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Abstract: Rhinoplasty enhances facial harmony and the proportions of the nose. This procedure is still gaining in interest and certainly represents a large portion of aesthetic surgery practice with more than 18.000 procedures in Italy. Bloodless Atraumatic Technique is an innovation in surgery that reduces pain, discomfort and complications in most of the patients and which could be used in all areas of surgery. Given the mounting evidence that the use of BAT in any field of surgery is predictable, and safe we decided to implement the procedure in all rhinoplasties in our private practice....
Key words: rhinoplasty, atraumatic technique, complications
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[3]. Vian HNK, Berger CAS, Barra DC, Perin AP. Revision rhinoplasty: physician-patient aesthetic and functional evaluation. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2018 Nov-Dec;84(6):736-743. doi: 10.1016/j.bjorl.2017.08.011. Epub 2017 Sep 14. PMID: 29074124; PMCID: PMC9442826.
[4]. Taha M, AlZubaidi HAA, Alrezqi AAA, Alsulbi AMO, Alrashdi AAA, Alzubaidi AAK, Alqarni ASA. Adult Knowledge About Postoperative Complications of Rhinoplasty in the Western Region of Saudi Arabia. Cureus. 2023 Apr 5;15(4):e37183. doi: 10.7759/cureus.37183. PMID: 37159787; PMCID: PMC10163213.
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Abstract: Sleep is essential for overall health and well being, however medical students often face challenges in the form of insomnia or sleep related disorders. This cross sectional study investigates the factors influencing the incidence of insomnia in medical students at Tbilisi State Medical University during the 2022-2023 academic year. Using an online questionnaire, data was collected from 174 respondents with self reported insomnia, and processed with spreadsheet software. The questionnaire collected demographic information, data regarding sleeping patterns, and asked respondents to choose 'yes' or 'no' for each factor and its effect on their self reported insomnia. After applying inclusion and exclusion factors 122 responses were used for analysis. Chi-square analysis was conducted....
Key words: Insomnia, Medical Students, Excessive Workload, Mental Health Issue, Sleep Hygiene, Academic Performances
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mucocèle Fronto-Ethmoïdale A Extension Orbitaire |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Salma Regeraji || Boulaades Malik |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2209052831 ![]() |
Abstract: Résumé : Les mucocèles sont des formations pseudokystiques développées au dépens des sinus de la face suite à une accumulation du mucus par obstruction des voies d'évacuation , d'évolution lente et silencieuse. Nous rapportons un cas de mucocèle fronto-éthmoïdale à extension orbitaire. Il s'agit d'un patient âgé de 45ans qui a présenté une exophtalmie grade I de l'oeil gauche évoluant depuis 12 mois refoulant le globe en bas et en dehors associée à une tuméfaction frontale et une baisse progressive de l'acuité visuelle. Le scanner a montré une mucocèle fronto-ethmoïdale.....
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Abstract: The description of lesions of the bronchial mucosa during Covid-19 remains exceptional in the literature review. Our observation concerns a 29-year-old patient with no history presenting an acute clinical situation made up of the combination of subcutaneous emphysema and pneumomediastinum whose etiological exploration confirms the diagnosis of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS COV-2). The peculiarity of our work is the discovery of a bizarre appearance during the bronchoscopy performed during this clinical presentation which is described as rare in Covid-19.
Key words: Covid19; Pneumonia; Pneumomediastinum; Bronchial mucosa; Bronchoscopy
[1]. Guang-Shing C, Varghese TK And Park DR. Pneumomediastinum And Mediastinitis. Murray And Nadel's Textbook Of Respiratory Medicine. 6°Ed. 2016; 84: 1496-1510.E12.
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[4]. Vergnon J-M, Trosini-Desert V, Fournier C, Lachkar S, Dutau H, Guibert N, Et Al. Bronchoscopy Use In The COVID -19 Era. Respir.Med And Res. 2020; 78: Pp. 100760.
[5]. Groenendijk MR, Hartemink KJ, Dickhoff C, Geeraedts Jr L MG, Terra M, Thoral P, Et Al. Pneumomediastinum And Bilateral Pneumothorax After High Energy Trauma: Indications For Emergency Bronchoscopy. Respir.Med.Case Rep. 2014; 13: 9-11.
