Series-4 (May-2019)May-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: In the digital society, social networking sites play an imperative role among the students community. They are the wide users of social networking sites. The social networking sites, such as, face book, twitter, linkedin, google plus, etc., offers the scope for connecting the people at worldwide and receiving updates at any time. It helps the people to create online profile and share information with any person at global level. It assists the students to obtain information regarding purchasing of product, academic matters, and to build cordial relationship with friends, relatives and class mates. They used to spend elongated period of time in chatting with friends, uploading of images and photos.........
Keywords: Digital society, online profile, knowledge, skill and attitude
[1]. Trisha Dowerah Baruah. (2012). Effectiveness of social media as a tool of communication and its potential for technology enabled connections: A micro-level study. International journal of scientific and research publications, 2(5).
[2]. Gemma Tur and Victoria L. Marin, 2015. Enhancing learning with the social media: student teachers‟ perceptions on Twitter in a debate activity. New Approaches in Educational Research, 4 (1), pp 46-53.
[3]. Kiran Bala (2014). Social media and changing communication patterns. Global media journal. 5(1).
[4]. Nitin Srivastava, Sanatan Srivastava and Dr. Ajeet Kumar Rai (2014), Attitude and perception towards online advertising among students and young professionals: A study. International Journal of management (IJM), 5(5), pp 33-39.
[5]. Sumitha.R and.Resia Beegam.S (2014). Building brand loyalty through social media marketing. PARIPEX- Indian journal of research, 3(7)..
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Abstract: Regional Rural Banks were set up ""with a view to developing the rural economy by providing, for the purpose of development of agriculture, trade, commerce, industry and other facilities, particularly to small and marginal farmers, agricultural labourers , artisans , and small entrepreneurs and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto." Paschim Banga Gramin Bank came into force on 26th February‟ 2007. This paper attempts to analyze the financial performance of Paschim Banga Gramin Bank in West Bengal during the period 2012-13 to 2016-17. The study is based on secondary data collected from annual reports of Paschim Banga Gramin Bank, NABARD and RBI. An analytical research design of "Key Performance Indicators Analysis" such as number of branches, deposits, loans, investment borrowings and growth rate index is discussed in the present paper. The study finds and concludes that financial performance of Paschim Banga Gramin Bank has significantly improved......
Keywords: Paschim Banga Gramin Bank, Key Performance Indicators, Regional Rural Bank, NABARD, Self Help Group, Joint Liability Group, Kishan Credit Card.
[4]. Annual Report of Paschim Banga Gramin Bank 2012-13, 2013-14,
[5]. 2014 -15, 2015-16, 2016-17
[6]. NABARD, Annual Report , 2012-2013 to 2016-2017.
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Abstract: The transparency and credibility of accountability of public enterprises have been gradually demanded due to corruption. Brazil has been adopting measures to reduce the occurrence of fraud, through supervisory bodies such as the Court of Auditors and the Comptroller General. This paper seeks to demonstrate the existence of similarity in the procedures and in the opinion issued between the independent auditors and the supervisory bodies mentioned. The contribution of this work focuses on the evidence of the functioning mechanisms of these agencies, using descriptive and observational research in the independent audit reports for 2014 of the five largest Brazilian public companies. The result obtained was later ratification by the independent auditors in their reports and opinions in the form of paragraphs emphasizing the evidence pointed out by the supervisory bodies, contributing to a greater perception of the performance of these bodies by the stakeholders in their decisions.
[1]. Fransozi MG, Cristina A. Auditoria em órgãos públicos. Universidade Cândido Mendes, Rio de Janeiro, 2004.
[2]. Ibracon. Instituto dos Auditores Independentes do Brasil. Disponível em: Acesso em: 06 set. 2016.
[3]. Graciliano EA, Filho JCM, Nunes AP, Pontes FCM, Zampa FF. Accountability na Administração Pública Federal: Contribuição das Auditorias Operacionais do TCU. Pensar Contábil, Rio de Janeiro 2009;18(1):43-51.
