, D., Das, D.K.,"Viscosity of copper oxide nanoparticles dispersed in ethylene glycol and water mixture". Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci. pp 32, 67–71,2007.
[5]. Mahendra Godley, Bhanu Pratap Singh Tomar studied investigation of Automobile Radiator Using Nanofluid-CuO/Water Mixture as Coolant. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Vol. 2,pp 4-9, December 2015.
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Abstract: Aggregates are inert granular materials such as sand, gravel, or crushed stone that, along with water and binder (cement/blended cement), are an essential ingredient in concrete. For a good concrete mix, aggregates need to be clean, hard, strong particles free of absorbed chemicals or coatings of clay and other fine materials that could cause the deterioration of concrete with required shape and sizeAggregates, which account for 60 to 75 percent of the total volume of concrete, are divided into two distinct categories--fine and coarse. The most important property of concrete is its compressive strength. For the purpose of comparison of such compressive strength, three types of coarse aggregates, quartzite, granite, and river gravel, were used. The fine aggregate is normal sand obtained from a borrow pit..............
Keywords: Aggregate, Concrete, Compressive strength, Models
[1]. M.S. Shetty "Advanced Concrete Technology" Third Edition, S.Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 1992.
[2]. M.L.Gambhir "Concrete Technology", Third Edition TATA Mc. Graw. Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
[3]. Effect of aggregate type on Compressive strength of concrete BY Abdullahi. M Civil Engineering Department, Federal University of Technology P.M.B 65, Minna Niger State, Nigeria
[4]. In "International Journal Of Civil And Structural Engineering Volume 2, No 3, 2012".
[5]. IS: 456 – 2000 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete (fourth revision).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Risk Severity Framework for a BOT Highway Project |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K.Srinivas |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1401025256 ![]() |
Abstract: Adequate attention needs to be given to project risk management for reaping the benefits by way of meeting the objectives of an organisation. Organisations which implement good risk management practices derive maximum advantage by way of fewer risks which are quite manageable in general and more so in infrastructure sector which is subjected to plethora of risks. The role of infrastructure in the overall development of a nation cannot be underscored. Considering this, a study has been carried out for an ongoing highway project being executed in the state of Telangana (India) under NHAI.
Keywords: Risk assessment, Risk severity
[1]. Al-Bahar J and Crandall K(1990), Systematic Risk Management Approach for Construction Projects, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management116(3),pp533-546
[2]. Ahmed, et al(1990),Decision support system for modeling bid/no-bid decision problems, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE,116(4), pp595-608
[3]. Ijigah Edoka Augustine, Jimoh Richard Ajayi, et al, (2013), Assessment of Risk Management Practices in Nigerian Construction Industry-Toward establishing Risk Management Index, International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences and Technology,16(2), pp20-31
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Abstract: This research paper analyses the operational parameters of a thermal power plant to improve effectively & efficient running of the machine while ensuring a degree of compliance with statutory regulations. This study aims to identify the operational gaps associated with running operational parameter in power plant process. It is focused to detect a different thermodynamic variable involved, being multivariate and automatic. For variation of each one of this operational parameters, performance calculations are find out to configure a database of energy variation. The variable data sets now can be used as assessment criteria based on detecting deviations from a reference system that has been updated during plant-performance tests............
Keywords: Heat Rate, Steam Temperature, Thermal efficiency, Load factor, Economic efficiency.
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