Version-1 (February-2017)
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Abstract: Introduction: Hypertension is common disorder and leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Proteinuria has recently been identified as a cardiovascular risk marker in hypertensive patients. In this view left ventricular hypertrophy was studied with reference to hypertension and 24 hours proteinuria. Aims: To study left ventricular hypertrophy, 24 hours proteinuria and their co-relation in hypertensive subjects. Material and methods: The study was cross sectional type including 100 hypertensive subjects attending medicine department. The hypertensives with renal disease, ischaemic heart disease excluded from the study. Esbach's method to estimate 24 hour urine protein was used...........
Keyword: Hypertension,left ventricular hypertrophy,proteinuria, cross-sectional
[1]. Kuan Huei Nq, Adrian GS, Williams B. Hypertension. Medicine, 2010; 38(8):403-408.
[2]. Nahla KRI, Hijazi NA, Al-Bar AA. Prevalence and determinants of Prehypertension and Hypertension among Preparatory and Secondary School Teachers in Jeddah. J Egypt Public Health Assoc, 2008; 83(3) (4): 183-203.
[3]. Patricia MK, Whelton M, Reynolds K, Muntner P, Whelton PK, He J. Global Burden of Hypertension: analysis of Worldwide Data. The Lancet, 2005 Jan; 365(9455):217-223.
[4]. Patricia MK, Whelton M, Reynolds K, Whelton PK, He J. Worldwide Prevalence of Hypertension: a systemic review. J Hypertens, 2004 Jan: 22(1):11-19.
[5]. Chobania AV, Bakris GL, Black HR, Cushman WC, Green LA, Izzo Jr JL et al. Seventh report of Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of high blood pressure. Hypertension.2003 Dec 1; 42: 1206-1252.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Clinicopathological Study of Benign Lesions of the Vocal Fold |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Partha Pratim Saha || Dr. Sonali Jana |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1602010912 ![]() |
Abstract: To find out the incidence of various types of benign mucosal lesions of the vocal fold causing hoarseness; To review the role of demographic ,etiological and risk factors in relation to the benign mucosal lesions of the vocal fold. It was a Prospective, observational study. Patients with hoarseness, presenting the ENT and Head-Neck surgery department of a tertiary-care hospital from October 2014 to September 2015 were evaluated by indirect laryngoscopy, fibre-optic laryngoscopy and direct laryngoscopy followed by biopsy. Only those patients with benign vocal fold lesions, sixty in number, were selected. A clinical and epidemiologic profile was made from the data obtained from these patients...........
Keywords: Benign Vocal fold Lesions, Fibre-optic laryngoscopy, Hoarseness, vocal nodule, vocal fold polyp.
[1]. Schwartz SR et al. Clinical practice guideline: hoarseness (dysphonia). Otolaryngol Head neck surg. 2009 Sep;141(3 Suppl 2):S1-S31.
[2]. Brodnitz FS. Results and limitation of vocal rehabilitation. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.1963;77:148.
[3]. Kleinsasser O. Microlaryngoscopy and endolaryngeal microsurgery: technique and typical findings, ed 2, (Baltimore, University Park Press, 1979).
[4]. Mahesh C, Panduranga KM, Kiran B, Ranjith P, Ravi BP. Benign lesions of larynx-a clinical study. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2012; 57:35-8.
[5]. Kotby MN, Nassar AM, Seif EI, Helal EH, Saleh MM. Ultrastructural features of vocal fold nodules and polyps. Acta Otolaryngol. 1988; 105:477-82.
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Abstract: Cancer is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. On one hand India had started national programs since 1975, and till date majority of the metropolitan cities have cancer registries but there is still lack of such repositories in rural and neglected areas. The department of oncology is superspeciality centre of cancer in the state. The oncology database of RIMS is developed at Biomedical Informatics Centre. ODRi is the only database in the centre and state that collects information on approximately all new cancer diagnosed in the state or referred from any other higher centres................
Keywords: Cancer, Database, Oncology
[1]. "Cancer Fact sheet N°297". World Health Organization. February 2014. Retrieved 10 June 2014
[2]. "Defining Cancer". National Cancer Institute. Retrieved 10 June 2014
[3]. National Cancer Control Programme. Available from: Accessed July 16, 2014.
