Version-4 (March-2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Concept of Omoluabi and Political Development in Nigeria: The Missing Gap |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Muyiwa Samuel Adedayo |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2303040107 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper examines political leaders from the perspectives of Omoluabi (individual with good virtue) due to the level of corruption and abuses of offices among political leaders in the country. The study adopted the use of survey questionnaire based on Omoluabi perspective and political leaders in the country, data were collected from individuals at newspaper vendor stands. The findings include the following; Omoluabi is highly important to political development in Nigeria, majorly, voters contribute to the corrupt practices that political leaders exhibit. This implies that citizenry have roles to play in curbing the corruption among political leaders in the country by electing good people (Omoluabi). The study finds out that the role of citizenry encourages corruption among political leaders by selling their votes. The study recommends that citizens should use their vote as their right in electing good leaders for the country instead of selling their votes. Non-governmental organisation as well as concerned organisation should embark on sensitization programme to educate the citizenry on the use of their vote as their power to choose rightful leaders for peaceful and corruption free society..
[1] Abimbola, W. 1971.The Yoruba concept of human personality. Colloque Internationaux du Centre National de la Research Scientific, Paris. 544: 73-89.
[2] Abiodun, R. 1983. Identity and the artistic process in Yoruba aesthetic concept of iwa. Journal of Cultures and Ideas, 1 (1) :13-30.
[3] Adedimeji, M. 2009. The semantics and pragmatics of Nigerian proverbs in Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart and Ola Rotimi's The Gods are not to Blame. Retrieved December 18, 2017 from:
[4] Adegoju, A. 2009. Rhetoric in conflict-related Yoruba proverbs: Guide to constructive resolution in Africa. African Study Monographs, 30 (2): 55-69.
[5] Adreski, S. 1988. Military organization and society. Berkeley: University of California Press
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Impact of Kanyashree Scheme in West Bengal |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Najrul Mir |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2303040811 ![]() |
Abstract: In India girls are called Lakshmi( The Goddess of wealth and prosperity). But in reality we have paid a little honor to them. In this situation the Govt.Of West Bengal has launched KANYASHREE SCHEME. Kanyashree Prakalpa(scheme) is a brain child of Mamata Benerjee, Hon‟ble chief minister of West Bengal. It is a flagship scheme for the prevalence of a girl child marriage, empowerment of adolescent girls, promoting girls‟ education, to make them independent, skillful to improve the status and well being of girls. This scheme also enhances the social power and self-esteem of the girls. It is a Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) scheme for the girls between the ages of 13-18 years of lower income families. It has a versatile impact in West Bengal also in India.
Key Words: kanyashree prakalpa, women empowerment, social change, sustainable development, Brain Child.
[1] Vivekananda letters .angel fire.
[2] Annual kanyashree Report -2015-2016.
[3] Celebrating the kanyashree success –Department of women Development and social welfare.(compiled)
[4] Ibid.
[5] Ibid..
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Abstract: Language learning is a fundamental pillar of human existence as it makes it plausible for people to express their dreams, opinions, and views. The only problem is that there are various factors that affect the process of foreign language learning in the Australian learning institutions. This research focuses on the study of how attitude affects the learning processes in EAP classrooms, which fundamentally involved Arabic speaking learners. A questionnaire is the primary data collection technique and SPSS statistical tool was used to analyse the data. The SPPS mean and standard deviation results show that there is a positive attitude by the participants towards English language learning as most of the scores were above average. However, the results also indicate that attitudes by Arabic speakers affect the language learning processes. Mainly, the results show that a big number of Arab students in EAP classes have positive attitudes towards learning English. Only a few of them have negative attitudes towards English language. In conclusion, it is recommended that more research should be conducted to offer data on the overall performance in the other subjects.
[1] Abu-Rabia, S. (1996). Attitudes of Arab Minority Students in Israel and Canada Toward Learning a Second Language. Journal Of Social Psychology, 136(4), 541-544.
[2] Al-Zahrani, M. (2008). Saudi secondary school male students‟ attitudes towards English: An exploratory study. J. King Saudi University, Language and translation, 20, 25-39.
[3] Bodner, G., Klobuchar, M., & Geelan, D. (2001). The many forms of constructivism. Journal of Chemical Education, 78: 1107-1134
[4] Davis, K., Drey, N., & Gould, D. (2009). What are scoping studies? A review of the nursing literature. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 46 (2009): 1386–1400
[5] Fakeye, D. (2010). Students‟ Personal Variables as Correlates of Academic Achievement in English as a Second Language in Nigeria. Journal of Social Sciences, 22(3): 205-211.