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Abstract: The evolution of supportive computer technology over time has resulted in the chairside design and milling of complete crowns and multiple unit ceramic restorations to a high standard. In the past 25 years, materials have been introduced as chairside CAD/CAM systems which have evolved The first commercially available system was the CEREC system, develo ped by Professor Werner H. Mörmann. From a ceramic block, inlay was built out and was set into the affected tooth on the same day. All CAD/CAM systems have three functional components: 1) Data capture or scanning to capture and record data about the oral environment. 2) CAD to design the restoration to fit the preparation and to perform according to conventional dental requirements. 3) CAM to.....
Key words: CAD/CAM, Materials, Evolution, Review Article.
Liu PR . A Panorama Of Dental CAD CAM Restorative Systems. Compendium . 2005 Jul ;26(7):507 13.
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Abstract: Introduction Multi-drug resistant Enterobacter cloacae is one of the major causes of nosocomial infection. A vaccination approach would be effective to prevent the burden of disease related to this organism. Hence, the present study aimed to evaluate the memory B cell response after intradermal immunization of formaldehyde-inactivated Enterobacter cloacae in a murine infection model. Methods The present in vivo study was conducted on swiss albino female mice in the department of Microbiology of Dhaka Medical.......
Key words: Vaccine, Gram negative bacteria, Enterobacter cloacae, Memory B cell response, MDR bacteria
[1]. Salimiyan Rizi K, Ghazvini K, Farsiani H. Clinical And Pathogenesis Overview Of Enterobacter Infections. Reviews In Clinical Medicine. 2020;6: 146–154.
[2]. Bae S, Kim T, Kim M-C, Chong YP, Kim S-H, Sung H, Et Al. Clinical Characteristics And Outcomes Of Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis Caused By Enterobacter Species Versus Escherichia Coli: A Matched Case-Control Study. BMC Infectious Diseases. 2016;16: 1–6.
[3]. Gomez-Simmonds A, Annavajhala MK, Wang Z, Macesic N, Hu Y, Giddins MJ, Et Al. Genomic And Geographic Context For The Evolution Of High-Risk Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacter Cloacae Complex Clones ST171 And ST78. Mbio. 2018;9: 10–1128.
[4]. Wilson BM, El Chakhtoura NG, Patel S, Saade E, Donskey CJ, Bonomo RA, Et Al. Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacter Cloacae In Patients From The US Veterans Health Administration, 2006–2015. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2017;23: 878.
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Abstract: Trauma is the most common cause of finger amputations along with other causes like congenital absences, diseases and malformations. This in turn impacts the physical, social and psychological well-being of the patient. In such cases the objective of finger prosthesis is to restore some amount of movement as well as natural appearance to the lost segments of the finger. This case report describes a method to fabricate a hollow silicone finger prosthesis using dowel pins.......
Key words: Hollow finger prosthesis; silicone prosthesis; three piece mould; dowel pin
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Abstract: Nasopalatine duct cysts are the most common developmental non-odontogenic cysts in the oral cavity. The remnants of the nasopalatine duct's embryology give birth to nasopalatine duct cysts. The cyst is frequently asymptomatic and is associated with swelling that is typically found in the anterior palate's midline. The nasopalatine duct's epithelial remains are the source of the cyst. The cells may naturally activate during life or may eventually be triggered by the irritative effects of different substances (infection, etc.). The definitive diagnosis should be supported by histological.......
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Abstract: Genetic variations in the X linked dystrophin gene results in a spectrum of milder phenotypes of BMD to severe phenotype of DMD. Dystrophinopathies can present as hyperCKemia, c ramps, rhabdomyolysis, dilated cardiomyopathy, cognitive decline, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and learning disability. The incidence of DMD in live male births is 1 in 3500 to 1 in 5000. BMD is much less common with a prevalence of 1 in 17,500 to 1 in 50,000. The prevalence of DMD is lower than BMD mainly because of the reduced survival.....
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