Version-3 (Jan-Feb 2017)
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Abstract: Pure plant oil was closest to the diesel engine at the time of its invention. It is well known that Rudolf Diesel himself displayed a diesel engine running on groundnut oil at the Paris world exhibition in 1896. Up to now the quality of fuel and combustion engines increased constantly. Sustainable plant oils are an affordable, safe, social and environmentally friendly fuel supply, especially at countries of its origin, not only for generators and tractors but also for transport vehicles. State of the art today is an innovative decentralise production method for 2nd generation plant oil complying with DIN 51623 fuel quality and an engine technology for pure plant oil, biodiesel and diesel.............
Keywords: Jatropha, pure plant oil, 2nd generation bio fuel, renewable energy hybrid system, flex fuel engine, DIN 51623
[1]. Ch. Breyer, Identifying Off-Grid Diesel-Grids on a Global Scale for Economic Advantageous Upgrading with PV and Wind Power, 5th ARE Workshop Academia meets Industry, Frankfurt, September 25, 2012, page 3
[2]. DIN V 51605, Fuels for Vegetable Oil-Compatible Combustion Engines. Fuel from Rapeseed Oil -Requirements and Test Methods, Berlin, July 2006
[3]. Ch. Guillot, 2nd Veg Oil Project. Demonstration Of 2nd Generation Vegetable Oil Fuels In Advanced Engines, in: 18th European Bi-omass Conference and Exhibition, Lyon 2010, pg. 1655-1660
[4]. G. Gruber et al, METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION OF A FUEL FROM VEGETABLE OIL, European Patent 2 106 436 B1, 17.09.2014.
[5]. DIN 51623: Fuels for Vegetable Oil-Compatible Combustion Engines. Fuel from Rapeseed Oil -Requirements and Test Methods, Berlin, February 2015, S. 1-25
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Short term properties of High Calcium Flyashbased Geopolymer binder |
Country | : | Germany |
Authors | : | R.Manickavasagam || G.Mohan kumar |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1401031320 ![]() |
Abstract: The past decades of research is diverted primarily in making concrete without cement or atleast partially replacing by suitable alternatives. For its availability and problems associated with, flyash has been given priority to use in concrete in high volume or total replacement of cement resulting in geopolymer concrete using activated flyash of low calcium type as the source material. However, few are dealt on the high calcium flyash that too mainly on achieving the required compressive strength and not much on the short term engineering properties like consistency and setting.............
Keywords: Geopolymer, flyash, source material, activator, consistency, setting time
[1]. Anjan Chatterjee K (2010). Indian Flyashes, Their Characteristics and Potential for Mechano-Chemical Activation for Enhanced
Usability, Proceedings of the second International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies, Universita
Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy, I ( ) :41-51.
[2]. Ashley Russell Kotwal, Yoo Jae Kim, Jiong Hu and Vedaraman Sriraman (2015). Characterization and early age physical properties
of ambient cured geopolymer mortar based on class C flyash, International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, 9(1): 35–
[3]. Djwantoro Hardjito, Chua Chung Cheak and Carrie Ho Lee Ing (2008). Strength and setting times of low calcium flyash-based
geopolymer mortar, Modern Applied Science, 2(4): 3-11.
[4]. IS: 3812-1981. India Standard Specification for Flyash for use of Pozzolana and Admixture, Bureau of Indian Standards, New
Delhi, India.
[5]. IS:4031(Part-4)-1988 (Reaffirmed-2005). Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 4 Determination of consistency of
standard cement paste,Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study on Characteristics of Geopolymer Concrete with E-Waste |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M. Lenin Sundar || Sherine Raj |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1401032127 ![]() |
Abstract: The usage of industrial by-products in construction industry can be reduced the pollution effects on environment. Geopolymer concrete is a concrete in which Portland cement is fully replaced by fly ash and GGBS (Ground granulated blast furnace slag). The present study covers the use of E-Waste as partial replacement of fine aggregate in Geopolymer concrete. Sand is replaced with E-Waste at 10, 20 and 30 percentage.Alkaline liquids used in this study are the solutions of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium silicate (Na2SiO3). Molarity of sodium hydroxide (12M) is considered.............
