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Abstract: Human resources is an important element in an organization. Organizational performance depends on the condition and behavior of the particular organization's employees. Employees' satisfaction depends on the compensation received; hence unsatisfactory compensation caused low organization commitment and increases turnover intention. High turnover intention causes bad impact on the organization. There were many studies showing that statement. However, not all turnover intentionsare caused by compensation and organizational commitment. Turnover intention can be caused by work stresses, work overload, low work motivation and also leadership style. In most of previous studies, the influence of organizational commitment on turnover intention was done in banking and education sector, so in this study, researcher will do it in hospital industry.The objective of this study is to analyze the influence of compensation and organizational commitment on employees' turnover intention. From this study, we will be able to draw conclusion of the influence of compensation and organizational commitment on turnover intention.
Keywords: Compensation, Organizational Commitment and turnover intention.[1] Arianto (2001), "Analysis of Factors Affecting Staff Turnover Intention in Public Accounting Firm", Journal of Accounting and Finance
[2] Ariani, D. W. (2012). Leader-member exchanges as a mediator of the effect of job satisfaction on affective organizational commitment: an empirical test. International Journal of Management, 29 (1). 46-56.
[3] (3 )Altindis, S. (2011). Job motivation and organizational commitment among the health professionals: A questionnaire survey. African Journal of Business Management Vol. 5(21), 8601-8609.
[4] Applebaum, D., Fowler, S., Fiedler, N., Osinubi, O., & Robson, M. (2010). The impact of environmental factors on nursing stress, job satisfaction, and turnover intention. Journal of Nursing Administration, 40,323-328.
[5] Bandiera, O., Barankay, I., Rasul, I. 2007. Incentives for Managers and Inequality among Workers: Evidence from a Firm Level Experiment. Quarterly Journal of Economics 122, 729 773..
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Abstract: Over the past decade India has been catching up with the development in the global Mutual Fund Industry. This study investigates an importance of the attribute considered by investor in selecting mutual funds. Equity Mutual Fund Attribute's Diversification as a decision parameter was tested with the selected investors/respondents; the ratings offered by them indicate the intensity of the same which are recorded against their Age, Sex, Education, job Income classification. Finding indicates that all the firms selected for the study register high to very high impact of attributes in their investment. Though, variation exists, it is micro marginal and is negligible, indicating the high impact of the attributes for all the firms selected for the study. In the mutual fund industry with increasing diversification and competition, the result of the study is expected to contribute to the process of structuring the funds managed by founder and to offer and insight to individual investors in their mutual fund selection.
Keywords: Mutual fund, Attributes, Diversification, Intensity, Fund founder, Individual Investor.[1]. William F. Sharpe, ‗Mutual fund Performance', Journal of Business, XXXIX, Part 2, January 1966, pp. 119-138
[2]. Treynor J.L. and Kay K. Mazny (1966), ‗Can Mutual Funds Outguess the Market?', Harvard Business Review, 44, No. 4, pp.131-136.
[3]. Jensen, M.C. ‗The Performance of Mutual Funds,1945-64', The Journal of Finance, Vol. 23,no. 2 May, 1968pp. 389-416.
[4]. William F. Sharpe, Alexander, Gordon J. and Bailey Jeffery V. (1995), ‗Investments', PHI, New Delhi.
[5]. Treynor, Jack L. (1965) ‗How to Rate Management of Investment funds', Harvard Business Review, 43, No.1, pp. 63-65..
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Abstract: In today's communities, individuals have been focusing on achieving the occupational purposes and goals at work place individually more than focusing on the concept of teamwork. Noticeably, the importance of teamwork as an essential tool in work environment seems to be neglected by both employers and employees which has lead them to deficient performance and poor productivity in their jobs. Therefore, this research paper seeks to examine the impact of teamwork on occupational performance. The objective of this research was to highlight the effects of teamwork on faculty members in Dhofar university and their performances and also to examine the factors associated with the concept of teamwork in job environment. This study focuses on analyzing the impact of teamwork on the employees of Dhofar university. Several factors related to teamwork were analyzed, such as the concept of trust.........
