Series-7 (May-2019)May-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Muslim countries including Bangladesh are developing the Islamic Capital Markets (ICM) parallel to the existing conventional capital markets. Islamic Banking has gained wider acceptance by the people of Bangladesh after playing crucial roles in the area of deposits and financing sectors in the economy of Bangladesh. This research investigates how Islamic Capital Market is creating varieties of financial products as well as to ensure a well-functioning and healthy growth of the economy of the country. The results should assist Bangladesh Bank (BB) and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to enact more relevant regulations for sustaining the ICM in this arena. The present.........
Keywords: Islamic Capital Market, Bangladesh, Products, Regulations
[1]. ADB & IFSB. (2015). Islamic Finance for Asia: Development, Prospects, and Inclusive Growth.
[2]. Alhabshi, S. O. (1994). Development of capital market under Islamic principles. Paper presented at the Managing & Implementing Interest-Free Banking/Islamic Financial System, Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia.
[3]. Ali, Salman Syed (2005). Islamic Capital Market Products: Development and Challenges. IRTI Publication, Jeddah.
[4]. Ali, Salman Syed (2008). Islamic Capital Markets: Products, Regulation and Development. IRTI Publication Management System.
[5]. Ariff, Mohamed. Iqbal, Munawar, & Mohamad, Shamsher. (2012). The Islamic debt market for Sukūk securities: the theory and practice of profit sharing investment. Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar.
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Abstract: Rural Credit Bank (BPR) is one of the businesses in the banking sector in Indonesia which is growing vastly. However, the data showed that the NPL of BPR in Badung Regency is almost doubled the applied standard. Every company especially those engaged in services such as banks must provide several commodities or services that are able to contribute to the economic and or social needs of the community. Therefore the tendency to innovate is one of several ways from a company can proactively respond to highly competitive markets. The purpose of this study was to find out what are the factors of organizational culture dimensions and to determine the impact of organizational culture on innovation work behavior of BPR's employees in Badung Regency,.......
Keywords: innovative work behaviour, organization culture, constructive culture, passive-deffensive culture, aggressive-deffensive culture
[1] Amabile, T.M. (1998). How to Kill Creativity. Harvard Business Review, Sept/Oct, pp. 77-87.
[2] Beck, Thorsten. 2013. Islamic vs Conventional banking : Business model, efficiency and stability. Journal of Banking & Finance, 37 (2013) 433-447. France
[3] Cooke, R.A. & Lafferty, J.C. (1983). Leve1 V: Organizational Culture Inventory (Form 1). Plymouth, MI: Human Synergistics.
[4] Farr, J. & Ford, C. (1990). Individual Innovation. In West, M. and Farr.J.(eds) Managing Innovation. London: Sage.
[5] Gilson, L.L. 2008. Why Be Creative: A Review of the Practical Outcomes Associated with Creativity at the Individual, Group, and Organizational Levels. In Zhou, J., and Shalley, C.E. (Eds.): Handbook of Organizational Creativity, pp.303-322, New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
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Abstract: The devolved system of governance was adopted to ensuredevelopment in all regions and effectiveness in service delivery for allKenyans. Thispurpose of the study was to examine the inclusiveness of employees on performance of county governments in Kenya and further evaluate the moderating effect of political environment on corporate governance and performance of county governments in Kenya.The design methods used include the descriptive and explanatory cross-sectional survey method. The unit of analysis was the county governments. The counties in which data was collected helped in generalization of findings to all the Kenyan 47 counties. The unit of observation was county officials who included Governors, deputy Governors, County executive committee members, County secretaries, deputy County secretaries and MCAs.For this study, a sample of 354was arrived at. Simple random sampling method was adopted for the selection of the study participants. The study used a questionnaire......
[1]. Ahmed, S. (2016). Effective not-for profit management: Context, concepts, and competencies. CRC Press Taylor & Francis: New York.
[2]. Boyd, B. (2015). CEO Duality and Firm Performance: A Contingency Model. Strategic Management Journal, 16(4), 301-312.
[3]. Cannella, A. (2014). Are Family Firms Really Superior Performers? Journal of Corporate Finance, 13(5), 829-858.
