Series-1 (May-2019)May-2019 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Credit Risk Management Practices in Indian Banks |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sudip Basu || Dr. Alok Satsangi |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2105010103 ![]() |
Abstract: Risk is a crucial element of any form of business. Earnings and default risk move in an opposite direction. A business has to confront risk to earn revenue for the survival in competitive business environment. Credit risk is the risk of loss arises from the borrower who failed to pay the loan amount on due date. A proper management of credit risk leads to achieve financial standards as well as ensures success in the long run. The present study encompasses on the credit risk administration strategies of the Indian banks to overcome the default risk. As this research is descriptive in nature, based on the previous study, relevant conclusions have been drawn. Also the study includes providing recommendation to senior managers on the approaches followed in managing the credit risk in the national banks.
Keywords: Financial standards, Credit Risk Management, National Banks, Long term
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Abstract: The retail sector in India going through a transformation and is witnessing significant change in retail formats based on consumer trend. Considering the diversity in terms of taste and preferences existing in India the retailers are experimenting to trace the winning format suited to socio-demographic profiles of the customers. The retailers through better customer experience management practices need to be innovative in designing and delivering value proposition to the consumer. An attempt is made in this paper to know the trends in Indian Retail sector, emergent formats and challenges in customer experience management
Keywords: Organized retail, shopping behavior, customer experience, consumer dynamics
[1]. Jhamb, D. and Kiran, R. "Emerging Trends in Organized Retailing in India: A Shared vision of consumers and Retailers perspective", Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.11, No.4, pp 481-490, 2012.
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[4]. Piyush Kumar Sinha, Sanjay Kumar Kar "An Insight into the Growth of New Retail Formats in India", IIMA Working Paper 2007.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Jet Airways: A Study on Consequences of Poor Leadership |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shital Sonpal |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2105010912 ![]() |
Abstract: For any business, the importance of leader is undeniable. If leader is efficient than business can flourish but if leader is ineffective than the business need to bear the effects of poor leadership such as, no transparency and ownership issue, loss of morale, mismanaging resources, lack of direction and so on. These effects are briefly discussed and relates with jet airways study. The airline industry exists in an intensely competitive market. In recent years, there has been an industry-wide shakedown, which will have far-reaching effects. There may still be an odd chance to save Jet Airways if the banks heed what Napoleon Bonaparte had said, 'It's a principle of war that when you can use the lightning, it's better than cannon.' Jet may have missed the flight, though.
Keywords: Air Sahara, Etihad Airways, Jet Airways, Leadership effects, Naresh Goyal.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Flight Safety And Safety Performance In Maneuvering Airport Areas Of Juwata Tarakan Airport |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Irfan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2105011317 ![]() |
Abstract: Airport is a facility where airplanes can take off and land. The existence of settlements around the Juwata Tarakan Airport can disrupt the security and safety conditions of flight operations. This study aims to determine the barriers to flight operations at Juwata Airport. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative method, direct observation and interview. The results of this study found disturbances (1) Community pets in the form of cows entering the airport, (2) Communities around the airport crossing the runway, and (3) The absence of a guardrail around the airport.
Keywords: Obstacles, Settlements, Safety, Security
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Abstract: The present study was conducted with a view to evaluating the job satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the customer in the banking sector of Bangladesh. A total number of 360 employees from four (two private and two state owned) banks from JamalpurDistrict of Bangladesh were selected on a random sampling basis. A structure questionnaire was used to collected data .To analyze the data composite chi- square test and simple percentage were applied. The study shows that significantly large number of employees was satisfied and remarkable number of employees was dissatisfaction. The study also show that some specific job factors have positive impact on the overall job satisfaction of the respondents' employee. Job satisfaction depends on some job related factors. But all of those factors are not equally important for their overall jab satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Salary, other financial.......