[4]. National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke. Available
[5]. Sreedevi A, Javed R, Dinesh A. Epidemiology of cervical cancer with special focus on India. International journal of women's
health. 2015;7:405.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Atypical Presentation of HELLP Syndrome |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Devi Prasad Pradhan || Dr Suchismita Panda |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1602011718 ![]() |
Abstract: HELLP syndrome, named for 3 features of the disease (hemolysis, elevated liver enzyme levels, and low platelet levels), is a life-threatening condition that can potentially complicate pregnancyTypically occurs between 27 weeks' gestation and with wide range of symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, epigastric and right upper quadrant pain none of which are diagnostic has been reported in 30%-90%of patients, headache in 33%-68%,visual changes in 10%-20% and jaundice in 5%.The disease process is often associated with maternal complications such as DIC,myocardial ischaemia, pulmonary edema,haemorrhagic stroke,acute renal failure andneonatal complications such as prematurity,intrauterine growth retardation and thrombocytopenia.Such a condition shold be identified and treated urgently.
[1]. Schroder W, Heyl W. HELLP-syndrome. Difficulties in diagnosis and therapy of a severe form of preeclampsia. Clin Exp Obstet
Gynecol. 1993;20:88–94.
[2]. Wolf JL. Liver disease in pregnancy. Med Clin North Am. 1996;80:1167–87.
[3]. Rath W, Faridi A, Dudenhausen JW. HELLP syndrome. J Perinat Med. 2000. 28:249.
[4]. Lichtman, M, Kipps T, Seligsohn U, Kaushansky K, Prchal J. Hemolytic Anemia resulting from physical Injury to Red
Cells. Williams Hematology, Eighth Edition. 8. McGraw-Hill Companies; 2010. Chapter 50.
[5]. Zhou Y, McMaster M, Woo K, et al. Vascular endothelial growth factor ligands and receptors that regulate human cytotrophoblast
survival are dysregulated in severe preeclampsia and hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets syndrome. Am J Pathol.
2002. 160:1405-23
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Abstract: Introduction:Biomedical wasteis a serious health hazard for health care providers,patients,and even togeneral public.Careless disposal of these waste can led to environmental pollution and spread of serious disease, among health care providers, patients and generalpeople. Methodology:It was a descriptive, observational, cross-sectional, institution based study conducted one each of primary, secondary, tertiary care level government health institution of West Bengal to find out the awareness regarding bio-medical waste management, during May 2015 to August 2016. Data was collected by interview technique; simple percentages, ANOVAs were computed with help of Microsoft Excel 2007 software and SPSS software version 18...............
Keywords: Bio medical waste, Knowledge, Practice, West Bengal.
[1]. Glenn, Mc.R&Garwal, R. (1999). Clinical waste in Developing Countries. An analysiswith a Case Study of India, and a Critique of
the Basle TWG Guidelines.
[2]. MahammadiBaghaee,D.,Principles of Medical Waste Management 2000,1st Ed, 63-67.
[3]. Puro, V., De Carli, G., Petrosillo, N., Ippolito, G.,. Risk of exposure to blood borne infection for Italian healthcare workers,by job
category and work area, Studio ItalianoRschioOccupazionale da HIV Group, Infect. Control Hosp. Epidemiol. 2001; 22 (4),206–
[4]. Salelkar S, Motghare DD, Kulkarni MS, Vaz FS. Study of needle stick injuries amonghealth care workers at a tertiary care hospital
Indian J Public Health. 2010 ;54(1):18-20.
[5]. Sharma,S and Chuhan,S.V.Assessment of biomedical waste management in three apexgovernment hospitals of Agra.Journal of
Environment Biology,29,159-162.
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Abstract: Rheumatoid Arthritis(RA)is a systemic inflammatory disease marked by severe symmetric polyarthritis. It is also characterised by a variety of extra-articular manifestations including fatigue lung involvement. Pericarditis., Peripheral neuropathy, vasculitis& haematological abnormalities.Systemic Rheumatoid Vasculitis(SRV) though extremely rare is potentially the most severe form of of extra-articular manifestation. It is characterised by ischaemic inflammatory tissue damage affecting different systems particularly skin and peripheral Nervous system.Diagnosis of SRV requires a high degree of clinical suspicion and is difficult to diagnose.............
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Abstract: Introduction: Identification of individuals, be it as part of criminal investigations or for any other purpose pertaining to public welfare like disaster management, is an integral part of forensic medicine. Dental tissues seldom get destroyed even in disastrous situations like arson. Moreover, various aspects of dental morphology have been shown to exhibit varying degrees of sexual dimorphism. This factor has often been employed in various studies in assessing the gender of an individual.........
