Version-8 (March-2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Comparative Study of Classifier Expression in Assamese and Bengali Languages |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Paramita Purkait |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2303080110 ![]() |
Abstract: Classifiers are affixes that are used in various languages to indicate the grammatical or semantic classification of words. "Classifiers are generally defined as morphemes that classify and quantify nouns according to semantic criteria. Classifiers classify a noun inherently. They designate and specify semantic features inherent to the nominal denotatum and divide the set of nouns of a certain language into disjunct classes "(Senft 2000: 21). Classifiers system are found in the languages of Asia,Oceania,Australia,Africa and America.Among the New Indo Aryan languages Bengali, Assamese ,Oriya, Maithili and Marathi and among Munda family Santhali, Kurka and Malto made limited use of classifiers
Keywords : Numeral classifiers, Sortal classifiers and Mensural classifiers
[1]. Baruah, P. N. D. (2007).: A Contrastive Analysis of the Morphological Aspects of Assamese And Oriya, Mysore, India:
[2]. Chatterji,S. (1945) : Bhasha Prakash Bangala Vyakaran,.Rupa &coDASGUPTA
[3]. Croft,W (1994): "semantic universals in Classifiers System".In Word 45:145-71
[4]. Dasgupta, Probal (1983): . The Bangla classifier /Ta/, its penumbra and definiteness.Indian Linguistics 44. 11-26.
[5]. (1985): On B52angla nouns. Indian Linguistics 46. 37-65.
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Abstract: Her fictional world is people as usual with men of destiny and the women behind them leaving on more or less equal terms. It is against this backdrop of imminent paralysis of the ordinary modes of leaving in an atmosphere; sur charged with emotion and define by violent attitudes that Vishal dubey under takes to restore balance and sanity to men and women in chandigarh. Sahgal concentrates in this novel on the artistic values, of violence in the content of political events as well as ordinary human relations.
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[1] Asnani, Shyam M. " Portrayal of Man-Woman Relationship in the Novels of Nayantara Sahgal. "Kakatiya Journal of English Studies 3.1[1978]:151.
[2] Asnani, Shyam M. " Interview with Nayantara Sahgal". Punjab Journal of English Studies 5.[1990]:31-36.
[3] Bai Meera K " Feminism as an Extension of Existentialism : Woman in Indian English Fiction. " The Commonwealth Review 6.1 [1994-95]:135-140.
[4] Jain, Jahajan, " The Emergence of the New Woman", Nayantara Sahgal. Jasbir Jain New Delhi Arnold-Heinemann, 1978. 45-67.
[5] Mahajan, Anita " Storm in Chandigarh : An Assessment ". Indian women novelidts: Set. II Vol. IV. R.K.Dhawan[Ed] New Delhi: Prestige Books, 1993.163-172.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | African Culture in Achebe's Things Fall Apart: a Stylistic Inquiry |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr. Mrs Onyekachi Awa |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2303081521 ![]() |
Abstract: African literature is a manifestation of African society, culture, historical and political experience. African literary artists therefore aim at among others, projecting their culture to the world. This is a feat that Achebe and his contemporaries have accomplished with admiration. Thus, an African artist functions in the African society as the recorder of the mores and experience of his people, society and the voice of vision of his time. These are the parameters for judging Achebe in his Things Fall Apart. Working through the canons of the Hallidayan Systemic linguistics and Stylistics, this exploration reveals specifically African admirable and commendable system of government, justice, religion, and respect for life, love and marriage, even before colonization. Though Achebe's hallmark is the revitalization, exposition and celebration of the African cultural heritage, he nevertheless reveals those intolerable aspects of his Igbo culture that needed to be eliminated without hesitation.
Key Words:African Literature, Stylistics, Culture and Cultural Revitalization
[1] Abugu, B. (2010). "Literature as the Manipulation of Language for Creative Purposes Retrieved June 10, 2012 from
[2] Achebe, C. (1975). Morning yet on Creation Day. New York : Anchor Press 175 P.
[3] Achebe, C. (1978). "The Role of the Writer in a New Nation." In African Writers on African Writing, London: Cox and Wyman.
[4] Adegbija, E.E (2004). "Multilingualism: A Nigerian Case Study". New Jersey African World Press 114.
[5] Agatucci, C. (1998). Chinua Achebe in his own Words on the Value and Functions of Literature and Storytelling.
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Abstract: The present study is based on the exercise of the political power in differences of interests and aspirations between the governing and the governed ones. This situation of differences makes us remember the history of Congo since 1960 till 2017 when political and administrative powers by domination of the center on the remote are exercised. Although before all, practically, all foreseen multiparty in their respective constitution, most African States haven't started the transition towards the democracy other than from the end of the years 1980S, thanks to the strong aspirations of Africans themselves to the more freedoms and as well to the firm injunctions of the western money-lenders and of the international financial institutions. Concerning the democracy we need to know that there are three phases in which the under state control system has known in its socio-politic;...............
