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Abstract: Background: Breast Cancer is one of the most common malignancies encountered in post-menopausal females in the developing countries worldwide. In post-menopausal women, breast mass is always suspected as malignancy. Various benign lesions of inflammatory etiology are also seen at this age. Aims and Objectives: - To evaluate cytomorphology of various breast lesions in postmenopausal women and its prevalence. Material and methods: -A3-year retro-prospective study of postmenopausal breast lesion (October2015to2018). A total of 102FNAC procedures were performed in department of pathology GRMC, Gwalior (M.P.) India. The data was summarized and analyzed statistically...........
Key words: Postmenopausal women breast lesion, breast cytology postmenopausal, breast FNAC, Post-menopausal breast mass.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Premature rupture of membrane: A cross-sectional Observational study |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Kaoser Jahan |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2112011015 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction: Premature rupture of membranes (PROM) is the single most frequent analysis associated with preterm delivery. The major complication of preterm PROM is early delivery. Every year around 28,000 women die due to complications of pregnancy and childbirth in Bangladesh. Nonscientific intervention in PROM made at several stages intensifies the pregnancy complications several times, thereby leading to many more deaths of the foetus and newborn. Methods:This was a cross sectional observational study carried out at the Department of Gynecology &Obstetrics,Combined Military Hospital (CMH), Dhaka, Bangladesh during the period from January 2021 to December 2021..A total of 50 pregnant patients (N=50) with PROM in the maternity unit were enrolled in this study following the inclusive criteria. Data were collected in the pre-designed data collection sheet. Data were analyzed statistical package for social science (SPSS).......
Key Word: Premature rupture of membrane(PROM), Infection,Preterm Delivery, Gestation age.
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Abstract: Introduction: Since the initial identification of Coronavirus in 2019, it has claimed a total of 4,499,311 lives worldwide as of August 28, 2021. It is a global pandemic that can spread from human to human rapidly. Although it was primarily believed that SARS-CoV-2 mainly affects the elderly and immunosuppressed, recent statistics have confirmed that COVID-19 can affect people of all ages and gender. The present study was conducted to learn more about the effects and similarities of Coronavirus on the younger population in an effort to help medical professionals and emergency workers in their fight against this global pandemic. Aim of the study: The study aims to observe the effectiveness of HRCT as a diagnostic tool indetermining Covid-19 in young patients........
Keywords: COVID, Corona, Respiratory, Chest, Youth, RT-PCR, HRCT
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Abstract: Acute kidney damage (AKI) is associated with a substantial mortality risk in critically ill patients. In developed nations, the in-hospital death rate for AKI is approximately 20%, and up to 50% for intensive care unit (ICU) patients. The only definitive treatment for the consequences of AKI is renal replacement therapy (RRT), which is expensive and not commonly available in resource-poor areas. 1 Endothelial dysfunction, hemodynamic changes, tubular damage, and intrarenal inflammation characterise the pathogenesis of AKI. Inflammation is a crucial component of the pathogenesis of AKI. Recent investigations have attributed promising prognostic and predictive significance to different possible inflammatory biomarkers in AKI.
[1]. Fan LL, Wang YJ, Nan CJ, Chen YH, Su HX. Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio is associated with all-cause mortality among critically ill patients with acute kidney injury. Clinicachimicaacta. 2019 Mar 1;490:207-13.
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[3]. MuhmmedSuliman MAR, BahnacyJuma AA, Ali Almadhani AA, Pathare AV, Alkindi SSA, Uwe WF. Predictive value of neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio in outcomes of patients with acute coronary syndrome. Arch Med Res. 2010;41:618–22.
[4]. Chen JJ, Kuo G, Fan PC, Lee TH, Yen CL, Lee CC, Tian YC, Chang CH. Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio is a marker for acute kidney injury progression and mortality in critically ill populations: a population-based, multi-institutional study. Journal of nephrology. 2022 Apr;35(3):911-20.
[5]. Wang Q, Ma J, Jiang Z, Ming L. Prognostic value of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio in acute pulmonary embolism: a systematic review and meta-analysis. IntAngiol. 2018;37(1):4–11.
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Abstract: The rhinophyma is a rare disease and the most advanced stage of rosacea affecting the nasal soft tissues and leading to disruption of nasal architecture and possibly airway obstruction and modification of the nasal aesthetic units. Clinically, there is nasal soft tissue hypertrophy, erythema, telangiectasia, bulbous nodules and lobules, with discomfort and significant psychosocial impact. The physiopathology of this disease, which is still of undetermined etiology, has led to a better understanding of the disease, resulting in multiple treatment options depending on the stage of development including: surgery; performed in two steps including decortication followed by a skin graft cover after directed healing. The choice of treatment depends on the practitioner and the patient's expectations.......
Keywords: Rhinophyma; Psychosocial impact; Functional impact; Clinical diagnosis; Decortication; Directed healing; Skin grafting.
