Version-6 (March-2018)
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Abstract: The Present Paper Deals With Buddhism And Its Impact On Hinduism After Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar Who Played A Pivotal Role In Shaping India In A New By Means His Conversion To Buddhism From Hinduism According To History. He Fights For Justice And Non-Discrimination Of Social Beings. In This Respect, Nobody Can Deny The Relation Between History And Philosophy Is Colossal After Ambedkar. In The Same Vein Of Greek Tradition, Ambedkar Claimed That The Role Of Leader Can Be Evaluated From Ethical Perspectives. Equally, He Evaluated Hinduism From Moral Code. In Hinduism, Social Order Is Based On Caste, I.E., Varnasramadharama And So It Lacks Justice, Equality And So On. Instead Of Hinduism, Buddhism Is Based On Love (Ahimsa), Care, Kindness, Forgiveness For All. Thus, In Contrast To Hinduism, Buddhism Promotes Equality Between Man And Man According To Ambedkar. This Is, In Short, How Buddhism As A Religion Impacts On Hinduism After Ambedkar.
Key Words: Buddhism, Caste, Equality, Justice, Hinduism.
[1]. Rao, S. (2016). Ambedkar's Philosophy on Religion and Morality, Delhi; Kalpaz Publications, p. 30.
[2]. Ambedkar, B. R. (1991). The Buddha and His Dhamma, Bombay: Siddhartha Publications, p. 227.
[3]. Ibid., pp. 230-31.
[4]. Pandagale, S. K. (2011). Life, Ideas and Thought of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Delhi: Swastik Publications, p. 175f.
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Abstract: The present research was conducted to study the social adjustment and academic achievement of individuals having autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The study was conducted to know about the social and academic life of autistic individuals and the adjustments they make or are required to make in these fields. 1% of the population is having ASD is what has been the reported frequency of autism in recent years. Autism is a lifelong developmental impairment that affects the way a person communicates and relates to people around them. The findings suggest that new facilities and techniques for individuals with ASD is required in the area of their social life and academic life , so as to help them become more stable and independent.
Key words: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Social Adjustment and Academic Achievement.
[1]. DeMatteo J. Francis , Arter S. Patricia , Sworen-Parise Christie , Faseiana Michael and Panihamus A. Marcie (2012) , Social Skills Training for Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Overview and Implications for Practice . National Teacher Education Journal.,40, (9),1268-1277
[2]. BaumingerNirit (2002),The Facilitation of Social-Emotional Understanding and Social Interaction in High-Functioning Children with Autism: Intervention Outcomes. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.32 ,(4), 283-298
[3]. KannerLeo, Rodriguez Alejandro and Ashenden Barbara (1972) , How far can autistic children go in matters of social adaptation? . Journal of autism and childhood schizophrenia.2,(1),9-33
[4]. Cotugno J. Albert (2009) Social Competence and Social Skills Training and Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders .Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.39, (9),1268-1277
[5]. Lefkowitz G. Emily, Crawford G. Susan and Dewey Deborah (2013), Living with impairment: Behavioral, emotional and social adjustment of siblings of children with autism. International Journal of Disability , Community and Rehabilitation.16 (2) 261-70
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Abstract: The paper was an examination of good governance at the local government level in Nigeria. The research methodology was essentially exploratory and therefore, depended on secondary data for the examination of issues of local government administration and good governance. The interest in good governance at this level of government arose out of the continued hue and cry of poor performance of the third tier of government which has attracted many conferences, workshops and dialogues about the future of this level of government. The paper explored good governance and found it to contain three essential elements-citizen participation, accountability and transparency...............
Keys Words: Governance, Local Government, Accountability, Transparency, Citizen Participation, Institutional Theory.
[1]. Abubakar, R. I. (2010) "Transparency and Accountability in Local Government Administration in Nigeria" A Paper Presented at a National Workshop Organized by Forum of Chairmen of Local Government Service Commission of Nigeria 22nd-25th March,
[2]. Acbebe, C. (1983) The Trouble With Nigeria, Enugu: Fourth Dimension Publishing Co. Ltd.
[3]. Aluko, J. O. (2003) Corruption in the Local Government System in Nigeria: Ibadan. Book Builders Editions Africa.
[4]. Awa, E. O. (1981) "The Theory of Local Government" Quarterly Journal of Administration" Vol xv No (1 &2) October/January.
[5]. Awatshi, G. D. and Sanjay, A. (2002) Opportunities and Challenges for Decentralization and Local Governance in Nepal, In: PDDP Occasional Paper No. 03-2002.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Colonialism, African Worldview And Development In Edo Culture Of Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Dr. T. O. Ebhomienlen |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2303061719 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper examines the colonialism, African worldview and development in Edo culture of Nigeria. The thrust of the literature borders on the resultant effect colonialism has on the Edo culture. To achieve the objectives of the research, the writer adopts the historical, analytical comparative and phenomenological methodology. The writer discovers that the African culture in general and Edo culture in particular suffers some setback due to colonial interaction with the traditional values. Colonialism is the idea of one suppressing another in all aspects of life. It involves an overt and covert as well as subtle assertion of supremacy of the dominating people over the dominated, resulting to oppression and exploitation..............