Keywords: Teamwork, employee performance, trust, leadership, rewar
[1]. Bacon, N. & Blyton, P. (2006) The Antecedents of Training Activity in British Small and Medium – Sized Enterprises, Work, Employment and Society, Vol.18, No.4, pp.749-773
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[5]. Conti, B. and Kleiner, B. (2003). How to Increase Teamwork in Organizations, Journal of Quality, Vol.5, No. 1, pp. 26-29
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Abstract: In this paper, mixed constraints (i.e., precedence and fixed position constraints) are considered in the usual travelling salesman problem with multiple job facilities at each station. The two constraints, i.e., precedence constraint(s) and fixed position constraint(s) should maintain feasibility among themselves. By precedence constraints, one means that the station(s) (cities or links or nodes) are visited (or completed) in such a way that a particular station is to be preceded (completed or visited) by another station and on the other hand, with fixed position(s) constraints, one means that the station(s) are visited in such a way that a particular station(s) is to be visited in a certain specific step(s). The aim of the paper is to find a tour of the salesman by using above two constraints in such a way that the total distance traveled is minimum while completing all the........
Keywords: Travelling Salesman Problem, Precedence Constraints, Fixed Position Constraints, Lexicographic Search Approach and Lower Bound
[1]. Achuthan, N.R., Caccetta, L. and Hill, S.P.: Capacited Vehicle Routing Problem: Some New CuttPlane. Asia-Pacific Journal of
Operational Research (APORS), 1998, Vol. 20, No. 1.
[2]. Ahuja, R.K., Magnanti, T. L. and Orlin, J.B.: Network Flows. Theory, Algorithms and Applications. Prentice Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, N. J., 1993.
[3]. Ahmed, N and Das, S.: The Oil Tankers Dispatching Problem. OPSEARCH, 2012, Vol. 49, No. 4, 366 – 385.
[4]. Ahmed, N and Das, S.: The Problem of Maximum Attainable Flow in Minimum Cost in a Network. OPSEARCH, 2013, Vol. 50,
No. 2, 197 – 214.
[5]. Ahmed, N and Duttadeka, S.: Precedence constraints in a travelling salesman problem (TSP) with multiple job facilities. MAT
(Journal of Statistics and Mathematical Engineering), 2015, Vol. 01, Issue 03, 1 – 17.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to observe the relationship and effect of networks on the performance of women entrepreneurs in Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs). The qualitative technique employed to obtain a strong output and rational results. The survey is used as the best approach and a self design questionnaire provided to gather data. A total of 373 useable responses was collected and used for data analysis by using SPSS software. The outcome of this study showed a significant relationship between networks and the performance of women entrepreneurs in MSEs. It is also interesting to note that the network has a negative effect on the performance with standard coefficient at -0.058. This situation explains that the advantages of the network cannot be beneficial to women to implement it due to certain constraints. This study has provided some recommendations to empower women in the network to develop their ability to succeed in Micro and Small Enterprises.
Keywords: Networks, Women entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises, Business Performance.
[1] Adema, W., Ali, N., Frey, V., Kim, H., Lunati, M., Piacentini, M., & Queisser, M. (2014). Enhancing Women's Economic Empowerment through Entrepreneurship and Business Leadership in OECD Countries.
[2] Alam, S. S., Jani, M. F. M., & Omar, N. A. (2011). An empirical study of success factors of women entrepreneurs in southern region in Malaysia. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 3(2), 166. [3] Bekele, E. & Jacobs, P. (2008). Women Entrepreneurship in micro, small and medium enterprises: The case of Ethiopia. Journal of International Women's Studies, 10(2), 3.
[4] Central Bank of Malaysia (2014). Circular on New Definition Of Small And Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Development Finance and Enterprise Department. Kuala Lumpur.
[5] Cromie. S & Birley .S (1992). Networking by female business owners in Northern Ireland. Elsevier Science Publishing Co. Journal of Business Venturing. 7(3). 237-251
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Abstract: Emotional intelligence is an important topic in management and entrepreneurial education. This study focused on the relationship between Emotional Intelligence (Cognition & Ability, Understanding Emotions, and Emotional Decision Making) and stress among SMEs. A total of 70 entrepreneurs from different areas in Melaka participated in the survey. Reliability analysis was applied to test the instrument's reliability. Moreover, correlation analysis was applied to examine the relationship of EI factors with stress in SMEs. Regression analysis applied to determine the predicted factors of EI towards stress. The results of the analysis indicated cognition & ability, understanding other's emotions and emotional decision making had a positive relationship with stress among SMEs. For the practicality of this study, emotional intelligence can be well implemented through education to instill a sound stress management to all potential entrepreneurs.
Keywords: Emotional Intelligence; Stress; Small and Medium Enterprises
[1] J. Por, L. Barriball, J. Fitzpatrick, and J. Roberts, "Emotional intelligence: Its relationship to stress, coping, well-being and professional performance in nursing students," Nurse Education Today, vol. 31, no. 8, 2011., pp. 855–860.
