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Abstract: In this prospective, randomized controlled study, we studied endotracheal tube cuff pressure changes in 100 patients undergoing elective surgical procedures requiring general anaesthesia with oxygen and nitrous oxide. Devices named pressure gauge and pressure transducer are compared as well. The cuffs were inflated with either air or distilled water. Mean cuff pressure in air filled cuffs increased throughout the procedure, reaching 37.58±0.93 mmHg compared with 23.66±0.94 mmHg in water filled cuffs at the end of 2 hours. The rise in cuff pressure were significantly lower(P<0.05) in water filled cuffs. The endotracheal tube cuff distended with distilled water, rise in cuff pressure during general anaesthesia with nitrous oxide is lower than that of an air filled cuff.
Keyword: Cuff pressure, Endotracheal tube, Pressure gauge, Pressure transducer.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Retroperitoneal Sarcoma - A Clinico-Pathological Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Siva Ranjith || Sulfekar MS || Subhash |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1602020610 ![]() |
Abstract: Retroperitoneal sarcomas are rare tumours that comprise approximately 15% of all soft tissue sarcomas in adults1. Most of the retroperitoneal tumours are malignant and approximately one third is soft tissue sarcoma. Although significant advances in our understanding of extremity soft tissue sarcoma have resulted in improved treatments and outcomes, similar progress has not been achieved in our understanding and treatment of retroperitoneal soft tissue sarcomas. Here we present a retrospective analysis of 30 cases of retroperitoneal sarcoma from a tertiary care centre from 2006 to 2010............
Keywords: Retro-peritoneal Sarcoma, Clinico-pathological
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Abstract: Background: This study was conducted to determine postoperative pain control with use of Bupivacaine soaked sheet of Regenerated Oxidized Cellulose (ROC) in gallbladder (GB) bed and compared with port-site infiltration of bupivacaine after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (LC). Methods: Total 100 patients were divided in 3 groups. In Group A (n=37) Bupivacaine soaked ROC was positioned in the gallbladder bed. In Group B (n=28) Bupivacaine was infiltrated in trocar site before skin suturing and in Group C (n=32) was control group. Nature of pain, either visceral, parietal, or shoulder, was assessed on Visual Analogue Scale( VAS) at 3, 6, and 24 hours after surgery.................
Keywords: Bupivacaine, Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Intraperitoneal, Postoperative Pain, Analgesia
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Abstract: Objective: To study the awareness regarding appropriate breast feeding practices and advantage of breast milk among pregnant and lactating women of both urban and rural area of Nalanda district , Bihar. Methods: For studying awareness an interview schedule comprised of open ended question was developed and data was analyzed to see the differences in two independent proportions. Observation: Awareness in various aspects of breast feeding practices were poor particularly among illiterate and most of the rural literate women due to widespread illiteracy and superstition. About 2/3 rd of educated and 1/2 of the literate of urban area knew that babies should be exclusively...........
Keywords: Awareness, breast feeding practices, pregnant and lactating women, rural & urban.
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Abstract: Aims and Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the direct relationship between serum cholesterol and serum albumin in first episode of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome of childhood. Methods and materials: A prospective observational study included 28 children with nephrotic syndrome, aged between of 2-8 years with 14 age and sex matched controls were studied at SVS Medical College and Hospital, Mahabubnagar during period of July 2015 to December 2016. Results and discussion: The mean albumin was 1.81 g/dL, mean serum proteins were 4.41 g/dL and mean serum cholesterol level was 459.30 mg/dL.A negative correlation between serum albumin and serum cholesterol levels (r = -0.850)in our study, which was statistically significant (p<0.000)................
Keywords: Nephrotic Syndrome, serum cholesterol, serum albumin.
[1]. Safaei A, Maleknejad S. Spectrum of childhood nephrotic syndrome in Iran: A single center study. Indian J Nephrol. 2009 Jul;19(3):87-90. doi: 10.4103/0971-4065.57103.
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Abstract: Introduction: Obesity is the most common expression of unhealthy diet often combined with lack of physical activity. We are amidst an epidemic of obesity which has serious health ramifications. Easy availability of fast foods, junk food culture and sedentary life style add fuel to fire. Realizing this fact, the present study was undertaken on medical and nursing students. Aim: To study the prevalence and correlates of overweight and obesity in medical and nursing students. Objectives: 1-To study the prevalence of overweight and obesity in medical and nursing students of various batches. 2- To study the correlates of overweight and obesity medical and nursing students. Methods: It was a cross sectional observational study.............
