Series-6 (May-2019)May-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: This present study is an attempt to investigate young consumer's behavioural changes to organize food industry, especially street food of Bangladesh. The main objectives of the study are, to explore the reasons that make food industry disorganised, to identify reasons that makes street food unfocused to all, to identify consumers attitudes in different food industry, and to identify the reasons that blockage to achieve business status in food industry. Observation and interview method will be applied to investigate of this qualitative study. This study presents that young consumer's buying behaviour will help to find out some significant issues related to the development in street food business of Bangladesh. The study believes that the concept of street food business will be focused by the government and will determine economic development for the country in future. Behavioural changes can be positive, negative or neutral and these aspects will throw some significant impacts on the food industry of Bangladesh..
Keywords: Food Industry, Street food, Consumer behaviour, Enable Factors, Behavioural changes
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Abstract: The capitalization rate is a certain rate used to convert the estimated income stream into an estimate of the present value of a property or also defined as the ratio of the annual net income to its market value. This study aims to analyze the level of capitalization of paddy fields in Perbaungan District, Serdang Bedagai Regency, North Sumatra Province. The results showed that, at an alpha level of 5% there was a significant difference between the level of capitalization of paddy fields based on the net income of paddy field rental with the level of capitalization of paddy fields based on operational net income of paddy field production in Perbaungan District which was 2.06%. The most suitable model of various models for estimating the rate of capitalization of paddy fields in Perbaungan.......
Keywords: Capitalization, Paddy Field, Market Value
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Abstract: This study aims to determine what factors most influence the satisfaction of residential residents in Somerset Regency and Graha Sunggal. Of the 5 (five) factors studied, namely Housing Support Facilities, Distance to Business District or Central Business District (CBD), Building Design Features, Accessibility of Public Transportation, Housing Environmental Sanitation. This research took place at Somerset Regency Housing and Graha Sunggal Housing, located on Jalan Sunggal, Medan Sunggal District, Medan City. For the determination of sampling in this study carried out through sampling techniques in a sample selection method using purposive sampling. Based on the results of research from each of the 42 respondents in each housing. For housing in Sommerset Regency, the most influential independent variables are the Housing Support Facilities and the Central Business District.......
Keywords: Central Business District, Housing, Satisfaction
[1]. Harianto, F. and Prasetyo, A.P. (2010). Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Penghuni Rumah di Perumahan Puri Surya Jaya Gedangan Sidoarjo. Surabaya: Pengembangan Infrastruktur dalam Menunjang Pembangunan Ekonomi Nasional, Seminar Nasional VI 2010 Teknik Sipil ITS.
[2]. Hasyim, Daniel Lukman. (2016). Pengaruh Lokasi, Pelayanan, Fasilitas dan Harga terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Properti Green Garden Resident di Kendal. Semarang: Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Jurnal Manajemen.
[3]. Rastra, Acramanila Magha, Djakfar, Ludfi, Zaika, Yulfi. (2013). Evaluasi Penyediaan Fasilitas Umum oleh Pengembang Perumahan Berdasarkan Peraturan Penyelenggaraan Perumahan di Kota Malang. Malang: Universitas Brawijaya, Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil.
[4]. Sabar, Rutoto. (2007). Pengantar Metedologi Penelitian. FKIP: Universitas Muria Kudus.
[5]. Sinulingga, Sukaria. (2016). Metode Penelitian, Edisi 3. Medan: Penerbit USU Press...
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Abstract: The rapid investment in stocks requires stock investors to be able to do stock validation before investing.Intrinsic value of a company's shares is influenced by many things, both from within and from outside the company.Thepurpose of this study was to test the influence of employee stock ownership program and intellectual capital on the intrinsic value of stocks through profitability as the intervening variable. The population of this study wa the banking companies registered at the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017 which are 43 companie. The data for this study were analyzed through path analysis. The result of the analysis showed that employee stock ownership program has a positif and insignificant influence on profitability, intellectual capital has a positive and significant influence on profitability; and the intellectual capital and the profitability had positive and insignificant influence on the intrinsic value of stocks; and employee stock ownership program had negative but insignificant on............
