Series-5 (May-2019)May-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: This paper examines the implications of Environmental, Social and Governance Dimensions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices on firm profitability (Returns on Assets - ROA), value (Share Price - P) and Cash Flows (Free Cash Flows - FCF) for non-financial FTSE 100 firms listed on London Stock Exchange from 2007 to 2016. The study find that on average, increased total CSR (ESG) practice is positively associated with firm performance. More specifically, Environmental and governmental practices positively and significantly affect ROA, share prices and free cash flows respectively. Social practices positively and significantly affect share prices, but negatively and insignificantly affect ROA and FCF. It is concluded that overall, high and quality CSR practices improve corporate financial performance in the UK..
Keywords: ESG, CSR, Profitability, Value, Cash flows
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Brazilian Credit Cooperatives: Cresol Confederation Case |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr. Murillo Dias || Cleber Acacio Silva || Myrian Lund |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2105051119 ![]() |
Abstract: This case investigated the System of Rural Credit Cooperatives with Solidarity Interaction named Confederação Cresol, located at Francisco Beltrão, southern Brazil. In the early years of the 20th century, the Swiss priest Theodor Armstad founded the first credit cooperative in Brazil - Armstad Savings and Loans Bank (Caixa de Economias e Empréstimos Armstad), at Nova Petrópolis, Rio Grande do Sul. Currently, there are 13 types of cooperatives in Brazil, including credit cooperatives. In Brazil, they are regulated through Law no 5,764, issued in 1971. Cresol holds approximately 178 thousand families associated with the central, operating in 10 Brazilian states. Key........
Keywords: credit cooperatives, co-operatives, co-op, coop, Brazilian economy, Cresol Confederation of SMEs
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[3] Dias, Murillo de Oliveira; Teles, Andre (2019b) Credit Co-Operatives In Brazil: Sicredi Case. In: International Journal of Advanced Research. Volume 7, Issue 4, April 2019, pp. 194-202; ISSN: 2320-5407. DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/8806. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35306.16327
[4] Dalacosta,Rosiane; Dias, Murillo de Oliveira; Meirelles;Marco Aurélio S. Soares (2019). The Process of Institutionalization of Training Practices: Brazilian Case on Credit Cooperative Cresol Baser In: International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering. Vol. IX, issue 4, pp. 2915-2929, April 2019. ISSN 2249-7455. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18650.18881
[5] Dias, Murillo de Oliveira (2018) Evolution of Cooperative Societies in Brazil. In: International Journal of Community and Cooperative Studies, Vol.6 No.4, pp.1-11, November 2018.ISSN 2057-262X. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7834688
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Abstract: The level of capitalization is the ratio of net income obtained from a property with its value. When the market value of the property and the level of capitalization are known, reasonable renting value of the property can be determined. Thus, knowing the level of property capitalization will be very helpful in making decision to invest in property, especially storehouses, because they are the types of property which are usually transacted. The objective of the research was to analyze the influence of the factors of capitalization such as age of building, the number of floors, the range from business center, parking lots, and the width of road on the level of capitalization in renting storehouses.......
Keywords: Number of Floors, Parking Lot, Width of Road, Level of Capitalization in Renting Storehouses
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Abstract: To develop a business, a firm needs some resources of fund. Today, PT. Perkebunan Nusantara IV (PTPN-IV) only have the bank loan and own capital as the main resources. Other resources of fund that also available as well is going public by selling stocks to public in the stock market. Before selling the stock in the stock market, the firm must do initial public offering. This research goals is to analys the fair value of stock of PTPN-IV on its initial public offering in 2020. The valuation method used in this research is Discounted Free Cash Flow To Equity, which is projected forward to 2025 than discounted back to 2020. The result of this research shows that the fair value of PTPN-IV stock in 2020 is Rp.823 per share and its nominal value is Rp.1.280 per share which is overvalued..