[4]. Ibracon. Auditoria: Registro de uma Profissão. 2006. Disponível em: Acesso em: 06 set. 2016.
[5]. Franco H, Marra E. Auditoria Contábil. 3. ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 2000..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Employee Engagement |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Subhashini.P || Vaidegi.V |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2105042225 ![]() |
Abstract: "The art of getting people to believe what you want them to believe" - Jim Whitehurst. Employee engagement has become a hot topic in the corporate circle and emerging as a new model in HRM. Empolyee engagement is the extent to which employees feel passionate about their jobs, are commited to the organization and put discretionary effort into therir work. Employee engagement is a ratio on commitment and involvement of an employee towards their organization and its value. Employee engagement is the two way communication between the employer and employees of an organisation. Employee engagementbecome more mandatory for any business which create trust for employees on organisation as well as motivate the employees to engaged on their works to attain the great profits and high level of performance.
Keywords: Human Resource Management, Motivation, Performance, Employee Engagement, Involvement
[1]. Parent, J. D., & Lovelace, K. J. (2015), " The Impact Of Employee Engagementand A Positive Organizational Culture On An Individual Ability To Adopt Organization Change", Eastern Academy Of Management Proceedings : Organization Behavior And Theory Track, 1-20.
[2]. SoniAgrawal, Factors Influencing Employee Engagement: A Study Of Diverse Workforce Assistant Professor, International Management Institute, New Delhi (India). Article No.19.
[3]. P.manonmani, (2013), A study on employee engagement with special reference to steel casting manufacturing company, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu. Internal Journal Of Business And Management Invention (59-61).
[4]. Dr. Pratimanasarangi,,(2007), Employee engagement and its impact on organizational success – A study in manufacturing company, India.ISOR-JBM (52-57).
[5]. Employee Engagement: A review paper on factors affecting employee engagement Article In Indian Journal Of Science And Technology (2016)..
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Abstract: Complementing to the inferences of scholarly works, it is worth to seek impact of Board Structure on Firm performance. This study examines the effect of corporate governance practices to the financial performance of Hotel and Travel sector companies in Sri Lanka. Corporate governance has become one of the major issue since the collapse of major companies around the world. Because of those major failures of the companies, it is essential to make legislative reforms to strengthen corporate governance practices. Now, it is highly believed that good corporate governance is an important variable in improving firm financial performance. Corporate governance is the framework of rules and practices which the large organizations and public corporations use to retain the......
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Return on Assets(ROA), Return on Equity(ROE), Tobin's Q(TBQ), Board Size(BZ), Non-Executive Directors(NED), Insider Ownership Percentage(IOP), Female Director Proportion(FDP)
[1]. April Klein (2003). "Firm performance and Board Commitee Structure" . Journal of Law an Economics, Volume 41,No.01,.
[2]. Wilson, Nicholas and Altanlar, Ali, Director Characteristics, Gender Balance and Insolvency Risk: An Empirical Study (September 22, 2009). Available at SSRN: or
[3]. Abdullah, S. (2004). "Board compostion, CEO duality and performance among Malaysian listed companies". In Corporate Governance, 4(4) (pp. 47-61).
[4]. Adams, R. F. (2008). "Do directors perform for pay?". Journal of Accounting and Economics 46, 154-171.
[5]. Agrawal, A. (1996). "Firm performance and mechanisms to control agency problems between mangers and shareholders". Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
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Abstract: Marketing mix is a marketing tool used by the organizations or institutions to identify customer needs and wants, included in the educational sector. The school must to survive and mature to take on the competitions in the educational sector. This study aims to investigate how marketing mix can enhance parents loyalty and build school image, along mediate relationship of school image between marketing tactics and parents loyalty in the vocational private schools in Jakarta, Indonesia. Respondent are randomly selected from all of the parents from children in the eleven and twelve grades at the school. Data collection tool is questionnaire, which contains the spectrum........
