Version-1 (March-2018)
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Abstract: The Schedule Tribe and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 (FRA) was passed by the Indian Government to recognize rights of forest dwelling tribal communities. The Act aims to positively impact the livelihood of the forest dependent tribals, but due to the lack of clear understanding and irregular implementation this goals was not fully achieved. The present study was conducted in Tripura, where FRA was implemented to achieve sustainable land utilization and to strengthen the socio-economic status of the tribals. This study attempts to throw light on the relevance and progress of implementation of FRA in Tripura along with initiatives and benefit schemes of the government agencies to provide sustainable livelihood option through.......
Key Words: Forest Rights, Forest Governance, Tripura, Tribal livelihood, Socio-economic development, FRA 2006
[1] Office of Registrar General & Census Commissioner India, Census of India, 2011, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, New Delhi.
[2] P.K. Mishra, Forest policies and Tribal Livelihood an Organisational Perspective in Bidhan Kanti Das & Rajat Kanti Das (Ed), Rethinking Tribe in Indian Context, realities, Issies & Challenges( Rawat Publications, Jaipur, India)
[3] Asian Indigenous and Tribal People Network (AITPN), The State of the Forest Rights Act: undoing of historical injustice withered, 2012, (accessed 12.04.2015)
[4] M. Bandi,Implementation of Forest Rights Act: undoing the Historical Injustices?, Working Paper No. 117 (RULNR Working Paper No. 18), 2012, Research Unit for Livelihoods and Natural Resources- Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad.
[5] CFR-LA, Promise and Performance: Ten Years of the Forest Rights Act in India. Citizens' Report on Promise and Performance of The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006, after 10 years of its Enactment. Produced as a partt of Community Forest Rights-Learning and Advocacy Process (CFRLA), India, 2016. (accessed 6.2.2017).
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Abstract: The reoccurring nature of industrial unrest in Nigerian public universities impinges on the ethos of academic excellence thereby making the universities objects of caricature. Inadequate funding and poor state of educational facilities in public universities have provoked fear towards intellectual decline. This paper explores the synergic relationship between ASUU and FG. This study is anchored on the relative deprivation theory. It also adopted primary and secondary data from distributed copies of questionnaire, interviews, journal articles, textbooks and newspapers. This paper notes that something has to be done to avoid lecturers and professional researchers deserting the Ivory Tower. The poor state of facilities and infrastructure in the universities should immediately be revived. The study therefore, recommends that university education should be given a priority attention where the Federal government.........
Keyword: ASUU, Federal Government,Synergic relationship, Industrial harmony, Public universities
[1] Adamu, M. (2013, November 8). Why ASUU is always on strike (1). Daily Post. P15.
[2] Adeniji, A. M. (2015). An analysis of industrial relations practice in Nigeria and Ghana (Similarities and difference in system). Global Journal of Research Engineering.Retrieved from Accessed 20/07/16.
[3] Agbo, A. (2013, November 6). ASUU strike and the politics of emotion (1). The Nation. P 24-26.
[4] Ajadi, T.O. (2010). Private universities in Nigeria: The challenges ahead. American Journal of Scientific Research, 7(2): 15-24.
[5] Ajewole, I. P. (2014). Managing labour unrest in Nigerian universities. Journal of Education and policy review, 6(2): 93-108.
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Abstract: This research type is a research & development (Development & Research) with a Plump 1997 development model. The purpose of this study is to develop teaching materials based creative writing short stories in high school characters. From these research results, it appears that the validity of an average of 3.8 (good), average practicality 0.75 (high), the average effectiveness 0.79 (high) language used in teaching materials mean values were 3.5 (good). The teaching materials validity from the third validator mean value 4.50 (very valid) the instrument validity from a third validator obtained R = 0.81 (high), the test question has the sensitivity value of 0.30 (quite high). Student activity observation sheet from three observers, R = 0.80 (high). Average practicality of 0.75..........
Keyword: Teaching materials, creative writing short stories, character education
[1] Ambo Enre, Facruddin. (1994). Dasar-dasar Keterampilan Menulis. Ujung Pandang: Badan Penerbit IKIP.
[2] Depdiknas. (2004). Pengembangan Keterampilan Menulis II: Ulasan, Teks Berita, Teks Pidato, Ceramah, Pengalaman. Depdiknas.
[3] Depdiknas. (2006). Pedoman Memilih dan Menyusun Bahan Ajar. Jakarta: Direktorat Jenderal Manajemen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah.
[4] Gufron, Anik. (2010). Integrasi Nilai-nilai Karakter Bangsa pada Kegiatan Pembelajaran, dalam Cakrawala Pendidikan, Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan, Th.XXIX.
