Version-4 (February-2017)
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Abstract: Introduction: Central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR) is a retinal disorder that primarily affects young (20- to 50-year-old) white men, although it is seen occasionally in older patients and females. CSC is characterized by avascular focal leakage through the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), resulting in serous detachment of the neurosensory retina. The course of CSR is usually self-limiting and in most cases resolves spontaneously within a 3 month period, with visual acuity usually recovering to 20/30 or better............
Keyword: Central serous chorioretinopathy, pre eclampsia, pregnancy
[1]. Gelber GS, Schatz H (1987) Loss of vision due to central serous chorioretinopathy following psychological stress. Am J Psychiatry 144(1): 46-50.
[2]. Gass JD: Pathogenesis of disciform detachment of the neuroepithelium. Am J Ophthalmol 1967; 63(suppl):1–139.
[3]. Wang M, Munch IC, Hasler PW, Prunte C, Larsen M: Central serous chorioretinopathy. Acta Ophthalmol 2008; 86: 126–145.
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[5]. D Hussain, JD Gass. Idiopathic central serous chorioretinopathy. (Current ophthalmology. 1998); 46(3): 131-137.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | How To Write A Correct Death Certificate And Why? |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Sujan Narayan Agrawal |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1602040307 ![]() |
Abstract: Death is the cessation of life and the existence of an individual. With the advancement in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, life support system and in the era of organ donation, the precise definition of death has become more complicated. The most appropriate definition is "irreversible cessation of circulatory and respiratory functions and also irreversible cessation of all functions of brain including the brain stem". The death can be described as somatic death, and/or molecular death. The somatic death is the clinical death; the individual cells of the body take time to die i.e. molecular death...........
Keywords: Death certificate, Somatic death, molecular death, registration of birth and death act.
[1]. Nandy A, death and post-mortem changes in Principles of forensic medicine (Calcutta: New central book
agency ltd, 2005) 133-73.
[2]. Peper JA, Time of death and changes after death. Part-1: anatomical considerations, in Spitz Wu (ed)
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1993) 14-50.
[3]. Fauci AS, Braunwald E, Isselbacher KJ, Wilson JD, Martin JB, Kasper DL, Hauser SL, Longo DL (eds),
in Harrison principles of internal medicine Vol-1, 14th edition (New-York: Macgaw-hills 1998) 1-6.
[4]. Gordon I, Shapiro HA, The diagnosis and the early signs of death. Phenomena that occurs after death, in
Forensic medicine- A guide to principles, 2nd edition (Edinburough: Churchill living stone 1982). 1-63.
[5]. Dikshit PC, Moment of death, in textbook of forensic medicine and toxicology 1st edition, (New Delhi:
Peepee publishers and distributors (P) ltd. 2007) 35-46.
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Abstract: A 31 year old healthy young male with sudden syncope and witnessed seizure activity was discovered to have massive pulmonary embolism. Cardiac ECHO also confirmed elevated right ventricular pressure. This literature is based on unusual presentation of seizure as the initial manifestation of pulmonary embolism. Clinicians need to be more aware that pulmonary embolism is important to consider within the differential diagnosis for unexplained new onset of seizure activity.
[1]. Fred HL, Yang M. Sudden loss of consciousness, dyspnea, and hypoxemia in a previously healthy young man. Circulation 1995;15(91):3017–9.
[2]. Marine JE, Goldhaber SZ. Pulmonary embolism presenting as seizures. Chest 1997;112:840–2.
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Abstract: Introduction: Smoking is a significant risk factor in several debilitating and fatal diseases. These toxic compounds affect ocular tissues, mainly through ischaemic or oxidative mechanisms. Smoking and other forms of tobacco consumption is quite prevalent among the student community, including medical fraternity. The present study aims to find out how far medical students are aware about the ocular adverse effects of tobacco smoking. Materials and Methods: 545 Selected students were given a pretested & predesigned questionnaire regarding their smoking habits & awareness regarding smoking related eye diseases. All current smokers have been called for a personalised interview informing the ocular adverse effects of smoking.............