[1]. Abogunrin, S. O. (2005) Decolonialisation of Biblical Interpretation in Africa Ibadan: Nigeria Association for Biblical Studies
[2]. Adamo, D. T. Africa and The Africans in the Old Testament. San Francisco: Chriatian University Press, 1998, reprinted by Wipt and Stock Publishers, Oregon, 2001.
[3]. _________. (2005). Reading and interpreting the Bible in Africa Indigenous Churches. Benin City: Justice Jeco Press and Publisher Ltd.,
[4]. Adegbola, E. A. (1998). Traditional Religion in West Africa. Lagos: Sefer Books Ltd.,
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Child Trafficking In India: Aftermath Effects and Challenges |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rashi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2303062024 ![]() |
Abstract: Trafficking of children is one of the gravest offensive crimes worldwide. Child trafficking is rapidly expanding in several forms of exploitation. United Nations statistics demonstrates that "every year more than millions people are traded and trafficked against their wish or forced to work into slavery, and majority of victims are counted as children‟. On other side, amongst all South Asian countries, India is rated as one of the fastest growing countries in the trafficking for modern sex slavery, where nearly 90 percent trafficking in human beings, specifically children and women for commercial sex tourism that happens within state boundaries. At the same time, trafficking in children occurs cross border also specifically from Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh. In India, countless number of children are trafficked not only for sex slave or prostitution but also for other forms of humiliation namely; agricultural activities, debt bondage, domestic service, forced and compulsory labor, begging, organ donate and false marriages etc. Child trafficking can be seen as violation of basic human rights, dignity and respect...............
[1]. Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, 2008. Available at
[2]. (Last modified on September 4, 2016).
[3]. International Labor Organization, "Every Child Counts – New Global Estimates on Child Labor" (ILO – IPEC, Geneva, 2002).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Exploring the Attitudes of Young Adults towards Marriage in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | KanakYadav || Rakhee |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2303062544 ![]() |
Abstract: The objective of the present research was to explore the attitudes of young adults towards Marriage. The data was collected through online survey where total 78 males and 123 females from 18-32 years participated. The participants responded to a 25 item survey questionnaire developed by Shivalli, Chitagubbi&Devendrappa (2012) which was adapted and modified as per the need of the research. Results indicated that the attitudes of young adults on marriage are changing with times. Female participants were found to be equally accepting of their responsibility in marital life and they view themselves as equal to males with respect to roles defined by the society.........
Keywords: Attitudes, Gender, Marriage, Partner, Relationship, Responsibility, Young Adults
[1]. Bahuguna.A. (2015, July 18). 12 Things The Indian Society Needs To Understand About Marriages.Mensxp. Retrieved from:
[2]. Bhavana.N.,&Roopa.K.S. (2015). Youth Attitude towards Marriage and Changing Trends in Marriage. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Volume 4, Issue 7
[3]. Brett,&Mckay.K. (2017, June 7). Should You Live Together Before Marriage.The Art of Manliness. [4]. Choudhary.A.A. (2015, April 13)Couple living together will be presumed married, Supreme Court rules. The Times of India. Retrieved from:
[5]. Christensen.E.J. (2014). Young Adults Marital attitudes and intentions: The Role of parental conflict ,Divorce and Gender. Dissertation Doctor of Philosophy, Colorado State University, Colorado
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Abstract: Cooperative management in a savings and credit cooperative (SACCO) is a strategic process comprising of savings mobilization, credit administration and member relationships management. The aspects enable SACCOs to achieve a competitive advantage by facilitating them meet needs of members and to leverage on the strength of membership. Therefore, sustainable performance could be an outcome of savings mobilization, credit administration and the members‟ relationship with each other and with the cooperative. However, most cooperatives have had unsustainable performance and low survival rate due to inadequate information on the influence of cooperative management on sustainable performance..........
Keywords: savings and credit co-operatives; sustainable performance; co-operative management
[1]. Abu-Jarad, I., Yusof, N. & Nikbin, D. (2010). A Review Paper on Organizational Culture and Organizational Performance. International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 1 No. 3; 26-46.
[2]. Alukwe, G. H., Ngugi, P. K., Ogollah, K., & Orwa, G. (2015). Corporate Governance Challenge to Regulation Compliance by Deposit Taking Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies in Kenya, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 5(3), 179-193.
[3]. Atherton, J., Birchall, J., Mayo, E. & Simon, G. (2012). Practical tools for defining cooperatives and mutual enterprises. Available at
[4]. Barney, J., Clark, D. (2007). Resource-Based Theory: Creating and Sustaining Competitive Advantage. Oxford University Press.
[5]. Bennett, R. (1999). Corporate Strategy 2nd Edition. Harlow, England: Pearson Education Ltd.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Effectiveness of the Peace Effort In The Case Of Divorce Court in Religion |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | NUR IDA |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2303065966 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to know and analyze how the effectiveness of judge efforts in the mediation of divorce cases according to Supreme Court Regulation No. 1 of 2016 and To know and analyze the factors that affect the effectiveness of peace efforts in the case of divorce in the Religious court. This research employs empirical research empirical research approach to the implementation of empirical legal rule and law effectiveness with regard to research object..