Keywords: Employee Stock Ownership Program, Intellectual Capital, Intrinsic Value of Stocks
[1]. Anwar, Azwar and Baridwan, Zaki. (2006). Effect Of Employee Stock Option Plans (ESOPs) to Peformance and Firm Value: Empirical Study at JSX. Padang: Simposium Nasional Akuntansi.
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[3]. Corrado, Carol, Jonathan Haskel, Cecilia Jona- Lasinio, and Massimiliano Iommi. (2012). Intangible Capital and Growth in Advanced Economies: Measurement Methods and Comparative Results. Working Paper, June. http://www.intan -
[4]. Dewi, Y.T dan Hatane S.E. (2015). Peranan Employee Stock Ownership Plan dalam Pengaruh Value Added Intellectual Capital terhadap Financial Performance. Surabaya: Business Accounting Review Vol. 3 (1), Januari 2015:478-488.
[5]. Erlina dan Mulyani, Sri. (2011). Metodologi Penelitian Bisnis untuk Akuntansi dan Manajemen. Medan: USU Press (53)..
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Abstract: The main objective of this research was to investigate the relationshipsamong the environmental knowledge, environmental attitudes, and leisure satisfaction of visitors who took part in ecotourism. The participants in this research were visitors who took part in ecotourism in the Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area. They were recruited via purposive sampling and had a questionnaire administered to them. SPSS 18.0 and LISREL 9.1 software were used, respectively, to perform descriptive statistics analysis and confirmatory factor analysis on the data collected, as well as to evaluate the relationships among the constructs of this research. The results showed that (i) there was a significant positive effect of participants' environmental knowledge on their environmental attitudes, and (ii) there was a significant.......
Keywords: ecotourism, environmental knowledge, environmental attitudes, leisure satisfaction
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[5]. Hsu, P. H. (2011). A Review on Taiwan's Wetlands Eco-Tourism, Journal of Rural Tourism Research, 5(1), 75-90.
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Abstract: The research aims to make an analysis from the science of political economy its contribution to consumer behavior, from a scientific perspective that substantiates from the bibliographic state to the situation in the tourism and hospitality industry destination Sucre-San Vicente cantons of Ecuador. Its aim is to demonstrate the application of this science as theoretical and methodological basis for the positioning of a tourist destination. Through the analytical method descriptive study on the book "Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy" Karl Marx was performed by analyzing from the order critical their contribution the existing policies in the country which in turn contribute to sustainable development of a destination.
Keywords: destination, consumer behavior, political economy, tourism, hotel sector
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Abstract: In a market dominated by many mobile applications for all purposes, there is currently no visible application of cultural content or commercial content to support the tourist when traveling to Mirandela. Such applications currently available to the tourism industry are limited in content and cultural offerings, and commercial applications only communicate with their partners and have no cultural content.This work presents a framework of a mobile application implementation to support the tourist information needs when he is visiting Mirandela in which interest points are combined with commercial content.This solution allows the tourist to have only one application that integrates the contents that he wishes/subscribe, both cultural and commercial, creating a parametrizable universal profile that can be accessed by any of the entities in the system. In addition to the tourist benefiting from this solution that facilitates the exploration of interest points in Mirandela, the entities involved in the system will also benefit because they are able to increase the dissemination of their products and/or services and thereby increase their market potential and consequently their sales.
Keywords:tourism, framework, ubiquitous computing, contextualization
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[4]. Cadavez, C. (2017) ""Mas que mundo é este?", ou de como tem de ser diferente a divulgação das práticas de fruição cultural para os turistas millennial – um estudo de caso pensando nos museus‟. (Portuguese). Revista Iberoamericana De Turismo, 7(3), 215. doi:10.2436/20.8070.01.71
[5]. Fang, J., Zhao, Z., Wen, C., and Wang, R. (2017) "Design and performance attributes driving mobile travel application engagement‟. International Journal Of Information Management, 37269-283. doi:10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2017.03.003.
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the optimal utilization of land by analyzing Highest and Best Use (HBU) on several alternative land use choices. Of the total ± 15 ha of vacant land in Medan Zoo, which is the object of research according to the principles of Highest and Best Use (HBU) and the purpose of use according to the market survey of this study is an area of ± 1 (One) Ha located in the West Medan Zoo area. The results of the HBU analysis show that the utilization of ± 1 (One) Ha of vacant land belongs to PD. The construction of the Medan City Government located in the Medan Zoo area as the Outbound Arena, Arena Camping Ground and mixed use between Arena Outbound and..........