[4]. Copeland, D. (2015). Business strategy orientation, information systems orientation and strategic alignment. Information Systems Research, 8 (2), 125–150
[5]. Cubbin, J. & Leech, D. (2016). The Effect of Shareholding Dispersion on the Degree of Control in British Companies: Theory and Measurement. The Economic Journal, 351-369.
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Abstract: The devolved system of governance was adopted to ensure development in all regions and effectiveness in service delivery for all Kenyans. This purpose of the study was to evaluate the functions of regulatory bodies on performance of county governments in Kenya.The study used a positivist research philosophy. The design methods used include the descriptive and explanatory cross-sectional survey method. The unit of analysis was the county governments. The counties in which data was collected helped in generalization of findings to all the Kenyan 47 counties. The unit of observation was county officials who included Governors, deputy Governors,...........
[1]. Boyd, B. (2015). CEO Duality and Firm Performance: A Contingency Model. Strategic Management Journal, 16(4), 301-312.
[2]. Cannella, A. (2014). Are Family Firms Really Superior Performers? Journal of Corporate Finance, 13(5), 829-858.
[3]. Caplan, I. (2014). Investigated whether corporate governance consistence matters for firm performance in the Middle East and North Africa. Journal of Law and Economics, 15(2), 301-325.
[4]. Cubbin, J. & Leech, D. (2016). The Effect of Shareholding Dispersion on the Degree of Control in British Companies: Theory and Measurement. The Economic Journal, 351-369.
[5]. Gitari, J. (2015). Relationship between Corporate Governance Practices and Financial Performance of Kenya Corporative Creameries, MBA project; University of Nairobi.
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Abstract: Business dynamics and current challenges have compelled organizations to revisit the fundamentals of how they manage talent and this is laying new edifices to Talent management philosophy.Identifying High Potential(Hipots) and developing a multi-tiered, multi-segment Talent development engine leads to an accelerated growth of talented people(MeenalJadhav, 2016). The present economy is fueled by a talent-driven environmentas it is proved that Talent breeds innovation. Exceptionally talented people have the innate ability to ideate and innovate and maintaining a long term relationship with such exceptional talent is the foundation on which an organization thrives.What differentiates an organization with high impact talent management practices from others is creating an ecosystem which facilitates innovationand having a competitive workforce with relevant skillsetsand a Talent mindset within...........
[1]. AnandChandrasekar and Sophia Zhao(2015) , Creating a Dynamic and Sustainable Talent Ecosystem, White paper, Centre for Creative Leadership,
[2]. Ali Chitsaz-Isfahani and HamidRezaBoustani(Sep 2014), Effects of Talent management on Employee Retention:The Mediate effect of Organisational trust, International Journal of Academic Research in Ecnomics and Management Sciences, Vol3, No5, ISSN:2226-3624,
[3]. An Oracle White Paper,(Jun 2012), Talent Retention:Six Technology –Enabled Best Practices,
[4]. Brent Davies and Barbara J Davies(2010) "Talent management in academies", International Journal of Educational Management, Vol. 24 Issue: 5, pp.418-426, , Emerald Insight.
[5]. Carole Tansley(2011), What do we mean by the term "talent" in talent management?, Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 43 Issue: 5, pp.266-274,,ISSN: 0019-7858, Emerald Insight..
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Abstract: Accounting information system is an absolute tool in the hands of managers striving to remain in a competitive advantage amidst the rapid technological advancement, increased awareness and challenging demands from customers and business owners. This review examines the effect of accounting information system on financial performance of firms. The main objective is to review conceptual and theoretical foundations as well as empirical literature relating to accounting information system and financial performance of firms. Findings from the review reveals that past studies on effect of accounting information on financial performance limitedly aligned their works to the cost implication of accounting information system as it relates to financial performance of firms. This review also found that most of the studies employed the use of survey research design to examine this relationship.........
Keywords: Information system, accounting information system, financial performance
[1]. Davoren, J. (2019). The Three Fundamental Roles of Information Systems in Business. Retrieved from Hearst Newspapers, LLC: Retrieved April 9, 2019, from
[2]. Borhan, O., & Bader, O. (2018). Investigating the Impact of Accounting Information System on the Profitability of Jordanian Banks. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 9(18), 110-118.
