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Abstract: OBJECTIVE: To correlate incidental finding of meconium stained amniotic fluid(MSAF) in elective repeat cesarean section less than 39 weeks and determining the maturity of fetus and thereby deciding the timing at which elective repeat cesarean can be performed METHOD: It is a case study series conducted in department of obstetrics and gynaecology in Apollo KH hospital from december 2021 to December 2023 on women who underwent elective repeat cesarean section less than 39 weeks for various personal reasons and was incidentally found to have meconium stained liquor.......
Incidental Finding Of Meconium-Stained Amniotic Fluid In Elective Cesarean Deliveries: Features And Perils. Int J Gynaecol Obstet
Cunningham, F.G., Leveno, K.J., Bloom, S.L., Hauth, J.C., Gilstrap III, L.C. And Wenstrom, K.D. (2005) Williams Obstetrics. 22nd Edition, Mcgraw Hill, New York.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mucinous Carcinoma Of The Appendix- Unveiled- A Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prof. Dr. S. Thirunavukkarasu || Dr. R. Medhini |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2302020306 ![]() |
Abstract: Appendicular carcinoma though extremely rare in incidence may commonly present as acute appendicitis or perforation. Here we present a case of high-grade mucinous carcinoma of the appendix that presented as acute appendicitis with appendicular perforation in this 56yr old female. Initial imaging, USG, done in an outside hospital revealed tip of the appendix to be perforated along with appendicitis. Subsequently, patient was taken up for emergency open appendicectomy. Intra-operatively, mucocele of the appendix was noted with an inflamed appendix. Post-operative HPE was followed up, which revealed high grade mucinous carcinoma of the appendix. This case report is a review of previous literature the hopes to emphasize the need for proper follow-up of patients post-operatively to watch out for the incidence of such rare conditions.
Key Word: Acute appendicitis, appendicular perforation, mucinous carcinoma of the appendix, carcinoma of the appendix, mucocele
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Abstract: Background: Osteoporosis is a common cause of morbidity particularly in the aged. A simple method for performing opportunistic bone density screening in CT study involving the vertebral body has already been described in literature. The aim of the study was to establish the Hounsfield Unit for the vertebral body for T12 and L1 vertebrae in CT cases presenting to the Radiodiagnosis department. Materials and Methods: The CT images of abdomen and Thorax which include T12 and L1 vertebrae were included in the study. The vertebrae were analyzed in the bone window in axial and sagittal plane (Radiant software) and ovoid ROI were placed and HU were recorded.........
Keywords: Hounsfield Unit , vertebrae, bone density
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Abstract: Objective: To explore the severity of dry eye conditions and meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) by using visual display terminals in IT Proffessionals. Methodology: Prospective, case-control study carried out in Bhubaneswar 106 eyes of 53 patients (screen work time .4 hour per day) were recruited as the Long use of visual display terimal group; 80 eyes of 40 control subjects (VDT time ≤ 4 hour per day) served as the Short screen time group. A questionnaire of Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) and multiple.....
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Abstract: Background: With the advancement of 3D imaging technology, dentists now have access to sophisticated diagnostic and treatment planning tools. This research examines the latest advancements and practical uses of 3D imaging in dentistry across a range of specializations. Materials and Methods: Reputable academic databases were used to perform a thorough literature review. Articles describing developments in 3D imaging technology in dentistry that were published in English during the last five years (2018–2023) were considered. After screening, 114 of the 1219 originally found articles satisfied the inclusion requirements....
Keywords: 3D, Imaging, dentistry
[1]. Abu Arqub, Sarah Et Al. 2021. "Does Mini Screw Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion (Marpe) Have An Influence On Airway And Breathing In Middle-Aged Children And Adolescents? A Systematic Review." International Orthodontics 19(1): 37–50. Https://Pubmed.Ncbi.Nlm.Nih.Gov/33516650/ (February 1, 2024).
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Abstract: Introduction: Dental caries is an irreversible microbial disease of the calcified tissues of the teeth, characterized by demineralization of the inorganic part and destruction of the organic substance of the tooth, which often leads to cavitation. Individual types of teeth have different tendency of dental caries possibly due to their morphological characteristics such as deep fissures, grooves and pits, creating challenges for maintaining healthy teeth. Aim: To assess the association between dental caries in permanent molars and other permanent teeth in adult population of Hyderabad.......
Keywords: Dental caries; Permanent molars; Intraoral camera; Prevalence; Hyderabad
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Abstract: Von Willebrand disease is a hereditary bleeding disorder. This disease can be severe and life threatening anytime in her lifetime, more critical in pregnant women during labour and subsequently during early puerperium. Early diagnosis can help in minimizing and controlling blood loss and to reduce maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. We are discussing a case of a pregnant woman with type 3 Von Willebrand disease, who presented to Niloufer Hospital, Hyderabad. We are presenting how early diagnosis, regular antenatal checkups, multidisciplinary approach helped in successful outcome by transfusing timely adequate Antihemophilic Factor/von Willebrand Factor Complex. Prompt diagnosis, frequent surveillance, multidisciplinary approach with hematologist landed us in good outcome......
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Abstract: Background: Serum uric acid has not yet been proven to be a cardiovascular risk factor, and the relationship between it and ischemic heart disease is still debatable. Aim of the study: The aim of our study was to investigate the relationship of serum uric acid level and angiographic severity of coronary artery disease in patients with ST segment and non ST segment elevated myocardial infarction. Methods: This cross-sectional analytical study was conducted in the department of Cardiology, National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases.......