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[1] Abo Kajo Fodjo, La pratique de la terreur au nom de la démocratie, L'Harmattan, Paris, 2009.
[2] Alami Sophie, Domini DesJeux et alii, Les méthodes qualitatives, PUF, Paris, 2013.
[3] Almond Gabriel et Powell Binghan, Analyse compare des systèmes politiques. Une théorie nouvelle. Editions internationales, Paris, 1972
[4] Bayart Jean François et alii, Les politiques par le bas en Afrique Noire, Editions Kartala, Paris, 2008.
[5] Bayart Jean François, l'Etat en Afrique : La politique du ventre, Fayart, Paris, 2006
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Abstract: The analysis of the present context of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) renders obvious the persistent lack of balance of the kinds that exists in all the fields of economic, social, cultural and political development. It is unquestionable and known in the entire world that 53% of women in the DRC provide food security for survival and the maintenance of the Congolese society.Yet, the recent studies show that 61,2% of the Congolese women live below the threshold of the poverty in comparison to 51,3% of men, while 44% of the women can't even reach economic power (310).Moreover, some national data collected in the different forms of violence done to women reveal a strong correlation between the violence done to the Congolese women and the under-development (human, economic, social and of the infra-structure).
[1] Birnbaum Jean, Où est le pouvoir ?, Editions Gallimard, Folio, Paris, 2016.
[2] Quivy Raymond et Campenhoudt Luc Van, Manuel de recherche en Science Sociale, Dunod, Paris, 2006.
[3] Rocher Guy, Introduction à la sociologie générale, T.2. Edition HMH, Paris, 1968.
[4] Rawls John, Théorie de la justice, trad. fr. Cathérine Audard, Edition du seuil, Paris, 1989.
[5] Goffman Erving, L'Arrangement des sexes, trad. fr. Hervé Maury éd. Claude Zaidman, Paris, la Dispute, 2002..
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Abstract: This present research was motivated by the necessity to discuss about the possibility of losing the material and immaterial patrimony situated in Maruanum district, which belongs to city of Macapá in the Amapá state, where there is the production of earthenware, being considered a practice that obey a traditional principle based on their beliefs. This practice comprehend environmental, social and religious concepts. Thus, as from the inductive analysis, were done bibliographical researches in some articles, sites end documentaries about the production of earthenware in Maruanum. The commercialization of earthenware does not cause any negative impact in the women job, once the own utilization of clay is considered an instrument of environmental preservation. However, it is seen that some factors like: globalization, deficit of branches of Caripé trees and missing of appreciation from public for the work realized could be the cause of losing their cultural identity.
Keywords: culture, louceiras of the Maruanum, material and immaterial patrimony
[1] CARIPÉ E JUTAICICA NO PARANOÁ. Brasília: INCRA, Cidadania e reforma agrária. Disponible en: <> Accesado en: 05 Mar. 2015
[2] COSTA, C. S. Louceiras do Maruanum em observância aos princípios ambientais: prevenção, precaução e função socioambiental da propriedade.Planeta Amazônia: Revista Internacional de Direito Ambiental e Políticas Públicas, Macapá, n. 3,p. 145-
[3] 152 2011.Disponibleen:<>.Accesado en: 15 Jul. 2015.
[4] GONÇALVES, J. R. S.; Os limites do patrimônio. In: Antropologia e patrimônio cultural – diálogos e desafios contemporâneos. Blumenau: Nova Letra, 2007.
[5] IPHAN. Mapeamento documental de referências culturais do Estado do Amapá. Macapá: Iphan, 2009.
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Abstract: La masonería como institución secular se utiliza de simbologías presentes en las artes y culturas tanto occidentales cuanto orientales para transmitir sus enseñamientos. Para los individuos que desconocen el objetivo social de la referida institución, los prejuicios y estereotipos son inevitables. Sin embargo, la masonería tiene contribuido para el avance del conocimiento de las sociedades occidentales a lo largo de los siglos y su lenguaje simbólico ha sido retirado del cotidiano axiológico de estos mismos pueblos. Así, esta actividad de Investigación Aplicada visa acentuar las relaciones entre simbologías, arte y cultura a partir de la institución masónica para análisis filosófico del lenguaje en Wittgenstein proporcionando una interpretación crítica del fenómeno para contribuir con el discernimiento de las ideias en el ámbito de la divulgación filosóficoreligiosa y del aprendizaje de Filosofía en Enseñanza Mediana. De las artes hasta la cultura y simbología es un espejo de las formas lingüísticas de los individuos se expresaren y la masonería se involucran en una institución que también lanzó mano del recurso lingüístico-religioso para transmitir sus axiomas, principios, reglas hasta alcanzar sus teleología..........