Keywords: marketing mix, school image, parent loyalty
[1]. Alipour, Aghamohammadi, Ahmadi and Hoseini (2012), A New Educational Marketing Mix: The 6ps for Private School Marketing in Iran, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, 4(21): 4314-4319.
[2]. Amini, A., Effectiveness of Marketing Strategies and Corporate Image on Brand Equity as a Sustainable Competitive Advantage Interdisciplinary. Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, Vol. 4
[3]. Agyei, P.M. dan Kilika, J.M., (2012), Relationship between Corporate Image and Customer Loyalty in the Mobile Telecommunication Market in Kenya, Management Studies, ISSN 2328-2185, David Publishing
[4]. Bitner, M. J. dan Zeithaml, V. A. (2005), Service Marketing (3rd ed.), Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi
[5]. Bagozi, R.P. dan Yi, Y., (1988), On The Evaluation of Structural Equation Models, Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science, Vol 16. No.1.
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Abstract: As the increasing of society's expectation to public organization service performance, public organizations need a strategic and comprehensive management system i.e Balanced Scorecard method (BSC). This research aims to describe strategic goal components of the management according to the four perspectives of BSC, to determine the key performance indicators, targets, and initiations, to calculate the weight of each perspective and key performance indicator, to design a map strategy, to integrate BSC into SAKIP and to evaluate as well as to compare BSC measurement with SAKIP. This research is conducted at XYZ Agency Serdang Bedagai office, with the involvement of external and internal parties. This is a descriptive research with study case approach. The data is collected through FGD. Using Paired Comparison analysis, the result shows the contribution of the stakeholders to management performance is as 38%, followed by finance and internal process as 20% each, and........
Keywords: Balances Scorecard Method, SAKIP, Map Strategy, Lag Indicatior
[1]. David, F. (2005). Strategic Management:Concepts and Cases, Ninth Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River.
[2]. Eagle, K, T.C. Cooke and T.S.C. Rossi. (2004). Transleting Strategy Into Results. Government Finance Review. 20,5. ABI/INFORM Global.
[3]. Gaspersz, V.G. (2006). Sistem Manajemen Kinerja Terintegrasi - Balanced Scorecard dengan Six Sigma untuk Organisasi Bisnis dan Pemerintah. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
[4]. Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia. 2006. Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 8 of 2006 Concerning Financial Reporting and Performance of Government Agencies.
[5]. Kaplan, S. and D. P. Norton. (1996). The Balanced Scorecard : Translating Strategy into Action. Harvard Business School Press. Boston, Massachusetts.
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Abstract: This research is an associative study with a quantitative approach that aims to analyze the causal relationship by observing the consequences that occur and the possible factors (causes) that cause these effects and display information obtained in numerical form. This study aims to find out: 1) Effect of Customer Relationship Management on Customer Satisfaction. 2) Effect of Customer Relationship Management on Customer Loyalty. 3) Effect of Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty. 4) The Effect of Customer Relationship Management on Customer Loyalty through Customer Satisfaction as an intervening variable at the Hotel Islami Aceh House. The population in this study was 20,251 populations. Sample size determination uses Slovin formula with tolerance error.....
Keywords: Customer Relationship Management, Customer Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction
[1]. Budiman and Irnita Ajeng Yuli Muryanti. (2010). Customer Relationship Management (CRM) dan Nilai Pelanggan terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan.
[2]. Buttle, Francis. (2007). Customer Relationship Management (Manajemen Hubungan Pelanggan). Bayumedia.
[3]. Ersi and Samuel. (2014). The Influence of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) on Customer Loyalty in JW Marriot Hotel Surabaya.
[4]. Kotler, Philip and Keller K Lane. (2012). Marketing Management, 14th Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc.
[5]. Muryati. (2010). Pengaruh Strategi Bauran Pemasaran dan Manajemen Hubungan Pelanggan (CRM) terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan dan Dampaknya Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan PT. Medion Cabang Medan..
