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Abstract: The HR function has undergone several changes due to several internal and external organizational factors. Today, this function faces new challenges and perspectives, justifying the adoption of a new managerial approach and requiring new action modes. The HR function It has shifted from a simple staff administrative management task to an essential corporate strategic function; A function that uses all marketing tools and techniques to sell goods and services to clients whose needs are known to appear as "an employer of choice" (Chhabra and Mishra, 2008), "where it does a good job" (Kapoor, 2010).The employer's brand that is defined, according to Ambler and Barrow (1996), as : "All the functional, economic and psychological benefits inherent to the job and with which the company, as an employer, is identified ". While Sandy Miles and Glynn Mangold (2004) present it as "A process by which employees internalize the desired brand image and are motivated to project it to customers and too ther organizational.........
Keywords: Employer Brand, human resources, marketing, candidates' attraction, employees' loyalty[1] AAker, David A. (1991). Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the Value of the Brand Name, New York : The Free Press,
[2] AAker, David A. (1996). « Measuring brand equity across pro- ducts and markets », California Management Review, Vol. 38, N° 3, Spring, p. 102-120.
[3] AAker, David A.; joAchimsthALer, Erich (2000). Brand leader- ship, Simon & Schuster UK Ltd, 368 p.
[4] AAker, Jennifer L. (1997). « Dimensions of brand personality »,
[5] AGr AwA L, Rakesh K; swA roop, Pragati (2009). « Effect of employer brand image on application intentions of B-School u nderg raduat es », Visio n-T h e Jour n a l of B u si ness Perspectives, Vol. 13, N° 3, p. 41-49..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Transformational Delegationis the Effective tool for Organization Excellence |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Y.Narasimha Raja |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2003101418 ![]() |
Abstract: We might been observed during our train travelling, train will change one track to another track without any hurdles and obstacles to passengers. We should impart such systematic and scientific methods in Organization, without any hurdles Organization should yield Profits. Delegation of Direction is more important than Speed. Over delegation is so busy looking at our speedometers that we forget the Mile Stone of Organization premium. In major current corporate scenarios referring to exit / attrition analysis it has been observed predominately employees leaving the organization because of improper work delegation from immediate superiors. All the Industries makes profit with the sources of Men, Materials and Machines. Losing the employees were certainly damage to organization. Organization needs People and people will need Organization. It is mutual need. Here both are important and both are depended on one other. While delegation never treat your employee as slave,.............
[5]. other Collective sources from internet and books...
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Abstract: is perusing his Ph.D. from SSSUTMS ,Sehore and his professionally qualified , MBA, MTA, M.Com "Our assets walk out of the door each evening. We have to make sure that they come back the next morning." - N.R. Narayanamurthy, Co-founder INFOSYS
If your loyal employees were leaving an organization, newly joined qualified employees were quitting an organization, consecutively employees were resigning, and even not willing to serve notice period and most of the employees were absconding from their duties. This article will provide the precaution inputs to the Top Management of organizations with facts. It reveals, howto stop employees to resign and even how to deal with resigned employees? How can stop employee Absconding's from company? Facts of attrition. What are the best techniques to retain in organization fitment? It has been observed, even employees may left companies, but still they have best affection with Company but not with immediate reporting authorities.In fact Employee will quit their Boss rather than organization.To overcome from this situations,Late DhirubhaiAmbani, Founder of Reliance Quoted as "We cannot change our rulers, but we can change the way they rule us.".............
[1]. Paychex survey
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Abstract: In Nigeria for instance, there is high competition in creating satisfaction and loyalty for customers in the banking sector. Consumer'ssatisfaction is a widely acceptable perception in terms ofpromoting, consumer inquiry, monetary brain research, etc. consumer satisfaction is viewed in quite a number of conditions and it also has a connection with products and services. This is a great evaluation that is influenced by the requirement of customers. Consumer's satisfaction is alsobuilt on their experience with organization and the outcome from that experience. Some scholars explained a fulfilled customer inthe isolatedsection as an individual who gets notable included esteem" to theirmainworry. The meaning also fit in the public sector. Hanan and Karp (2006). The goal to be achieved.......