[1] CAMINO, Rizzardo de. Dicionário Maçônico. 4 ed. SP: Madras, 2013.
[2] DURÃO, João Ferreira. Pequena História da Maçonaria no Brasil 1720-1882. SP: Madras, 2008.
[4] POPE, Tony & HENDERSON, Kent. Maçonaria Universal. Trad. Cernea; Caparelli & Felliciano. SP: Madras, 2001.
[5] RITUAL MAÇÔNICO. Ritual do Simbolismo Maçônico R.: E.: A.: A.:, s/l, 2009.
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Abstract: Articulation of a word of power of proof can be interpreted as something that is multak, legitimate and perfect in a criminal case, especially corruption criminal case. The absoluteness, validity, and perfection of the evidence are directed to a proof of CPC audit or more familiar with CPC audit results. Proof means sufficient evidence to show the truth of an event, so that proof means a deed to prove something truth, execute, signify, witness and convince.The evidence of the inspection result is the source of the rule of law number 15 of 2006 concerning the Supreme Audit Agency (CPC), which in the period of 8 paragraphs 3 and 4 states: If in the investigation is found criminal element, CPC reports it to the authorized institution in accordance with the provisions of the law - invitation no later than 1 (one) month since the existence of such criminal element is known. And the CPC Report as referred to in paragraph (3) shall be the basis of investigation by the competent investigating authority in accordance with the..........
Key Words:Proof, Strength, Audit Result
[1] Ahmad K. and Djanggih H. (2017). Batasan Penerapan Asas Persidangan Terbuka untuk Umum dalam Siaran Persidangan Pidana oleh Media. JurnalIusQuiaIustum, 24 (3), 488-505.DOI.10.20885/iustum.vol24.iss3.art8.
[2] DarwanPrinst. Criminal Procedure Law In Practice, Djambatan, Jakarta.
[3] HariSasangka and Lily Rosita, Legal Proofs in Criminal Case, MandarMaju Bandung, 2003.
[4] M. YahyaHarahap, Discussion on the Problems and Implementation of the Criminal Code: CourtJudgment, Appeal, Cassation, and Review, Second Edition, SinarGrafika, Jakarta, 2003.
[5] Djanggih, H., & Ahmad, K. (2017). The Effectiveness of Indonesian National Police Function on Banggai Regency Police Investigation (Investigation Case Study Year 2008-2016). JurnalDinamikaHukum, 17(2), 152-157. DOI: 10.20884/1.jdh.2017.17.2.722
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to know and analyze the position of the Council's Honor Council after the coming into effect of Law No. 17 of 2014, and to know and analyze the functions of the Court of Honor Council. The approach method used in this study is the normative method, namely the investigation of the principles of law, synchronization of law and legal syllables in respect of the position and function of the court of honor of the people's representative council,..
Key Words: Function, The Court Of Honor
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[2]. Abdulkadir Muhammad, 2006 Etika Profesi Hukum, Bandung: Citra Aditya Bakti
[3]. Abu, Daud Busroh. 2010 Ilmu Negara, Jakarta: Bumi Aksara
[4]. Abdul Aziz hakim, 2011 Negara Hukum dan Demokrasi, Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar,
[5]. Dahlan Thaib, dkk, Teori dan Hukum Konstitusi, Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada, 2012), E. Sumaryono, Etika Profesi Hukum Norma-norma Bagi Penegak Hukum, Yogyakarta: Kanisius,1995
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the extent to which the implementation of the authority of sub-district heads in the implementation of local government based on the applicable laws, especially in Tamalanrea Sub-district, and to analyze the factors that influence the implementation of the authority of the sub-district in the sub-district of Tamamrea.
Key Words: Implementation, The Authority, Regional Government
[1]. Abdurahman , 1987, Beberapa Pemikiran Tentang Otonomi Daerah, Melon Putra, Jakarta
[2]. Abu Daud Busroh dan Abubakar Busro,1983, Asas-Asas Hukum Tatanegara,Ghalia Indonesia , Jakarta
[3]. Agussalim Andi Gadjong, 1994, Pemerintahan Daerah kajian politik dan hukum , : Martin Ghalia, Indonesia,
[4]. Amrah Muslimin, 1982, Aspek-Aspek Hukum Otonomi Daerah, Penerbit Alumni, Bandung
[5]. Andri Novi Hendarto dan Dani Wahyu Munggoro, 2002,Panduan Menakar Otonomi Komunitas,Yappika Jakarta,