Keywords: Geopolymer concrete, Fly ash, GGBS, alkaline solution, E-waste, Mechanical Properties
[1] Shalika Sharma, Change in the Compressive Strength of Geopolymer Concrete with the Change in the Curing Time and Curing
Temperature, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, 5(12), 2015, 96-99.
[2] Kale, H.I. Pathan, Recycling of Demolished Concrete and E-waste, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 4(1),
2015, 789-792.
[3] Gomathi Nagajothi, Dr. T. Felixkala, Compressive Strength of Concrete Incorporated with E-fiber Waste, International Journal of
Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, 4(4), 2014, 23-27.
[4] Krishna Prasanna, M.Kanta Rao, Strength Variations in Concrete by using E-Waste as Coarse Aggregate, International Journal of
Education and Applied Research, 4(2), 2014, 82-84.
[5] Vivek S. Damal, Saurabh S. Londhe, Ajinkya B. Mane, Utilization of Electronic Waste Plastic in Concrete, International Journal of
Engineering Research and Application, 5(4), 2015, 35-38.
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Abstract: RC frames with unreinforced masonry infill walls are a common form of construction all around the world. Often, engineers do not consider masonry infill walls in the design process because the final distribution of these elements may be unknown to them, or because masonry walls are regarded as non-structural elements. Separation between masonry walls and frames is often not provided and, as a consequence, walls and frames interact during strong ground motion. This leads to structural response deviating radically from what is expected in the design. The presence of masonry infills can result in higher stiffness and strength and it is cheap and built with low cost labor..............
Keywords: Diagonal struts, Infill, Masonry, Response modification.
[1]. Applied technology council and Federal emergency management agency, FEMA P695 Quantification of Building Seismic Performance Factors, June 2009.
[2]. CVR Murty and Sudhir K Jain, "Beneficial influence of masonry infill walls on seismic performance of RC frame buildings", 12WCEE 2000.
[3]. Ivo Caliò and Bartolomeo Pantò, "A macro-element modelling approach of Infilled Frame Structures", Computers and Structures 143 (2014) 91–107.
[4]. A. Kadida, S. Nouia, A. Zinea and D. Yahiaouib, "Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Infilled Frames under Seismic Loads", Cher-Siang Tan et al. / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 61:3 (2013).
[5]. Polyakov SV, "The interaction between masonry filler walls and enclosing frame when loading in the plane of the wall", Earthquake Engineering Research Institute; 1960.
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Abstract: This paper deals with various methodologies adopted by present researcher for analysis of wheel hub and upright assembly with main objective of analysis and optimization of the vehicle. This review will assist researchers working in the field of development of the structural design and mass reduction of vehicle through optimization methods conducted by FEA software viz. Cre0 1.0 and HyperWorks. The review includes key areas of researches as shape optimization, static load analysis and fatigue load analysis using FEA. This literature progressively discusses about the research methodology, softwares and the outcomes of the discussed researches and is intended to give the readers a brief variety of the researches carried out on the wheel hub and upright assembly.
Keywords: wheel hub and upright, FEA, Factor of safety, materials.
[1]. Suhaimi,Khalis bin."Design And Fabrication Of An Upright With Brake Caliper Mounting For Formula Versality Race Car" dissertation, april 2011.
[2]. Kulkarni, V. R. and Tambe, A. G.;" Optimizationand Finite Element Analysis of Steering Knuckle", Altair Technology Conference, 2013.
[3]. Razak I.H.A, Yusop M.Y.M, Yusop M.S.M, Hashim M., Modeling, Simulation And Optimization Analysis Of Steering Knuckle Component For Race Car, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology,Volume: 03 Issue: 11, eISSN: 2319- 1163 — pISSN: 2321-7308, Nov- 2014, Pp.221-225.
[4]. Dyapa, Anudeep Reddy and Shenoy,Vishal.,"Design And Analysis Of Upright Of An FIA Related Cruiser Class Solar Electric Vehicle"," International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT)", ISSN: 2278-018, oct,2014, Pp.1062-1066.
[5]. Gill, Simren., Hay,Philip., Mckenna, patrick., and Thibodeau, Philippe;"Final Design" Dalhouse Formula SAE " April 8, 2011.