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Abstract: This study aims to analyze the influence of price and product quality to customer loyalty; analyze the influence of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty and analyze the influence of price, product quality to customer loyalty through customer satisfaction at Permata Housing Royal Garden Malang. This research is included in the explanatory research category, i.e to find out whether an associate variable or not with other variables, or whether a variabel is caused or influenced or not by other variables. The population in this study is all users of home buyers and who occupy the house in Permata Royal Garden Malang, amounting to 119 people. The sampling technique used is to use the census, which takes the entire data from users who buy and occupy the house in Permata Housing Royal Garden. After the research, the data collected were 87 respondents, because 32 home users.....
Keywords: price, product quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty
[1]. Ghozali, Moch, 2014, "Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan dan Harga Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan pada Ekspedisi di Surabaya, Jurnal Ilmu & Riset Manajemen Vol 3 No 3.
[2]. Ismail Razak, 2016 "The Impact of Product Quality and Price on Customer satisfaction with the Mediator of Customer Value"
[3]. Jahanshahi 2011, "Study the Effects of Customer Service and Product Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty", International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol 1 No 7 June 2011.
[4]. Kotler, Philip dan Kevin Lane Keller, Manajemen Pemasaran, Edisi Kedua belas, Cetakan Keempat, PT Indeks, Indonesia
[5]. Murtiyanto,2014, "Pengaruh Kualitas Produk dan Layanan terhadap kepuasan dan loyalitas konsumen pada pengembang PT Araya Bumi Megah Malang", Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen Volume 12, Nomer 1, Maret 2014.
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Abstract: The development of the area in the periphery, causing changes in the use of agricultural land to housing, while in the downtown area, changes in land use from housing to non-housing, namely trade in services and commercial trade. Rapid growth in the city of Medan in the past five years has made it less available for affordable housing for the lower middle class. This has led to the emergence of new residential areas in the peri urban areas of Medan City such as the Batang Kuis area and its surroundings. This study examines and analyzes the factors that influence land value in the peri-urban area of Batang Kuis Subdistrict, Deli Serdang Regency. The factors......
Keywords:Hedonic Price, Peri Urban, Land Area, Building Area, House Design, Road Width, Distance From CBD, Public Transportation, Utility and Land Value
[1]. Bajari, P and CL Benkard. (2005). Demand Estimation with Heterogeneous Consumers and Unobserved Product Characteristics: A Hedonic Approach. Journal of Political Economy, 113(6).
[2]. Ghana, A. K. and Navastara, A.M. (2012). Pengaruh Perkembangan Pemukiman Terhadap Dinamika Harga Lahan di Surabaya Barat. Jurnal Teknik Potmits : 1(1).
[3]. Hidayati , W. dan Harjanto, B. 2001. Konsep Dasar Penilaian Properti. Yogyakarta: BPFE.
[4]. Kwanda, T. Chandra, H.P. and Wijaya, S.V. (2002). Studi tentang Perencanaan Tapak dan Analisis Pengaruh Lebar Jalan terhadap Luas dan Harga Jual Kapling pada Beberapa Perumahan di Surabaya. Jurnal Dimensi Teknik Arsitektur 30(1).
[5]. Mindra, A. (2000). Pengaruh Faktor Eksternalitas Pada Nilai Rumah. Jurnal Survey dan Penilaian Properti. 019(1)..
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Abstract: The company's policy to do an investment has to be based on a well thought consideration using the proper analysis. A company in doing the investment planning for an asset in the form of property can use the HBU analysis in determining the alternative options for land optimization. According to the master plan of Belawan Port of Indonesia of 2011 that has been made in accordance with the regional spatial plan (RSP) Medan 2015-2035, it is positioned as an international port, industrial areas, warehousing, center of Business District (CBD) and neighborhoods that support industrial activities.The growth of port activity and business growth in the port of Belawan resulted in the demand for land increased. To improve the efficiency of limited land it is necessary to optimize the use of land. The case study for this research was an area of 11.200M² of vacant land belonging to PT Samudera Indonesia Tbk. Medan branch located on Jalan Raya Pelabuhan, Belawan. The land was currently.........
