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Abstract: Background: Neurodegenerative diseases are a collection of diverse and devastating conditions that can have severe downhill effects on the affected patient and family members. It therefore becomes essential to detect and diagnose them at an early stage. Various validated scoring systems can be used to assess neurodegenerative disease changes on routine MRI scans of the brain. Aims and objectives:Retrospective analysis of.......
Keywords: MRI, Neurodegenerative diseases, Cognitive Impairment, Alzheimers Disease, Dementia scoring systems
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Abstract: Background: End stage renal disease (ESRD) is the irreversible dysfunctional activities of the kidney, of which mortality is inevitable in the absence of dialysis or kidney transplant. Vascular access is critical in the dialysis of ESRD patients. The Vascular Surgeon plays a crucial role in the provision of vascular access for haemodialysis in this group of patients. Objective: To determine the causes of End stage renal disease (ESRD) in patients who presented for haemodialysis vascular access interventions......
Keywords: End stage renal disease, Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus, Dialysis, Vascular access
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Abstract: This observational consider looked for to etymologically adjust and socially adjust the Bengali version of the Discourse, Spatial, and Qualities of Hearing Scale (SSQ) for both children and their guardians within the interesting setting of Bangladesh. Additionally, the study aimed to evaluate the validity of diagnostic of the modified instrument. The participants consisted of Thirty Bengali children who can hear normally, aged between 3 and 10 years....
Keywords: Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing Scale, SSQ, Cultural adaptation, Validation, Pediatric cochlear implant, CI outcomes measures
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Abstract: Background: Segmental thoracic spinal anesthesia (STSA) selectively administers local anesthetic agents to specific thoracic spinal segments, providing regional anesthesia below the targeted area. Conversely, general anesthesia (GA) induces unconsciousness and immobility by administering anesthetic drugs systemically. This study aimed to compare the efficacy ofsegmental thoracic spinal anesthesia and general anesthesiain breast cancer surgery. Methods: This multicenter comparative observational study was conducted at the Department of Anesthesiology, in multiple hospitals in.....
Key Word: Comparison, Segmental thoracic spinal anesthesia, General Anesthesia, Breast cancer, Surgery
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Abstract: Introduction: Morbidity related to hypertrophic scars and contractures which are well-known sequelae after burns remains high and has increased as more severely burned patients are surviving. The goal in management is to restore the function and form of the origin. The objectives of surgical intervention are releasing the scar, restoring cervical movements, appearance, and natural profile, and avoiding the recurrence of contracture.
Methods: This study was conducted on patients admitted to our institution with seven cases of post-burn neck contracture who underwent operative treatment using Integra and skin grafting.
Results: seven.....
Keywords: Integra, burn scars, neck contracture
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Abstract: Résumé Objectif : La couverture des tissus mous de la cheville constitue un défi pour le chirurgien. Le but de cette étude est de décrire l'efficacité du lambeau supra malléolaire latéral comme option pour la réparation des pertes de substance de la cheville, résultant de l'exérèse de séquelles cicatricielles d'étiologies multiples. Méthodes : Nous avons mené une étude rétrospective étalée sur 4 ans au sein du service de Chirurgie Plastique, Réparatrice et des Brûlés de l'Hôpital Militaire d'Instruction Mohammed V de Rabat incluant 9 patients admis pour couverture d'une perte de substance de la cheville par un lambeau supra malléolaire latéral perforant. Résultats : neuf.....
Keywords: Lambeau supra malléolaire, perte de substance, cheville, lambeau perforant
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Abstract: Summary Lyell's syndrome or toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) is one of the rare major complications of Lamotrigine treatment. Its management has not yet been codified. It requires urgent, extensive intervention adapted to each patient to reduce mortality. We describe a case of Lyell syndrome that occurred eight days after initiation of treatment with Lamotrigine as part of a therapeutic protocol for bipolar disorder in a 36-year-old female inpatient. It is vital to report the importance of raising awareness and providing personalized information to patients and prescribing physicians on the risks associated with the use of antiepileptic drugs in psychiatric disorders
Keywords : Lamotrigine, Lyell syndrome, antiepileptic, bipolar disorder
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Abstract: Background:Candida albicans is a common oral fungal pathogen that frequently colonizes denture surfaces, leading to denture-related stomatitis. Denture adhesive usage is widespread, yet the impact of smoking on the efficacy of denture adhesives in preventing Candida albicans growth remains unclear.This in vivo study aims to assess the influence of smoking on the effectiveness of denture adhesive in Candida albicans growth on denture surfaces. The study also investigates whether there are differences in this outcome between smokers and non-smokers.....
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Abstract: Background: Hearing loss is an extremely common medical condition, progressing in incidence and severity with age. The affected population is also vast, varying between neonates to elderly people, and is nearly omnipresent in the 70+ age group. In India there is an overall prevalence of hearing loss of 26.9% among persons aged 5 years and over. 15.8% had a sensorineural hearing loss, 10.3% had a conductive hearing loss and 0.8% had a mixed hearing loss. Pure tone audiometry is the main hearing test used to identify hearing threshold levels of an individual,....
Keywords : Audiometry, pure tone audiometry, conductive hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss.
[1]. Vos T, Allen C, Arora M, Barber R, Bhutta Z, Brown A Et Al. Global, Regional, And National Incidence, Prevalence, And Years Lived With Disability For 310 Diseases And Injuries, 1990–2015: A Systematic Analysis For The Global Burden Of Disease Study 2015. Lancet 2015;388(10053):1545–1602. Https://Doi.Org/ 10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31678-6
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[5]. Gbd 2017 Disease And Injury Incidence And Prevalence Collaborators. Global, Regional, And National Incidence, Prevalence, And Years Lived With Disability For 354 Diseases And Injuries For 195 Countries And Territories 1990-2017: A Systematic Analysis For The Global Burden Of Disease Study 2017. Lancet. 2018;392:1789-858.