Keywords: Attitudes, Employees, Job Stress, Job satisfaction, Job Dissatisfaction
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of training and work motivation on employee performance. The population in this study was employees of the Central Office of Southeast Sulawesi River Region IV are 359 peoples. The sample used in this study was 79 respondents based on proportional sampling. The sampling technique used in this study was using proportional random sampling. Techniques for obtaining data used questionnaires. The analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis. The results showed that partially training has positive and significant effect on performance. Work motivation has positive and significant effect on performance and simultaneously training and work motivation have a positive and significant effect on performance
Keywords: Training, Work Motivation, Employee Performance
[1]. Augusty, Ferdinand. 2006. Metode Penelitian Manajemen: Pedoman Penelitian untuk skripsi, Tesis dan Disertai Ilmu Manajemen. Semarang: Universitas Diponegoro.
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Abstract: This study aimed to analyze the financial performance Business Multipurpose Cooperative Lakamali Southern District of Wangi-scented, Wakatobi with the scope of the study on three financial ratios, namely liquidity ratio, the ratio of Solvability, and profitability ratios. This research was a descriptive study using the financial statements of the Multipurpose Cooperative Lakamali, Wangi-Wangi Sub-District, Wakatobi Regency in the period 2012-2016. The method of collecting data in this study was by observing and documenting financial statements that were conducted.......
Keywords: Financial Performance, Liquidity, Solvability, Rent ability
[1]. Bastian, Indra. 2013. Akuntansi Sektor Publik: Suatu Pengantar. Jakarta: Erlangga
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Abstract: Nurses are professions that are prone to work stress because nurses have a primary role in contact with patients and most medical actions are carried out by nurses. Job stress experienced will affect performance in the form of service to patients. This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of work stress at the individual, group level, organizational level and extra-organizational level, on the performance of nurses, and to obtain alternative policies to overcome them. This research is a descriptive study using quantitative data. The population in this study were........
Keywords: Job Stress, Work Stress, Performance
[1]. Baumann A. [2007]. Positive Practice Environment: Quality Workplaces = Quality Patient Care. International Council of Nurses.
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of organizational commitment, motivation and job satisfaction on employee performance at Prof. DR. Muhammad Ildrem Mental Hospital. This type of research is descriptive research. The population of this study was medical support staff with 39 respondents. The sampling technique is a saturated sampling technique using primary data obtained through a questionnaire. The data of this study were analyzed using multiple linear regression. The results showed partially that organizational commitment and job satisfaction significantly affected employee performance while motivation did not significantly influence employee performance at Prof. DR. Muhammad Ildrem Mental Hospital. This study produces empirical evidence that organizational commitment and job satisfaction affect performance. So that organizational commitment and job satisfaction are very important things to consider to improve employee performance
Keywords: Organizational Commitment, Motivation, Job Satisfaction, Performance
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Social Media Marketing: A Conceptual Review on Applications |
Country | : | Sri Lanka |
Authors | : | Anushka Siriwardana || Milinda Mendis |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2105015460 ![]() |
Abstract: Online networking showcasing has risen as the most famous and successful instrument of promoting and correspondence. The outcome is developing enthusiasm of Brand Directors in utilizing internet based life broadly and tapping the prospects from all finishes. Because of the remarkable development of web, a blasting pattern in the showcasing field (Web-based social networking Advertising) has been returned to in this concept paper. Paper followed a deductive approach and research tool was mainly based on literature reviews. Empirical studies have found over the business sectors and item settings exposing how digitalized media methodologies interface clients to coordinate with brands advanced. Such examinations give contentions and bearings to diagram the viability of new media.......
Keywords:Social Media Marketing (SMM), Brand Awareness, Brand Loyalty, Customer Engagement, Customer Buying Decision.
[1]. Albors, J., Ramos, J. C., &Hervas, J. L. (2008). New learning network paradigms: Communities of objectives, crowdsourcing, wikis and open source. International Journal of Information Management, 28, 194–202.