Keywords: Sexual dimorphism, mandibular first molars, odontometrics, panoramic radiography, gender determination.
[1]. Macaluso P J Jr. Sex discrimination potential of permanent maxillary molar cusp diameters. J Forensic Odontostomatol.2010; 28(1):22 -31.
[2]. Ramandeep Singh Narang, Adesh S Manchanda, Balwinder Singh. Sex assessment by molar odontometrics in North indian population. J Forensic Dent Sci. 2015 jan-apr; 7(1):54-8.
[3]. Suazo GI, Cantin LM, Lopez FB, Sandval MC.; Torres, M. S.; Gajardo R. P. &Gajardo R. M. Sexual Dimorphism in Mesiodistal and Bucolingual Tooth Dimensions in Chilean People. Int. J. Morphol. 2008;26(3):609-614
[4]. Acharya BA, Mainali S. Univariate sex dimorphism in the Nepalese dentition and the use of discriminant functions in gender assessment. Forensic Sci Inter.2007;173:47–56. [5]. Vahanwahal SP, Parekh DK. Study of lip prints as an aid to forensic methodology.J Indian Dent Assoc. 2000;71:269–71.
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Abstract: Encephalocele are not uncommon but giant encephaloceles are rare lesions. Giant encephalocele mean they are larger than the head. These defects in the formation of the cranium are often associated with congenital anomalies of the brain and/or meninges. The defect is often on the squamous part of the occipital bone and may include the posterior part of the foramen magnum They contain herniated cranial contents inside the skin covering sac through congenital defect in the skull bone. Because of their enormous size they create a surgical challenge. Here we are reporting a case series of neonatal giant occipital encephalocele.
Keywords: Giant encephalocele, management, hydrocephalus, occipital encephalocele.
[1]. Mahapatra AK: Giant encephalocele: A study of 14 patients. Pediatr Neurosurg 2011;47:406-411.
[2]. Hokum singh, Daljit singh, DP Sharma, Monica S Tandon, Pragati Ganjoo: Perioperative challenges in patients with giant occipital
encephalocele with microcephaly and micrognathia jnrp.2012;3:68-70.
[3]. Chapman PH, Swearingen B, Caviness VS. Subtorcular occipital encephaloceles: Anatomical considerations relevant to operative
management. J Neurosurg. 1989;71:375-8.
[4]. Todo T, Usui M, Araki F: Dandy-Walker syndrome forming a giant occipital meningocele-case report. Neurol Med Chir(Tokyo)
[5]. Bissonnette B. Pediatric neuroanaesthesia: Beyond the theory. In: Badgewell IIM, editor. Clinical Pediatric Anaesthesia. 1st ed.
Philadelphia: Lipincott Raven 1997; p 339-45.
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Abstract: Combined fractures of the distal third of tibia diaphysis and fibula diaphysis are a common orthopedic injury. Confusion still exists about the necessity of fibular fixation in all distal third tibial fracture. This study aims at evaluating the role of fibular fixation in the treatment of distal third tibial fractures.40 patients with concomitant fractures of tibia and ipsilateral fibula at distal third level were included in this study during a 48 month period. Patients were randomized in two groups: patients with fibular fixation (group I) and without fibular fixation (group II)...........
[1]. Bucholz R, Heckman J, Court-Brown C. Rockwood and Green's fractures in adults. 8th ed.
[2]. Germann CA, Perron AD, Sweeney TW, Miller MD, Brady WJ. Orthopedic pitfalls in the ED: tibial plafond fractures. Am J
a. Emerg Med 2005;23:357—62
[3]. Lambert KL (1971) The weight-bearing function of the fibula.A strain gauge study. J Bone Joint Surg Am 53:507–513
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[5]. Goh JC, Mech AM, Lee EH et al(1992) Biomechanical study on the load-bearing characteristics of the fibula and the effects of fibular resection. Clin Orthop Relat Res 279:223–228
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Abstract: Anal Fissure is a commonest anal condition of world population and our country is not an exception Lateral Internal sphincterotomy is a surgical option recommended and accepted worldwide.The aim of my study is to compare simple digital anal dilatation versus lateral internal sphincterotomy in terms of final outcome of both the procedure.This study is carried out at singhpur nursing home muri jharkhand during the period of november 2015 to october 2016.A total of 116 patients with idiopathic anal fissure were included in this study of Literal internal sphincterotomy versus simple anal dilatation carried out at our hospital. Operations were performed under Low Spinal anaesthesia and the patients reviewed three weeks later..........