Keywords: Body mass index, Medical students, Obesity, Overweight, Waist-hip ratio
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Abstract: Background:There is a dearth of studies which have focused on consultation-liaison psychiatry in India.. Data from the previous studies have suggested that the referral rates in India are very low considering the higher psychiatric morbidity rates. Objectives:The aim of the study is to assess the magnitude and the pattern of Psychiatric referrals and to find out the scope and difficulties of Consultation Liaisons. Materials and Methods: All inpatient referred to Psychiatry department over a period of one year (i.e. April 2014-March 2015). The data were taken and analysed in terms of socio-demographic characters, referring unit, reasons for referral and psychiatric diagnosis..........
Keywords: Psychiatry referrals, Consultation - liaison psychiatry
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Abstract: Objectives: To assess the displacement contours in X, Y and Z directions during individual canine retraction with finite element application and to comparethese displacements contours to the clinically occurring movements that cannot be visualized precisely in a clinical framework. Materials and Methods: A three dimensional finite element model of the maxillary canine teeth along with its surrounding periodontal structure (teeth, PDL and bone) were created in order to simulate the movements with 150 grams of force for individual canine retraction.............
Keywords: Displacement contours,Finite element method,Individual canine retraction, Orthodontics.
[1]. DJ Rudolph, MG Willes and GT Sameshima, A finite element model of apicalforce distribution from orthodontic tooth movement,
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Abstract: The prevalence of coronary artery disease is dependent upon the presence of multiple risk factors. These risk factors specially the modifiable one, can be brought under control by life style modifications. World health organization has recommended a STEPs approach for the assessment of risk factors of coronary artery disease. It has two component, core and expanded. Objectives: There is paucity of data as far as expanded assessment is concerned. The present study was conducted with the objective to find out the prevalence of risk factors of coronary artery disease using WHO standardised STEPs approach including investigations specially fasting blood sugar and total cholesterol...........
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Abstract: Amniotic fluid volume measurement forms an integral part of antenatal fetal monitoring in routine obstetric scans. Oligohydramnios has been identified as the leading cause of increased perinatal morbidity and mortality. Doppler ultrasound is extremely helpful in evaluating maternal and fetal hemodynamics in this scenario. In this study, we focus on the role of umbilical artery doppler velocimetry in oligohydramnios at or beyond 34 weeks and its correlation with fetal outcome.
Keywords:- Color doppler, Oligohydramnios, Umbilical Artery
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Abstract: Objective: Ovary is a structure with an embryological, anatomic and functional complexity. Ovaries are resistant to diseases, still can be the seat of neoplastic lesions such as benign, malignant , primary, secondary and can be solid and cystic and exhibit mixed patterns with wide spectrum of histological types. Methods: Retrospective study of ovary was done for period of one year at Department of Pathology, Kilpauk Medical College, Chennai. We studied 83 cases of ovarian tumors received in formalin, were subjected to histopathological examination. Immunohistochemistry was used as and when required. Results: In total, 83 ovarian tumor specimens were examined. Out of which 74 cases (62%) were benign,3 cases (2.5% ) borderline and 6 cases (5%) were malignant. Most common histological type was surface epithelial tumors (76%) followed by germ cell tumors (18%)..............
Keywards: Ovary, tumor, gross, histological types.
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Abstract: Caroli`s disease is a rare biliary disorder characterised by multiple segmental dilatation of the intrahepatic bile ducts. Extent of liver involvement varies with monolobar variety occurring in 20% of cases. It can be associated with variety of complications of which cholangiocarcinoma remains a serious problem and can pose difficulty in diagnosis. We report a case of monolobar caroli`s disease in a 67yrs old male diagnosed based on the imaging studies. During surgery, the affected lobe was found to harbor coexistent cholangiocarcinoma. Hepatic resection was offered as the treatment to manage both the conditions
Keywards: Caroli`s disease, Caroli`s syndrome, Choledochal cysts, Cholangiocarcinoma.
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Abstract: Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is one of the leading causes of death in women. Women who deliver after 20 weeks of gestation are specially at risk for PPH and its sequelae. This study was undertaken to evaluate the causes and risk factors associated with PPH, various techniques/modalities used to control PPH and to assess the impact of PPH on the maternal morbidity and mortality. This prospective study was carried out over a period of six months from September 2014 to February 2015 in the Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pt. B.D. Sharma PGIMS, Rohtak..............
Keywards: Continuum, Etiology, Management, Postpartum Haemorrhage, PPH
[1]. Murray SS, McKinney ES. Foundation of Maternal–Newborn and Women's Health Nursing. 5th ed. Missouri: Sounders Elsevier Publication; 2010. p.731-8.
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Abstract: Palatal fractures generally occur in conjunction with maxillary fractures. They rarely occur as an isolated fracture and can be easily overlooked by an inexperienced clinician as a dentoalveolar fracture. So it's imperative to have a thorough clinical and radiographic evaluation to diagnose these types of fractures. This article reports a caseof isolated transverse palatal fracture and its management.