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Abstract: This research is motivated by increasing income in developing countries allowing people in developing countries to go across national borders, having the role of increasing labor mobility internationally. Economic conditions that are less attractive in the country and income that are large enough and that appear more attractive in the destination country have become the trigger for labor mobility internationally. This study was conducted with an empirical study approach supported by surveys. Data was collected using questionnaires, interviews and documentation studies. The sample in this study were 146 customers or respondents. Hypothesis testing uses path analysis at a confidence level of 95% (α = 0.05). The results of hypothesis testing carried out with a partial test (t test) indicate that the selection process has a positive and not significant effect on the performance of Indonesian......
Keywords: Selection Process, Work Protection, Job Placement and Performance
[1]. Aldilaningsari, Yovita., Musadieq, M. A., Hakam, M. S. (2014). Pengaruh Penempatan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja. Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis. Vol. 9, No. 1. Hal: 1-7.
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[3]. Anosh, M., Hamad, N., Batool, A. (2014). Impact of Recruitment and Selection of HR Department Practices. European Journal of Business and Management. Vol. 6, No. 31. ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
[4]. Astawa, I Dewa Rai. (2006). Aspek Perlindungan Hukum Hak-Hak Tenaga Kerja Indonesia di Luar Negeri. Tesis. Magister Ilmu Hukum. Universitas Diponegoro. Semarang.
[5]. Djumadi, 2008. Hukum Perjanjian Kerja. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | To Study Supply Chain Practices and Their Challenges: A Case Tanzania |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Manoj Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2105017174 ![]() |
Abstract: Owing to its importance in relation to optimizing market efficiency, supply chain management (SCM) has gained attention across the globe. While SCM has been successfully adopted by large businesses, it differs from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) because they face many constraints that impede the effective adoption of SCM. The introduction of SCM in SMEs is affected by variables such as technical challenges, poor communication with the supplier's lack of government help, funding, funds, market penetration and top management support, information sharing problems, inventory management, poor SCM expertise and unskilled staff. This analysis evaluated these variables. In this research, a hybrid method approach was used where content analysis was used to define the SCM limitations by performing a comprehensive literature review. In order to explain the relationship between SCM impediments and successful SCM implementation in Tanzanian SMEs,
Keywords: supply chain management, Small and medium enterprises, firm performance, Tanzania
[1]. Abdullah N, Yaakub S, Subhan M (2016). Logistics and Supply Chain 570 Afr. J. Bus. anage. Related Issues Faced by Malaysian SMEs: A Case Study. International Review of Management and Marketing 6(3):432-435.
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[3]. Al-Esmael B, Talib F, Faisal M, Jabeen F (2019). Socially responsible supply chain management in small and medium enterprises in the GCC. Available at:
[4]. Ali Z, Gongbing B, Mehreen A (2019). Supply chain network and information sharing effects of SMEs' credit quality on firm performance. Journal of Enterprise Information Management
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Diversity of Indian Handicrafts and its awareness among Indian Consumers |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rashmi Gulati |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2105017579 ![]() |
Abstract: Handicrafts are the backbone of Indian Economy. The History of Handicrafts is decades old. This has existed from the ancient ages.
Keywords: Handicraft; India and its Handicraft; Contribution of Handicraft to Indian Economy; Market for Indian Handicraft
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[6]. "Global Recession-Impact on the Indian Handicraft Industry", International Journal of Business Swot, Vol.IV, No.1, Jan-Mar.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | FDI in Defence Sector in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Rajesh Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2105018082 ![]() |
Abstract: Recent media reports have indicated that internal Ministry of Commerce memoranda are being forwarded to the cabinet secretariat with recommendations to raise the cap on FDI in the defence sector from 26% to 100%. "There is no requirement to tender, but these businesses must respond to RFPs in order to meet the technical requirements and win the finance bids that are necessary under the FIPB/CCEA clearance process." The government agency may stipulate in its request for proposals that the successful bidder establish system integration in India with a specified minimum value-added ratio. The government is encouraged to invest more than 51% of its FDI in the defence sector, according to the report's recommendations. There is no need for a legislative act to raise this cap; rather, the administration can simply issue an order to do so.