Version-5 (March-2018)
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Abstract: Constructivism paradigm calls for a change in the classroom culture, attitudes, beliefs and practices. Role of the teacher in this approach is to value student's experience and voice. Role of the student changes from passive listener to active participant. The study attempts to analyze the use of constructivist approach in teaching at senior secondary level. The present study was carried out exclusively in the different schools of Jaipur district. The sample consists of the science, arts and commerce teachers 193, 250 and 160 respectively. Self constructed tools are used for the study. The result clearly indicates that there is a difference in the favourable opinion of science and commerce teachers in using the constructivist approach in teaching , there is a significant difference in the favourable opinion of science and arts teachers on the use of constructivist approach at senior secondary level and It proves that there is a significant difference of favorable opinion between the commerce and arts school teachers on the use of constructivist approach in teaching..
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[4] Buch(1988-92). Fifth Survey of Educational Research, Abstracts, Volume II, New Delhi:NCERT.
[5] Lipman,Matthew.(2006). Thinking in Education.(2nd ed).Reed Publishing House
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Abstract: The paper was an examination of good governance at the local government level in Nigeria. The research methodology was essentially exploratory and therefore, depended on secondary data for the examination of issues of local government administration and good governance. The interest in good governance at this level of government arose out of the continued hue and cry of poor performance of the third tier of government which has attracted many conferences, workshops and dialogues about the future of this level of government. The paper explored good governance and found it to contain three essential elements-citizen participation, accountability and transparency. Analysis of institutional, organizational and constitutional measures‟ put in place to ensure good governance at this level of government, using institutional theory suggest that institutional differences-organizational and constitutional led to crises during the implementation of the measures. These crises have drastically.............
Key Words: Governance, Local Government, Accountability, Transparency, Citize Participation, Institutional Theory..
[1]. Abubakar, R. I. (2010) "Transparency and Accountability in Local Government Administration in Nigeria" A Paper Presented at a National Workshop Organized by Forum of Chairmen of Local Government Service Commission of Nigeria 22nd-25th March,
[2]. Acbebe, C. (1983) The Trouble With Nigeria, Enugu: Fourth Dimension Publishing Co. Ltd.
[3]. Aluko, J. O. (2003) Corruption in the Local Government System in Nigeria: Ibadan. Book Builders Editions Africa.
[4]. Awa, E. O. (1981) "The Theory of Local Government" Quarterly Journal of Administration" Vol xv No (1 &2) October/January.
[5]. Awatshi, G. D. and Sanjay, A. (2002) Opportunities and Challenges for Decentralization and Local Governance in Nepal, In: PDDP Occasional Paper No. 03-2002.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Leadership in Africa: An Instrument of Family Pastoral Care |
Country | : | Saudi Arabia |
Authors | : | Dr Cyril Aroma |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2303051523 ![]() |
Abstract: In the past, the world admired leadership in African societies. Individualism had no place in Africa. Africans were regarded worldwide as people who promoted togetherness in society. NyerereJulias (1968:1), the president of Tanzania describes it as "Ujamaa in Kiswahili, meaning "familihood‟. This is an African understanding of socialism. However, today this situation has greatly changed. Misunderstandings are many; the focus on blood relationships, tribe, religion, gender, age, class, colour tends to dominate as the expense of the common good of all members of society. This study is a reflection on "Leadership in Africa: An instrument of family pastoral care ministry‟. On the continent there is so much child neglect, power struggles, human migration, violence and loss of lives..............
[1] Acidri A (2003) Refugee Settlements as Big as our Ordinary Parishes.Arua Diocese Bulletin (44)
[2] Arima C (2017) Family Pastoral Care as the Church‟s task in Nation Building in the West Nile Region.
DThThesis, University of South Africa (UNISA), Pretoria.
[3] Drandua F (2003) Using daughters as sources of wealth. Arua Diocese Bulletin (45) July:11.
[4] Gevisser M(2009) "Mandela and Mbeki "One Good Native". In A Legacy of Liberation – Thabo Mbeki
and the Future of the South African Dream, New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 261-275
[5] Healey J and Sybertz D (1996) Towards an African Narrative Theology. Nairobi, Kenya: Paulines Publications Africa.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Indian Perception on the 45thpresident of the United States -Donald Trump |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sanjana Pattabi Raman |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2303052444 ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to find out the Indian perception of the 45th President of the United States - Donald J. Trump, through the survey method of research. Trump has built a friendly relationship with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The United States is a beneficiary to the Indian IT sector, has a good trading relationship with India and is home to more than two million Indians. So any decision made with regard to immigration, defense, and trade by President Trump will affect them. Thus, there is a need to find out the opinion of the Indian public with regard to this new, unpredictable President, who constantly flip-flops on his policies, as any decision made will determine the future of Indians living in the United States and those in their home country.