Keywords: Medical Students, Ocular adverse effects, Smoking
[1]. Gundogan FC, Durukan AH, Mumcuoglu T et al. Acute effects of cigarette smoking on pattern
[2]. Electroretinogram. Doc Ophthalmol .2006; 113:115–21.
[3]. Meltzer EO. Prevalence, economic, and medical impact of tobacco smoking. Ann Allergy. 1994; 73: 381–91.
[4]. Soldberg Y, Rosner M, Belkin M. The association between cigarette smoking and ocular diseases. Surv Ophthalmol. 1998;42: 535–47.
[5]. Gundogan FC, Erdurman C, Durukan AH et al. Acute effects of cigarette smoking on multifocal electroretinogram. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology. 2007;35:32-7.
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Abstract: Head and neck cancer is a heterogeneous group of tumors with differing clinical patterns. Worldwide it is considered to be the fifth most common cancer and ranking seventh in term of mortality due to cancers.Incidence of head and neck carcinomas varies greatly in different regions of the worldwhich isattributedto deficiency in documentation of developing countries.However recent data indicate an increasing trend in incidence of these cancers in the developing countries, most likely due to a higher exposure toalcohol and tobacco,health ignorance, poor access to health care facilities. Also in these countries head and neck carcinomas tend to present in advanced stages and have poor prognosis.
[1]. Argiris A, Karamouzis MV, Raben D, Ferris RL. Head and neck cancer. Lancet. 2008;371:1695-1709.
[2]. Ferlay J, Shin HR, Bray F, Forman D, Mathers C, Parkin DM. GLOBOCAN 2008 v2.0, Cancer incidence and mortality worldwide:
IARC CancerBase No. 10 [Internet]. Lyon, France: International Agency for Research on Cancer; 2010
[3]. Joshi P, Nair S, Chaturvedi P, Nair D, Agarwal JP, D'Cruz AK. Delay in seeking specialized care for oral cancers: Experience from
a tertiary cancer center. Indian J Cancer.2014 Apr-Jun; 51(2):95-7
[4]. Misra S, Chaturvedi A, MisraNC.Management of gingivobuccal complex cancer.Ann R CollSurg Engl. 2008 Oct; 90(7):546-53.
[5]. Gourin CG, Boyce BJ, Vaught CC, Burkhead LM, Podolsky RH. Effect of comorbidity on post-treatment quality of life scores
in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Laryngoscope. 2009 May;119(5):907-14
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Abstract: A high-voltage, direct current (HVDC) electric power transmission system (also called a power super highway or an electrical super highway) uses direct current for the bulk transmission of electrical power, in contrast with the more common alternating current (AC) systems. For long-distance transmission, HVDC systems may be less expensive and suffer lower electrical losses. For underwater power cables, HVDC avoids the heavy currents required to charge and discharge the cable capacitance each cycle..............
Keywords: Power Transmission Line, Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) , High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC), power system .
[1]. Narain. G. Hingorani, "Understanding FACTS, Concepts and Technology Of flexible AC Transmission Systems", by IEEE Press USA.
[2]. Laboratory Manual for Transmission line and fuzzy Trainer Kit Of Electrical Engineering Department NIT Warangal.
[3]. S.M. Sadeghzadeh M. Ehsan " Improvement of Transient Stability Limit in Power System Transmission Lines Using Fuzzy Control of FACTS Devices ,IEEE Transactions on Power System Vol.13 No.3 ,August 1998
[4]. A.M. Kulkarni, "Design of power system stabilizer for single-machine system using robust periodic output feedback controller", IEE Proceedings Part – C, Vol. 150, No. 2, pp. 211 – 216, March 2003. Technical Reports: Papers from Conference Proceedings unpublished):
[5]. Jaun Dixon ,Luis Moran, Jose Rodrfguz ,Ricardo Domke "Reactive power compensation technology state- of- art- review"(invited paper) Electrical Engineering Dept Pontifica Universidad Catolica De CHILE
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Abstract: Sixty isolates ofVancomycin Resistant Enterococcus faecium (VRE) were collected from King Faisal Specialist Hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.These were collected from all clinical sample including surveillance cultures. Out of the 60 isolates, 21 isolates were subjected to multiplex polymerase chain reaction (MPCR) technique.Ten out of 21isolates (47.6%) carried a single vanA gene, while 6 isolates (28.6%) had singlevanB gene. Rest of the isolates carried vanC (23.8%) with either vanA (14.3%) or vanB(9.5%)..............