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Abstract: Collet-Sicard syndrome is a rare clinical manifestation of unilateral palsy of the mixed cranial nerves (from IX to XII). A 37 year-old man was presented, three weeks after a trauma of the left cranio-cervical region, for hoarseness voice, difficulty swallowing, left neck pain and weakness in the left shoulder. The neurological examination uncovered dysfunction on the left side of cranial nerves IX, X, XI, and XII. A cervical computed tomography scan detected a fracture of the left occipital condyle at the skull base. The patient was managed conservatively by immobilization of the cervical spine and orthophonic rehabilitation. Total neurological recovery was noted one year after the injury
Keywords : Collet-Sicard syndrome; occipital condyle; skull base fracture; cranial nerves palsy
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Nephrotic Syndrome As A Cause Of Transient Clinical Hypothyroidism |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Anubhav Das || Dr Nk Gupta |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2303035455 ![]() |
Abstract: Nephrotic syndrome may trigger the onset of hypothyroidism, promoting massive urinary protein losses including thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) along with their binding proteins. However, in patients with prolonged and severe proteinuria, especially with concomitant low thyroid reserve, urinary losses of free and protein-bound thyroid hormones are sufficiently pronounced to induce a subclinical or overt hypothyroidism. We reported a case of a 25-year-old man with previous normal thyroid function who developed overt hypothyroidism due to a severe nephrotic syndrome, requiring supplementation with levothyroxine (LT).
[1]. P. Dousdampanis, K. Trigka, G. A. Vagenakis, And C. Fourtounas, "The Thyroid And The Kidney: A Complex Interplay In Health And Disease," The International Journal Of Artificial Organs, Vol. 37, No. 1, Pp. 1–12, 2014.
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[3]. L.-Z. Li, Y. Hu, S.-L. Ai Et Al., "The Relationship Between Thyroid Dysfunction And Nephrotic Syndrome: A Clinicopathological Study," Scientific Reports, Vol. 9, No. 1, P. 6421, 2019.
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[5]. S. H. Jung, J. E. Lee, And W. Y. Chung, "Changes In The Thyroid Hormone Profiles In Children With Nephrotic Syndrome," Korean Journal Of Pediatrics, Vol. 62, No. 3, Pp. 85–89, 2019.
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Abstract: Background: FNAC is a simple and cost-effective diagnostic modality for thyroid lesions with high specificity and accuracy. Cytological analysis in conjunction with thyroid hormone profile andAnti-Thyroid Peroxidase antibodies helps clinicians determine the course of therapy in effective management of patients with thyroid lesions.The present study aimed at to describe the cytomorphological features of Thyroid swellings and correlate with thyroid hormone status in patients presented with diffuse swelling/solitary nodule of thyroid. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study conducted at Department of Pathology, in collaboration with Microbiology&Otorhinolaryngology Dept, AGMC during....
Keywords : FNAC, Thyroid Nodules, thyroiditis, Thyroid Function Tests, Anti-Thyroid Peroxidase
[1]. Barui G, Talukdar M, Datta K, Karmakar R. A Study On Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology Of Enlarged Thyroid Gland And Its Correlation With Anti-Tpo Antibody Level In A Tertiary Care Hospital Of Eastern Region Of India. J Evolution Med Dent Sci. 2017;6(49):3772-6.
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Abstract: Pituitary apoplexy is a rare and potentially fatal endocrine and neurosurgical emergency, corresponding to sudden haemorrhage, infarction or necrosis within a pre-existing pituitary adenoma. We report the case of a 46-year-old patient who presented with sudden onset of headache with vomiting and bilateral blindness. Hormonal assessment and magnetic resonance imaging revealed a pituitary macroadenoma with haemorrhagic remodelling, and the patient underwent emergency surgery via the subfrontal route.
Keywords : Pituitary apoplexy, pituitary adenoma, hypopituitarism
[1]. Claessens M, Place S, Ruelle M, Dumasy V Et Vandemergel X : Thunderclap Headache As A Presenting Manifestation Of Pituitary Apoplexy Centre Hospitaliser Epicura, Mons Rev Med Brux 2019 ; 40 : 173-6
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[3]. Moller-Goede Di, Brandle M, Landau K, Bernays Rl, Schmid C. Pituitary Apoplexy: Re-Evaluation Of Risk Factors For Bleeding Into Pituitary Adenomas And Impact On Outcome. Eur J Endocrinol. 2011;164: 39-43.
[4]. A. Semenov, E. Denoix, M. Thiebaut, A. Michon, J. Pouchot :Pituitary Apoplexy Following Coronary Bypass Surgery: A Case Report And Literature Review 2020 Published By Elsevier
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Abstract: Introduction- anemia is considered as one of the major health problem in india. Childhood and adulthood represent a sensitive period for developmental changes therefore anemia in this formative phase of life can impair neurocognitive and pubertal development reduce work capacity and increase susceptibility to infections. Aim – to describe the prevalence of anemia among patients on the basis of their age and gender from all department of saraswathi institute of medical sciences, hapur, uttar pradesh, india. Material & methods- a study was performed on patients admitted from january 1st 2022 to may 30 2022 using hospital database.....
Keywords : anemia, age, gender.
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Abstract: Background: In the pediatric population, particularly in neonates, bacterial meningitis is a major cause of mortality and long-term neurological impairment. The objective of this study was to evaluate the bacteriological profile in terms of pathogen frequency and antibiotic sensitivity pattern in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples of the pediatric population. Materials and Methods: CSF samples of......
Keywords :CSF, Meningitis, Antibiotic sensitivity pattern
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