Keywords:- Anal Dilatation,Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy.
[1]. Ahmad N, Aziz M, Faizullah (2004) Closed lateral internal sphincterotomy under local anesthesia in OPD in the treatment of chronic anal ssure. Ann King Edward Med Uni 10:11-2.
[2]. Farooq A, Niaz Z (2003) Comparative study of lateral internal sphincterotomy verses topical glyceryl trinitrate for treatment of ssure-in-ano. Ann King Edward Med Uni 9: 278-81.
[3]. Sokol T, Marks JW Anal ssure (torn rectum) – causes and treatment options.
[4]. Ram E, Alper D, Stein GY, Bramnik Z, Dreznik Z (2005) Internal anal sphincter function following lateral internal sphincterotomy for anal ssure: a long-term manometric study. Ann Surg 242: 208-11.1 Goligher JC. Surgery of anus, rectum and colon. 4th ed. London: Bailliere Tindall, 1980.
[5]. Lindsay I, Cunningham C, Jones OM, Francis C, Mortensen NJ ( 2004) Fissurectomy-botulinum toxin: a novel sphincter-sparing procedure for medically resistant chronic anal ssure. Dis Colon Rectum 47: 1947-52.
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Abstract: OBJECTIVES: To determine the effect of training of appraisal of drug advertisement in medical students. MATERIALS & METHODS:-A pre knowledge testing of the Interns and 2nd year MBBS students on ability to identify violations of existing guidelines was assessed using 5 promotional literatures. Training session was conducted on critical appraisal of medicinal drug promotion viz mention of Brand & Generic names, Dosage form, Ingredients causing problems, Precautions, Adverse drug reactions, Drug interactions , Address, and References. In the first session, lectures on critical appraisal methodology and the existing guidelines on medicinal drug promotion were given followed by small group discussions. This was followed by post training testing. The 2nd year students were followed up next year (3rd year) with pre-testing and post-testing after similar training.............
Keywards: Drug Promotional Brochures, promotional literatures, medicine promotion, World Health Organization criteria, Critical appraisal in undergraduate students.
[1]. Kaushal S, Singh J, Biswas A. A critical appraisal of drug advertisements and their impact on prescribing: An observational,
cross-sectional study. Anaesth Pain & Intensive Care 2015;19(4):489-494.
[2]. B. J. Sahne, S. Yegenoglu, M. Uner, and A. I. Wertheimer, Adherence of drug advertisements to the international marketing
codes. Hacettepe University Journal of the Faculty of Pharmacy, 2012;32(1): 53-66.
[3]. Ethical criteria for medicinal drug promotion. World Health Organization, 1988. Available at Cited on 2016 March.
[4]. Dr. H. Nagabushan, Dr. N.S. Shashikumar.Training and development of medical trainee's on critical appraisal of drug
advertisement in medical college, Mandya.International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Life Sciences. 2013; 3(3):78-87.
[5]. Mintzes B. Educational initiatives for medical and pharmacy students about drug promotion: an international cross-sectional
survey. World Health Organization and Health Action International; 2005.
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Abstract: According to World Health Organization Mental health is a state of well being in which individual
realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and
is able to make a contribution to his or her community. Mental disorders are on the increase because of
increasing stress in modern life. The most common mental disorders which need focus attention are -
Depression, Schizophrenia, Alzheimer's Disease, Epilepsy, Mental retardation, Substance-abuse disorders and
disorders of childhood and adolescence. Legal rights of the mentally ill patient are protected and covered under
the Mental Health Act.............
Keywards: Alzheimer's Disease, cognitive, Depression, Epilepsy, Hysteria, Mental retardation, Schizophrenia, Substance-abuse disorders.
[1]. WHO. Strengthening mental health promotion. Fact sheet 220. Geneva: WHO; Revised 2001.
[2]. WHO. The World health report – Mental disorders affect one in four people. Press release WHO/42. Geneva.
[3]. World Bank. World Development Report 1993. New York: World Bank. 1993.
[4]. Reddy VM. Chandra Shekhar CR. Indian J Psychiatry. 1998. 40(2): 149-57.
[5]. Ganguli HC. Epidemiological findings on prevalence of mental disorders in India. Ind J. Psychiatrr 2000, 42(1): 14-20.