Keywords: Multiplex polymerase chain reaction; ozone; Scanning Electron Microscope;van genes;Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus faecium;antibiotic(s).
[1]. Uttley AH, Collins CH, Naidoo J(1988)Vancomycin-resistant enterococci. Lancet 57–8
[2]. Woodford N (2001) Epidemiology of the genetic elements responsible for acquired glycopeptide resistance in enterococci. Microb
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[3]. Klare I, Konstabel C, Badstübner D, Werner G, Witte W(2003) Occurrence and spread of antibiotic resistance in
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[4]. Lee K, Jang SJ, Lee HJ, Ryoo N, Kim M, Hong SG (2004) Increasing prevalence of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium,
expanded-spectrum cephalosporin-resistant Klebsiellapneumoniae, and imipenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Korea:
KONSAR study in 2001. J Korean Med Sci 19:8-14
[5]. Leavis L, Bonten J,Willems J(2006) Identification of high-risk enterococcal clonal complexes: global dispersion and antibiotic
resistance. CurrOpinMicrobiol 9: 454–60
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Abstract: Soft tissue sarcomas are a heterogeneous group of tumours with a wide variety of presentation. Tumors arising from the soft tissues are uncommon in children, accounting for about 6% of all childhood malignancies. More than half (53%) of these originate from the striated muscles and are called rhabdomyosarcomas (RMS) Almost two-thirds of RMS cases are diagnosed in children <6 years of age. They can arise at varied locations like the head and neck region, genitourinary tract, extremities, trunk and retroperitoneum.Rhabdomyosarcoma of the prostate in childhood however is rare more so in blacks.............
Keywords: Soft tissue sarcoma,embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma,prostate,black child.
[1]. Crist W. Gehan E. Ragab A. et al. The Third Intergroup Rhabdomyosarcoma Study. J Clin Oncol.1995; 13: 610.
[2]. Dasgupta R. Rodeberg, D. Update on rhabdomyosarcoma. Semin Pediatr Surg.2012; 21: 68.
[3]. Ode M. Amupitan I. Misauno M. Mancha D. Onche I. Nwadiaro H.Soft Tissue Sarcoma.The Experience at JOS University Teaching Hospital. JOS Nigeria. IOSR-JDMS. 2015;14:47-49
[4]. Brown B. Oluwasola A. Childhood rhabdomyosarcoma in Ibadan, Nigeria: 1984-2003. Annals of tropical paediatrics. 2006; 26(4):349-55.
[5]. Missaoui N. Landolsi H. Jaidene L. Anjorin A. Abdelkader A. Yaacoubi M. et al. Pediatric rhabdomyosarcomas in Tunisia. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention: APJCP. 2010; 11(5):1325-7.
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Abstract: Introduction: Acute appendicitis, the most common surgically correctable cause of abdominal pain, the diagnosis of which remains difficult in many instances and is essentially clinical. However a decision to operate based on clinical suspicion alone can lead to removal of a normal appendix in 15-30% cases. Several diagnostic scoring systems have been devised as an aid to the early diagnosis of acute appendicitis and to reduce the incidence of negative appendicectomy. One such scoring system was described by Alvarado and later modified by Kalan et al. The present study is attempted to evaluate the efficiency of modified Alvarado score in pre-operative diagnosis of acute appendicitis.............
Keywords: Acute Appendicitis, Modified Alvarado Score
[1]. Douglas S Smink, David I Soybel. "Appendix and Appendectomy" Chapter 21.In Manigot's abdominal operations, Michacel J Zinner, Stanely W Ashely McGraw Hill; 11th edition, 2007; 589-612.
