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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Obstructive Jaundice: A Clinical analysis with it's management |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Abhijit Sarma || Dr Purujit Choudhury |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2112060106 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Jaundice is a frequent manifestation of biliary tract disorders and the evaluation and management of obstructive jaundice is a common problem faced by the general surgeon. Obstructive jaundice of varied etiology is one of the causes of admission to hospitals across Guwahati Medical College & Hospital. To diagnose the cause, site of obstruction and management of a case of surgical jaundice is indeed a challenging task for the surgeon. Hence, a comprehensive study of the etiology, clinical presentation and management of obstructive......
Keywords: Obstructive Jaundice, Choledocholithiasis, ERCP CBD exploration, T-tube drainage, Choledocho-duodenostomy
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Abstract: Typhoid fever is a severe febrile illness caused primarily by the gram negative bacillus Salmonella enteritidis serovar Typhi.The most lethal complication of it are bleeding and ileal perforation, both arising from necrosis of Peyer's patches in the terminal ileum. The present study was conducted in 172 adult patients of Typhoid perforation admitted in 2008- 2013 treated surgically. The aim of the study to show simple repair of perforation is the justified surgical procedure in terms of morbidity, mortality and cost effectiveness. Duration of perforation, number of.....
Key Word: Typhoid perforation, repair of perforation, primary ileostomy, repair with ileo transverse anastomosis.
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Abstract: Liposarcomas are malignant tumors, located in the deep soft tissues. Relatively rare, they are located preferentially in the limbs. The positive diagnosis is essentially anatomopathological and allows to orientate the management. We report a series of four cases of liposarcoma, which underwent surgical excision with complementary radiotherapy. The objective of this study is to show the importance of a histological examination of any lipomatous swelling relatively benign, of an early diagnosis and the necessity of a multidisciplinary concertation, directing towards an adapted management guaranteeing a better prognosis.
Key Word: Liposarcoma; Diagnosis; Treatment, Prognosis
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Abstract: Background - Modern culture is dominated by digital media and screens in all of their forms, which has an impact on both children's and adults' lives. The excessive use of screens have been associated with behavioural problems, obesity, sleep disorders, and impaired cognitive growth in some individuals. While a few earlier studies have suggested that sleep issues are becoming more prevalent in children, very few studies have looked at the relationship between children's screen time and headache and sleep quality. The current study was done in order to determine whether there is a connection between more screen time and various symptoms in children........
Key Word: Digital screen time, headache, Eye pain, Physical activity
[1]. Hale L, Kirschen GW, LeBourgeois MK, Gradisar M, Garrison MM, Montgomery-Downs H, Kirschen H, McHale SM, Chang AM, Buxton OM. Youth screen media habits and sleep: sleep-friendly screen behavior recommendations for clinicians, educators, and parents. Child and adolescent psychiatric clinics of North America. 2018 Apr 1;27(2):229-45.
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Abstract: Introduction: Burn is a complex disease process, a trauma to physique as well as psyche. Visible disfigurement caused by burns translates into an altered pattern of socialization which in turn can have serious psychological ramifications. Patients with burns require immediate specialized care in order to minimize morbidity and mortality. So, the important part of the management of burns is wound management. Objective: To assess the efficacy of topical heparin in burn wound management. Methods: Prospective interventional study was carried out at the Department of Burn and Reconstructive Surgery, faculty of Paediatric........
Key Word: Topical heparin, second-degree burn, pain
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study on Pattern of Vascular Insufficiency and Its Clinical Out Come In Diabetic Foot Patients – Original Article |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | xxx |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2112062632 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Diabetes mellitus has a marked impact on the quality of life due to the acute and long-term complications secondary to the involvement of micro & macro vasculature with the progression of the natural history of the disease. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES:1. To study the pattern of vascular insufficiency in patients with Diabetic foot using Ultrasound Color Doppler (UCD) 2. To determine its association with clinical outcome which was studied in terms of admissions, minor and major amputations, follow up and mortality. Materials and Methods: Prospective study in the Department of General Surgery Government Medical College , Nellore. Patients age between 30years.......
Key Word: Diabetic foot, colour doppler, gangrene, amputation
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Abstract: Amino acid content, protein profile and phytochemical analysis of leaves, green coffee, black coffee and fruit peels are important because they are beneficial for health. The research aimed at analyzing the amino acids and phytochemicals of leaves, green coffee, black coffee and rinds of Robusta coffee fruit originating from Jember Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia. This study used Robusta coffee from Jember district, Indonesia, which was extracted by maceration of 96% ethanol, then the ultrasonication method was carried out. Amino acid analysis was carried out by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Protein profiling by SDS Page electrophoresis. Phytochemical......
Key Word: Coffee; proteins; amino acid; phytochemicals; health
[1]. Adzkiya M Agung Zaim., Agung PrayudhaHidayat., 2022. Phytochemical, Total Phenol and Antioxidant Activity of Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica) at the Same Roasting Level. Jurnal Sains Terapan: WahanaInformasi dan AlihTeknologiPertanian. 12(1): 101 – 112.
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: Childhood immunization is an effective public health initiative aimed at reducing the burden of vaccine preventable diseases (VPDs) and deaths among children, particularly under-fives. It averts an estimated 2.5 million deaths per year in all age groups from VPD. Childhood immunization is an act of inducing immunity to a child by applying a vaccine that almost guarantees protection from many major diseases. OBJECTIVE: To determine the factors affecting childhood immunization among mothers in Umueze in OsisiomaNgwa Local Government Area of Abia State.......
Key Word: Factors, Affecting, Uptake, Childhood, Immunization, Mothers, Osisiomangwa
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Abstract: Background Due to its prevalence, the significant financial and social toll it takes on society, the variety of unfavorable consequences it has on the body, and the connections it has with other illnesses, diabetes mellitus is becoming more and more recognized as a critical worldwide health issue. It has a significant genetic component, and the likelihood of developing it is significantly higher in family members of people with diabetes, but it also has an environmental component because those who live together are more likely to do so. The most world's Current Insulin Report from the International......
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