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Abstract: Dengue fever a vector borne disease also transmitted via infected blood products and organ donation. Mainly prevalent in Southeast Asia, now has spread to other countries. Worldwide cost of dengue is estimated US 9 billion. There are five strains (serotypes) of the virus, distinction between serotypes are based on the antigenicity. The course of disease is divided into three phases,febrile, critical, and recovery. The critical phase may proceed to organ dysfunction,severe bleeding and dengue shock-syndrome, and dengue hemorrhagic fever. Diagnosis is made clinically on the reported symptoms, physical examination, with low white blood cell count, low platelet and metabolic acidosis...............
Keywards: Dengue fever,Dengue shock syndrome,Management, Dengue vaccine
[1]. Dengue and severe dengue Fact Sheet. N0117.WHO May 2015.Retrived 3 February 2016.
[2]. NormileD.Surprising new dengue virus throws a spanner in disease control efforts.Science.2013.342 (6157):415.
[3]. RanjitS,KissonN.Denguehemorrahagic fever and shock syndrome. PediatrCrit Care Med.2011;12)1)1:90-100.
[4]. WhitebornJ,Farrar J.Dengue.Br Med Bull.2010;95:161-73.
[5]. GublerDJ.Dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever.ClinMicrobiol Rev.1998;11(3):480-96.
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Abstract: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), is a lung disease characterised by chronic obstruction of lung airflow that interferes with normal breathing and is not fully reversible. COPD causes coughing that produce large amounts of mucus, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and other symptoms.1 Secretions produced in the respiratory tract are cleared by mucociliary transport, cephalad airflow bias, and cough. There is need to find an alternate cost effective, easy technique for secretion removal. 4An intervention like huff training could help better in clearance of airways. Clinically it is observed that its is difficult for persons with airflow obstruction to do the act of Huff to clear the secretions........
Keywords: COPD, Therapist- made device, Amount of sputum
[1]. API Textbook of Medicine; SidharthN.Shaha.
[2]. Physiotherapy practice in management of patients with broncheciactasis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Alfred
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[3]. Advances in airway clearence technologies for COPD Medscape multispecialty 2013;7(6)673-685.
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[5]. Airway clearance techniques for bronchiectasis Annemarie L Lee1,2,3 Angela Burge Anne E Holland School of Physiotherapy, The
University of Melbourne, Carlton, Australia
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Abstract: Background: Normal values for kidney measurements are well established for many ethnic groups but very little is known about normal kidney measurements and its influencing factors in Sudanese. The objectives of this study were to establish a national reference for normal renal dimensions classified according to age and gender for Sudanese as well as to identify potential influencing factors, and to estimate their significance. Methods: In multiphase thin-slice MDCTs of 200 kidneys in 100 Sudanese subjects, the kidney length and kidney width were registered. The renal parenchymal thickness (PT) including on CT scans was measured through upper calyx; renal pelvis; and lower calyx levels...............
Keywards: CTscan, renal parenchyma, Measurements, Ethnicity
[1]. Buchholz NP, Abbas F, Biyabani SR, Afzal M, Javed Q, Rizvi I, et al., 2000. Ultrasonographic renal size in individuals without known renal disease. J. Pak Med Assoc. 50: 12-16.
[2]. E. Supriyanto., Nurul A.T., Syed M.N., Automatic Ultrasound Kidney's Centroid Detection System, 15th International WSEAS GSCC Multiconferences held in Corfu Island, Greece, July 14-16, 2011 ISBN: 978-1-61804-019-0 Page 160-16
[3]. Adeela Arooj, Jostinah Lam, Yeoh J.Wui, Eko Supriyanto, Comparison Of Renal Size Among Different Ethnicities International Journal Of Biology And Biomedical Engineering Issue 4, Volume 5, 2011,221-229
[4]. Kasper DL, Braunwald E, Fauci AS. 16th ed. New York: McGraw Hill; 2005. Harrison's principles of internal medicine; pp. 1653–63.
[5]. Stone JA, Xu X, Winchell GA, Deutsch PJ, Pearson PG, Migoya EM, et al. Disposition of caspofungin: Role of distribution in determining pharmacokinetics in plasma. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2004;48:815–23.