[2]. P Ronan O' Connel. "The Vermiform Appendix". Chapter 67. In Bailey and Love's - Short practice of surgery, Norman S Williams, Christopher J.K. Bulstrode, P Ronan O' Connel; London. Arnold: 25th edition. 2008; 1204-18.
[3]. Alvarado A. "A practical score for the early diagnosis of acute appendicitis". Ann Emerg Med, 1986; 15:557-65.
[4]. Kalan M. et Al. "Evaluation of the modified Alvarado score in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis, a prospective study". Ann R Coll Surg Engl 1994; 76:418-9.
[5]. Bhattacharjee PK, Chowdhury T, Roy D. "Prospective evaluation of Modified Alvarado score for diagnosis of acute appendicitis." J Indian Med Assoc, May 2002; 100 (5): 310-1, 314
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Abstract: The clavicle of human body is a long bone placed horizontally. It has two ends, sternal and acromial and a shaft which is curved with a forward convexity in its medial two third and a forward concavity in its lateral one third. It is one of the bones which is used for sex determination especially in cases were only skeletal remains are available for forensic identification. The aim of the study was to assess sex of an individual with the help of various parameters of clavicle in a population in South India The midpoints of sternal (medial) and acromial (lateral) ends were marked and the maximum distance between the two ends of the clavicle.............
Keywords: Clavicle, parameters, rhomboid fossa, sex determination
[1]. Krogman,W.M and Iscan, M.Y Human skeleton in Forensic Medicine 2nd Edition, Charles.C.Thomas, Spring field, 1986
[2]. Standring Susan, Gray's anatomy the anatomical basis of clinical practice 40thedi, Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier, 2008, p, 791-792
[3]. Jit I, Singh S. The sexing of adult clavicles, Indian journal of medical research 1966; 54-551-571
[4]. Olivier.G (1951) Anthroplogie de la clavicule. Bulletin etmemoried de la societe D' Anthropologie Paris 2 10e serie 121-157
[5]. Jit I, Sahni D 1983. Sexing the North Indian clavicles.Journal of Anatomical Society of India, 32(2): 61-72.
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Abstract: Background: Hypertension, the most common lifestyle disorder, is an important risk factor for cerebral and cardiovascular diseases. Stress relaxation techniques are considered a useful method for improving and maintaining both physical and emotional health. Deep breathing exercise helps in achieving efficient cardio respiratory functions with optimal sympathovagal balance which is an essential preventive strategy in the management of hypertension.............
Keywords: Hypertension, Deep breathing exercise, Blood pressure and Heart rate.
[1]. Telles S, Nagarathna R, Nagendra HR. Breathing through 2. a particular nostril can alter metabolism and autonomic activities. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 1994; 38 : 133-7.
[2]. Pramanik T, Sharma HO, Mishra S, Mishra A, Prajapati R, 4. Singh S. Immediate effect of slow pace bhastrika pranayama on blood pressure and heart rate. J Altern Complement Med 2009; 15 : 293-5.
[3]. Joseph CN, Porta C, Casucci G, Casiraghi N, Maffeis M, 5. Rossi M, et al. Slow breathing improves arterial baroreflex sensitivity and decreases blood pressure in essential hypertension. Hypertension 2005; 46 : 714-8.
[4]. Pinheiro CH, Medeiros RA, Pinheiro DG, Marinho Mde J. 6. Spontaneous respiratory modulation improves cardiovascular control in essential hypertension. Arq Bras Cardiol 2007; 88 : 651-9.
[5]. Bernardi L, Porta C, Spicuzza L, et al. Slow breathing increases arterial baroreflex sensitivity in patients with chronic heart failu re. Circulation. 2002;105:143–145.
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Abstract: Effective infection control is very crucial. The objective of this research is to determine the level of bacterial countin water from dental chair unit output at the Dental Clinic Faculty of Dentistry, UniversitiSains Islam Malaysia. Five dental chair units of treatment rooms were selected. A total of 31 water samples collected from three-way syringe and cup filler water. Positive control was taken from aquarium and distilled water was used as negative control. The nutrient agar was prepared and the samples were cultured immediately in the laboratory. The samples were incubated for 24 hours in 37˚C before observation.............