Keywords: Lefort 1 fracture, maxillary fractures, palatal fractures
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Abstract: Background:Magnesium has anti-nociceptive effects and potentiates opioid analgesia following its systemic and neuraxial administration. In our study, the effect of intravenous magnesium sulphate in pre-eclamptic patients on spinal anaesthesia produced by bupivacaine was investigated. Materials and Methods:Sixty pregnant (30 normal and 30 pre-eclamptic) patients were enrolled in this study in two groups: Healthy parturients (Group A) and pre-eclampticparturients with IV MgSO4 therapy (Group B). Spinalanaesthesia was given with 12.5 mg hyperbaric bupivacaine .Onset of sensory block at T6 level, highest sensory block level, motor block characteristics, time to first analgesic request, maternal hemodynamics as well as side effects were evaluated................
Keywards: Spinal anaesthesia, magnesium sulphate, bupivacaine, pre-eclampsia
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Abstract: Endometriosis is a relatively common disease. Perianal endometriosis is a rarest condition, which occur frequently at episiotomy scar. We present a rare case of perianal endometriosis. A 37 year old female presents with perianal swelling with intermittent pain. Pain was not cyclical in nature. There was no discharge or bleeding from swelling. Patient had history of episiotomy. Perianal swelling was excised with wide margin and sent for biopsy. Biopsy report suggested perianal endometriosis
Keywards: Biopsy, Episiotomy scar, female, Pain, Perianal endometriosis
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Abstract: Background: Voice disorders are one of the major occupational hazards of school teachers.This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of voice disorders and identify possibleassociated risk factors amongsecondary school teachers. Method: A 25–item questionnaire was administered to 143 secondary school teachers from six schools in Ilishan Remo area of western Nigeria. Result: Out of 143 teachers, 89 (62.2%- 45 males and44 females ) reported voiceproblems without any significant difference in both sexes......
Keywords: Prevalence, voice disorders, risk factors
[1]. Kosztyla-Hojna,B.,Rogowski,m.,Ruczaj,j.,Pepinski,w.&Lobaczuk-sitnink,A.(2004).An analysis of occupational dysphonia diagnosed in the north –east of Poland. International Journal of occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, 17(2), 273-278.
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Abstract: Hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating is a secretion of sweat in bigger amount that the body is needed. The reason of appearance is not clear yet to the Western medicine. Hyperhidrosis can be divided to focal and general and primary and secondary. In the terms of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) hyperhidrosis is called 'spontaneous perspiration' and is seen as disharmony of the protective Qi, a deficiency of Yin or Yang energy. To treat the condition in our case we used acupuncture and herbal treatment. The treated patient is a 16 year old male teenager with excessive sweating on the head, back and stomach for three years and increased in the past one year......
Keywords: Acupuncture, herbs, sweating, treatment, traditional Chinese medicine
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Abstract: Background: In India, we have the most number of cases with pulmonary tuberculosis. The one cause of this widespread is negligence of the patients and health workers towards the prevention and control of this disease. Methods And Materials: A Hospital Based cross sectional study over a period of 3 months . Answers related to knowledge and practices related to sputum disposal, care taken while coughing were evaluated as correct or incorrect. The study questioner also contained different aspects related to knowledge of TB . Study technique was by exit interview. Sample size was 100 (Hundred patients)..........
Keywords: Spread of tuberculosis, Knowlegde, Cough hygiene, Sputum disposal.
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Abstract: C-shaped root canals are most frequently seen in the mandibular second molar. Their complex anatomy makes chemomechanical preparation an arduous and difficult task. The present case series describes the endodontic management of 3 cases of C- shaped canals using sonic irrigation system and laser assisted disinfection.
Keywords: C-shaped, diode laser, endoactivator
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Abstract: Objectives: To determine the incidence, indications, maternal and perinatal outcome of obstetric hysterectomy. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study of 80 women who had obstetric hysterectomy at the Obstetric unit of the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, (UPTH) Nigeria, between January 1, 2007 and December 31, 2011 was conducted. Data was obtained from the theatre records, labour ward register and case notes of patients and entered into a proforma. Epi Info Version 6.04d was used for data analysis..............
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Abstract: Background: Elbow lateral epicondylitis is a common problem that usually resolves with conservative treatment modalities like local infiltration with steroids, ultrasonic therapy, and manipulation and finally operative procedures are tried. An alternative to surgical intervention is sought for when the conservative measures failed. The hypothesis of this study is to establish the role of local autologous plasma injection to bring alone biological cure in these cases. Material and Methods: Forty patients with persisting pain for approximate six months, despite of other conservative mode of intervention were treated..............
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