Keywords: The Effectiveness, The Peace Effort
[1]. Abdul Manan. 2005. Penerapan Hukum Acara Perdata di Lingkungan Peradilan Agama. Kencana: Jakarta.
[2]. Achmad Ali. 2009. Menguak Teori Hukum (Legal Theory) & Teori Peradilan (Judicial Prudence) Termasuk Interprestasi Undang-Undang (Legisprudence). Kencana Prenadamedia Group: Jakarta.
[3]. Aminuddin dan Zainal Asikim. 2006. Pengantar Metode Penelitian Hukum.PT. Raja Grafindo Persada: Jakarta.
[4]. Dwi Rezki Sri Astarini. 2013. Mediasi Pengadilan Salah Satu Bentuk Penyelesaian Sengketa Berdasarkan Asas Peradilan Cepat, Sederhana, Biaya Ringan. Alumni: Bandung.
[5]. Witanto, D. Y.. 2012. Hukum Acara Mediasi Dalam Perkara Perdata di Lingkungan Peradilan Umum dan Peradilan Agama Menurut PERMA No. 1 Tahun 2008 Tentang Prosedur Mediasi diPengadilan. Alfabeta: Bandung.
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Abstract: Objectives to be achieved in this research is To know and analyze the effectiveness of legal protection against perpetrators of ordinary murder criminal who underwent criminal in Penitentiary and to know and analyze the factors that affect the effectiveness of legal protection against perpetrators of ordinary murder criminal who underwent criminal in Penitentiary. The focus point on this paper is how the effectiveness of legal protection against the perpetrators of criminal acts of murder who underwent a criminal in Penitentiary. What factors affect the effectiveness of legal protection against perpetrators of criminal acts of murder who underwent a criminal in Penitentiary.
Keywords: The Effectiveness, The Legal Protection
[1]. Abdurrahman, 1989 Perkembangan Pemikiran Tentang Pembinaan Hukum Nasioanl, Jakarta ; Akademika Presidon.
[2]. Adami Chazawi 2001,Kejahatan Terhdap Tubuh Dan Nyawa PT Raja Grafindo Persada.
[3]. Adi Sujanto, 2004, Sistem Pemasyarakatan Indonesia Membangun Manusia Mandiri, Direktorat Jendral Pemasyarakatan Departemen Hukum dan Ham RI, Jakarta
[4]. Andi Hamzah.1993. Sistem Pidana dan Pemidanaan Indonesia, Pradnya Paramita, Jakarta
[5]. Arif Gosita,1993 Masalah Korban Kejahatan, Jakarta : Akademika Pressindo.
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Abstract: This research was meant to examine the correlation between English language majoring students‟ use of English language learning strategies and their academic achievement; it is a correlational study. To this end, sixty-one English language majoring students enrolled from 2012/13 to 2014/15 at Hawassa University were made to fill in a five-point scale questionnaire intended to obtain data on their use of each of the six groups of the language learning strategies (memory, cognitive, compensation, metacognitive, affective and social), and their CGPA (Cumulative Grade Average Point) was obtained from the university‟s Registrar and Alumni Affairs Directorate.........
Keywords: English language, majoring, use, learning strategies, correlation, academic achievement
[1] Alptekin, C. (2007). Foreign Language Learning Strategy Choice: Naturalistic versus Instructed Language Acquisition. Journal of Theory and Practice in Education, 3(1), 4-16.
[2] Bartea, P. (2009). Measuring Students' Attitudes toward E-Learning: a Case Study. E- Learning and Software for Education, 6(4), 1-8.
[3] Chamot, A. and Kupper, L. (1989). Learning Strategies in Foreign Language Instruction. Foreign Language Annals, 22(1), 13-24.
[4] Connolly, P. (2007). Quantitative data analysis in education: A critical introduction using SPSS. New York: Routledge.
[5] Dejenie, L. (1990). Achievement, Wash back and Proficiency in School Leaving Examination: A Case of Innovation in an Ethiopian Setting. Unpublished PhD Thesis. Lancaster University.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the scope of supervision on improving the institutional quality of Cooperatives in the Office of Manpower and to analyze the follow-up results of supervision in the supervision of Cooperatives at the Department of Labor Parepare City. The [ene] litian method used is empirical law research ie research on the implementation of legal rule empirically. The results showed that One of the important factors to realize the performance of a good cooperative is the role of the Government in the form of legislation regulated and issued in such a way that the system can run well.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Supervision, Functions
[1]. Ahmed, Riazuddin. 1964. Cooperative Movement in South East Asia Obstacles to Development. Dalam Dr. Mauritz Bonow (Ed). The Role of Cooperatives in Social and Economic Development. International Cooperative Alliance. London
[2]. Ali. Chaidir. 1999. Badan Hukum, Alumni. Bandung