[5] Gufron, Anik. (2011). "Desain Kurikulum yang Relevan untuk Pendidikan Karakter", dalam Cakrawala Pendidikan, Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan, Th.XXX..
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Abstract: Creating jobs for young people is a major challenge now a days. In this broad global context, this paper presents a detailed profile of youth unemployment in Serampur Subdivision of Hugli district, West Bengal. Young people face major barriers because of poverty and low level of human resource. Though educational status has risen quickly in recent years both in urban and rural areas, gaining a foothold in the labour market which remains elusive for many young people leading to analyse the trend of youth unemployment , joblessness etc. This paper also offers policy recommendations for increasing productive employment and reduction in unemployment for the youth..
Keyword: Youth Unemployment, Joblessness, Vocational Training, Skill Development, Working Age, Labour Market.
[1] Chandrasekhar, C. P., J. Ghosh and A. Roychowdhury (2006) The Demographic Dividend and Young India's Economic Future, Economic and Political Weekly, 9 December, pp. 5055–5064.
[2] Clark, K.B. and L. Summers,(1982) " The dynamics of youth unemployment", in The Youth Labour Market Problem: Its Nature Causes ans Consequenses, Freeman, R. and D. Wise(eds), pp.199-234, University of Chicago Press.
[3] Dev, S. Mahendrav and M. Venkatanarayana (2011) Youth Employment and Unemployment in India, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai.
[4] Godfrey M.(2003) " Youth Employment Policy in Developing and Transition Countries-Prevention as well as cure", World Bank Social Protection Discussion Paper, 320, Washington, DC: The World Bank.
[5] Gorlich, D. Stepanok, I. and Hussami, F.A.(2012) " Tackling Youth Unemployment-Background Paper", Kiel Institute for the World Economy..
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Abstract: Rural households in many developing countries primarily use traditional biomass cookstove, but much fewer data have been collected on the extent of usage for the cookstove.The use of traditional biomass cookstove is detrimental to the environment, health and sustainable development. Based on household survey, this study assessed the extent of traditional biomass cookstove usage and related cooking practicesamong rural households in Dessert Frontline States of Northern Nigeria. The survey was performedon 392 households, who were interviewed face-to-face using structured questionnaires from November, 2016 to January, 2017. The outcomes revealed only 7.9% used kerosene as alternative cookstove while other cookstoves usage includingelectric , liquefied petroleum gasand improved cookstoves were non-existence. The average household monthly expenses on fuelwood was N3, 433.42...........
Keyword: Traditional Biomass Cookstove,Cooking Practices, Rural households, Northern Nigeria.
[1] Eleri, E. O., Ugwu, O., &Onuvae, P. (2012). Expanding access to pro-poor energy services in Nigeria. International Center for Energy, Environment and Development, Abuja, Nigeria.
[2] Ifegbesan, A. P., Rampedi, I. T., &Annegarn, H. J. (2016). Nigerian households' cooking energy use, determinants of choice, and some implications for human health and environmental sustainability.Habitat International, 55, 17-24.
[3] Bello, M. A., &Roslan, A. H. (2010). Has poverty reduced in Nigeria 20 years after.European Journal of Social Sciences, 15(1), 7-17.
[4] Gujba, H., Mulugetta, Y., &Azapagic, A. (2015). The household cooking sector in Nigeria: environmental and economic sustainability assessment. Resources, 4(2), 412-433.
[5] Babatunde, M. A., &Shuaibu, M. I. (2009). The demand for residential electricity in Nigeria: a bound testing approach. Paper presented at the A paper presented at the conference of the African econometric society, AES, Dakar.
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Abstract: Introduction: Peer Victimization/Bullying is a regular phenomenon in schools worldwide, which is increasing in recent years and is now considered a public health problem that can have serious consequences in the well being of students. Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of peer victimization and its effects in the well being of higher secondary school students. Method: This is a cross sectional study that includes students of XI and XII standards. A self-administered, semi-Structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Chi square test used to compare categorical data. A p value of <0.05 was considered significant.........
Keyword: Bullying, bully, peer, school, victimization
[1]. Abdulsalam AJ, Daihani EAl, Francis K. Peer Victimization (Bullying) among Grades 7 and 8 Middle Schools in Kuwait. Int J Pediatr 2017. Available at
[2]. Eisenberg ME, Aalsma MC. Bullying and peer victimization: Position paper of the society for adolescent medicine. J Adolesc Health 2005;36:88-91.