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Abstract: Today, social media is a term that everyone knows. Even the most remote areas of the world have at least heard of Facebook and Whatsapp are probably using them on a regular basis. Social media, in its present form, has been around a relatively short term and even though you probably can‟t imagine living without it now. Social networks are the integral part of the student‟s social life. The present teaching methodology which includes the social media to enhance the students career and their personal development.
Key words: Facebook, Social media, usage of internet, whatsapp
[1] Aghazamani, A. (2010). How do University Students Spend Their Time on Facebook? An Exploratory Study. Journal of American Science, 6, 730-735.
[2] Ahmed, I. and Qazi T. F. (2011). A Look Out for Academic Impacts of Social Networking Sites: A Student Based Perspective. African Journal of Business Management, 5(12), 5022-5031. doi:10.5897/AJBM11.595
[3] Ahn, J. (2011). The Effect of Social Network Sites on Adolescents‟ Social and Academic Development: Current Theories and Controversies. , . Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 8(62), 1435–1445. doi:DOI: 10.1002/asi.21540
[4] Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York, NY: Freeman.
[5] Banquil, K., Chuna, N. A., Leano, G. A., Rivero, M. A., Bruce, C. A., Dianalan, S. N., Matienzo, A. R., & Timog, N. U. (2009). social networking sites affect one‟s academic performance adversely. Retrieved August 12, 2014, from
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Quality Education and Girl Children: A Case Study of a Slum |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Sadhana Satapathy |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2303045562 ![]() |
Abstract: Ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promotion of lifelong learning opportunity to all is one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 4) 2030 adopted by United Nations. Quality education for under privileged children is of utmost importance as these children are deprived of basic things in life because of acute poverty and as a result education has less priority in their lives. Coming to India, educating all i.e inclusive education for all, has been a major concern for policy makers. Against this backdrop, if one focuses on girls only, the situation is worse because of social and gender bias against them. Though certain states have achieved the targets, the situation has not changed drastically for some states. In the context of this, the present paper tries to analyse the problem of girls' education in the state of Odisha, one of the states at the lowest rung of development ladder in India. The paper has tried to analyse the plausible reasons behind the skewed attendance/enrolment of girls in education on the basis of field level data (100 samples) collected from two communities- fifty from Hindu and fifty from Muslim community in an urban slum..
Key Words: Education, Literacy, Schooling, Teacher, Constraints in going to school
[1] Defining Quality in Education", Working Paper Series; Education Section, Programme Division, United Nations Children's Fund, New York, USA.
[2] Puberty Education and Menstrual Health Management", Good Policy and Practice in Health Education, Booklet9, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.
[3] Bhubaneswar Municipality Corporation Office Website.
[4] Defining Quality in Education-A paper presented by UNICEF at the meeting of The International Working Group on Education Florence, Italy, June 2000.
[5] Education 2030 Framework for Action, Education 2030, Incheon Declaration and Framework for Action
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Abstract: Generally, political participation encompasses the many activities used by citizens to influence the selection of political leaders or the policies they pursue.Individuals can also become involved in certain aspects of the electoral process through independent action particularly at the local level by joining civil society organizations. In Malaysia, for a voluntary organization such as the Federation of Malay Students Union (GPMS), its reputation was built on its nationalist outlook and pioneering role in Malay education and language issues in the post independent years. With the current dramatic changes surrounding GPMS, may provide more challenges and difficulties in assisting the government to achieve the national goals more effectively as members portray more differences with respect to expectations, priorities and values. This study looked into the issue of political participation and its predictors among the GPMS members. Based on correlation and regression analysis, the results showed significant relationship between networking and personality with political participation. However, leadership was not found as strong predictor in this study. Further discussion pertaining to the findings, implications and recommendations are provided.
Key words: Political participation, networking, leadership, personality
[1] Almond, G and Verba, S. (1963) The Civic Culture. Princeton: Princeton Unversity Press.
[2] Bass & Bass (2008). The Bass handbook of leadership: Theory, research, and managerial applications (4th ed.). New York: Free Press.
[3] Berger, B (2009). Political Theory, Political Science, and The End of Civic Engagement.Perspectives on Politics. Vol 7, No 2, pp 335-350.
[4] Chester A. Schriesheim and Ralph N Stogdill (1975). Differences in Factor Structure across three versions of the Ohio State leadership scales, Personnel Psychology, Vol 28, No 2, pp 189–206.