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Abstract: Introduction: Sickle cell anaemia is a genetic disorder characterized by chronic haemolytic state. Defective lipid in sickle cell anaemia has been attributed to increased cholesterol utilization consequent to increased erythropoiesis. Anthropometric measurements can easily reflect changes in the lipid deposition in the human body This study aimed at correlating lipid profile and anthropometric parameters in Nigerian adults with SCA in steady state. Method: The study is a cross sectional. A total of 58 homozygous haemoglobin SS (Hb SS) patients recruited from haematologyday ward of Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital...........
Keywards: Steady state, Sickle cell, lipid profile and anthropometric measurement.
[1]. Rahimia Z, Abmad M, Mansour Haghshenass, Plasma lipids in Iranians with sickle cell disease: Hypocholesterolemia in sickle cell anemia and increase of HDL-cholesterol in sickle cell trait, ClinicaChimicaActa, ; 365, 2006, 217-220.
[2]. Shores J, Peterson J, VanderJagt D, Glew RH. Reduced cholesterol levels in African-American adults with sickle cell disease. J NatI Med Assoc, 95, 2003, 813-817.
[3]. Erasmus RT, Olukoga AO, Ojuawo 0. Plasma lipids and lipoproteins in Nigerian children with sickle cell anemia. Ann Trop Paediatr. 10, 1990, 421-423.
[4]. Shalev H, Kapelushnik J, Asher M, et al. Hypocholesterolemia in Chronic Anaemias with Increased Erythropoietic Activity, Am J of Hematol 82 2007,199-202
[5]. Westerman MP. Hypocholesterolemia and anemia. Br J Haematol 31,1975, 87-94.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Generation Y: The Perspective of the Next Generation |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | S C Chukwujindu-Anyanwu || O U Anyanwu |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1602018283 ![]() |
Abstract: Generations emerge with distinct characteristics. They develop from a number of factors including
[1]. Scholz C. Generation Y and Blood Donation: The Impact of Altruistic Help in a Darwiportunistic Scenario. Transfus Med
Hemother 2010; 37(4): 195–202.
[2]. Eckleberry-Hunt J, Tucciarone J. The Challenges and Opportunities of Teaching "Generation Y". J Grad Med Educ 2011; 3(4):
[3]. Lester H. Generation Y. Br J Gen Pract. 2011; 61(590): 577
[4]. Gardner SF. Preparing for the Nexters. Am J Pharm Educ 2006; 70(4): 87.
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Abstract: Dental patients have become increasingly less tolerant of a dentist who hurts them. The control of intra- and postoperative pain presents an age-old challenge: Will there ever be a perfect local anesthetic technique? Through the past 3 decades, it appears that attempts to increase success rates, especially in the mandible with its dense, infiltration-resistant cortical bone, have accelerated
Keywords: Local anesthesia, Extra oral and Intraoral Techniques.
[1]. G. Meechan for How to overcome failed local anaesthesia, British Dental Journal 1999; 186: 15–20.
[2]. Kenneth m. Hargreaves for local anesthetic failure in endodontics: mechanisms and management, endodontic topics 2002, 1, 26–39
[3]. Finder for adverse drug reactions to local anesthesia, dent clin n am46 (2002) 747–757 al reader for successful local anesthesia,
[4]. Boris bentsianov for facial anatomy, doi:10.1016/j.clindermatol.2003.11.011
[5]. Dr Hilary Edgcombe for Local Anaesthetic Pharmacology, Critical Care 2005 15: 247-254
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Abstract: GCT is locally aggressive benign bone tumour located eccentrically in epiphysis. Most common site is distal femur in 20-40 yrs age group with slight female predominance. We report a case of 21 yrs female patient presented with pain and swelling over lateral aspect of right distal femur without any history of significant trauma .X-RAY, MRI, and incisional biopsy done. Patient was managed by Sandwitch technique to preserve articular cartilage. Histopathological examination (HPE) of excised mass confirmed the diagnosis. Till last follow-up (1year), patient is symptom free with no evidence of recurrence.
Keyword: Distal femur, DFLP, GCT, Joint salvage, Sandwitch technique.