Keywords: Initial Public Offering, PTPN-IV, Valuation, Fair Value Of Stock, Free Cash Flow To Equity
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Abstract: This study investigated the effect of cognitive biases on teacher investment decision to ascertain whether the variables of financial literacy, cognitive dissonance and herd instinct play a role in influencing the decision to invest. Stratified Random sampling was used to select the appropriate sample size of 102 teachers and primary data collected through structured questionnaire. It was found that there exists positive correlation p=.208 at 0.01 significance level between financial literacy and investment decision. Further regression analysis revealed a positive effect of Financial literacy on investment decision (β =.304;p=.000) therefore concluding that financial literacy.......
Keywords: Capital Markets Authority (CMA), Nairobi Stock Exchange, Stock Market, Teachers Service Commission
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Abstract: This factor analysis study was undertaken to determine the underlying challenges affecting the implementation of pension Act of 2011 in Malawi. Research on challenges with regard to implementation of pension laws is very important as it reveals prevailing impending challenges so that possible solutions can be explored to address them for effective administration and management of Pension laws. The fact that Malawi has been implementing the new pension law for eight years since 2011 and has nevertheless been experiencing challenges with regard to such implementation process, studies to determine underlying (principal) implementation challenges are therefore justifiable to help.......
Keywords: Factor Analysis; Pension Act; Implementation challenges; Malawi
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Thenmala Eco-Tourism: A Study on Impact and Influence on the Local People |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Muthumon.T.R || Parvathy.R.Nair |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2105054753 ![]() |
Abstract: Thenmala, in the Kollam district of the southern Indian state of Kerala is India's first planned ecotourism destination. The present study is an attempt to study the degree of influence of ecotourism to the inhabitants of Thenmala.Primary data is collected from 50 respondents living in Thenmala. The study revealed that tourism creates employment oppotunities to the local people and helps in improving the standard of living of them. Inappropriate behaviour of tourists is the main problem faced by them.The study suggests to implement an ecotourism policy, to ensure that ecotourism does not impact biodiversity, lives and governance systems of communities..
Keywords: Eco tourism, Thenmala, biodiversity, inhabitants
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Abstract: The general objective of this study was to establish the effect of performance management strategies on service delivery in Kenya school of government. This study was guided by the following objectives; to assess the effect of total quality management and Business Process re-engineering. This research employed a descriptive research design. The target population for this study was 121 subjects comprising top management, departmental heads, sectional heads and lecturers in Kenya school of government Nairobi. For this study, the study conducted a census survey owing to the number of targeted population. The research utilized two sets of instruments of data collection, which were a.......
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Abstract: The study investigated the effects of Tourism information centers on tourists' destination choice of Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya. It was informed by the classic line of thought and the alternative line of thought models which focuses on Tourist Destination Choice. The research design used was descriptive survey and explanatory which enabled the researcher to gather data from the population. The target population was tourists visiting Maasai Mara National Reserve for the first six months of 2015. The simple random sampling techniques were used to select a sample of 232 tourists. Questionnaires were used to collect the relevant quantitative data, with crobanch alpha being used to determine the reliability of the scales used. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistical.......
Keywords: Tourists' destination choice, Customer satisfaction, Marketing strategies, Tourism Information Centers.
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Abstract: This study analyzes Job Satisfaction as a mediator of the influence of Islamic Spiritual Leadership, Work Environment, and Motivation on the Performance of lecturers in private Islamic college in boarding schools environment in the north coast region of East Java. The sample in this study were 142 lecturers. Descriptive analysis techniques are used to describe variables in research, and SEM analysis to test causality between research variables. The findings reveal that Islamic Spiritual Leadership, Work Environment, and Motivation influence Job Satisfaction. In addition, Islamic Spiritual Leadership, Work Environment, and Motivation also influence Performance. This study also resulted in the influence ofJob Satisfaction, and the results of this study also revealed that.......
Keywords: Islamic spiritual leadership, Work environment, motivation, performance
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Abstract: The objective of this paper is to review the concept of fashion design marketing and examine the elements of visual merchandising used in major fashion retail stores. Since visual merchandising is an activity that can promote sales of goods, especially in retail stores. It also implies that merchandising is an art,but its effects can have a profound impact on marketing products such as in fashion designing. The ever increasing competition and similarities of products makes it imperative for retailers to employ visual merchandizing techniques to differentiate their products on the basis of experiencing.......
Keywords: Fashion Design, marketing, Visual merchandizing, Kuwait
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