[1]. Chauhan R, Loewenstein SN, Hassanein AH. Rhinophyma: Prevalence, Severity, Impact and Management. Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology 2020:13 537–551
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Abstract: Background: To date, there is a lack of prospective data on the subjective quality of sleep in subjects complaining of morning headaches (MH). Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of MH in the general Algerian population and their relationship to sleep disorders. Materials and Methods: We carried out between the period from 01/11/2017 to 30/11/2017 an epidemiological study on sleep in the department of El Biar (Algiers, Algeria) with a sample of 2500 people aged 18 and over. We used screening questionnaires to identify participants most likely to have experienced MH in the three months prior to the study.........
Keywords: morning headaches, epidemiology, sleep disorders, insomnia; daytime sleepiness, sleep apnea, sleepwalking, nightmares, REM sleep disorder, restless leg syndrome, sleepiness, bruxism, smoking.
[1]. Seidel S, Klösch G, Moser D, Weber M, Anderer P, Wöber C, Zeitlhofer J: Morning headaches, daytime sleepiness and sleep problems a population-based controlled study. Wiener klinWschr 2010, 122: 579–83. 10.1007/s00508-010-1464-4.
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[5]. Breslau N, Schultz LR, Stewart WF, Lipton RB, Lucia VC,Welch KM. Headache and major depression: is the associationspecific to migraine? Neurology 2000; 54:308–13.
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Abstract: Neonatal sepsis is a clinical syndrome (sepsis neonatorum ) resulting from the pathophysiologic effects of local or systemic infection .Bloodstream infections pose a major challenge to neonatal intensive care units worldwide . It affects newborns below 1 month of age and encompasses systemic infections including meningitis , pneumonia , arthritis , osteomyelitis and urinary tract infections [1, 2]. Neonates are immune- compromised and defend weakly to bacterial infections .
[1]. Vergnano S, Sharland M, Kazembe P, Mwansambo C, Heath PT. Neonatal sepsis: an international perspective. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2005;90:F220–4.
[2]. Haque KN. Defining common infections in children and neonates. J Hosp Infect. 007;2007(65):110–4.
[3]. Arora U, Devi P. Bacterial profile of blood stream infections and antibiotic resistant pattern of isolates. JK Sci. 2007;9:186–90.
[4]. Zakariya BP, Bhat V, Harish BN, Arun Babu T, Joseph NM. Neonatal sepsis in a tertiary care hospital in South India: bacteriological profile and antibi- otic sensitivity pattern. Indian J Pediatr. 2011;78:413–7.
[5]. Camacho-Gonzalez A, Spearman PW, Stoll BJ. Neonatal infectious diseases: evaluation of neonatal sepsis. Pediatr Clin N Am. 2013;60:367–89.
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Abstract: Background: In lung cancer as well as metastatic carcinoma, presence of malignant pleural effusion indicates advanced stage of cancer and hence poor prognosis.Many studies have shown that the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in the serum(sNLR) can be used as a cost effective and a useful prognostic factor in different types of cancer. In this study we investigated the clinical impact of serum NLR (sNLR) and NLR in pleural fluid(mNLR) as prognostic factors in malignant pleural effusion (MPE) and thereby decide the appropriate therapy for the patients. Materials and Methods:In this study we retrospectively reviewed 12o patients with age 18 years or above, who were diagnosed with malignant pleural.......
Key Word: Malignant pleural effusion, sNLR, mNLR, Prognostic factors
[1]. Roberts ME, Neville E, Berrisford RG, Antunes G, Ali NJ. Management of a malignant pleural effusion: British thoracic society pleural disease guideline 2010. Thorax.2010;65 Suppl 2:ii32-40.
[2]. Light RW. Pleural diseases. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2013.
[3]. Froudarakis ME. Pleural effusion in lung cancer: more questions than answers. Respiration. 2012;83(5):367-76. https://doi.org/10.1159/000338169
[4]. Roberts ME, Neville E, Berrisford RG, et al. Management of a malignant pleural effusion: British Thoracic Society Pleural Disease Guideline 2010. Thorax 2010;6 (Suppl 2):ii32-40.
[5]. Goldstraw P, Crowley J, Chansky K, Giroux DJ, Groome PA, Rami-Porta R, et al. The IASLC lung cancer staging project: proposals for the revision of the TNM stage groupings in the forthcoming (seventh) edition of the TNM classification of malignant tumours. J Thorac Oncol. 2007;2:706-14.
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Abstract: Background: Early diagnosis may provide an advantage of preventive or interceptive treatment that may reduce disease burden and treatment duration. Since, the palatal rugae are stable structures and follow common signaling pathway during craniofacial development, its association with Angle's classes of malocclusion can be helpful for the prediction of forthcoming dentoskeletal aberrations. There were only few studies available describing association of palatal rugae with various malocclusions traits. The studies comparing Angle`s classes of malocclusion and palatal rugae characteristics were rare in Kerala population. Aim &objective: Primary objective of the study was to compare pattern of palatal rugae among different Angle`s classes of malocclusion.....
Key Word: Rugoscopy; Palatal rugae; Angle`s classes of malocclusion .
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