Version-7 (Jan-Feb 2017)
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Abstract: The present paper investigates experimentally the effect of confined compression zone on the capacity of reinforced concrete beams. In addition, theoretical analysis confirming the test results is presented. In this respect, 12 medium scale RC beams were prepared, cast and statically tested in four-point bending up to failure at the reinforced concrete laboratory of the department of Structural Engineering of Al Azhar University..............
Keywords: Confining, Compression zone, RC beams, Ductility, flexural capacity, tension steel, compression steel.
[1] ACI 318-02 (2002), "Building Code Requirements for Compression Reinforcement Ratio in Flexural Members, " Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 127, No.1 ,pp.58-63.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Product Conceptual Design Based On Tacit Knowledge and Ontology |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Zhang Jianmin || ZHOU Jun |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1401070813 ![]() |
Abstract: With the coming of knowledge economy era, The traditional product design knowledge can not fully meet the user's demands for products. Improving the design quality of the product is the primary way to maximize the benefits, and the product conceptual design directly determines the quality of product design, The users' tacit knowledge is the source of the product conceptual design, therefore, the application of product conceptual design based on the Users' Tacit Knowledge was come up. On the premise of understanding the concept of the users' tacit knowledge, we classify the product requirement From the perspective of the users' demands..............
Keywords: Product conceptual design; the users' tacit Knowledge; ontology; Knowledge modeling; tacit knowledge explication
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Abstract: The goal of this work is the study of mechanical behavior and ferrule deformability under the heat effect, for a cement plant's rotary kiln. This study is within the scope of preventive maintenance for these kilns more specification precisely. It's about the finite element model validation, which simulates the kiln's elastoplastic behavior. This work is based on the case study of a cement plant's rotary kiln of a Moroccan industrial group. First, we take experimental measurements for the kiln distortions in the presence of heat...............
Keywords: Deformability, Ferrules, Numerical Simulation, Ovality, Patran/Nastran, Preventive Maintenance, Refractory Bricks, Rotary Kiln.
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Abstract: Trusses are supporting structures for heavy loads. An effective design for the truss results in cheap, strong yet light weight structures. These modern days, trusses can be fabricated with different types of metallic and non-metallic materials. We focused on design and fabricating a square truss of span 1.5m, which is analyzed for different materials to get a desired optimum efficient truss design. The support conditions (fixed/hinged) and type of connection (welded/bolted) between truss members are also checked for the forces in truss members. These various truss analyses are performed using analysis software. Later, these analysis results are used for fabricating an efficient truss.
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Abstract: The objective of this work was to investigate the effect of cold forging on mechanical properties and microstructural study of Al MMCs, at different wt% of SiC and forging cycle. The Al-SiC composite material was fabricated by stir casting method at different weight percentage of SiC such as 4% and 6%. Further, the deformation characteristics during open-die forging of Al-SiC composite at cold conditions were investigated. Cast and forged composite material was subjected to hardness test, tensile test and impact test. The grain size, microstructure behavior was investigated using optical microscope and SEM...............
Keywords: Mechanical properties, Composites, Al/SiC, Simulation
[1]. Deep Verma, Chandrasekhar P, and Singh S, "Investigations into Deformation Characteristics during Open-Die Forging of SiCp Reinforced Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites", Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Powder Technology Volume 2013, Article ID 183713, PP 14
[2]. Hemanth S Thulasi, Y. Arunkumar and M.S.Srinath "Design and Manufacturing Simulation of Preform for Thread Rolling Operation", International Journal Of Modern Engineering Research, Vol-5, 2015, pp 62-68
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[5]. S. Sulaiman, M. Sayuti, and R. Samin, "Mechanical properties of the as-cast quartz particulate reinforced LM6 alloy matrix composites," Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol. 201, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT '07), no. 1-3, pp. 731–735, 2008.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | CFD Calculations of Soot Radiation Absorption Coefficients during Pool Tunnel Fire |
Country | : | ISRAEL |
Authors | : | Alon Davidy |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1401073642 ![]() |
Abstract: In this work a new algorithm has been developed in order to calculate the soot particles absorption coefficient during Heptane pool tunnel fire. It is based on the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) results. In the FDS model, the combustion is represented by means of the mixture fraction with a single step chemical reaction model. Large Eddy Simulation (LES) is used to model the dissipative processes. HITRAN database was applied in order to calculate the refractive indices of soot particles (n, k)...............
