Series-2 (May-2019)May-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Female who works or female employees have quite a lot of work positions, including in banks which are quite dynamic and complex industries in their functions and work demands. Married female employees clearly have greater responsibilities in personal lives and mothers, so in this case the ability to balance work and personal life or work-life balance (WLB) is really needed. Not only endorsed by individual employees, but also from workplace organizations where some theory and result are explained by the influence of job satisfaction and finaly to employee performance..........
Keywords: work life balance, job satisfaction, employee performance, female employee
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Abstract: Objectives to be achieved in this study are as follows to determine the effect of organizational commitment, work environment and discipline simultaneously on job satisfaction. To determine the effect of organizational commitment on job satisfaction. To determine the effect of the work environment on job satisfaction. To determine the effect of discipline on employee job satisfaction at Langara's UPP Class III Office. The design of this study is quantitative research that is associative (cause and effect). To determine the sample in this study used saturated samples or census, then all population is sampled as many as 42 employees. The analysis in this study is multiple linear regressions..........
Keywords: Organizational Commitment, Work Environment, Discipline, Job Satisfaction
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Abstract: The study analyzed the effects of training by the directorate of criminal investigations on economic crimes in Kenya. Descriptive design was used and a population of all the 296 employees working as investigators at the Directorate of Criminal Investigations Headquarters Investigations Bureau was targeted. A census was carried out with a completion rate of success of 73% (216/296) respondents where Information used to be acquired by the use of a semi-structured questionnaire. STATA version 15 was used in the data processing and analysis. Descriptive statistics were presented in the form of means, standard deviation and frequencies.A regression model was developed to establishe........
Keywords: Training, Economic Crimes, Investigation.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of 7P's marketing mix (product, price, place, promotion, people, physical evidence, and process) on student parents' decision at school for disable students with special needs. The type of this research is library and field research. This study uses a sample of 670 respondents. For data collection techniques, observation, documentation, interviews, and questionnaire are used. SPSS for Windows version 19.0 is used for statistic calculation. The result shows that the entire marketing mix variable has positive correlation with student parent's decision. Only product, price, place, and processes have positive and significant influence on student parent's decision when choosing the school for their disable children with special needs. The other marketing mix variables do not have significant influence to student parent's decision. The study suggests that the schools should improve their accreditation, increase the tuition fees, maximize school security, and do some innovation, especially in providing and developing information technology.
Keywords: Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Physical evidence, Process and Parent decision
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Abstract: Nurses have a role that is indispensable in the hospital to meet the productivity works at home sick, because the nurses always relate directly towards the satisfaction of the patient. So the nurse's services are provided to provide high productivity and achieve as expected. To meet the productivity of it there are a number of factors that are needed to meet the royal hospital and the prime factors of training, career development and compensation and see which are the most dominant factor among these three factor. The methods used by the method of data analysis with multiple regression coefficients by the number of samples 160 nurses with t-test, F test, and coefficient of determination.......
Keywords: Training, Career Development, Compensation, Work Productivity of Nurses
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Abstract: This study aimed at investigating the factors that influencing the consumers' behaviour in Lady's scooter market in Batticaloa district. The objectives of the study are to identify the level, relationship and impact of marketing mix on consumer behaviour towards scooters. The study had been conducted among 200 women users who are using scooters in Batticaloa district and convenience sampling was used. Descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analyses were used to analyze the data.The study found that the marketing mix and its factors and consumer behaviour were in high level among women users of scooters in Batticaloa district. Distribution/Place was more importance than.........
Keywords: consumer behaviour, marketing mix, 4P's
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Sito-Analyse Du Système Sanitaire Marocain |
Country | : | Maroc |
Authors | : | Sadika Lamaalam || Kaoutar El Menzhi |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/487X-2105024672 ![]() |
Abstract: Le Système sanitaire marocain a connu une évolution importante et des réformes graduelles qui visaient le renforcement de la confiance du citoyen marocain dans son système de santé et la recherche d'une plus grande efficacité. Ce faisant, l'organisation sanitaire marocaine est aujourd'hui confrontée à des exigences croissantes en matière de performance et de qualité. En effet, son efficience dépend de sa faculté d'adaptation permanente à un environnement changeant et de sa capacité à développer ses compétences et sa performance managériale. Ainsi, dans cet article, nous.......
Keywords: Sito-Analyse, Système-3AB, Organisations Sanitaires, Management, Capital Social Entrepreneurial, Développement Organisationnel, Valorisation du Capital Humain.
[1]. Hassan ZAOUAL, « Du rôle des croyances dans le développement économique », Thèse de doctorat d'état, Université de Lille 1, mars 1996. Publiée sous le même titre aux éditions l'Harmattan, 2002.
[2]. Nous témoignons toute notre gratitude et notre reconnaissance à tous les citoyens marocains, pour l'aide précieuse et inestimable qu'ils nous ont apporté à la réalisation de cette étude.
[3]. A notre Sito-Professeur Kaoutar El Menzhi et à tous les Sito-Acteurs du Maroc, vous êtes la fierté de notre pays et nous vous témoignons notre vive reconnaissance...