Version-10 (March-2018)
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Abstract: The study examined business and technology: tools for economic recovery and national development in Nigeria, spanning from 1984 to 2016. The study adopted Ordinary Least Square (OLS) Linear Specification model. Using unit root test, the study shows that business and technology has significantly contributed to economic recovery and national development in Nigeria, within the period under study. The work recommends among others that public policy should be designed to encourage success in managing business innovation than in adopting the right capacity decisions from already known technological possibilities. technological change is a critical factor for growth that stems from Research and Development (R&D) and from innovative activities. Managing innovations better than one‗s competitors is one of the most important objectives of any modern economy that wants to grow, survive and thrive. Government should improve active exchange rate policy that avoids over-valuation or excessive depreciation of the Naira and ensures competiveness of tradable goods, relative price stability or low inflation as well as avoiding inconsistent fiscal policies should be designed.
Key Words: Business, Technology, Economic Recovery, National Development..
[1] Adam, S. (1776) An enquiring into the nature and cases of the wealth of Nations. New York: The Modern Library.
[2] Ademola, A. (1999). Economics simplified approach, second edition, African International Publishing ltd.
[3] Alabi, J. O. (1991). ―Rural Development and Agricultural Productivity‖. A paper presented at the first national conference on productivity in Nigeria, and published by the National Productivity Centre.
[4] Amin, S.(1970), L'Accumulation à Echelle Mundiale, Dakar, IFAN, Paris, Anthropos.
[5] Amin, S. (1973), L'Echange Inégal et la Loi de la Valeur – Paris, Anthropos.
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Abstract: The purpose of this research are: 1) To describe and analyze the concept of Village Forest and local concept, 2) To describe and analyze the values of local wisdom in forest utilization. The study period started from 8th February to 11th November 2017. This research has been conducted in EnsaidPanjang Village, KelamPermai, Sintang District,West Kalimantan. The focus of the research is the form of strategy for conserving the village forest, human observation, nature, law and village forest located in EnsaidPanjang village in the management and utilization of village forest in Sintang regency of West Kalimantan province. While the tools used in this study consisted of a diary that is used to record all the information described by informants who are not summarized in the questionnaire, the stationery that is used to fill out the questionnaire and write an explanation of the informant, digital camera that is used to take documentation when filling out questionnaires or community activities related to forest preservation and customary law, the voice recorder..........
Key Words: Learning Styles, Teaching Strategies, Academic achievement and Biology
[1] AmirilSaridan, AndrianFernandes Dan Massofian Noor, 2013. Sebaran Dan PotensiPohonTengkawang Di HutanPenelitianLabanan,KalimantanTimur. JURNAL PenelitianDipterokarpa Vol. 7 No.2, Desember 2013: 101-108 ISSN: 1978-8746 101
[2] Noor Hujjatusnaini, 2016. KonservasiKawasanHutan Di LamandauDenganKonsepBioremiadiasi Dan AdatDayakKaharingan (Tajahan, Kaleka, SapanPahewan, DanPukungHimba).JurnalAnalisisKebijakanKehutananVol 4 No (2) Maret 2016
[3] Syahrul Ibad, 2017. kearifan lokal pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam pengelolaan dan pembangunan sumberdaya perikanan yang berkelanjutan (studi kabupaten situbondo), Samakia: Jurnal Ilmu Perikanan Volume 8,No. 1, April 2017 ISSN:2086-3861 E-ISSN: 2503-2283
[4] Siswadi, Tukiman Taruna, Hartuti Purnaweni, 2011. Kearifan Lokal Dalam Melestarikan Mata Air (Studi Kasus Di Desa Purwogondo, Kecamatan Boja, Kabupaten Kendal). Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan , Volume 9, Issue 2: 63-68 (2011) Issn 1829-8907
[5] Veronika Damiati, Augustine Lumangkun, M Dirhamsyah, 2015. Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Melestarikan Kawasan Hutan Lindung Gunung Buduk Sebagai Sumber Air Bersih Di Desa Idas Kecamatan Noyan Kabupaten Sanggau. Jurnal Hutan Lestari (2015) Vol. 3 (1) : 142 – 149..
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Abstract: Socio- economic status (SES) also plays an important role in the formulation of aspirations of adolescents. SES of the family basically determines the level and quality of education that can be provided to the adolescents. The extent to which the adolescents can be educated as well as the kind of courses which a family can afford to provide for the child depends on the SES. The main aim of present paper is to find significant differences in Educational Aspiration among adolescents studying in secondary schools in relation to their Socio-Economic Statusand study the relationship between socio-economic status and educational aspiration among the adolescents. The study was confined to only adolescents studying in secondary school. The study was confined to only class 10th students by using multistage sampling. It was confined to only Jammu district. It was confined to a sample of only 351 students. Through this paper the efforts have been made to suggest some valuable recommendations.