KEYWORDS: Coronary artery disease, Cardiovascular, Angiographic Severity, Serum uric acid
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Abstract: Background: Non-malignant tracheoesophageal is an unusual and difficult problem to manage. The most common reason is a complication of tracheostomy tubes. Most are diagnosed while patients still require mechanical ventilation. Tracheotomy is a frequently performed technique. The different techniques of tracheotomy are defined. The potential advantages and disadvantages of surgical and percutaneous tracheotomy versus endotracheal intubation are discussed. Low-pressure, high-volume cuffs should be used. The cuff pressure should.......
KEYWORDS: Non-malignant; Tracheotomy; Ventilation; Percutaneous
[1]. Terrell JE, Ronis DL, Fowler KE, Bradford CR, Chepeha DB, Prince ME, Teknos TN, Wolf GT, Duffy SA. Clinical predictors of quality of life in patients with head and neck cancer. Archives of Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery. 2004 Apr 1;130(4):401-8.
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: Ameloblastoma is the most common odontogenic tumour arising from odontogenic epithelium.It is often aggressive and destructive, with the capacity to attain great size, erode bone and invade adjacent structures. Most of the UA clinically and radiographically resemble denigerous cysts in behaviour. The lesion histologically shows typical ameloblastomatous epithelium lining part of the cyst cavity with or without and/or mural tumor growth. Unicystic ameloblastoma usually presents in posterior mandibular ramus region, while it is rare and atypical in posterior maxillary region.......
KEYWORDS: Unicystic ameloblastoma, Enucleation, Cystic lesion.
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Abstract: Nutrigenomics is a rising branch of science that utilizes advanced tools to evaluate the advantages of diet and nutrition on different diseases at the molecular and genetic levels. It delves into the association between dietary regimes and the sustenance of overall health. This article delves into the pivotal role of nutrients in upholding periodontal health. It also sheds light on the application of nutrigenomics in discerning the intricate interplay between genotype, phenotype, and diet, and its influence on an individual's periodontal well-being. Furthermore, the impact of dietary modifications on the progression of periodontal diseases is also discussed.
KEYWORDS: Nutrigenomics, Nutrigenetics, Periodontitis
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Abstract: Background: Conventional periodontal screening methods including Community Periodontal Index which are used for the detection of periodontal diseases are time consuming and not cost effective even though they are precise and effective. The current study is aimed at testing the accuracy of periodontal screening using salivary biomarkers (Ferritin and Lactate dehydrogenase) in assessing periodontal diseases and compare it to routine periodontal examination. Materials and Methods: Study population consisted of 60 subjects in which both conventional and biochemical screening methods are carried.......
KEYWORDS: Periodontitis, Screening, Community Periodontal Index, Saliva test
[1]. Yoshiaki Nomura1, Ayako Okada1 , Erika Kakuta1 , Takahide Gunji2, Seiji Kajiura3 And Nobuhiro Hanada1* A New Screening Method For Periodontitis: An Alternative To The Community Periodontal Index
[2]. Indices For Measuring Periodontitis: A Literature Review Kunaal Dhingra1 And Kharidhi Laxman Vandana2,*
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[4]. Nomura Y, Shimada Y, Hanada N, Numabe Y, Kamoi K, Sato T, Et Al. Salivary Biomarkers For Predicting The Progression Of Chronic Periodontitis. Arch Oral Biol. 2012;57:413–20.
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Abstract: Introduction
I solated Hoffa fract ure is an infrequent injury.the purpose of this study was to evatuate the
function outcome and complication of surgically managed Hoffa fracture with cannulated cancellous screw
Material and methods
: this study was conducted at Nalanda medical collage a nd hospital ,patna ,bihar,from
December 2022 to December 2023 with total sample 15 patients as a sample size.
fifteen patient with Hoffa's fracture were treated with cannuted cancellous screws included 8 male and.......
KEYWORDS: Hoffa Fracture, Intra articular Fracture of Distal Femur
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Abstract: Diabetic muscle infarction, a rare and under recognized complication seen in poorly controlled diabetes mellitus. Currently, there isn't a universally agreed-upon set of guidelines for treating diabetic muscle infarction (DMI), a rare and often overlooked complication linked to poorly managed diabetes. This condition manifests as sudden, intense muscle pain and swelling, particularly in the lower limbs. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using Short TI Inversion Recovery (STIR) sequences is the preferred diagnostic tool. Treatment typically involves using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), ensuring rest, and maintaining good control of blood sugar levels, which usually suffice for managing most cases. We are hereby reporting a case of DMI from a tertiary care setup which raised considerable diagnostic dilemma.
KEYWORDS: Complications of Diabetes, Muscle Infarction, Diabetic Myonecrosis
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Abstract: Plantar fasciitis is the chief cause for irritation in plantar fascia. Plantar fascia is a non- elastic, thick, multi-layered connective tissue that origin at the medial tuberosity of the heel as well as surrounding perifascial structures. Conservative treatment opinion for plantar fasciitis is mainly to reduce the pain which includes rest, cryotherapy, compression and elevation of foot, soft tissue and joint manipulation, TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT), muscle strengthening, insoles. Patients are advised to use MCR footwear, Stretching and strengthening exercises are important to improve the functional ability and muscle weakness of foot and tightness of Achilles tendon, and therapeutic ultrasound is most advised to relieve pain..........
KEYWORDS: phonophoresis, plantar fasciitis, FAAM scale, VAS scale, ultrasound therapy, diclofenac gel.
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