Keywords: Infection control; Gram stain; water microbiology; biofilms; dental pathogens
[1]. Peter A.L ,Ureporn K, Derek R. S. Occupational Health Problems in Modern Dentistry: A Review. Industrial Health 2007; 45: 611-
[2]. Caroline L Pankhurst. Risk Assessment of Dental Unit Waterline Contamination. Oral Microbiology And Primary Dental Care.
[3]. Ma Mei Siang, ZaliniYunus, Zukri Ahmad. The microbiological quality of water from dental unit waterlines in Malaysian Armed
Forces dental centres : The Journal of the School of Dental Sciences UniversitiSains Malaysia 2012; 7(1): 7.
[4]. Liaqat I, Sabri AN (Biofilm, dental unit water line and its control. Afr JClinExperMicrobiol2011; 12(1): 15-21.
[5]. Williams, J. F., N. Andrews, and J. I. Santiago. . Microbial contamination of dental unit waterlines: current preventive measures and
emerging options. Compend. Cont. Ed. Dent. 1996; 17: 691-694.
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Abstract: Medical and health arena is advanced in recent years with the technological influence especially using image processing techniques and algorithms. Biomedical Image processing resolves many cons of manual disease recognition. In this paper we have depicted the automated clinical diagnosis for tumor detection based on segmentation of CT scan images towards lungs cancer, ovary cancer and liver cancer. Tumor is an exceptional expansion generated by human cells reproducing themselves in an unconstrained manner. Accurate detection of size and location of tumour plays a vital role in the diagnosis of tumor.............
Keywords: CT Image, Diagnosis, K-means Clustering, Probability Density Function (PDF), Segmentation
[1]. R.C.Barik, R. Pati and H. S. Behera, "Robust Signal Processing Compression for Clustering of Speech Waveform and Image
Spectrum", IEEE Conference on Communication and Signal Processing.pp 1816 -1820.
[2]. R. C. Barik, R. Mishra, "Comparative Analogy on Classification and Clustering of Genomic Signal by a Novel Factor Analysis and FScore
Method", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer,pp 399-409
[3]. Jang Hwan Cho, Jeffrey A. Fessler "Regularization Designs for Uniform Spatial Resolution and Noise Properties in Statistical Image
Reconstruction for 3-D X-ray CT", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging Vol: 34, Issue: 2, Feb. 2015 pp: 678-689.
[4]. AnjaBorsdorf , Rainer Raupach , Thomas Flohr , Joachim Hornegger ,"Wavelet Based Noise Reduction in CT-Images Using
Correlation Analysis", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (Volume: 27, Issue: 12, Dec. 2008 ).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Botox ForRhytides of the Forehead- A Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Sonia Jindal |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1602047477 ![]() |
Abstract: Positive effects on mood have been observed in subjects who underwent treatment of fore head frownlines with botulinum toxin and, in an open case series, depression remitted or improved after such treatment. This study shows that treatment of the forehead region with botulinum toxin may shortly accomplish a strong and sustained alleviation of depression in patients, who did not improve sufficiently on previous medication. It supports the concept, that the facial musculature not only expresses, but also regulates mood states.
Keywords: Facial feedback, Emotional contagion, Major depression, Botulinum neurotoxin.
[1]. Klien AW. Dilution and storage of botulinumtoxin.Dermtol Surg. 1998;24:1179–1180. doi: 10.1016/S1076-0512(98)00178-2.