Key Words: Socio- economic status, Educational Aspiration
[1] Aikens, N. L., &Barbarin, O. (2008). Socioeconomic differences in reading trajectories: The contribution of family, neighborhood, and school contexts. Journal of Educational Psychology, 100:2, 235-251. doi: 10.1037/0022-0663.100.2.235
[2] Buckingham, J., Wheldall, K., &Beaman-Wheldall, R. (2013). Why poor children are more likely to become poor readers: The school years. Australian Journal of Education, 57:3, 190-213. doi:10.1177/0004944113495500
[3] Morgan, P. L., Farkas, G., Hillemeier, M. M., &Maczuga, S. (2009). Risk factors for learning-related behavior problems at 24 months of age: Population-based estimates. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 37, 401-413. doi:10.1007/s10802-008-9279-8
[4] Mau, W. (1995).Educational planning and academic achievement of middle school students.Journal of Counselling and Development, 73:5, 518-526.
[5] Tafesse, T. (2015).The influence of socio-economic status of parents' on academicachievement of grade ten students in addis Ababa city administration with specialreference to kirkos sub-city administration. RetrievedfromHttp://
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Thematic Relations in Phrasal Possessives of English and Kurdish |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Abbas Fadhillutfi || Salih Ibrahim Ahmed |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2303103038 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper deals with possessive phrases in the framework of Government-Binding (GB) theory. GB theory itself is part of a series of modifications of Chomsky's Universal Grammar. The GB theory consists of seven modules; one of them is theta theory (θ-theory). Hence, our paper tries to indicate how θ-theory is applied to phrasal possessives in English and Kurdish. This paper provides a solution to the hypothesis that θ-theory, as a universal principle, is applied to Kurdish possessives with reference to English. Also, the application of the principle to the possessives of both languages is indicated in a comparative method. The focus of the paper is on phrasal constructions in both languages. As for Kurdish,the data of Central Kurdish (CK) is adopted. The paper consists of four sections. In the introduction part, we shed some light on the title. Section two is devoted to thematic relations in English possessives in which various types of possessive phrases are discussed with respect to the θ-roles assigned to their arguments. In section three, we pay attention to CK possessives with some reference to their English counterparts by elaborating the types of CK possessive phrases on the basis of their nominals. .
Key Words: possessive; θ-role; nominal; transitivity
[1] Rozwadowska, B, Thematic restrictions on derived nominals. In W. Wilkins, (Ed.),Thematic relations. (San Diego: Academic Press, Inc., 1988, 147-165).
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[5] (Eds.). Semantics: An international handbook of natural language meaning (Berlin: Moutonde Gruyter, 2008, 1-27)..
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Abstract: The quality of family resilienceis determined by physical, social and psychological resiliences. However, whether family resiliencecan be increased or not is affected by the fulfillment of social and economical aspects. The social aspect includes Social Capital and Social Organization Resource, while the economical aspect refers to Food Resilience. The objective of this research is to obtain empirical evidence concerning the effect of Social Capital and Social Organization Resource on Food Resilience and Its Impact on Improvement of Family Resilience. Questionnaire is given to all members of six farmer groups in Pacalan Village, Plaosan District, Magetan Regency. Therefore, population of research is the members of these Farmer Groups. Sample size is 143 farmers whose questionnaire is the most eligible. Hypothesis test is done using Partial Least Square supported by software of WarpPLS Version 5.0. Result of research is explained as follows: (1) Social Capital has a significant effect on............
Key Words: Social Capital, Social Organization Resource, Food Resilience, Family Resilience
[1] Amaliyah,H.2011.Analysis of Food Expenditure and Consumption Relationship With Food Security Household Rice Farmers In Regency Klaten [skripsi]. Surakarta : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Sebelas Maret. [2] Arbaiyah, I. 2013. Relationship between Food Consumption Pattern and Food Availability With Family Nutrition Status In Padang Sidimpuan Selatan Subdistrict Padang Sidimpuan City Year 2013. [tesis]. Medan : Program Pascasarjana Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Sumatera Utara.
[3] Barki, K dan Satmoko, S dan Eddy, B. T. (2017). The Influence of Social Capital on Adoption Level of Organic Rice Innovation in Farmer Group Members of Al-Barokah Farmers, Ketapang Village, districtSusukan, Semarang. In journal Agromedia, Vol. 25 No. 2, hal. 55-63. September 2017.
[4] Basrowi, M.S. 2005. Sosiology introduction. Bogor: Ghalia Indonesia.
[5] Bertrand, Alvin. 1980. Sosiology (translated by Saupiah S.F). Jakarta: PT. Bina Aksana.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis of Education Sector – Study of Kerala and Jammu & Kashmir |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Fahad Fayaz || Ms. Shivani Mehta |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2303104451 ![]() |
Abstract: Education is always considered fundamental to development and growth. Successful and perfect batch of youth of any country comes from education sector. To have better education system one gives emphasis on core ideas like invest early- a life time of learning, invest smartly-emphasis on quality education for all. Country‟s progress lies on the literacy and education of its population because education provides power to judge and rationalize the events on natural surroundings as well as in social conditions. When it comes to Indian states Kerala has always shown progress in terms of education but for state like Jammu and Kashmir things were different. This paper will analyze the development pattern of education sector of the Kerala with that of Jammu & Kashmir, this paper will highlight why the state of Jammu and Kashmir is still lacking behind in education sector when compare to state of Kerala..