[3]. Yaser, H., Alina, S., & Nor, A. (2014). The Role of Different Types of Information Systems in Business Organizations: A Review. International Journal of Research, 1(7), 333-339.
[4]. Rainer, R. (2007). Introduction to Information Systems. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
[5]. Samer, M. (2016). The Impact of The Effectiveness of Accounting Information Systems on Operational Performance in Public Listed Industrial Companies in Jordan. Journal of Social Sciences, 5(3), 263-276.
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Abstract: Labeling of Syariah (Islamic law) on various products, financial and economy institutions today is increasingly widespread in Indonesia, especially in Pekanbaru City. Is this only as a cover or as a response to the needs of the majority of the people who are actually Muslims? This phenomenon becomes problematic when religious beliefs are labeled in the economic sector. Does Islam want to follow in the footsteps of capitalism that controls the market? Or market mechanism that follows the concept of Islamic law (Syariah).Thus, the market ruler can gain maximum profit by touching the sensitivity of Muslims. This is the time for market as an economic institution that has syariah nuances to be accepted by the wider community, management and service can be used as an effort to create.........
Keywords: public perception, sharia market
[1]. Abd Rahman. (2008). Prinsip-prinsip Kualiti Usahawan Muslim.Seminar Keusahawanan Islam II Peringkat Kebangsaan.
[2]. Agustianto.(2015) Sekjen Ikatan Ahli Ekonomi Islam Indonesia (IAEI) dan Mahasiswa Program Doktor Ekonomi Islam, UIN Jakarta. (Artikel)
[3]. Asraf, M. Saleh Lubis dan Erdawati.(2017). Religiusity Moderation On The Effect Of Sharia Label Equity In Decision Of Selecting Sharia Bank Mandiri Product In West Pasaman.Jurnal Penelitian Sosial dan Ekonomi, Vol. 2, No.1. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Pasaman Simpang Empat
[4]. Asmuni (2015) "Upaya Pemikiran Al-Maqāṣid (Upaya Menemukan Fondasi Ijtihad Akademik yang Dinamis)", Al Mawarid, Edisi XIV Tahun 2005.
[5]. Atmoko, Widodo Dwi. (2016). Pengaruh Persepsi Anggota pada Sharia Compliance, harga jual dan tingkat margin Terhadap Keputusan Pengambilan Pembiayaan Murabahah di BMT Binamas Cabang Kutoarjo.Skripsi publikasi ilmiah.UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam..
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Abstract: Kenya has continued to experience food shortage despite various interventionist strategies put in place by the government leading to importation as a means of offsetting the deficit. It is against this backdrop that the study evaluated the influence of government extension services on maize production. The study was augured on social protection theory by United Nation Institute of Research and Social Development (UNIRSD) and adopted descriptive research design. The sample size was 396 respondents both small and large-scale farmers within UasinGishu County purposively sampled from a population of 40,000 active maize farmers registered by county agricultural office. The sample size was further distributed among the three Sub counties namely; Eldoret West, Wareng.........
Key Words: Government interventionist strategies, Stakeholders Extension Services and Maize Production
[1]. Awour, T. A. (2003). Competitiveness on Maize Production from Western Kenya and Eastern Uganda in Kisumu Town of Kenya (Doctoral dissertation, MSc Thesis, Michigan State University through Tegemeo Institute, Nairobi, Kenya).
[2]. CAADP. (2013). "The comprehensive Africa agricultural development programme: About us‟
[3]. DeSA, U.N. (2013). World population prospects: the 2012 revision. Population division of the department of economic and social affairs of the United Nations Secretariat, New York.
[4]. Devereux, S., &Sabates-Wheeler, R. (2004).Transformative social protection.
[5]. FAO. (2009). "Country Responses to the food security crisis: nature and preliminary implications of the policies pursued", Initiative on soaring food prices, Rome.