[2]. Carruthers JA, Lowe NJ, Menter A, Gibson J, Nordquist M, Mordaunt J, Wexler P, Eadie N. Double blind, placebo: controlled
study of the safety and efficacy of botulinum toxin type A for patients with glabellar lines. PlastReconstr Surg. 2003;112:1089–
1098. [PubMed]
[3]. Carruthers JA, Lowe NJ, Menter MA, Gibson J, Nordquist M, Mordaunt J, Wexler P, Eadie N. A multicenter, double blind,
randomized placebo: controlled study of the efficacy and safety of botulinum toxin type A in the treatment glabellar lines. J Am
AcadDermatol. 2002;46(6):840–849. doi: 10.1067/mjd.2002.121356. [PubMed]
[4]. Sommer B, Zschoke I, Bergfeld D, Sattler G, Augustin M. Satisfaction of patients after treatment with botulinum toxin for Dynamic
facial lines. Dermatol Surg. 2003;29:456–460. doi: 10.1046/j.1524-4725.2003.29113.x. [PubMed]
[5]. Niamtu Joseph., III Botulinum toxin A: a review of 1,085 oral and maxillofacial patients treatments. J Oral Maxillofac Surg.
2003;61:317–324. doi: 10.1053/joms.2003.50069. [PubMed]
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Abstract: Dentistry certainly must be an important part of an overall cosmetic upgrade, as improvements in the face and the smile plays an important role in changing a person's appearance and improving self-esteem. The phrase full-mouthrehabilitation means different things to different people. Though the full-mouthrehabilitation and its philosophies are often intrigued in nature, but the esthetic andfunctional accomplishment of rehabilitation is always satisfying.
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Abstract: Class II malocclusion is a challenging anomaly in orthodontic practice. The primary treatment goal in Class II mandibular retrognathism cases is to induce supplementary lengthening of the mandible via functional appliances, In case of any remaining dental discrepancy, a fixed appliance is obligatory. This patient was 10 year old growing female with convex profile, retruded chin, lower lip trap with class II skeletal and dental relationship with high overjet & overbite. Treatment started with Hybrid Functional Appliance (Twin Block with Lip Bumper and Expansion Screw) and then, secondary advancement done within same Appliance. This was followed by fixed mechanotherapy to align and level the dentition, close the spaces and retract the maxillary anteriors.
Keywords: Class II Division1, Hybrid Functional Appliance.
[1]. McNamara JA. Components of Class II malocclusion in children 8-10 years of age. Angle Orthod 1981;51:177-202.
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analysis of 72 male patients with Class II Division 1 malocclusion treated with Herbst appliance. Eur J Orthod. 1988;10:169–176.
[5]. Cozza P, Baccetti T, Franchi L, De Toffol L, McNamara JA Jr. Mandibular changes produced by functional appliances in Class II
malocclusion: a systematic review. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2006;129:599.e1–e12.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Calcaneal Osteochondroma an Atypical Localization |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Kunal Champaneri || Vikas Dagar |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1602048991 ![]() |
Abstract: Objective: study of calcaneal osteochondroma which is extremely rare, less than 1% osteochondromas arise
from tarsal bone.
Case report:-We are reporting a case of osteochondroma of calcaneum in a 33years old male who presented
with chief complaints of mass over left heel and difficulty in walking from two years.The patient had traumatic
injury two years back over left heel and after that he noticed swelling which was gradually increasing in size.
There was no history of fever and spontaneous regression during the entire period of presentation. On clinical
examination he was found to have swelling over calcaneal bone. On radiographic evalution an irregular,
sessile, lytic mass which arose from calcaneum..............
Keywords: Calcaneum and Osteochondroma
[1]. Griffiths HJ, Thompson RC Jr, Galloway HR, Everson LI, Suh JS, Bursitis in association with solitary osteochondromas presenting
as mass lesions Skeletal Radiol 1991 20:513-16.
[2]. Karasick D,Schweitzer ME,Eschelman DJ,Symptomatic osteochondroma:imaging feature.AJR AM J Roentgenol,1997;168:1507-12
[3]. Blitz NM, Lopez KT, Giant solitary osteochondroma of the inferior medial calcaneal tubercle: A casereport and review of the
literature J Foot Ankle Surg 2008 47:206-12.
[4]. KeithA.Studies on the anatomical changes which accompany certain growth disorders of the human body.J Anat.1920;54:101-106.
