Series-1 (November-2019)November-2019 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Causes and Management of Enterocutaneous Fistula |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | T.Gunalasuresh || S.Prashanth || P.Senthil |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1811010118 ![]() |
Abstract: Enterocutaneous fistulas still have a high unacceptable mortality rate and their management is very complex and is a big challenge to the surgeon. It results in some serious complications that lead to prolonged hospitalization and high cost of treatment. It also causes severe psychological distress to the patient due to severe pain and discomfort. Enteric fistulas, occurring spontaneously or in the postsurgical period, represent a significant management challenge and may result in both morbidity and occasionally mortality for the patient. The care in these patients may be complex and has led to the establishment of specialized intestinal failure units, aimed at optimizing outcome.This study is restricted only to postoperative fistulas. Properly staged definitive procedure after correcting the sepsis and improving the nutrition of the patient leads to the best results..
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Abstract: Introduction: Visual impairment is a global public health problem and glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide.Primary angle-closure glaucoma (PACG) and primary angle closure (PAC) are more common in East Asian countries than in Western countries, and the former often results in bilateral blindness. Materials and Methods: The present study was carried out during the period January 2018 to December 2018 at the Associated Hospital Govt Medical College, Baramulla in the Department of Ophthalmology. The study was a descriptive observational study. Written informed consent procedure was followed in all patients recruited into the study.......
Key Words: Visual impairment, POAG, NTG, Glaucoma
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Abstract: Background: One of the most serious problems with silicone soft liner is bondfailure between the liner and theheat polymerized acrylic denture base. Since the forces that the liningmaterial clinically exposed to, is closely related to shear and tear test, theshear test is considered an appropriate method for testing bond strength of softliners to denture base resin. Aim: The present in vitro study was conducted tocomparatively evaluate the effect of two different surface treatments on the shearbond strength between silicone soft liner and heat polymerized denture base resinafter thermocycling Materials And Methods: Thirty threeheat cure acrylic blocks of14mmx14mmx25mm were prepared and randomlydivided into three groups A, B, C of eleven blocks each, based on the method of surface treatment rendered. One of the 14mmx14mm surfaces of each block wasdesignated as test surface. Group A test surfaces......
Key Words: heat cure denture base resin, air abrasion,laser surfacetreatment, 3D surface texture analysis, soft liner,shearbond strength,Thermocycling,SEM analysis
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Abstract: Introduction: Objectives: To estimate the risks that a caesarean first birth, compared with a vaginal first birth, imposes in the second birth regarding maternal and perinatal outcomes. Methods: It was a retrospective hospital-based cohort study carried out in R. G. Kar Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata, West Bengal between July 2010 to June 2011. Total number of cases studied during that period was 2500. Results: A total of 2500 consecutive women admitted in the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, R. G. Kar Medical College & Hospital were recruited in the study. Among them 1809 women belonged to the previous vaginal delivery cohort and 691 women belonged to the previous caesarean delivery cohort. Prior caesarean delivery increases the incidence of placenta previa (1.45%, OR 2.4, p value 0.046), indeterminate APH (4.34%, OR 2.115, p 0.0026), malpresentations (6.22%, OR 1.473, p 0.047), uterine rupture (0.58%, OR 23.668, p 0.034), placenta accreta......
Key Words: Caesarean section, Second Pregnancy, First Caesarean Delivery, First Vaginal Delivery, Adverse Outcomes.
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Abstract: Introduction: Eclampsia is defined as the development of convulsions and/or coma unrelated to other cerebral conditions during pregnancy or in the post-partum period in patients with signs and symptoms of pre-eclampsia after 20weeks of gestation. Materials and methods: This study was done on "Maternal and Perinatal outcomeof eclampsia in a tertiary care centre" (KMC & GGH) fromJanuary 2018 to December 2018. The study was conductedin Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Kurnool MedicalCollege Kurnool, AP, India. The present study aims todetermine the factors affecting the maternal and perinataloutcome......
Key Words: Eclampsia, Maternal and Perinatal outcome, preeclampsia
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Abstract: Introduction: Intussusception is derived from latin words "intus" (within) and "suscipere" (to receive). Intussusception is the invagination of one part of the intestine into another. It is one of the most common causes of acute small bowel obstruction in the same age group. About 75% of cases of intussusceptions occur within the first 2 years of life and more than 40% between 3 and 9 months of age. The incidence of intussusception is said to be related to seasonal variations usually correlating with viral infections. Materials and Methods: Between January 2014 to December 2016 in a tertiary level Hospital I took sixty clinically & Ultrasonologically diagnosed cases above one and below twelve years of Intussusceptions ,resuscitation followed by non-operative where suitable but most of the cases operations were needed, either manual reduction or resection anastomosis.......
Key Words: PLP-Pathological lead points, intussusceptions.
[1]. Shapkina AN, Shapkin W, Nelubov IV, Pryanishena LT. Intussusception in children: 11-year experience in Vladivostok. Pediatr Surg Int. 2006;22:901–904. doi: 10.1007/s00383-006-1764-y.
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Abstract: Introduction: Incidence of pregnancy in women with heart disease is increasing due to the increasing number of women with congenital heart disease. Although most cardiac conditions are well tolerated during pregnancy, there are some conditions that have adverse fetal and maternal outcome. Aim: To study the prevalence of heart disease in antenatal mothers and fetal outcome from a tertiary care hospital. Materials and Methods: This is a prospective study carried out in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Kurnool Medical College and Hospital during January 2018 to March 2019 for a period of fifteen months. Of 12278 deliveries antenatal mothers having heart disease were 149 of which 110 had rheumatic heart disease, 34 had.....
Key Words: Heart Disease, Antenatal Mothers, Multi-Disciplinary Approach
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Abstract: Gynaecomastia is generally caused by increased ratio of free circulating oestrogens/androgens or altered effects of these hormones on their correspondent intracellular receptors in the mammary tissue. The pathologies influencing the levels of circulating sexual hormones (i.e. testicular or adrenal neoplasias, hepatic cirrhosis, hyperthyroidism hypogonadism obesity, refeeding syndrome. The active principles known for most frequently causing gynecomastia are exogenous oestrogens, antiandrogens, 5 alpha reductase inhibitors, spironolactone and cimetidine. Medical history plays a fundamental role in the diagnosis of drug induced gynecomastia. A large variety of......
Key Words: Gynaecomastia, Spironolactone, Decreased Testosterone Production, Conversion of Testosterone to estradiol, Spironolactone induced Gynaecomastia, Drug induced Gynaecomastia
[1]. Braunstein GD. Clinical practice. Gynecomastia. N Engl J Med. 2007;357:1229–37.
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Abstract: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major problem which leadsto long-term cognitive, behavioral, social and psychological defects. Hypopituitarism in post-traumatic brain injury was described almost one century ago. Pituitary dysfunction is common after TBI in children and adults. The most common cause of TBI is motor vehicle accidents, violence,child abuse,falls and sports injuries.The prevalence of reported hypopituitarism following TBI varies widely among published studies . Prevalence of hypopituitarism ranges from 5 to 90 %. The reported prevalence of hypopituitarism after TBI in children and adolescents is similar to the prevalence in adults, but in early childhood, the reported prevalence is lower when compared with adult data.Therefore, this study was designed to find the correlation of FT3,FT4 and TSH levels with the severity and mortality of severe traumatic brain injury patients......
Keywords: FT3(Triiodothyronine),FT4(Thyroxine),TSH(Thyroidstimulating hormone).