[2] E. P. Swift and J. E. Henderson, "The Emotional Intelligence of Entrepreneurs," J. Small Bus. Enterpreursh., vol. 20, no. 4, 2007, pp. 409–426.
[3] D. Goleman, R. E. Boyatzis, and A. McKee, Primal Leadership: Unleashing the Power of Emotional Intelligence. Harvard Business Press, 2013.
[4] H. Musa, F. R. Azmi, A. R. Abdullah, M. Sedek, and N. M. Saad, "Emotional intelligence and stress among SME entrepreneurs in Melaka: A case of entrepreneurial education," Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Research Day, 2017, pp. 248–249.
[5] D. Rae, "Universities and enterprise education: responding to the challenges of the new era," Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, vol. 17, no. 4, 2010, pp. 591–606.
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Abstract: The objective of this research was to identify how the leaders influence their teams to form a high performance team, identify the most common shortcomings on the matter and how the actions taken affect the case's result. The method used in this research was the case study and instrument for data mining was a research done with the company's leaders. The results demonstrated that the styles of liberal and democratic leadership are the ones employed by all leaders, exempting the autocratic style which was not used due to a organizational culture that praises ethic, quality of the workplace environment and active participation of the members of the team in the overall decision-making process. These are limited uniquely to this organization. Due to high competition in the current Market........
[1]. BLANCHARD, K; CAREW, D; CAREW, E. P. O gerente minuto desenvolve equipes de alto desempenho. 9. ed. Rio de Janeiro. p. 25. 2011.
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[5]. DRUCKER, Peter. Desafios gerenciais para o século XXI. São Paulo, Cengage Learning. p. 64. 1999
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Abstract: Human life is a most important asset and life insurance is the most important type of insurance which provides financial protection to a person and his family at the time of uncertain risks or damage. Life insurance provides both safety and protection to individuals and also encourages savings among people. Lic of India plays a vital role in the welfare of human well-being by providing insurance to millions of people against life risks such as uncertain death or accident. The present exploratory and descriptive based study was selected with an objective to identify the perception of investors towards Life Insurance Corporation of India while their investment decision-making. Various insurance related factors have been discussed in the paper. The data for the study has been collected from both primary and secondary sources. The study area is limited only to Machilipatnam and sample size is 76 policyholders of LIC. Researcher has taken based on demographic and insurance based preference factors and tested them with the help of percentages method. The analyzed data has been presented in the form of different graphs and pie-charts.
Keywords: Investors, perception, Lic, Life insurance policies
[1]. Athma, p. And kumar, r. (2007)) " an explorative study of life insurance purchase decision making: influence of product and non-product factors ", icfai journal risk & insurance, vol. Iv, october 2007, pg. No 19-21.
[2]. Eldhose.v and kumar. G (2008), "customer perception on life insurance services: a comparative study of public and private sectors", insurance chronicle icfai monthly magazine august 2008, pg. No 32-36.
[3]. Narayana. J (2009), "role of crm in life insurance business", IrDA journal, April 2009
[4]. Tripathi. P.k (2008), "customer buying behavior with a focus on market segmentation", summer training project, Chandigarh business school mohali, page no. 42-46. .
[5]. Ms. Babita yadav; Dr. Anshuja tiwari study on factors affecting customer‟s investment towards life insurance policies. International Journal of Marketing, Financial Services & Management Research
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Abstract: Using data on 576 Nigerian firms between 2011 and 2016 to examine the relationship between board composition and financial reporting quality, we underscored that the independence component of board composition is twofold : non-executive directors, and independent non-executive directors. Our multivariate regression results suggest that the proportions of the non-executive directors as well as that of the independent non-executive directors have a negative and significant relation with abnormal accruals, which in turn improves the quality of financial reporting. But the coefficient of board size did not show any significance. This is consistent with the prognosis of the agency theory. This study therefore, contributes to existing knowledge by expanding the independence of board of directors into two variable measures, and specifically detecting the significant components. The study is limited to our proxy of FRQ (abnormal accruals), and did not consider the sensitivity of contemporaneous IFRS adoption within the period.
Keywords : Abnormal accruals, board composition, board size, financial reporting quality, independent directors
[1]. P. E. Dimitropoulos and D. Asteriou, The effect of board composition on the informativeness and quality of annual earnings: Empirical evidence from Greece. Research in International Business and Finance 24(2) 2010, 190–205.
[2]. S. Abdulmalik and A. C. Ahmad, Audit fees, corporate governance mechanisms and financial reporting quality in Nigeria. DLSU Business & Economics Review 26(1) 2016, 122–135.