Key Words: Education, India, Kerala, Jammu and Kashmir
[1]. All India School Education Survey by NCERT, September 2009.
[2]. Ms Shivani Jaswal (2016) "Efficient Education Sector in Kerala: Lessons to be learnt by other Indian States‟.
[3]. K.K George and Parvathy Sunaina (2012) "Dynamics of change in Kerala‟s Education system‟
[4]. Economic Survey of Kerala – 2016
[5]. Economic Survey of Jammu and Kashmir- 2016
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Abstract: The study focuses on the types of teacher-student relationship in Federal Polytechnic, Damaturu, Yobe State, Nigeria.In the research a total of 312 respondents was selected through stratified and simple random sampling method. The findings revealed that, the most prevalence types of teacher-student relationship in the school was authoritarian (paternalistic 69.23%) while on the most effective types of teacher-student relationship therapist (89.1%) appeared as the strongest variable for smooth teacher-student relationship in the Polytechnic. The study recommend that: The management of the Polytechnic should devise an effective method of monitoring teacher student relationship; such as use of questionnaire, telephone lines for complaints from the students etc. should be exploited to elicit responses from students on their relationship with teachers. Both students and teachers should be discouraged............
Key Words: Teacher-student relationship, Polytechnic students, types of teacher-student relationship, Effective, prevalence.
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[5]. Fan, F. A. (2012). Teacher: students' interpersonal relationship and students' academic achievement in social studies. Teachers and teaching. 18(4), 483-490..
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Abstract: North Sumatra is one of the provinces on the island of Sumatra directly adjacent to the Province of Aceh. North Sumatra early 20th century has some Malay Kingdom which is a representation of Malay society which is very synonymous with Islam. Although North Sumatra early 20th century has been controlled by the Dutch, but still exist and evolve in all aspects of life, the issue of the spread of Islam and education. The introduction of North Sumatra is also due to the misery of the Malay Kingdom, also due to the many Muslim intellectuals who will play a major role in the North Sumatra. Among the most prominent Muslim intellectuals in North Sumatra were Syekh Abdul WahabRokan, SyekhBosar, Syekh Abdul Hamid, Syekh Mohammad Yunus, andSyekh Muhammad MukhtarHarahap. Besides playing a major role in the North Sumatra in various fields, the Muslim intellectuals are also very well known among the people of North Sumatra. The contribution of Muslim intellectuals can still be...........
Key Words: History, Dynamics, Muslim Intellectual, North Sumatra
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Abstract: Iran has special hydropolitical conditions in the region that beside the threats, has created ample opportunities for the country. Hydropolitics as an important topic of political geography which explores the role of water in political behavior,includes different approaches such as conflict and cooperation, interaction between individuals and groups and trying to apply the rule and the exclusive use of water resources.This research with descriptive and analytical method try to find the cause and explain the nature of Iran's regional hydropolitical challenges. Iran in the one hundred years ago has always been faced with numerous changes and shown different approaches to each sharedbasin area, and always in all basins except the Atrak River and the Aras River, with tensions and conflicts, and............
Key Words: Hydropolitics, Border River,Shared Basins
[1]. Abdi, A.& Mokhttari Hashi, H. (2005).Look at the opportunities and threats of Iran hydropolitics. Journal of Geopolitics, winter, [in Persian]
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[5]. Alizadeh, J. (2004). Helmand Hydropolitics and its impact on political relations between Iran and Afghanistan. Master's thesis, Tarbiat Modarres University, [in Persian].
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Cancellation Of The Grant Deed By Judges In Religious Courts In Maros |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Muh. Haerul Huluk |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2303107985 ![]() |
Abstract: This aims is this resrarch to analyze and explain the legal considerations used by judges in deciding cases of cancellation of the Grant Deed in the Religious Court of Maros. And to analyze and explain the factors that affect the weakness of the power of proof of the Grant Deed. This research is an empirical law study which examines the primary data through interviews, observations, and experimental studies, so that the conclusions drawn really reflect the purpose and usefulness of this study. The result of the research is obtained that the legal considerations and reasons used by the judge in settling the case of cancellation of grant certificate in the case Number 149/Pdt.G/2017/PA.Mrs. using article 1335 of the Civil Code which an agreement made under a false / unlawful cause, has no power, regardless of the conditional grants made in the case. And there are several factors that affect the weakness of the proof of the deed of grants in terms of the substance, structure and culture of community law.
Key Words: The Cancellation, Grant Deed
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