[5]. Calafiora G,bertone C, Urgelli S,Rivera F,Maniscalco P,Osteochondroma: A case report with atypical localization and
symptomatology. Acta Biomed AtenacParemense:2001;72:91-96
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Abstract: With the evolution of laparoscopic gynaecological surgeries the use of electrosurgery for haemostasis and cutting has also become widespread. In cases of total laparoscopic hysterectomy vault opening is one crucial step from the safety point of view.while the use of different electrosurgical techniques for this step vary from surgeon to surgeon, we compared the safety and efficacy of monopolar electric current (ME) , bipolar electric current(BE) and Harmonic Scalpel(HS) in dissection of vault. The differences in vaginal cuff complication rate was evaluated between coagulation and cutting modes of monopolar current too.We also studied the post operative histological status of surrounding tissue and healing process after the use of different electrosurgical techniques...............
Keywords: Monopolar cutting current,coagulating current, harmonic scalpel.
[1]. Cronin B, Sung VW, Matteson KA. Vaginal cuff dehiscence: risk factors and management. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2012;206:284–288. [PMC free article] [PubMed]
[2]. Nick AM, Lange J, Frumovitz M, et al. Rate of vaginal cuff separation following laparoscopic or robotic hysterectomy. Gynecol Oncol. 2011;120:47–51. [PMC free article] [PubMed]
[3]. 3.Uccella S, Ceccaroni M, Cromi A, et al. Vaginal cuff dehiscence in a series of 12,398 hysterectomies: effect of different types of colpotomy and vaginal closure. Obstet Gynecol. 2012;120:516–523. [PubMed]
[4]. Kho RM, Akl MN, Cornella JL, Magtibay PM, Wechter ME, Magrina JF. Incidence and characteristics of patients with vaginal cuff dehiscence after robotic procedures. Obstet Gynecol. 2009;114:231–235. [PubMed]
[5]. Schwaitzberg SD, Jones DB. Don't get burned from lack of knowledge. Annals Surg. 2012;256:219–220. [PubMed]
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Abstract: In completely edentulous patients it is comparatively easy to get retention in maxillary denture due to large surface area than mandibular denture.So conventional complete dentures usually fail to satisfy the expectation of patients because of compromised retention, especiallywith mandibulardentures. This createsnegative effects on thepatient'sbehavior towards prosthodontics treatment. So a rehabilitation modality using mandibular overdenture is a simple, predictable and acceptable treatment option in such situations. Flapless surgeryincrease patients comfort and acceptance, and also it minimize the loss of soft tissue. The case report presents the use of two immediately loaded single piece bicortical implants with ball abutments to retain a mandibular overdenture in a completely edentulous patient using flapless technique.
Keywords: Bicorticalimplant,Immediate dental implant loading, Implant supported denture, Overdenture.
[1]. Schimmel M, Srinivasan m, Hermann FR, Muller F.Loading protocols for implant- supported overdentures in the edentulous jaw: A
systematic review and meta-analysis. Int.J Oral Maxillofac Imp 2013;29:271-286.
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lower denture problems. A 10-yearsfollow-up study on patients satisfaction. Int J Oral MaxillofacSurg 2003;32:498-503.
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modumBranemark in the rehabilitation of edentulism. J Head Neck Pathol 1987;6:53-8
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Abstract: Background: Invasive arterial pressure monitoring and central venous pressure monitoring is the mainstay of intraoperative haemodynamic monitoring for assessment during intracranial surgery. However, with the availability of advanced noninvasive monitoring techniques in the present era for such operative procedures, the use of invasive techniques seems to be unnecessary. Hence, a prospective, randomized study has been carried out to see the cost effectiveness of intraoperative invasive versus non-invasive haemodynamic monitoring in patients undergoing craniotomy for supratentorial tumor surgery...............
Keywords: Supratentorial tumor, craniotomy, invasive haemodynamic monitoring, non invasive haemodynamic monitoring, cost effectiveness
[1]. Eichhorn JH. Prevention of intra-operative anesthesia accidents and related severe injury through safety monitoring. Anesthesiology
1989; 70: 572-7.
