Version-7 (February-2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Observational Study of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evaluation of Encephalitis |
Country | : | Nepal |
Authors | : | Dr BS Salooja |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1602070104 ![]() |
Abstract: To evaluate the role of magnetic resonance imaging in encephalitis cases. Methods: The present descriptive study was carried out using a prospective study design. Age group included in the study was above 15 years. Patients clinically presenting with symptoms and signs suggestive of encephalitis were included in the study. MRI scan was performed in all patients. Results: The mean (±SD) age of the patients was 37.03 (±21.86) years. Thalami involvement was observed most commonly which is seen in 45% (18) case followed by Temporal lobe involvement in 42.5 %( 17), then Frontal lobe and Basal ganglia in 35%(14),Mid brain............
Key words:- Encephalitis, Magnetic resonance imaging, Etiologies
[1]. Beig FK, Malik A, Rizvi M, Acharya D, Khare S. Etiology and clinico-epidemiological profile of acute viral encephalitis in children of western Uttar Pradesh, India. Int J Infect Dis. 2010;14:e141–6.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Prevalence of Hypothyroidism in Prgnancy And Pregnancy Outcome |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Thenmozhi |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1602070516 ![]() |
Abstract: The second most common endocrinological disorder in pregnancy is thyroid dysfunction. The most common cause of hypothyroidism is primary abnormality in thyroid. Thyroid hormone is essential for the normal development of the placenta. There is evidence that preeclampsia, placental abruption and preterm labor are all causatively linked to faulty early placentation. Thyroid hormone is important for normal neuronal migration, synaptic transmission and myelination during the early stages of neurodevelopment and hence healthy development of foetus.............
Keywords: Thyroid hormone, thyroxin, abortion, pre eclampsia, IUGR, placental abruption, oligohydramnios, low birth weight
[1]. Leung AS, Millar LK, Koonings PP. Perinatal outcome in hypothyroid pregnancies. Obstet Gynecol 1993; 81: 349-53.
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[5]. Journal of thyroid research. Volume: 2011, article ID 397012, 4 pages. DOI: 10.4061/2011/397012. John .H.Lazaws
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Abstract: Aims& objectives:The present study was designed to compare the onset and duration of action of two local anaesthetics bupivacaine with standard xylocaine in rabbits surface anaesthesia and guinea pigs infiltration anaesthesia . Materials & methods: 8 albino rabbits of either sex weighing 2.5-3kgs and 6 guniea pigs of either sex weighing 200 -300gms were selected and different procedures have been extensively used in this work. However no other test known provides all the information required, so that one must be prepared to apply several different tests, each useful because of the information it provides. surface anesthesia is used to indicate relative speed of onset of anesthesia, rather than duration.............
Keywords: Albino rabbits,Guniea pigs,Bupivacaine,Xylocaine, surface anaesthesia,Infiltration aneasthesia.
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[4]. M.N.GOSH: Fundamental experimental pharmacology IIIrd Edition.
[5]. The Free Encyclopedia: Local Anaesthetics.
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Abstract: Background: The occurrence of sudden disruption of the abdominal laparotomy wound is a major disaster in the life of a patient who has undergone an abdominal operation and a major psychological blow to the patient as well as the surgeon.Its prevention is important in reducing post-operative morbidity and mortality.The search for the optimal laparotomy technique has gone on for more than 100 years and will continue. Aims: The present study was undertaken to assess the incidence and relative risk of burst abdomen in post midline laparotomypatient using continuous suture versus interrupted X suture versusHughes Far-and-Near technique in sheath closure..............
Keywords: Abdominal wound dehiscence, Burst abdomen, Suture technique, Randomized trial, Emergency laparotomy, Prof Hughes' Far-and-Near suture.
[1]. Agrawal CS, Tiwari P, Mishra S, Rao A, Hadke NS, Adhikari S et al. Interrupted abdominal closure prevents burst: randomized controlled trial comparing interrupted-x and conventional continuous closures in surgical and gynecological patients. Indian J Surg. 2014;76(4):270-6.
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[5]. Gislason H, Gronbech JE, Soreide O. Burst abdomen and incisional hernia after ,major gastrointestinal operations-comparison of three closure techniques. Eur J Surg1995 ; 161 : 349-54
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Abstract: Vital pulp therapy has been known as one of the treatment options to preserve pulp after being exposed by trauma or caries. The procedure of pulp capping relies primarily on the ability of pulpal tissue to heal. A wide array of materials has been used for pulp capping. The aim of this article is to summarize and discuss various pulp capping materials.
Keywords: Bioactive cement, Biocompatible, Dentin bridge, Pulp capping, Pulp – dentin complex, Vital pulp therapy.
[1]. A Parolia, M Kundabala, NN Rao, SR Acharya, P Agrawal, M Mohan, M Thomas, A comparative Histological Analysis Of Human Pulp Following Direct Pulp Capping With Propolis, Mineral Trioxide Aggregate And Dycal, Australian Dental Journal 2010; 55: 59–64
[2]. Thomas J Hilton, Keys To Clinical Success With Pulp Capping: A Review Of Theliterature,Oper Dent. 2009 ; 34(5): 615–625.