[3]. Turkmen N, Dokgoz H, Akgoz, Eren B, Vural P, Polat O. Bullying among High School students. J Clin Med 2013;8(2):143-52.
[4]. Srisiva R, Thirumooethi R, Sujatha P. Prevalence and prevention of school bullying – A case study of Coimbatore city, Tamil Nadu. IJHSSI 2013;2(5):36-45.
[5]. Van Blyderveen SL. Peer Victimization among British Columbia Youth. Adolescent health Survey II fact sheet. The <cCreary Centre Society. Available from:
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Gichuka Constituent Structure In Government Phonology Theory |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Dr.Nancy Mbaka || Prof. Kinyua || P. Muriungi,Ph.D |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2303015159 ![]() |
Abstract: Government Phonologyis a theory that is based on constraints.There are various versions of the theory and also newer developments. The version used in this paper is the one proposed by Kaye, Lowenstamm and Vergnaud, (1985); (1990); Kaye, (1990) and expounded on by Kula (2002).Goverment Phonology Theory replaces the rule component with a group of universal principles common to all linguistic systems in the world along with a series of parameters delimiting the nature of linguistic variation from one language system to another. It is a highly constrained theory in its view of phonological structure. Gichuka Sructure in Government Phonology Theory is presented as non-branching. The consonantal system of Gichuka is derived from the interaction of seven elements [ʔ L R h I U H A). Gichuka licensing constraints for vowels are: I must be head ,U must be head and Phonological expressions must be headed.
Keyword: Government Phonology Theory, Principles, Parameters, Constituent Structure
[1] Bernardi, B. (1959). The Mugwe: A Blessing Prophet. Nairobi: Gideon S. Were.
[2] Guthrie, M. (1967). The Classification of Bantu Languages. International African Institute, London: Dawson's of Paul Mall.
[3] Hyman, L. M. (1999). The Historical Interpretation of Vowel Harmony in Bantu. In J.M. Hombert, and L.M. Hyman, (Eds). Bantu Historical Linguistics. Stanford: CSLI publications, 235 -295.
[4] Kanana, E. (2011). Dialect Convergence and Divergence: A Case of Chuka and Imenti. In Eyamba G. Bokamba etal (Eds.). Selected Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference on African Linguistics Somerville, MA Cascadillia Proceedings Project.
[5] Kaye, J. D. (1990). 'Coda' Licensing. Phonology 7. 301 – 330
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Abstract: The purpose of this research was to develop teaching materials to write poetry in third grade elementary school in Pangkep regency in the form of syllabus, student worksheet, lesson plan, and teaching materials. This research was a development research conducted to produce teaching materials to write poetry in learning of Bahasa at school level based on environment. The design of this research was designed through a model of teaching development by Thiagarajan (1974, p. 5) known as the four-D, define, design, develop and disseminate model. The data in this study were obtained from oral data, written criticism from observers, peers, informants, team of literary experts, media, language, content and material experts. Learners and verbal, were information about the lack........
Keyword: ability to writing poetry based on environment in elementary school
[1]. Anwar, Chairil. (2000). SebelumSenjaSelesai. Yokyakarta: Hikayat Arikunto, Suharsimi. (2002). ProsedurPenelitian. Jakarta: RinekaCipta.
[2]. Clive Sansom. (1960). TheWortd Of Poetry. London: Phoenic House. Cunningsworth, Alan. (1995). Choosing Your Course-Book. Oxford: Heilnemann.
[3]. Endaswara, Suwardi. (2013). TradisiLisanJawa: WarisanAbadiBudaya Leluhur .Yokyakarta: Narasi.
[4]. Hamid, Mukhlis. (2007). AntaraHarapandanKenyataan. Online., (http://gemasastrin. Wordpress) Diakses 15 Mei 2010..
[5]. Luxemburg, Jan Van, dkk. (1984). PengantarIlmuSastra. Terjemahanoleh Dick Hartoko PT Gramedia.
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Abstract: Darjyu Lyang or the "land of God‟ or "heaven on earth‟ is believed to have given Darjeeling its name which is a corrupted form of Dorjee-ling of the Lamaist religion. Geographically, the Darjeeling Himalaya is wedged between the Central (Nepal) Himalaya to the west and the Bhutan Himalaya to the east. The region is highly complex with innumerable variety of micro and macro relief forms. The hills rise abruptly from the plains that is, approximately from about 150 m and the elevation increases north-westwards upto Sandakphu (3636 m). The two most important rivers are the river Teesta and the river Great Rangeet. Both these glacier fed rivers originate from Sikkim. While the Teesta originates from the Zemu glacier located in north Sikkim the Rangeet arises from the Rothong glacier in West Sikkim. The region shows its own climatic peculiarities caused by its geographical location, relief and a wide range of altitudinal variations ranging from 300 - 3700 m above sea level. It exhibits a typical monsoon climate, with........