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Abstract: Burn Injuries Represent An Extremely Stressful Experience And Is A Complex Devastating Condition Causing An Acute And Long-Term Functional, Psychosocial And Economical Impairment To The Patient And Care Givers Affecting Over A Million People In India. We Describe The Demographic, Socio-Cultural Aspects Of Burns Patients, Various Etiological Factors And Try To Correlate Them With Outcome. The Aim Was To Aid Recognition Of Preventive Strategies In Future. Retrospective Audit Was Done Of Admitted Burns Patients From 1st January 2013 To 31st December 2015..............
Keywords: Epidemiological, Burns, Prevention Type Of Article: Original Research Article Category: Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
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Abstract: Taking into consideration the problem, which the patients face, with erosions of the teeth, our study is focused toward examining the consumption of carbonated and fruit drinks during the day, as a potential risk factor, in the development of erosive tissue, depending on the age of the patients, and salivary values of calcium and phosphates, and their association with the onset of dental erosions. In the presented distribution of data which take into consideration the consumption of carbonated drinks in the listed groups, for Pearson Chi-square=12,75and p<0,05(=0,047, there is a significant difference...............
Keywords: Dental erosions, fruit drinks, carbonated drinks, Ca, P
[1]. Meurman and J. M. ten Cate,(1996) "Pathogenesis and modifying factors of dental erosion," European
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Abstract: A cross-sectional school based study was conducted to measure the prevalence of stunting and determine the associated factors. A total of 256 children were selected by systematic random sampling and assessed using a questionnaire and anthropometric measurements. The indicators were based on anthropometric indices i.e. height-for-age z-scores (HAZ). The prevalence of stunting among primary school children in Ombada province, Sudan was 13.7%, about 82.9% of them were mild and 17.1% were severe stunting. The study revealed that 14.7% of females were suffering from stunting compared to 12.6% in males (Odds Ratio OR = 1.1983 95% CI = 0.5860..............
Keywords: Stunting, malnutrition, children, prevalence, Sudan
[1]. V S Srikanth, S Mangala, G Subrahmanyam. Improvement of Protein Energy Malnutrition by Nutritional Intervention with Moringa
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Abstract: The goal of the study was to determine the association between carbonated drinks and the prevalence of dental erosions, according to gender in examinees at the age from 10 to 29 years. In the study we included 46 examinees at the age from 10 to 29 years, from whom 25 (54.3%) were female, and 21 (45,7%) were male, at the age from 10 to 29 years. The study was consisted from clinical examinations, which meant, keeping a record of the consumption of carbonated drinks, and the existence of dental erosions on the first permanent incisors and molars...............
Keywords: Dental erosions, carbonated drinks, central incisors and first permanent molar
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Abstract: Human cysticercosis is an infection which is caused by the larvae of the pork tapeworm, Taenia solium. They can affect any part of the body, the most common sites being the muscle, the CNS and the subcutaneous tissues. It is unusual for cysticercosis to occur in the substance of the breast. In this report, we present a case of 42-year old female who came with the history of painless mobile lump in both breasts in which excision biopsy was carried out. Histopathologically, it revealed the presence of typical cysticercus larva, along with giant cell foreign body reaction and a definitive diagnosis of bilateral breast cysticercosis was made. Although it is rare, cysticercus should be considered as a differential diagnosis for a mass in the breast and in the areas of a greater prevalence.
Keywords: Cysticercosis, Breast, lump, Histopathology, Fibroadenoma, Parasitic infestation
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Deformity Correction in Cubitus Varus-Our Experience |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Srijay Sashaank. S || Giriraj J.K || Gopinath Menon P |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-160204132137 ![]() |
Abstract: Cubitusvarus or gun stock deformity of the elbow is the commonest complication following malunion of supracondylar fracture of the humerus in children .The normal carrying angle at the elbow, between three to seven degrees of valgus, is reversed into varus, resulting in a ugly deformity. Unfortunately it does not improve with remodeling even in a young child as it is not in the plane of normal movement (sagittal). We would like to share our experience in thesurgical treatment of cubitusvarus. Aim:To studythe radiological and functional outcomes following corrective osteotomy in cubitusvarus deformities and to assess the outcomes of commonly used osteotomies...............
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