[3]. Cohen Bd , Paula J. Waterhouse, John M. Whitworth, Joe H. Camp, And Anna B. Fuks, 10th Edition Chapter 23 • Pediatric Endodontics, Page 809
[4]. Karthikeson P.S ,Jayalakshmi S, Pulp Capping Agents-A Review, J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 8(6), 2016, 525-527
[5]. Asma Qureshi1, Soujanyae., Nandakumar, Pratapkumar, Sambashivarao, Recent Advances In Pulp Capping Materials: An Overview
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Abstract: Oral cancer is one of the most common cancer and constitute a major public health problem. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the clinical profile of patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma for gender, age, primary site and histological grading. Four hundred and five biopsy proven cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma were included in this study. It was conducted over a period of two years from Jan 2015 to Dec 2016 in the Department of Oncology Government Royapettah Hospital, Chennai. The peak incidence was seen in forth and fifth decade of life with male to female ratio was about 2.6:1. Well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma was assigned in 86.2% of cases and most common site of involvement was the lateral border of tongue.
Keywords: Oral, tobacco, squamous cell carcinoma,tongue.
[1]. Chois S, Myers JN. Molecular pathogenesis or oral squamous cell carcinoma: Implications for therapy. J Dent Res. 2008; 87: 14-
[2]. WarnakulaSuriya S. Causes of oral cancer - an appraisal of controversies. Br Dent J 2009; 207: 471-5.
[3]. Anil K. Chaturvedi, William F. Anderson, Joannie Lortet-Tieulent, Maria Paula Curado, Jacques Ferlay, Silvia Franceschi, Philip S.
[4]. Rosenberg, Freddie Bray, and Maura L. Gillison, "Worldwide Trends in Incidence Rates for Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal
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Abstract: Objective:The Aim of the study was to evaluate the quality of life and its determinants in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D). Materials and Methods:A case-control study was performed to compare the QOL between two groups: the first group consisted of 154 patients with T2D and the second group of 154 patients without diabetes in the first affiliated hospital of Kunming Medical University and the Panlong district hospital in the Yunnan province in China.Five questionnaires were used to collect sociodemographic and clinical data, self-care activities, depression and social support data...............
Keywords: Quality of life (QOL), type 2 diabetes (T2D), determinants, self-care, depression, social support.
[1]. International Diabetes Federation: IDF Diabetes Atlas.6th edition. Brussels, Belgium: International
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[3]. International Diabetes Federation. IDF Diabetes, 7ed. Brussels, Belgium: International Diabetes Federation, 2015.
[5]. Global status report on noncommunicable diseases 2014.Geneva, World Health Organization, 2012.
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Abstract: Tuberculosis is a chronic granulomatous disease that can affect any part of temporal bone. Primary tuberculous otitis media is a rare disease that is clinically variable and non-specific. Tuberculous otitis media may be diagnosed late, mainly because it is often not suspected. We present a case of a 23-year-old female with history of chronic tuberculous otitis media who underwent type I tympanoplasty 5 years back and presented with history of persistent painless ear discharge since 6 months. Patient was taken up for revision tympanoplasty..............
Keywords: Otitis media , revision tympanoplasty, tuberculosis.
[1]. Jose M Acuin. Tuberculosis of the temporal bone. Scott-Brown's Otorhinolaryngology, Head and
[2]. Neck Sugery Vol. 3 Hodder-Arnold 7th ed. 2008; 237d: 3447-49.
[3]. TB INDIA 2011 Revised National TB Control Programme: Annual Status Report (2011) 1 : 6
[4]. WHO-Global TB Report, 2011
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Abstract: Backgroung & Objectives: Seizures are the one of the common medical disorder encountered in daily medical practice. In developing countries like India, CNS infections like meningitis, tuberculosis, HIV, malaria, cerebrovascular accident contribute significant number of cases. These CNS infections are having variable regional distribution. Etiology of seizures varies in developing countries in compared with developed countries. Hence this study was conducted to analyze the various etiologies of new onset seizures in adults the age group of 18-40 years in this region...............
Keywords: New onset seizures, central nervous system infections, Cerebro vascular accidents.
[1]. Murthy JMK, Yangala R. Acute symptomatic seizures — incidence and etiological spectrum: a hospital-based study from South
India. Seizure 1999; 8:162-165.
[2]. Thussu A, Arora A, Prabhakar S, Lal V, Sawhney IM. Acute symptomatic seizures due to single CT lesions: how long to treat with
antiepileptic drugs?. Neurol India2002; 50:141-4.
[3]. Prakash C, Bansal BC. Cerebral Venous Thrombosis. J Indian Acad Clin Med2000; 5:55-61.
[4]. Jan Stam. Thrombosis of the Cerebral Veins and Sinus. N Engl J Med 2005;352:1791-8.