1] Acharya, S.K.1972: Geology of the Darjeeling coalfields with a reference to its intrusives, Records- Geological Survey of India, GSI, 99 (2): 75-99.
[2] Atkinson, E. T., 1973: The Himalayan Gazetteer, Darjeeling, Vol. I. Part 1., Cosmo Pub.
[3] Banerjee, A.K., (ed) 1964: West Bengal District Gazetteer, Darjeeling, Govt. of West Bengal, India.
[4] Banerjee, U., 1964: A short note on the forests of Darjeeling District, West Bengal Forest Centenary Commemoration Vol., Govt. of W.B., Calcutta, pp 91-95.
[5] Bhattacharya, B. 1986: Development of tourism in India: A case study of Darjeeling, World Leisure and Recreation, Ottawa, Canada: 28(5).
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Abstract: सारांश
सीखने-सिखाने की विधियों का विद्यार्थियों की विभिन्न क्षमताओं पर प्रभाव पड़ता है। उचित अध्यापन
विधियों द्वारा आवश्यक क्षमताओं का विकास होता है, विद्यार्थियों की समझ विकसित होती है, तथा
उपलब्धि स्तर में वृद्धि होती है। प्रस्तुत शोध में गतिविधि आधारित शिक्षण विधि का, समस्या समाधान
योग्यता एवं शैक्षिक उपलब्धि पर पड़ने वाले प्रभाव का अध्ययन किया गया है। कक्षा 8वीं में गणित विषय
शिक्षण हेतु प्रयोगात्मक तथा नियंत्रित समूह........
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Competency Mapping and Its Impact on Employee Potential |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Y.Vinodhini-Professor |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2303018587 ![]() |
Abstract: It is a known fact that best people can perform at a higher level. It is also known that best people need to be engaged, identified, developed, rewarded and retained. Competency Mapping is a process through which one assesses and determines one's strengths as an individual worker and in some cases as a part of an organization "Competency Mapping" refers to a process through which the competencies of the necessary process are identified. It is done to determine the critical activities of the mandatory processes of the organization. If Competency Mapping is done, then the organization can identify its area of thrust and can take necessary actions for future implementation of the activities. In the Competency Mapping, the process is break down into sub components named as activities and the competency of all these activities are identified. This paper explores conceptually the drive of competency mapping from the employee perspective and discusses how the organization provides creating competency based culture in the organization to enhance employee potential.
Keywords: competency mapping, organization, employee, process, competencies, components
[1]. Dr VK Jain (2013): International Journal of Emerging Research in management and Technology Volume-2 Issue 10-2013 competency mapping in Indian industries A Case study. | S Balaji & D Vimala (2012): Asia pacific
[2]. S Balaji & D Vimala (2012): Asia pacific journal of marketing and management Review Volume 1 No 3 Nov 2012: A Study on competency mapping in Adecco service organizations, Chennai.
[3]. Dr P Suguna & J Tamilselvi(2013): International journal of scientific and Research publications Volume 3 May 2013, competency mapping – A Drive for Garment firms in Tirupur District.
[4]. Yukl, G. (2006). Leadership in Organizations. 6th ed., Prentice-Hall.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of tourism industry in Indian economy |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Vikram Singh Yadav |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2303018891 ![]() |
Abstract: The tourism sector plays an important role in the country's economic growth and employment generation. Tourism is the largest service industry of the country. It is an important service oriented sector which has been witnessing rapid growth in terms of gross revenue and foreign exchange earnings. It is a combination of service providers. It has joint service of both government and private. Including travel agents and operators, air, land and sea transport, guides, hotel owners, guest houses, restaurants, and shops. Along with bringing significant improvement in the standard of living and living conditions of the people living in a country, tourism also plays an important role in generating....
Keywords: Tourism, Gross Domestic Product, Investment, Foreign Exchange Earning, Medical Tourism
[1]. M. Q. Major tourist places of – Dr. Anand Kumar Pandey, M. Q. Hindi Granth Academy.
[2]. Tourism Marketing and Development – Dr. Jagmohan Negi, Takshashila Publication, New Delhi.
[3]. Tourism and Tourism Products – Dr. Sanjay Kumar Sharma, Takshashila Prakashan New Delhi.
[4]. International Tourism - Premdhar, Kanishka Publication New Delhi.
[5]. Rural Tourism - Kurukshetra February 2015..
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