[5] Diana, C. M. (2002) "The Consequences of Cross- Cutting Networks for Political Participation‟ American Journal of Political Science Vol. 46, No 4, pp. 838-855..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Age and Gender Differences in Face book Intensity and Self Esteem |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Komal Chandiramani || Dr. Daisy Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2303047079 ![]() |
Abstract: Facebook have become increasingly popular and almost an integral part of everyday life. An excessive use of facebook leads to greater psychological distress and in turn reduces self esteem on one hand but can offer benefits to users experiencing low self esteem on the other. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether there are differences between different age and gender groups of adults when they are compared simultaneously on measures of facebook intensity and self esteem. A purposive cum convenience sampling technique was used to collect a sample of 70 males and females of 18-25 years of age in New Delhi. The participants were administered Facebook Intensity Scale ((Ellison, Steinfield & Lampe, 2007) and Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1989). Descriptive statistics (means and standard deviations) were used to analyze the data. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients were used to specify the relationship between the variables. A two-way MANOVA was conducted to determine whether significant main and interaction effects exist on the dependent variables i.e. Facebook Intensity and Self Esteem. Results indicated significant main effects concluding that...........
Keywords: Age, Facebook Intensity, Gender, Self esteem.
[1] Agrawal, B. (2000). Conceptualising environmental collective action: Why gender matters. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 24, 283-310.
[2] Aldrich, H.E. (1989). Networking among women entrepreneurs. In O. Hagan, C. Rivchum, & S. Donald (Eds.), Women owned businesses (pp. 103-123). New York, NY: Praeger.
[3] Anderson, B., Fagan, P., Woodnutt, T., & Chamorro-Premuzic, T.(2012). Facebook psychology: popular questions answered by research. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 1(1), 23-37.
[4] Andreassen, C. S.(2015). Online Social Network Site Addiction: A Comprehensive Review. Current Addiction Reports, 2(2), 175–184.
[5] Barker, V.(2009). Older adolescents‟ motivations for social network site user: The influence of gender, group identity, and collective self-esteem. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 12(2), 209-213..
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Abstract: This paper presents and discusses findings on the international refugee protection framework's influence on human security in Nairobi, Kenya. The study, seeks to interrogate how the ever changing character of the refugee phenomenon has impacted and even transformed the Kenyan security and protection system. According to the 2015 Global Terrorism Index, acts of terror in total cost $52.9 billion across the globe in 2014. Kenya has been hit hard in the last 5 years by acts of terror causing unbearable deaths of people, damages, destruction of property and knocking the development prospects of the country. In 2002, 2013 and 2014 there have been attacks in Kenya that are attributed to refugees' terror networks with a Somali-based group called Al- Shaabab. Some refugees have been suspected to be conduits of terror networks in Nairobi, Kenya. The author argues that, not all refugees in Kenya...........
Key words: Refugee, International refugee protection framework, security, human security.
[1] Abdednassir M. Abdullahi, ―Ethnic clashes, Displaced person and the potential for refugee creation in Kenya – A forbidding forecast‖, International Journal of Refugee Law vol. 9, 1990, pp. 196-206.
[2] Astrid Suhrke(1999): ―Human Security and the Interests of States,‖ Security Dialogue 30, no. 3: 265-76.
[3] Aibon Sam Amaize, (1978): Protecting of Refugees in Africa, Uppsala, Swedish Institute of International Law.
[4] Article 27 of the Vienna Agreement on the law of Treaties
[5] Buicha M.(1988), Flight and Integration; The causes of mass exodus from Ethiopia and the problems of integration in the Sudan, Uppsala, Scandinavian Institute of Human Affairs.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Nature of Human Security in Nairobi, Kenya |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Leah Barasa || Frank Matanga |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2303048795 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper assesses the nature of human security in Kenya. A human security perspective focuses on causes and effects that pose for human beings a survival dilemma: stay/die, migrate, and/or protest/fight. The paper interrogates the security gaps in Kenya that emanate from state retreat and fragility leading to human insecurity. This paper is derived from a study done on the "International refugee protection framework‟s influence on human security in Kenya.‟The paper considers whether the state should advance/ enhance a security – first framework for both its citizens and refugees or consider whether modern refugee international framework offers refugees adequate protection. In this scenario, the paper examines options at hand of the state responsibility to protect visa –a-vis the new challenge posed by refugee radicalization of the nation, terrorist attacks, safety and security of its citizenry..........
Key words: human security, poor state capacity, corruption, social cleavages, international refugee protection framework.
[1] <>
[2] Abdednassir M. Abdullahi, "Ethnic clashes, Displaced person and the potential for refugee creation in Kenya – A forbidding forecast", International Journal of Refugee Law vol. 9, 1990, pp. 196-206.
[3] Article 27 of the Vienna Agreement on the law of Treaties
[4] Commission on Human Security,( 2003). Human Security Now: Final Report, New York: CHS.
[5] Goodwin – Gill G.S, (1978), International Law and the movement of persons between States, Oxfords Carendon Press..