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Abstract: Submerged arc welding process is very important component in many industrial organizations. The research on factors controlling weld bead profile in SAW process is essential to high quality welding procedures. Quality is very important element in today's manufacturing world. Experiments are conducted using SAW process parameters viz. welding current, arc voltage and welding speed on dissimilar materials of 10 mm thickness to study these parameters on weld bead width and weld bead hardness. The experiments are designed using L8 orthogonal array considering two factors and three levels.
Keywords: Submerged Arc Welding, ANOVA, Design of Experiments, S/N Ratio.
[1]. Y.S. Tarng, W.H. Yang & S.C. Juang, (2000) "the use of fuzzy logic in the taguchi method for the optimization of submerged arc
welding process", international journal of advanced manufacturing technology, vol. 16, 688-694.
[2]. N. Murugun, V. Gunaraj(2005) "Prediction and control of weld bead geometry and shape relationship in submerged arc welding of
pipes", Journal of materials processing technology, vol.168, 478-487.
[3]. T. Kannan, N. Murugun(2006) "Effect of flux cored arc welding process parameters on duplex stainless steel clad quality", Journal
of materials processing technology, vol.176, 230-239.
[4]. Deepak Choudhary, Sandeep Jindal and N.P.Mehta (2011)"To study the effect of welding parameters on weld bead geometry in
SAW welding process", Elixir Mechanical Engg. Vol.40, 5519-5524.
[5]. Rati Saluja, K M Moeed(2012), "Modeling and Parametric Optimization using Factorial Design Approach of Submerged Arc Bead
Geometry for Butt Joint", International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, ISSN: 2248-9622, Volume 2, Issue 3,
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Experimental Analysis of Solar Water Heater, with Heat Exchanger |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Satish P. Lokhande || Harrsh Kumar Dubey |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1401035559 ![]() |
Abstract: Solar energy is a very large, inexhaustible source of energy. The power from the sun which is intercepted by the earth is tremendously larger than the present consumption rate on the earth of all the commercial energy sources. Therefore the fabrication of such a solar water heater is done which can utilize this energy in a better way. Square shaped aluminium tube coated with a black paint constitutes the solar absorber on the above collector. The copper heat exchanger is placed between solar collector and water tank. To improve its efficiency distilled water is made to flow through the collector and then its testing is carried out and some desirable results were acquired.
Keywords: Solar water heater, Collector, Heat exchanger.
[1]. Nejat T.Veziroglu,"Solar Energy National Progress", Volume1, First Edition (1980), Pargaoman Press, Page No.159-215
[2]. Sukhatme S.P., "Solar Energy (Principle of Thermal Collection and Storage", Tenth Reprint (1994), McGraw –Hill Publication, New Delhi, Page No. 58-133
[3]. Das K., "Process Heat Transfer", Fifth Edition Reprint (2005), Narosa Publication House, New Delhi, Page No. 161-167
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Abstract: Shot peening leads to local plastic deformations in the near-surface regions, which result in the development of compressive residual stress and the improvement of surface hardness in the aerospace structural components. These properties can be enhanced by careful selection of the peening parameters. PMG Cover of AL2024 Aluminum Alloy is widely used in the generator manufacturing cover due to its high specific static strength. In this study a Taguchi Grey Relational Analysis is presented to optimize the surface properties of residual stress, micro hardness...........
Keywords: Compressive Residual Stresses, Design of Experiments, Genetic Algorithm, Grey Relation Analysis, Simulated Annealing.
[1] George Leghorn, "The story of shot peening", A.S.N.E. Journal November 1957, pp 653- 666.
[2] Y.F. Al-Obaid," Shot Peening Mechanics: experimental and theoretical analysis", Mechanics of Materials,1995
[3] S.Wang, Y.Li,m.Yao, R.Wang," Compressive residual stress introduced by shot peening", Journal of Materials Processing Technology,1998
[4] Romero,Rios,Fam,Levers," Optimization of the shot peening process in terms of fatigue resistance", Conf Proc: ICSP-7 ,Warsaw,Poland,1999
[5] Guagliano M, Vergani L, Bandini M, Gili F. "An approach to relate the shot peening parameters to the induced residual stresses", Conf Proc: ICSP-7, Warsaw, Poland, 1999.