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Abstract: Stakeholders Participation has been observed by ecotourism researchers to be a significant determining factor in the sustainable management of ecotourism destination. This study, therefore, carried out a confirmatory analysis of this claim concerning Plateau State ecotourism destination. The three critical constructs in analysing sustainability are economic, socio-cultural and environmental factors. The study focused on only one construct which isthe socio-cultural factor without disregard for the importance of the other two constructs. This approach allowed for a more detailed examination of the sociocultural implications of stakeholders' participation using the analytical framework that depoliticises participation by categorising it into four (nominal, instrumental, representative and transformative participation) levels Primary data were scientifically collected, cleaned and necessary........
Key Words: Socio-Cultural, Stakeholder, Sustainability, Ecotourism, Structural Equation Model
[1]. Acquah, E., Collins, A., Arthur, E., & Boadi, S. (2017). The socio-cultural impact of ecotourism on park-adjacent communities in Ghana. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Vol.6(2), 1-14.
[2]. Aniah, E. J., Eja, E. I., Otu, J. E., & Ushie, M. A. (2009). Resort Potentials as a Strategy for Sustainable Tourism Development in Plateau State, Nigeria. Journal of Sustainable Development Vol. 2 No.2, 73-79.
[3]. Bryne, B. (1998). Structural equation modelling with LISREL, PRECIS, and SIMPLIS. Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
[4]. Drumm, A., Moore, A., Soles, A., Patterson, C., & Terborgh, J. (2004). The Business of Ecotourism Management and Development. Virginia: The Nature Conservancy.
[5]. Hair, J., Black, W., Babin, B., Anderson, R., & Tatham, R. (2006). Multivariate Data analysis 6th ed. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall
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Abstract: This study aimed to examine and analyze the Effect of Education, Compensation and Organizational Culture on Employee Work Motivation at PT. Megahputra Kendari. This study used a survey approach with explanatory research design. The amount of this research sample was determined by using the Slovin formula, so that the numbers of sampling were set at 55 people. The sampling method used was stratified proportional random sampling, the analytical tool used was Multiple Linear Regression.The results of the study showed that Education, Compensation and Organizational.........
Key Words: Education, Compensation, Organizational Culture, Employee Work Motivation
[1]. Dessler, Garry, (2009). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, Edisi Kesepuluh Jilid Dua PT Indeks Jakarta.
[2]. Hasibuan, M, 2014, Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Dasar dan Kunci Keberhasilan, Haji Masagung, Jakarta.
[3]. Herzberg, Frederrick 2003. Dasar-Dasar Manajemen. Diterjemahkan oleh Malayu S.P Hasibuan. Edisi Kedua. Jakarta : Bumi Aksara
[4]. Kreitner dan Kinicki. (2005). Perilaku Organisasi. Salemba Empat Jakarta
[5]. Malthis, Robert L. and Jackson, John H. (2004). Human Resouce Management. 9th Edition. Alih Bahasa Jimmy Sadeli Cs. PT Salemba Emban Patria. Jakarta
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Impact of Academic Content on Entrepreneurship & Establishing Businesses |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr. Ashraf Saber |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/487X-2105078186 ![]() |
Abstract: Entrepreneurship is a dynamic process of vision, change, and creation. It requires an application of energy and passion towards the creation and implementation of new ideas and creative solutions. Essential ingredients include the willingness to take calculated risks, formulate an effective venture team, marshal the needed resources, build a solid business plan, and, finally, the vision to recognize opportunity where others see chaos, contradiction, and confusion (Kuratko & Audretsch 2009). The primary objective of this study is to analyze the entrepreneurial attitudes among undergraduate university students and analyze the factors that may influence their behavior or potential towards establishing businesses & entrepreneurship. Moreover, this study.......
Key Words: Entrepreneurship, Business plan, University students, Academic Content, Entrepreneurial attitude
[1]. Kuratko, Donald F., and David B. Audretsch. "Strategic Entrepreneurship: Exploring Different Perspectives of an Emerging Concept." Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, vol. 33, no. 1, 2009, pp. 1–17.
[2]. Staff, Investopedia. "Entrepreneur." Investopedia, Investopedia, 21 Mar. 2018, [3]. Scarborough, N. and Cornwall, J. (2016). Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management. 8th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
[4]. "The World's Most Powerful People". Forbes. December 2016. Retrieved April 17,2016.