Keywords: Highest and Best Use (HBU), Net Present Value (NPV), Profitability Index (PI)
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Abstract: The objective of the research was to find out the optimal use of a plot of land by analyzing the highest and the best use of some alternatives in using land based on Capital Budgeting. The research object was the asset of the Central Aceh District Government, ex-bus terminal land with the area of 5,902 m2 and the Right of Use Certificate No. 5. The research was conducted by analyzing property productivity which included physical aspect, location, legal aspect, and regulation on layout by using threshold testing with rating grid so that the alternative for using the property could be obtained, followed by analyzing the finance for each alternative of using the property. Based on the result...........
Keywords: Asset Optimization, the Highest and the Best Use, Benefit Cost Ratio, Socio-Economic Benefit
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Abstract: Satisfaction is a concept that continues to be considered by all organizations and companies engaged in the service of goods and services. Inna Bali Heritage Hotel is one of the star hotels in Denpasar which continuously strives to improve the satisfaction of tourists staying at Inna Bali Heritage Hotel. WarungShinta Restaurant is one of the outlets that provide food and drink services to guests who stay. Guest satisfaction has not been measured properly; this can be seen from the number of sales tends to fluctuate. This study seeks to analyze the effect of service quality on the satisfaction of guests who stay and get services at WarungShinta Restaurant. Respondents of this study were............
Keywords: service quality, customer satisfaction, restaurant, hotel, Bali
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Abstract: Service represent important part in life or can be said that service represent important thing in various activity. According to Kotler( 2013:62) "satisfaction is feeling like or disappointed come from certain product or services". It is proven that many people have given attention to the servicefield, including service at hospital. Research results prove that the key dimension of service quality consist of Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and of Empathy, having positive effect forpatient satisfaction in MCH Jombang. Research result showed that the key dimensions given by hospital influence the hospital patient satisfaction. Fundamental dimension of service quality consist of..........
Keywords: Service Quality, Consumer Satisfaction, Patient Satisfaction
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Abstract: Professional property management for office building has become an absolute need in the future. The factor of indoor environment quality is very important in office building management. It should be highly heeded since 80% of human life is inside buildings. The objective of the research was to analyze the influence of Indoor Environment Quality (IEQ) which included air conditioner, air quality, room layout, building cleanliness, and building maintenance, on tenants' satisfaction. The research was conducted in Gedung Usaha Mandiri at Jalan Imam Bonjol No. 7, Medan. Although it was old, it still had high occupancy rate; it can be seen from the interest of tenants and prospective.........
Keywords: Indoor Environment Quality, Tenants' Satisfaction, Property Management, Office Management
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Abstract: This study aimed to analyze the effect of (1) leadership Style, organizational commitment and work motivation on employee job satisfaction in PT. Sulselbar Bank, (2) leadership style, organizational commitment and job satisfaction on employee performance in PT. Sulselbar Bank, (3) job satisfaction on employee performance in PT. Sulselbar Bank, and (4) leadership Style, organizational commitment, work motivation on employee performance through job satisfaction. The research was conducted at PT. Sulselbar Bank with a sample of 101 people from a population..........
Keywords: Leadership Style, Organizational Commitment, Motivation, Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Risk Attitude: An Empirical Analysis of Jordan Vegetable Farmers |
Country | : | Jordan |
Authors | : | Ibrahem S. Al-Tahat |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/487X-2105068892 ![]() |
Abstract: The agricultural sector is characterized by higher exposure to a variety of risks compared to the other economic sectors. The study aims to examine vegetable farmers' attitudes towards risk in Jerash Governorate. All the vegetable farmers (50) in Jerash Governorate was selected. In order to measure risk attitudes, utility functions for vegetable farmers in Jerash Governorate were estimated. For this purpose, Von Neumann– Morgenstern model was used. Based on the estimated utility functions, risk attitudes coefficient for each farmer was measured. Studying farmer's attitudes towards risk is very important in the decision-making process. These attitudes are considered to be the main constraints to the adoption rates of vegetable technology by farmers. Consequently, vegetable.........
Keywords: Vegetable farmers, Risk Attitude, Coefficient of farm size, Jerash