[3]. Y. W. Park and H. H. Shin, Board composition and earnings management in Canada. Journal of Corporate Finance 10(3) 2004, 431–457.
[4]. E. S. S. Alzoubi, Board characteristics and financial reporting quality: Evidence from Jordan. Corporate Ownership and Control 11(3) 2014, 8–29.
[5]. S. K. Johl, S. K. Johl, N. Subramaniam, and B. Cooper, Internal audit function, board quality and financial reporting quality: Evidence from Malaysia. Managerial Auditing Journal 28(9) 2013, 780–814.
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Abstract: Businesses invest in developing information systems resources to gain increase efficiency of small business. Literature has demonstrated the requirement of strategic alignment in converting these information factors. The Data collecting, data distributing, information stores and information processing of information systems and its impact on small business efficiency will enable these businesses to fine tune their information systems applications in achieving required galls. This study describes a research study that focuses on the information systems and information orientation of small businesses with their perceived business efficiency. The organizational impact of adoption of the initial stages of electronic business development is also examined. The data were collected from small businesses on nine strategy area as well as data collection information stores and information distributing using.......
Keywords : Information System, SME, impact
[1]. Al-Mamary, Y., & Nor Azi, A. (2013). Management Information Systems, Vol. 8 (2013). UDC.
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[3]. Nowduri, S. (2014). Management Information Systems Research for Small and Medium Enterprises: A Sustainability Perspective . International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications.
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Abstract: Taxation is the main source of revenue for governments. Therefore, taxation plays a significant role in facilitating governments to provide services to its citizens, investment in infrastructure, economic growth and equitable distribution of resources. It is therefore important that a country generates the highest possible revenues from its economy. To achieve this, it is critical that tax agencies bring on board all eligible taxpayers in order to ease the burden of taxation on individuals. SMEs form the largest portion of economies especially in the developing world and operate largely in the informal sector therefore challenging governments' means in ensuring tax compliance. The Kenya Revenue Authority in order to enhance compliance has embraced the use of information technologies in taxing SMEs.........
Keywords: Tax Compliance, Online Tax Management, Micro and Small Enterprises
[1]. Andreoni, J., Erard, B. and Feinstein, J. (1998) Tax Compliance. Journal of Economic Literature, 36, 818-860.
[2]. Internal Revenues Services (IRS) (2009) Update on Reducing the Federal Tax Gap and Improving Voluntary Compliance
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Abstract: This study aims at examining and analyzing the direct and indirect effects of the sources and capital use on the business scale and business performance. The design of this study was survey method in which data collection was a cross-section through a questionnaire. The samples of this study were determined using simple random sampling in which the number of the samples was 150 owners or managers of SMEs Restaurant. The data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in the hypothesis testing with support Analysis Moment of Structure (AMOS) Ver.20. The results of this research provide evidence that the source of capital has a negative and significant impact on the business scale. The use of capital has a positive and significant effect on the business scale. The use of capital has a negative and significant effect on business performance. In addition, the business scale has a negative......
Keywords : Capital Source, Capital Use, Business Scale, Business Performance
[1]. B. Riyanto, Basics Company Spending, Edition. Fourth, Seventh Molds. Yogyakarta: BPFE Yogyakarta, 2001.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis of After Sale Service Data of Indian Tractor Users By Using Kano Model |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Khursheed Ahmad Siddiqui |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/487X-2003018486 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper a data set was collected for tractor customers in north India. Kano model is used to analyze the data. Various attributes are divided into different categories. We found that most of the attributes are attractive, whereas some of the attributes are must-be. These results will help understand customer requirements and improve customer satisfaction. Managers can use this information to increase market share of their companies.
Keywords : Kano model, Customer satisfaction, Market research, Tractor.
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[4]. Kano, N., Nobuhiku S., Fumio T. and Shinichi T. (1984), Attractive quality and must-be quality, The Journal of the Japanese Society for Quality Control, 39-48.
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Abstract: The India-US student mobility scenario is principally characterized by the large and growing outflow of Indian students to US campuses and a relatively miniscule inflow of American students to Indian higher education institutions (HEIs). Going ahead, it is imperative that Indian policy makers and providers work towards increasing the inflow of American students into Indian campuses and thereby help take the India-US higher education engagement to the next higher level. A growth in the number of U.S. students coming to Indian campuses would greatly benefit Indian higher education in multiple ways. The aim of the paper is to identify India-U.S. student mobility traits and to recognize the potential drivers to enhance the inflow of students from the US to Indian campuses through analysis........
Keywords : International Student Mobility, Indo-US Higher Education, Indian Higher Education, International Students, India US Student Exchange
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