Index terms: Donald Trump, United States, India, International relations, 2016 elections
[1]. Katie, Reilly, "Here Are All the Times Donald Trump Insulted Mexico," Time, August 31, 2018,
[2]. David Leonhardt and Ian Philbrick, "Opinion | Donald Trump's Racism: The Definitive List," New York Times, January 15, 2018,
[3]. Chris Graham and Robert Midgley,"Mexico border wall: What is Donald Trump planning, how much will it cost and who will pay for it?," The Telegraph, August 23, 2017,
[4]. Los Angeles Times, "Everything President Trump has tweeted (and what it was about),"Los Angeles Times, January 20, 2018,
[5]. JessicaEstepa, "Trump has tweeted 2,461 times since the election. Here's a breakdown of his Twitter use,"USATODAY,November7,2017,
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Abstract: This study investigated the relationship between leadership styles and organizational commitment. Besides, it endeavours to illuminate the role of job satisfaction as mediator of the relationship between leadership styles and organizational commitment. The structural equation model was utilized to break down information gathered from lecturers selected from various tertiary institutions in Nigeria. From the outcome it was shown that lecturers saw there, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and leadership styles at moderate level in the.tertiary establishments. And furthermore it was demonstrated that there is positive relationship between leadership styles and organizational commitment in tertiary organizations in Nigeria. Job satisfaction depends specifically on the level of organizational commitment being seen by the lecturers. Job satisfaction also significantly contributes...........
Keywords: Leadership Style, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Human Resources
[1] Anyebe, A. A. (2014). Nigerian University and Its Mandate in A Changing World. E-Bangi, 9(2), 48.
[2] Allen, N. J. & Meyer, J. P. (1990), The measurement and antecedents of affective, continuance and
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[3] Allen, N. J., and Meyer, J. P., (1996). Affective, Continuance, and Normative Commitment to the
Organization: An Examination of Construct Validity. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 49(3): 252-276.
[4] Akintayo, D.I., 2008. University educational service delivery strategy in a changing world: implications
for ethical values and leadership integrity in Nigeria. Journal of College Teaching and Learning, 5 (1),
[5] Arnold K. A., Barling J., Kelloway E. K. (2001). Transformational leadership or the iron cage: Which
predicts trust, commitment and team efficacy? Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 22, 315-
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Afghan Rule and Economy of Kashmir (1753-1819 Ad) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Manzoor Ahmad |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2303055462 ![]() |
Abstract: Kashmir in the words of the Mughal Emperor Jahangir a "paradise on earth" remained under Afghan rule (1753-1819 AD). The valley of Kashmir stretched over a vast area, with Tibet, Kashgar and Ladakh in the east, Punjab in the north, Badakshan and khorasan in the south and Afghanistan in the west. The occupation of the land by the Afghans shifted the bridle of reign from Delhi and Agra to Kabul, Qandhar and Herat, which affected the destinies of the people living in the territory. The valley during the period experienced the rule of Ahmad Shah Abdali, Timur Shah, Zaman Shah and Muhammad Shah. The sources revealed, though they ruled with the administrative set up as established by their predecessors, yet the people of the valley passed through suffering and agony. The peasants left the land.........
1. Asudahahwal (well to do) 2. Saqim-ul-ahwal (indigent) 3.khalisa (govt. land)
4. Dagshawl (Department of shawl) 5. shawlbaf (shawl weaver) 6. trak (5kgs)
7. Mahsul (preposed revenue assesment) 8. Dagi-Pashmina (wool thread)
[1] P.N.K Bamzai; Cultural and Political History of Kashmir; Vol 2; Delhi 1994 PP429
[2] R.S Sharma; India's Ancient Past; Delhi 2005;PP 170
[3] Encyclopedia of Britannica; Vol 12; Page 868
[4] G.M Rabani : Ancient Kashmir: A historical Perspective; Srinagar 1981; Page 103
[5] P.N.K Bamzai; Opcit; PP430
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Abstract: Quality of a product (or service) may be observed as its features by means of which certain needs of customers are satisfied. Moreover, customer satisfaction is one of the leading indicators of successful performance in the hotel sector. Many hotels today tend to increase their investments with the aim of improving service quality and perceived value for guests in order to achieve better customer satisfaction. This study is aimed at determining the relationship between service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction.Purposive random sampling was used based on the convenient for researchers in gaining information from respondents. Structured questionnaire was used as an instrument where 150 respondents were engaged in the study but only 112 filled and returned their questionnaire which became the unit of analysis of this research. Correlationwas used to test the relationship between service.........
Keynote:Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Hotel, Bauchi.
[1]. Ahmed, I., Nawaz, M. M., Usman, A., Shaukat, M. Z., Ahmad, N., & Iqbal, H. (2010). Impact of Service Quality on Customers Satisfaction: Empirical evidence from telecom sector of Pakistan. Interdisciplinary journal of contemporary research in business, vol 1, no 12 , 98-113.
[2]. Blešiš, I., Ivkov-Dţigurski, A., Stankov, U., Stamenkoviš, I., & Bradiš, M. (2013). Research of Expected and Perceived Service Quality in Hotel Management. Journal of tourism no(11), 5-13.
[3]. Como, P. R. (2010). Service Quality and Customer Satisfactionin the HotelL Industry. Milano: Politecnico Di Milano.
[4]. Forozia, A., Zadeh, M. S., & Gilani, M. H. (2013). Customer Satisfaction in Hospitality Industry: Middle East Tourists at 3star Hotels in Malaysia. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 5(17):, 4329-4335.
[5]. Gunarathne, U. (2014). Relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction in sri lanka hotel industry. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 11,, 1-8.