[1] Armstrong, G., and Kotler, P. (1996). Principles of marketing. (7th ed.).
[2] Bitner, M. J. (2001). Service and technology: Opportunities and paradoxes. Managing Service Quality, 11(6), 375-379.
[3] Bitner, M. J., and Zeithaml, V. A. (2003). Service marketing. (3rd ed.). New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.
[4] Doraisamy, B., Shanmugam, A., & Raman, R. (2011). A study on consumers' preferences of Islamic banking products and services in Sungai Petani. Academic Research International, 1(3), 290-302.
[5] Göksu, A., &Becic, A. (2012). Awareness of Islamic Banking in Bosnia and Herzegovina. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 7(100), 26-39..
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Abstract: Strategic purpose is critical to enterprise performance as it provides direction and plans on how organizational factors and actors could lead to superior performance. Therefore, enterprises that understand influence of strategic purpose on their operations implement optimal strategies that lead to sustainable performance. However, most cooperatives have had unsustainable performance and consequent low survival rate due to inadequate information on the influence of strategic purpose on sustainable performance. Thus, the specific objective of the study was to establish influence of strategic purpose on sustainable performance, by evaluating their existence, contents, clarity and awareness of vision, mission, goals and objectives. The study was an explanatory cross-sectional survey targeting all the deposit taking savings and credit co-operative societies (SACCOs) in Kenya. Questionnaires and document reviews were used to collect data for analysis. Descriptive analysis revealed that vision, mission..........
Key words: savings and credit co-operatives, sustainable performance, vision, mission, goals and objectives.
[1] Akpoyomare Oghojafor, B., Olayemi,O., Okonji, P. & Okolie, J. (2011). Enhancing Organization‟s Performance through Effective Vision and Mission, Chinese Business Review, ISSN 1537-1506, Vol. 10, No. 11, 1071-1075.
[2] Barney, J. (1991). Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage. Journal of Management, 77, 1, 99-120.
[3] Barney, J., Clark, D. (2007). Resource-Based Theory: Creating and Sustaining Competitive Advantage. Oxford University Press.
[4] Bart, C. K., Bontis, N. & Taggar, S. (2001). A Model of the Impact of Mission Statements on Firm Performance. Management Decision, 39 (1), 19–35.
[5] Bartkus, B. R., Glassman, M. & McAfee, R. B. (2004). A comparison of the quality of European, Japanese and US mission statements: a content analysis, European Management Journal, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 393- 401..
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Abstract: Manufacturing firms exist in a dynamic environment that is unpredictable thus the need to effectively and efficiently carry out their operations which will lead to maintaining consistency in ensuring value creation through the supply chain. Value management aims at delivering products on time to their customers with appropriate performance and cost. The study sought to analyze the influence of value management approaches on on-time delivery of products in Kenya. It reviewed cost reduction, new product development, pricing and staff competence. The study adopted descriptive research design using qualitative and quantitative approaches using the survey method. The target population of this study was 84 managers working in procurement department, production and operations management, marketing and human resource department. These managers were from manufacturing firms in Nakuru. Census sampling design was employed. Primary data was collected by use of questionnaire on drop and pick later basis. Data collected was analyzed by means of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), and presented through percentages and frequencies. The information was displayed by use of....... .
[1] Aaker, J., Fournier, S. And Brasel, S.A. (2002). When Good Brands do bad. et al 2004 good brands do bad.pdf
[2] Aidah, N. (2013). Effects of Training on Employee Performance in Uganda (Unpublished Thesis), School of Business and Tourism.
[3] Aitken, J. (2003). "The impact of product life cycle on supply chain strategy."International Journal of Production Economics, 85: 127-140.