[1]. Campbells Operative Orthopaedics, 12th edition, Tumours.Benign/Aggressive tumors of bone, vol.1,S.Terry Canale, James
H.Beaty, page no.887
[2]. Campbells Operative Orthopaedics , 12 th edition , Tumours.Benign/Aggressive tumors of bone, vol.1,S.Terry Canale ,James
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[3]. Campbells Operative Orthopaedics , 12 th edition , Tumours.Benign/Aggressive tumors of bone, vol.1,S.Terry Canale ,James
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[4]. Campbells Operative Orthopaedics , 12 th edition , Tumours.Benign/Aggressive tumors of bone, vol.1,S.Terry Canale ,James
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[5]. J Knee surgery,2015apr ;28(2):157-64.doi:10.1055/s-0034-1373738.epub2014apr21
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Abstract: Lipid abnormalities in patients with diabetes play an important role in development of atherogenesis. Diabetes is now commonly recognized as a coronary heart disease risk equivalent 1,2,2,4.This is mainly attributed to the high rates of dyslipidemia among diabetic patients which is believed to be one of the major factors accounting for the high percentage of deaths among diabetics due to cardiovascular disease (CVD). Lipid abnormalities in patients with diabetes play an important role in development of atherogenesis. Our study aims to compare the efficacy of atorvastatin 40 mg daily and rosuvastatin...........
[1]. National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in
Adults (AdultTreatment Panel III) Third report of the national cholesterol education
[2]. program (NCEP) expert panel on detection, evaluation, and treatment of highblood cholesterol in adults (adult treatment panel III)
finalreport. Circulation. 2002;106(25, article 3143).
[3]. Bener A, Zirie M, Janahi IM, Al-Hamaq AOAA, Musallam M, Wareham NJ.Prevalence of diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes mellitus
and its risk factorsin a population-based study of Qatar. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 2009;84(1):99–106.
[4]. Bener A, Zirie M, Musallam M, Khader YS, Al-Hamaq AOAA. Prevalence ofmetabolic syndrome according to adult treatment panel III
and internationaldiabetes federation criteria: a population-based study. Metabolic Syndrome
[5]. and Related Disorders. 2009;7(3):221–230
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Abstract: Background: India has the highest burden of tuberculosis in the world accounting for one-fourth of the estimated global incident TB cases. DOTS (Directly observed treatment short course) chemotherapy is defined as a strategy to ensure cure from tuberculosis by providing the most effective medicines and confirming that it is taken. Objectives: This study aims to describe the socio-demographic profile and smoking & drinking habits of patients attending DOTS centre of Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Ranchi. Materials and Methods: This is a cross sectional hospital based study.........
Keywords: Profile, DOTS, TB.
[3]. Park's Textbook of Preventive & Social Medicine, pg 188. 23rd Edition
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Abstract: Tooth ankylosis is the union of the tooth root to the alveolar bone, with local elimination of the periodontal ligament. The etiologies of dental ankylosis include trauma, genetic factors, local metabolic anomalies, deficiency of alveolar bone growth, and abnormal pressure of the soft tissues. An ankylosed tooth can lead to serious clinical problems such as vertical alveolar bone loss, midline deviation, tipping of adjacent teeth, impaction of the ankylosed tooth, and supraeruption of the opposing tooth. The diagnosis of ankylosis can be made by both clinical and radiologic evaluations..........
Keywords: Ankylosis, infraocclusion, lack of mobility, osteogenic distraction, radiograph
[1]. Loriato LB, Machado AW, Souki BQ, Pereira TJ: Late diagnosis of dentoalveolar ankylosis: Impact on effectiveness and efficiency of orthodontic treatment. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2009, 135: 799-808. 10.1016/j.ajodo.2007.04.040
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Abstract: Nasya Karma is the specific treatment methodology in Ayurveda in which drug is administered through Nasal route. This particular type of treatment is mainly indicated for the disorders in the head and neck region. In present article the role of Nasyain Infertility as well as other gynaecological disorders is elaborated. Regularity in menstrual cycle, normality in quantity and duration of bleeding are the indicators of women's good reproductive health. Any deviation in this gives rise to various gynaecological problems such as menorrhagia, oligomenorrhea , dysmenorrhea, PCOD and Infertility.............
Keywords: Nasya, Gynaecological disorders ,Hypothalamo-pituitary-ovariarn axis
[1]. Sushruta samhita, SushrutaVimarshini- Hindi commentary Anantaram Sharma, Chaukhamba Publication, Varanasi, edition yr. 2013, sutrasthana, chapter no. 14, verse no. 10,Dalhana commentary, Pg. no. 65.