Keywords: Analysis of Highest and Best Use, Vacant Land, Full Container Yard, Value of Land
[1]. Asnawi, S. K. and Chandra Wijaya. (2010). Pengantar Valuasi. Jakarta: Penerbit Salemba Empat.
[2]. Darmodaran, Aswath. (2012). Investment Valuation, 3rd Edition. New Jersey: John Wiley & Son, Inc.
[3]. Grissom, Terry V. (1983). The Semantic Debate: Highest And Best Use vs Most Probable Use. The Appraisal Journal. Vol. 51 (1) : 45-47.
[4]. Sekaran, Uma and Bougie R. (2013). Research Methods for Business, A Skill Approach. 6th Edition. London: John Wiley & Son, Inc.
[5]. Sugiyono. (2012). Metode Penilaian Bisnis, Cetakan Ke 16. Bandung: Penerbit Alpabrata.
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of infrastructure factors such as road networks (accessibility), availability of facilities (transportation networks, electricity networks, telephone networks, water supply networks, educational facilities, health facilities) and or the housing environment which affects land prices in housing in Medan Johor based on the perceptions of residential residents (consumers). In this study the type of research used is quantitative analysis. From the results of these calculations the sample is 83.33, then rounded up to 85 respondents. The method of determining which sample is used in this study by sampling technique is an unsrestricted random sample. Based on the results of this study, as follows: 1) Independent road network variables (accessibility), availability of facilities.......
Keywords: Infrastructure, Land Prices, Accessibility
[1]. Fahirah. (2011). Variabel-Variabel Penilaian Properti pada Peumahan di Palu Barat. Palu: Universitas Tadulako, Tesis S-2 Program Studi Teknik Sipil.
[2]. Henner, Schierenbeck. (2000). Grundzüge der Betriebswirtschaftslehre (Prinsip Administrasi Bisnis). München, Auflage.
[3]. Hidayati. (2007). Konsep Dasar Penilaian Properti. BPFE: Yogyakarta.
[4]. Hidayati, Wahyu and Budi Harjanto. (2003). Konsep Dasar Penilaian Properti. BPFE: Yogyakarta.
[5]. Gie, Kwik Gian. (2002). Perkembangan dan Pembangunan Infrastruktur Wilayah. Gramedia: Indonesia.
[6]. Gujarati. (2003). Structural Equation Modeling Metode Alternatif dengan Partial Least Square. Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponogoro.
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Abstract: Lecturers are professions that demanded toqualify to be able to demonstrate optimal performance. Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi is the three pillars of the lecturers' foundation in conducting activities, which consist of education, research, and service. This study used a correlational research survey design. The population in this study were permanent lecturers at PTKIS Kopertais Region IV in Lamongan Regency, East Java. The data is then investigated by using SEM (Structure Equation Model). In determining the sample, researchers used the Slovin Formula, with a sample of 174 lecturers. The results of the study explained that Leadership Style, Quality of Work-.....
Keywords: leadership style, quality of work-life, empowerment.
[1]. Abdullah, 2006. Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi, Locus of Control dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawann pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Semarang Barat. Jurnal Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Diponegoro Semarang.
[2]. Amstrong, M dan Angela Baron, 1998, Performance Management, Institut of Personal and Development, London
[3]. Amstrong, M., Handbook of Person nel Management Practice, Fourth Edition (England: Clay Ltd, Stives. Plc., 1988), 15.
[4]. Anugrahini Irawai S, 2015. Pengaruh Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja. Jurnal Neo-Bis.
[5]. As'ad, M, 2000 Psikologi Industri. Seri Sumber Daya Manusia. Yokyakarta: Liberty.
[6]. Avolio, B. J., and Garder, W. L, 2005. Authentic leadership development: Getting to the root of positive forms of leadership. The Leardership Quarterly,16, 315 – 823.