[4] Apphiah, B. (2010). Impact of Training on Employee Performance. In unpublished thesis submitted to the department of business administration. Ghana: Achesi University College.
[5] Armstrong, M. (2012). Armstrong's hand book of Human Resource Management Practice, (12th Ed) Kogan Page Ltd., New Delhi India...
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Abstract: This paper sought to establish the determinants for implementing income generating projects in public secondary schools in Konoin District of Bomet County. The specific objectives of the study were: to establish whether financial and physical resources affect the implementation of income generating project in public secondary schools in Konoin District; to determine the effect of head teacher transfers on the implementation of income generating project in public secondary schools in Konoin District; to establish the role of political interference on the implementation of income generating project in public secondary schools in Konoin District and to establish whether management skills affect the implementation of income generating project in public secondary schools in Konoin District. A survey design was used where principals in public secondary schools in the district were...............
Keywords: - determinants, implementation, income generating projects
[1] Acosta, C., Arrua, L., Burt, M., Cateura, L., Charles, D., Jose de Domenico, Kafka, N., Kehler, M.L., Radford, N., Salomon, J.S., Sanabria, L.F., and Stephenson,J., (2008). Teach a Man How to Fish. Manual Four. Paraguay.
[2] Ariko, C.O and Simatwa, E.M.W. (2011). Factors Influencing Secondary School Teacher Transfer Requests in Suba District, Kenya: Analytical Assessment. Educational Research, 2(7)1270-1280.
[3] Chabari, E.B., (2010). Challenges Facing Effective Implementation of Free Secondary Education in Public Secondary Schools in Kangundo District, Kenya. ChukaUniversity. Chuka.
[4] Kiveu, N.M. and Mayio, J., (2009). The impact of cost sharing on internal efficiency of public secondary schools in Ndivisi division, Bungoma District, Kenya. Educational Research and Review Vol. 4 (5), pp. 272-284.
[5] Mobegi, F.O., A., Ondigi, B., and Oburu, P. O (2010) . Secondary school headteachers' quality assurance strategies and challenges in Gucha district, Kenya. Educational Research and Reviews Vol. 5(7), pp. 408-414...
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Abstract: This paper deals with working capital management in Radhika Vegetables Oils Pvt. Ltd., which is an Indian Small Enterprise of Vizianagaramdistrict in the state of Andhra Pradesh. It is engaged in production, extraction and delivery of palm oil to major Vanaspati makers in India. It was the first company in India to import Oil Palm sprouts and to start a 5MT per hour extraction unit. In this paper an attempt is made to examine the structure and composition of working capital in the Enterprise during the period of study covering ten years from 2006-07 to 2015-16. An attempt is also made to analyze the liquidity position, to find the gross working capital and networking capital turnover and to examine the efficiency in cash, debtors and inventory management in the Small Enterprise under study.
Keywords: Current ratio, Gross Working Capital, Net Working capital, Inventory turnover, Small Enterprise
[1] Mishra, R.K., "Problems of Working Capital – with Reference to Selected Public Undertakings in India", Somaiya Publication, Bombay, 1975.
[2] Suk, H., Seung, H. and Rewland, "Working Capital Practices of Japanese Firms in the US", Financial Practice and Education, Spring – Summer, Vol.2, No.1, 1992,pp. 89-92.
[3] Sivarama PR, "Working Capital Management in Indian Paper Industry", Unpublished Thesis, Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar, Guntur, 1999.
[4] Reddy, S.H., "Working Capital Management in Small Scale Industries – A Case Study of Cuddapah District", Doctoral Dissertation, Sri VenkateswaraUniveristy, Tirupati,2000.
[5] Ghosh SK and Maji SG, "Utlization of Current Assets and Operating Profitability: An Empirical Study on Cement and Tea Industries in India", Indian Journal of Accounting, IAA,2003, pp.81-91...