[5]. Lourdes V, Linda M. Seizure Disorders in Elderly. Am Fam Physician 2003;67:325-332.
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Abstract: HIV, HBV and HCV, among others are important infections which can be transmitted to Health care workers (HCWs) while performing occupational activities. The first case of occupational transmission of HIV from infected patients to HCW was reported in 1984 and as on 2010 altogether 57 cases have been reported in USA. Transmission of HIV by occupational activity is possible not only from patients to HCW but also from the infected HCW to patients. There are a small number of documented cases of transmission from HCW to patients. Therefore occupational transmission is a two way process. HIV infection can be transmitted by needle stick injury, body fluid exposer, trauma sustained during the occupational manipulation/handling. HCW prone to exposure are Nurses, doctors, emergency medical staff
[1]. Harrison's principles of internal medicine,19th edition. Kasper , Fauci, Longo, Jameson, Loscalzo. McGraw Hill education.
[2]. Mitchell H. Katz. HIV Infection & AIDS. Maxine A. Papadakis, Stephen J. Mcphee. Mc Graw Hill education, Lange. Current Medical Diagnosis & Teatment,2016: 1323-1325.
[3]. E.G.L Wilkins. HIV infection and AIDS. Nicki R. Colledge, Brian R.Walker, Stuart H. Ralston. Davidsons principles & practice of Medicine,21st edition. churchill livingstone , elsevier: 407-408.
[4]. David K. Handerson. Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Health care Settings. Mendell, Douglas, Bennett's. Principles and practice of Infectious Diseases,8th edition. Elsevier saunders:3361-3375.
[5]. Department of AIDS control ,National AIDS Control Organization, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India;2012.Current Epidemiological situation of HIV/AIDS. Annual report,2012-13.
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Abstract: Introduction: Mass lesions are seen in the uterus in 15 to 20% of women in the reproductive age group. Transabdominal(TAS) ultrasound(USG) is the screening imaging modality of choice. Definitive characterisation of the site, location, endometrial distorsion and number of lesions are important to decide on the treatment Aims and objectives: We compared the sensitivity and specificity of Magnetic resonance Imaging (MRI), TAS, Transvaginal ultrasound (TVS) in detecting and characterizing the uterine mass lesions. Material and methods: We prospectively studied patients with suspected uterine masses .They were subjected to TAS, TVS and MRI examination...............
Keywords: Adenomyosis, Cervical polyp, Endometrial ca, Fibroid, Uterine mass
[1]. Padubidri VG, Daftary SN. Shaw's Textbook of gynecology. Elsevier Health Sciences; 2014 Dec 11.
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Abstract: Polyacetal resin is well known material in medical field for various applications such as for artificial heart valves and artificial hip joints. In dentistry the material among its other applications, is used for removable partial dentures. The article presents rehabilitation of a patient with maxillary defect using polyacetal resin obturator prostheses. The patient was rehabilitated 5 years ago with chrome-cobalt removable partial denture. The patient complained of worn out denture teeth & ill-fitting of existing prostheses................
Keywords: Maxillary defect, acetal resin, prostheses, aesthetics
[1]. Fitton JS, Davies EH, Homlett JA et al. The physical properties of a polyacetal denture resin. Clin Mater 1995; 17:125-129.
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[5]. Sykes LM, Dullabh HD, Sukha AK. Use of technopolymer clasps in prostheses for patients due to have radiation therapy. SADJ 2002; 57:29-32.
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Abstract: Introduction Herpes zoster, zoster meaning "girdle" suggests segmental distribution. It is caused by reactivation of Varicella zoster virus, which lies dormant in sensory ganglia. It is characterized by unilateral radicular pain with vesiculobullous eruptions along the dermatomal innervation . Its incidence & pattern in this era of HIV is significant .we undertake this study to assess the incidence, pattern & evolution of Herpes zoster along with associated co-morbidities if present. Materials...............
Keywords: Herpes zoster,HIV- AIDS,post-herpetic neuralgia,dermatome,varicella zoster
[1]. Gnann JW Jr,WhitleyRJ.Clinicalpractice:Herpes zoster. N Engl J Med. 2002;347:340.
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Abstract: To assess the functional and radiological outcome of fully hydroxyapatite coated stems in hip arthroplasty. Prospective and retrospective study. Follow up 6wks,3mths,6mths,1year & then yearly. Minimum follow up of 6 months. Total No. of cases in the study : 31 patients (32 hips). All cases were done using STANDERD CORAIL stem. Mean age – 60.31years (19years to 94years). In our study all hips were operated through posterior approach. Clinical evaluation with Harris hip score (Modified) and radiological evaluation with plain x-ray pelvis with both hips and proximal femur - AP view and x-ray of the operated hip - AP view and Lateral view was done for all patients at regular intervals...............
Keywords: Corail stem, Hydroxyapatite(HA), Harris hip score (Modified), Heterotopic Ossification