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[4]. Tripathi Brahmanand, Editor, Charak Chandrika (Hindi Commentary) on Charak Samhita, ChaukhambhaSurbhartiPrakashan, Sutrasthana, Chapter 30, Verse No.7, pg. no. 754.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Diffuse Gastric Polyposis: A Rare Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Abhijit S. Powar || Dr Abhishek Kanbarkar |
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: | 10.9790/0853-160201117120 ![]() |
Abstract: In diffuse gastric polyposis, all or a large part of the gastric mucosa is covered with polyps. Diffuse gastric polyposis was accidentally found in a 45 years old male during study of his anaemia. The diagnosis was confirmed by oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and endoscopic biopsy. Very few cases reported those managed by laproscopically. We did a laparoscopic assisted distal gastrectomy with loop gastro gastrojejunostomy and feeding jejunostomy .Differential diagnosis of inherited gastrointestinal polyposis syndrome should be considered.malignant potential is the greast concern.
Keywords: Diffuse gastric polyposis , hyperplastic polyp.
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[3]. Geller A, Gostout CJ, Balm RK: Development of hyperplastic polyps following laser therapy for watermelon stomach. Gastrointest Endosc 1996, 43(1):54-56.
[4]. Pashankar DS, Israel DM: Gastric polyps and nodules in children receiving long-term omeprazole therapy. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2002, 35(5):658-662.
[5]. Amaro R, Neff GW, Karnam US, Tzakis AG, Raskin JB: Acquired hyperplastic gastric polyps in solid organ transplant patients. Am J Gastroenterol 2002, 97(9):2220-2224.
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Abstract: Aim: The study was to evaluate the effect of multiple file system (Revo S) versus single file system (one shape) on the dentine thickness in the root canal. Materials and Methods: In this study, 30 freshly extracted human mandibular first molars were taken. Mesiobuccal canal of mandibular first molar was selected for this study. All the teeth were categorized into two groups namely Group I: Revo -S Group II: One Shape. Endodontic access was prepared in each tooth, and working length was determined using 15-k file. Pre-operative cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan of the teeth was taken. Cleaning and shaping of the canal was done according to the manufacturer's instruction of file system. Post instrumentation CBCT scan of teeth was taken. The difference in the area was calculated and statistical difference was analyzed............
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Abstract: Anal fistula is among the most common illnesses affecting man. The majority of fistulas unrelated to specific causes (eg. Tuberculosis, Crohn's disease) result from infection (abscess) in anal glands extending from the inter sphincteric plane to various anorectal spaces. Complex variety is encountered in very few patients, which required special treatment for its cure. Extra sphincteric fistulas occur in only 5% of total fistula-in-ano patients. We would like to report an unusual case of fistula-in-ano, where its tract reached to the right side of lower back region.
Keywords: complex, fistula-in-ano, trans-sphincteric.
[1]. Srivastava K N and Amit Agarwal . A complex fistula-in-ano presenting as a soft tissue tumor.
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[3]. Robinson A M ,Jr, DeNobile J W. Anorectal abscess and fistula-in-ano. J Natl Med Assoc. 1988; (11) : 1209-1213 [ Pub Med ]
[4]. Belekar D, Dewoolkar V, Desai A, Anam J, Parab M. An unusual case of complex transsphincteric fistula-in-ano. ISPUB.Com/ The Internet Journal of Surgery vol 19, no2/11778, 2017
[5]. Anna Wiaczek, Malgorata Kolodziejczak, Iwona Sudol-Szopinska. Diagnosis and surgical treatment of complex anorectal fistulas. Nowa Medycyna 1/ 2016, s. 29-37.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Salivary Endothelin-1 Level in Patients with Oral Lichen Planus |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Maysaa KadhimAl-Malkey |
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: | 10.9790/0853-160201129132 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Oral Lichen Planus (OLP) is "a chronic disorder commonly occurs in elderly people usually women with or without skin involvement". Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is a potent vasoconstrictor implicated in vascular biology and tumor carcinogenesis. The current study investigates the level of salivary ET-1 in OLP patients and a control group. Patients and Methods: saliva samples were collected from 32 OLP patients and 30 apparently healthy subjects. ET-1 levels were measured by ELISA, and the results were evaluated with a Mann-Whitney U Test for statistical analysis........
Keywords: Endothelin-1; ELISA; Oral Lichen Planus; Saliva.
[1]. Gangeshetty N and Kumar BP. Oral lichen planus: Etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and management. World J Stomatol. 2015; 4(1): 12–21.
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[5]. McCartan BE and Healy CM. The reported prevalence of oral lichen planus: a review and critique. J Oral Pathol Med. 2008; 37(8):