Keywords: CFD, FDS code, Heptane, Tunnel Fire, Pool Fire, Hitran database, Soot particles concentration, Temperature field
[1]. Han, D. & Lee, B., Flame and smoke detection method for early real-time detection of a tunnel fire, Fire Safety Journal, 44:951-956, (2009).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Geotechnical Aspects of Storage Tank Foundation Types |
Country | : | Iran |
Authors | : | Amin Moradi || Amir Mahmoudzadeh || Yahya Rahim Safavi |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1401074349 ![]() |
Abstract: Storage tanks are available in many shapes: vertical and horizontal cylindrical; open top and closed top; flat bottom, cone bottom, slope bottom and dish bottom. Large tanks tend to be vertical cylindrical, or to have rounded corners transition from vertical side wall to bottom profile, to easier withstand hydraulic hydrostatically induced pressure of contained liquid. Most container tanks for handling liquids during transportation are designed to handle varying degrees of pressure.
Keywords: Pressure; tanks; shapes; flat bottom; cone bottom; hydraulic hydrostatically
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[5] Steel Tank Institute. UL Issues 1st Proposed Edition of New UL 2244 Systems Listing. Tank Talk XIII(3), 1998.
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Abstract: During the combustion period of an internal combustion engine,rotating flow or swirl can considerably increase the intensity of turbulence of the air-fuel mixture. This, in turn, can lead to increase in thermal efficiency. By varying the connecting rod length, swirl can be varied. Meaningful curves for swirl ratio are obtained by running cold flow simulations in ANSYS FLUENT for different connecting rod lengths and for different engine speeds (high and low). Dynamic air motion is visualized and velocity magnitude is plotted for thedifferent crank angle from 0° to 720° for the ANSYS IC Engine module. Finally, swirl ratios obtained for different lengths of connecting rods for an engine speed are compared.
Keywords: ANSYS FLUENT, Cold Flow Simulation, Connecting rod length, Swirl
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[3] Rohith.S, Dr. G.V. Naveen Prakash." Cold Flow Simulation in an IC Engine"International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume-2, Issue 7,e-ISSN:2395-0056 p-ISSN:2395-0072
[4] S K Gugulothu,K H C Reddy,"CFD Simulation of In-Cylinder Flow on Different Piston Bowl Geometries in a DI Diesel Engine" Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics,Volume 9 Issue No.3, ISSN:1735-3572,EISSN:1735-3645
[5] R. ThundilKaruppa Raj and R. Manimaran"Effect of Swirl in a Constant Speed DI Diesel Engine using Computational Fluid Dynamics"ISSRES volume -4, Issue- 4.
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Abstract: The present paper develops the experimentation and results to determinate the performance of the roll angle caused by crosswind based on the spring rate of the suspension from the adaptation of a wind tunnel and a heavy ground vehicle, his behavior is calculated from an triaxial accelerometer and a program card (Arduino), finally to verify the behavior comparing mathematical established models who describe the phenomena of the roll over caused by crosswind on the better form, we obtained one model that adjust in a 13% of our experimentation.
Keywords: Roll angle, Wind tunnel, simulation, Vertical Stiffness
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Abstract: Furnaces are most commonly used for melting of materials. Induction furnaces are more beneficial as no fuel is required. It is a problem to find life cycle of Induction Melting Furnace Wall under load variation. The induction melting furnace wall is made of magnesia ramming mass which is one kind of refractory material. The failure occurs due to cyclic thermal stresses due to heating and cooling cycles. Temperature distribution and thermal stress distribution fields of the induction melting furnace refractory............
Keywords: Advanced stress life analysis, Temperature distribution, Stress distribution, explicit finite difference method, Magnesia ramming mass
[1] Nirajkumar Mehta, (May 2012), Review on Computational Investigation on Different Kinds of Furnaces, International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Applications in Engineering, Technology and Sciences, Volume 3, pp 1 – 7.
[2] N C Mehta, Vipul B Gondaliya, Jayesh V Gundaniya, (February 2013), Applications of Different Numerical Methods in Heat Transfer - A Review, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp 363 – 368.
[3] N C Mehta, Akash D Raiyani, Vikas R Gondalia, (February 2013), Thermal Fatigue Analysis of Induction Melting Furnace Wall for Silica ramming mass, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp 357 – 362.
[4] Vimal R Nakum, Kevin M Vyas, Niraj C Mehta, (April 2013), Research on Induction Heating - A Review, International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications, Volume 2, Issue 6, pp 141 – 144, DOI: 10.7753/IJSEA0206.1005.
[5] N C Mehta, Viral V Shiyani, Jemish R Nasit, (May 2013), Metal Forming Analysis, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 5, pp 190 - 196.